Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, December 30, 2024

More than 25 thousand kilos of chemical precursors for the manufacture of drugs were seized in Manzanillo, Colima

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by EL OCCIDENTAL 

The chemicals arrived at the port in a container without the corresponding permits.


Elizabeth Ibal

The Secretariat of the Navy announced the seizure of 25 tons of precursor chemicals that were presumably used for the manufacture of drugs such as fentanyl.

The precursors were found inside a container that arrived at the port without the proper permits.

It was at the maritime customs where the precursor cargo was detected. After a review, the necessary documents to prove their legal entry into the country were not obtained.

In total, the precursors weighed 25,080 kilograms of different chemicals.

There was suspicion that they could be used for illicit purposes and they were seized by the navy, but no one was arrested.

After the seizure, the Attorney General's Office of that entity started an investigation to find the whereabouts of the people who would be the owners of the chemicals.


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  1. Don Mencho is not gonna be happy

    1. No period kid, ya keep forgetting too, that mencho been dead.

    2. @750 — don’t correct grammar if yours sucks too!

    3. Mencho is dead ?

  2. They need to do random searches at this port everyday. The Manzanillo Colima port is where most of these chemicals for producing fentanyl come in. Most of the custom agents are paid off by the cartels to look the other way. These chemicals have fake businesses attached to them in the paper work. If the Mexican government does a little digging they can uncover everything. Nuff Said!!!

    1. There's some legal precursors that they can't stop or seize, there not illegal. There's a reason the OD rate is down almost 30% in America, there cracking down and some precursors are now impossible to get

    2. You are correct about this being a major port for meth/fent precursors… and this has to be the only fucking bust I’ve ever seen.

    3. There have been many bust at the Mencio Colima Port over the last 20 years. Precursor for fentanyl and math have been illegal in the United States since 1989. Just ordering precursor from a chemical store like Albu chemist or analytical scientific will get you a prison sentence of about 20 to 25 years. Genius detective work, Duffy you must have a genius level IQ to figure out that the cartels are importing precursor into virtually every port on the Mexican West Coast. You should call up the Mexican authorities and give them this valuable never heard before information.. I wonder why the Mexican authorities have never acted on this? Oh wait… I’m just gonna take a wild shot in the dark. Guess that they’re making massive amounts of money on kickbacks for getting the precursor to the right gangs just a wild guess I’m no expert commentator or genius IQ like Duffy

    4. 10:16
      First time genius and Duffy ever used together in a sentence!

  3. MF and changuito ántrax tricked off about that load. Fkn shit up for Mencho and Los menores smh

  4. Who is in charge of manzanillo ports?

  5. Replies
    1. Bidens team lowered the OD rate by 30%, and caught 2/4 Chapo son's and El Mayo. Trumps team put 16 billion towards a 2 mile stretch of boarder wall, o and they lowered taxes for billionaires.

    2. After you've increased the OD by more than a 100%, you don't get to take a victory lap by lowering down 30%......we would gladly send Biden to fix high do you think the inflation would be.....1000%

    3. Remember when AMLO forced Trump to release Cienfuegios? Orange is weak.

    4. How did Trump lower taxes for billionaires when he hasn't resumed his presidential powers.

    5. 5:08
      You remember Grampa Obrador, tricked the Administration, saying they will put Cienpedos on Mexican trail, in which no investigation or jury was never done, he was set free.

  6. I think this is the first fucking time ever…..

    1. It won't be the last time, clown!!!😉

  7. the money buy all those corrups custom agents....

  8. Los precursores ya no son necesarios, ahora puedes fabricar metanfetamina con productos industriales que son imposibles de restringir. En cuanto al fentanilo, 10 kgs de 4AP importada de la india, te daran 20 toneladas de pastillas falsas m30


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