Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 26, 2024

La Mayiza Or Group MF Captured 'Fernando Guerrero Castro' Who Was Giving Information To The La Chapiza. MF Group Dismembered The Captive With A Chainsaw And Send A Warning To Youtuber Camilo Ochoa. Warning Graphic Video!

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

DECEMBER 26, 2024

The La Mayiza or MF Group captured Fernando Guerrero Castro, who was allegedly aligned with the La Chapiza or Los Chapos Cartel in Culiacan, Sinaloa. Mr. Fernando in the interrogation video claimed to be passing along information to the La Chapiza and is the son of an alleged corrupt lawyer named Jose Guerrero Caro responsible for the death of innocent civilians. 

Mr. Fernando Guerrero Castro was dismembered alive by the MF Group using an STIHL chainsaw. However, before Guerrero Castro was killed the MF Group sent a warning to Youtuber Camilo Ochoa. Camilo Ochoa in recent weeks appeared to be favoring the La Chapiza in the war against the La Mayiza. 



Sicario #1:: Whats your name?

Captive: Fernando Guerrero. 

Sicario #1: Why is this happening to you?

Captive: Because I’m a compadre of Mariano and I was also giving information to the Chapos mob. In addition, my father is also to blame. He was killing innocent civilians and collecting on their life insurances. 

Sicario #1:: On behalf of Mayito Flaco (MF) I want to send out a greeting to that mythomaniac big tits pig Camilo Ochoa. Even though you were the last thing on our minds.You’re now a part of this. Ok, let’s do this. 

Sicario #2: You bitches, we are the absolute MF mob. 

Sicario #1: We are the absoluto MF mob. That’s right!


Video # 2

Sicario: Just so you can see. This goes out to every fucking pig out there. 

Fernando Andres Guerrero Castro was reported missing on December 24, 2024, at 13:00 hours in the neighborhood of Centro belonging to Culiacan, Sinaloa. The dismembered body of Mr. Guerrero Castro was found inside an ice chest cooler this night just a few hours ago December 26, 2024, in the neighborhood Progreso in Cuiliacan, Sinaloa 


  1. Sera cierto lo de cobrar seguros ?
    Y luego pasar informaccion es lo mas pndjo te la volaste carnal literal

    1. My aunt’s brother in law did that in Mexico. Much more common than you believe. He was in charge of writing death certificates and wouldn’t do it for some.

    2. In the heart of culican. Good chance military or gvt agents scooped this snuff video prop!
      As i said this war has taken the characteristics of the gulf cartel vs zetas decades long war with no end in sight!

    3. ''Snitcher Truther snitched''
      Your probably no period,koofoo,nuff,all them fuckin weird arse personalities,and if you arent your still a prick

    4. @Bigtrutherbbelieing 7:06 am This is not like the CDG vs. Zetas at all. They are still trying to calm certain things down, especially Mayos. Where to the CDG vs. Zetas conflict was all out nuts to the wall type of shit and at times anything goes.Both sides were trying to outdo the other in their videos, which were coming out almost on a daily basis. Maybe CJNG vs. CU got like that at times, but for sure not as consistent or as long as CDG vs. Zetas. That one was vicious. Hasn't been anything of that sort since.

    5. 99% of homicides go unsolved in Mexico. Doesn't surprise me to hear crooked lawyers cash in on life insurance policies. I read some time ago that Arnold Rothstein used to do the same for the Italian mob in NY.

    6. 2:25 dam are you on your period? Poor angry thing 😂

  2. Puros inocentes ,quien melgas se va arriesgar así .trump hurry up and send your troops

    1. Trump can't do shit! He can't even clean his own ass

    2. Fernando always wanted a chainsaw for xmas!

    3. Sure can’t he shits on himself according to people around him.

    4. You're an idiot just like Trump. Yeah Trump going to fix everything. LoL

    5. Trump aint going to do shiiiiiit. Just like he didnt do shit in 2016 to 2020.

    6. Trump killed Suleimani he can kill ANY top jefe/ sicario in Mexico.

    7. 11:42 Que pendejo! You really want the US meddling and killing other people in a sovereign country? Especially Mexico, it's next door neighbor? Who the fuck is the US to even think that it has a right to do something like that???!! All the fucked up shot it does world wide and your stupid ass asking for it. Haven't even thought about the consequences or the doors it opens, let alone if it's right or wrong. Under what moral authority should the US be allowed to do this????!!!

    8. Para los sinaloenses es normal esa vida y de orgullo.
      Ahora andan chillando y culpando a todo mundo, excepto aceptar su responsabilidad de sus gustos y lo q aplauden
      Siguen siendo idolas las Guzmán y las Zambada

  3. Nope, not watching this shit, sickos.

    1. Que bonito mi pa’.

    2. Old ass chainsaw. MF couldn’t provide a better one?

    3. This wasn't the xmas party he had expected! Once the snap program is ended, poverty and homeleassness is the norm due to the economic collapse of the failed empire these xmas parties will be quite common in America.

    4. Purposefully choosing the old dull saw is just more torturous my friend.

    5. No dumb ass Dual Ass Chainsaw Saw!!😹☠️🇲🇽💀

    6. Poor bastard missed out on Christmas..
      Husqvarna brand chain saw the way to go for logging and bucking up cordwood 🙂

    7. 2:26

      Old ass chainsaws are best for maximum pain, new ones are for pussies.

    8. Omg … it’s not a dull blade and the age of the chainsaw has nothing to do with it ..I’m assuming we’re all Gen Zeers with no clue on how the physical world works.. a chainsaw is designed to cut through logs with bark not human flesh!! The meat gets stuck in the chains and doesn’t cut as efficiently due to slippage and losing traction against the surface being cut !!! Just like tires packed with mud in the threads would slip on muddy terrain .. I’m sure it doesn’t make a difference to the victim whether the chain (not blade) is sharp or not !!! Is everyone here 12 !!!!
      I’m sorry I just don’t have patience for stupidity

    9. ''I’m assuming we’re all Gen Zeers with no clue on how the physical world works''
      There is some intelligence on here,how many here you reckon have worked on a building site or used a chainsaw,common sense is not so common especially among the kind here,i am always amazed at the posters on here and what world or social strata they have come from..Men of today i guess?

    10. This nothing compared to Funky Town and the Ghost Rider and others

  4. now camilo is gonna go on nonstop vacations just like markitos toys and his crew. eventually they will break and want to return home some day.

    1. Their day willl come guaranteed, so just waste all the money and have fun because one day u will returned and think its all forgotten.

    2. Markitos if for sure living it up before he’s picked up, either by MF or the Feds, but his days are numbered.

  5. Was the blood drained first since there is such little splash back?
    Also is it still true about checking the boots of people claiming to be military or if they're wearing white sneakers, since the guy operating the chainsaw looks like he's got pretty authentic military issue boots.

    1. 1:34

      There was a lot of blood. The "splash back" only happens in movies where it is fake. This is real life.

    2. Apparently they have taken the feedback mentioned on social media comments to start wearing military issued boots to blend in better and seem legit

  6. Why would the heck anybody connected in any way with the Chapitos would still stay in Sinaloa? As soon as the war broke out they all should've grabbed a bag of clothes and skipped town. People are going to ask how does MF mob know he was passing information. That is very easy. People driving in and out of the city are stopped by MF people and asked questions. They look through their cell phones and messages. Somebody most likely had messages from this victim. Once uncovered he went on the hit list and the rest is history. A bit of smart advice. If you are somehow connected to Chapitos leave town fast. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Ya Nuffy Said!!!

    2. Well that’s why a lot of the corrido artists who favored IAG are in the US right now lol they been out of Sinaloa for a while now

    3. Same thing you can say about MF both have people and money. But MF decided to go with the easy target the YouTubers why the pizza guys do the same they could easily go for their YouTubers too like that Nicholete girl with the zambada corrido. She ran back to Arizona but still back in forth she not hanging the sombreritos on her car over there but easy target if they wanted.

    4. 3:35 So let me get this right, Chapitos pick up all these innocent people to kill them, but they aint trying to pick up a Mayiza youtuber???? Gtfoh with that nonsense. They don't do it because they haven't had the chance.

  7. Not watching either.
    Putin ought to send them all to the war front in Ukraine.

  8. But someone was lucky, I would have set the chainsaw further down and worked my way up to the head. He got away far too easily.
    I hope his father and family gets the same treatment.

    1. Wow, you're a sick fuck. Seek help.

  9. Camilo el qie busca encuentra

  10. That saw was blunt. Or that guy took his sweet time cutting millimeter by millimeter. Cause even to cut the arm. He looked terrible.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Chainsaws are not meant to cut flesh idiot.. when the meat gets in the chain it creates a slipping effect basically it loses traction against the surface that’s being cut .. think of your tire threads packed with mud and slipping on a muddy surface

    2. Rubio is Dominican he doesn’t know how to work a chainsaw lol

    3. Why do I have to be an idiot. ? I didn’t say “ this is why this was done this way”. My goodness some of you need to learn to read. And my ethnicity has nothing to do with me knowing anything or not. So should I say “ Since you’re Mexican all you know how to do is kill people?” Doesn’t sound right…… mannn some of you guys never change.

      Rubio NYC

    4. BB beat people are super rough with each other.

    5. 8:05 There's a difference in being an idiot and not knowing or being familiar with something. You might be knowledgeable with how a chhainsaw works, but most people are not. Most never seen a chainsaw in real life at all, let alone familiar with how one works. I have seen a couple of videos where chainsawshave been used and they seemed to have cut pretty easily through the person, so you're explanation doesn't explain how that was possible if the meat gets stuck in between the chain of a chainsaw making it slip, but there was no sign of slippage. Not saying you're wrong in this case. Pretty much saying that there was no need to call Rubio an idiot. Help enlighten people instead of name calling, humiliating people or putting them down. Thereno need for that. Yeah, there are times you bump into real idiots and they might deserve it, I understand. But this wasn't one of those times. Educate the homie instead of belittling him.

    6. Rubio nyc quiere llorar! Quiere llorar ! 😂

    7. Se ofendio la rubia 😝

    8. Nothing you can say offends me as a Mexican 🥱we been rapist, killers , thieves, wetbacks and we get blamed for everything all Latinos do 🍻

  11. Fucking savages, at least use a sharp blade

    1. Blade was really sharp but it's made for cutting wood not meat.

    2. 11:20 And it really isn't a blade.

  12. He took the chainsaw like a man. Nuff said!

    1. Ya Nuffy Said!! He now’s how a man takes it lol. Abviously from experience?

    2. What does Abviously mean??? Atleast I understand what 7:45 meant. You, it's a whole different matter.

  13. The USA should step in and smash all those fools since all the Mexican government is corrupt and pussies .. u can't do that to people .

    1. Lol yeah the USA is corrupt too and full of pedos in office

    2. Alucin. The US should step into cities like Philadelphia, San Francisco, Chicago, etc., before they start worrying about other countries.

    3. People do that to themselves.

    4. Now this is an idiot! An an ignorant one at that. Bad combination.

  14. If you're ever unlucky enough to find yourself in this harrowing predicament, offer up your swan-like neck in meek supplication, get it over with QUICK, and hopefully, relatively pain free.. 🦢

    1. That's exactly what occurred in the first ever chainsaw video and it wasn't a walk in the park. Lol, at first I thought you meant offer up your neck as in polishing knob.

  15. That must be the crappiest chainsaw in Mexico , not a good advert for the brand

    1. It was an excellent chainsaw which is designed to cut wood not meat.

    2. For real. Never buying a Stihl.

  16. pinche camilio, ya valio verga... ni tus 53 camionetas te van a protejer lol

  17. Did he scream ? Not watching video don’t got the stomach

    1. No just clenched his jaw. Chainsaw was shitty and struggled to break the skin

    2. No, he took it like a man.

    3. 12:15
      Chainsaw was EXCELLENT but it's designed for cutting wood not meat.

    4. 448
      Ojalá tengas la oportunidad de aplaudirlo en persona.
      Con tu persona

  18. Mayito flaco el mata inocentes.

    1. Al rato también se lo carga la verga al MF, pero si los gringos lo detienen va cantar como un pájaro igual que su medio hermano el Vicentillo. Al USA si le tienen miedo

    2. Si guey.Si tu dices....Nomas no le pongas atención a la realidad porque se te va quebrar el corazon.

  19. Puro matar inocentes que no tienen nada que ver con la guerra. Las mayitas. Mira los pistoleros con equipo viejo que casi les truena y flacos desnutridos. Puro fokemon

    1. Vea pelear con ellos tú pues jaja

    2. Si guey. Si tu dices....pobrecito😔

  20. Por eso perdieron el respeto de la gente esta bola de lacras. Pura gente inocente no mms

  21. Sol apagado es un maniático que le gusta ver esta clase de videos. Propongo un VETO a sol apagado

    1. Sus vídeos favoritos son cuando se echan alos hombre también todo lo que sea Sinaloa fanático #1. Viene rápido con su Google translator si es de su Sinaloa querido.

  22. Que verguenza el mayito flaco. Puras patadas de ahogados esta tirando. Por eso se dice que los cabrera lo estan empezando mandar alv

  23. Sinaloa tierra de sapos puercos y ratas

    1. Chilango power 💪💪💪💪

    2. 614
      Asco wey!
      ni quien los pele en su multitud y salarios menos del mínimo

  24. We had not seen these types of videos since Z’s would dismember their rivals. In a sense, I wish more of this would be publicized so that the youngsters would think twice about their choices, they are desensitized to Shootings and stabbings.

    It’s a shitty way for your family to see you go, but this is what actually happens when you are involved in a criminal world.

    Sinaloa is not playing around, on both sides, and Mexico is truly seeing the results of a failed state, and Sinaloa DOES impact American stability; this sends a message.

  25. Apoco matando a gente haci es prueba de ser muy hombre o chingones segun los narcos?
    Es prueba de los putos que son
    De seguro despues de estos actos violentos haci todos juntos van a una orgia y se la jalan los unos a los otros viendo este video.
    Pinche puñalotes que son todo narco deberas.

  26. “ ya tomaste café”? ( South American accent )

    1. Hate South Americans and their puto acento

    2. 6:13 Los Sinaloas hablan igual que los Sudamericanos, no pronuncian la S 🤣

  27. MF kills men, chaputos kill women! Tells you everything!!!

    1. Obviously you didnt see mayita burn a 14 year old girl alive. Or the other innocent woman that they killed and stabbed a piece of pizza into her chest.

  28. 11:16
    Fuck you very much, dude..
    Despite all his malodorous character flaws, dispicable human foibles, and ornery narcissistic aspirations, Sol Prendido is the only clown around that can provide COLLOQUIAL real time English translations to these crazy indios' irrational ravings..
    The kook has the gift of tongues, don't chase him off..
    If he happens to bust a nut watching some born-under-a-bad-sign numnutz get massacred, that's his bidness..
    Porfa get a life..
    On a lighter note, feliz año nuevo a Los TODOS, gonna be tough for BB authors to compete with 2024, the craziest year on record so far, but we have a sinking feeling in our stomache that there is more turbulence on the horizon..

    1. You spelled “ stomach “ wrong lmao 🤣🤣

    2. @11:06

      He's the ONLY one? Really, nobody else has that dime a dozen ability? LMAO that exaggeration was completely negated by the madrigal you composed for him.

    3. The lizard is correct, if it was a dime a dozen ability, then why would these other authors depend on Sol for translation?

    4. There must be a e in stomache, like in potatoe 🥔

    5. Lizard 🦎 is King 👑

  29. Ese Camilo salió corriendo para España después de este video jajaja. No que pura 🍕

  30. Los Chapos y mayos son puro joto att Camilo ochoa

  31. Atórrele Camilin no que muy chapo pues jajaja. El mismo se buscó esto la neta.

  32. Please don't cry chapitas when you all see Camilo on the chainsaw u all be sad and then ivan u will get diarrhea then el mf might keep alfredo to be his perra for awhile and then adios

  33. Camilo exposed his family like no other you tuber now he needs to step away and say goodbye to them if he loves them cause if I was on his shoes I will just go and don't be near them so they don't hurt them and he did it to himself idiota

    1. Yup he constantly shows his kids and wife .. dumbass didn’t think it was gonna bite him in the alucin ass

  34. Them Flechas ain't no joke . They cleaned Zacatecas of some of the best armed wings CJNG had . Jardinero and Apa where sent back to Nayarit and Jalisco. La Firma and his ex FARC colombians just got sent to be buried somewhere in Narco Posas all around the state. In Sinaloa they have Gabito and Kasco running desperate killing innocent lunch ladies meanwhile in the shout-outs Gabito looses most of his hitmen.

    1. FARCS AND KAIBILES are just hyped up in reality they don’t have the guts valen ċhorizo you need webos

    2. Putos colombianos salen Llorando Que los engañaron jajaja no se hagan saber bien a lo que vienen pero aqui no es colombia

    3. 6:13 aca en mi parte del estado del Zacate. Los colombianos que segun venian bien bravos por la plaza los Flechas los hacian llorar cuando los levantaban . Como dijo el compa que escribio este post casi todos ellos terminaron en fosas comunes.

    4. Ahora los Fleches estan reventando a los Jaliscos en la sierra de Nayarit. Estan mamando gacho. Por eso el Mencho le dio las nalgas al Ivancito jejeje.

    5. @ 6:11 ok yeah keyword warrior.

    6. 6:11 CDS-MF is also whooping the Kaibiles in Chiapas

    7. All these NG groupies think they still got the upper hand Zac. All sides took L’s but Flechas cleaned house. Quit crying and enjoy that new Chapozeta Nueva generación alliance que aun así todavía no pueden contra el MF y los Cabrera Sarabia 😂

  35. Camilo kept driving around with his family so that at least kept mayos from getting to him while driving. He knows mayos would respect his family.

    1. Right….. then killed him. Some respect for the family.

  36. All fun and games until you meet someone who doesn’t play your games. Someone you can’t touch. Don’t fear your enemy on the other side of town little boys, fear the One coming for your body and your Soul. #SOON

  37. Puro dedos los de Sinaloa, arrrrrrrrreeeeee 😂😆😆🤣😂

  38. Sollllll is baaaaack 😭🙌🏼

  39. Massacring one guy at a time on camera ain’t no war… and on Christmas too. Pieces of shit.

  40. Trump Is going to send in green berets to clean up these rookies

  41. Ese Camilo Ochoa
    No fue el que le chingo las tumbas a los Damasos?

  42. Killing women , selling fentanyl , snitching on everyone even their moms.. yea SNITCHaloas are the bottom of the barrel… where’s all the chancludo, Mariscos , pollo asado eating , women killing cheerleaders at now?


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