"Char" for Borderland Beat
This information was posted by RIODOCE
Autor | Redacción Ríodoce
Date | December 19, 2024
Time | 11:44 am
The man found dead early Thursday morning a few meters from the intersection of the Culiacan-Eldorado highway to El Quemadito, in Costa Rica, has already been identified.
According to the information, he is José Cruz Carrillo Jacobo, son of José Cruz Carrillo Fuentes, brother of the late drug trafficker Amado Carrillo Cuentes, alias the Lord of the Skies.
The body of the 24-year-old was found next to some warehouses and presented multiple bullet impacts in the body, skull and extremities.
At this moment his relatives are making a statement to the competent authorities to identify the body.
The young man lived in the municipality of Navolato.
This is what I say, if you're in the game make some good dough then go live the life in paradise! The Caribbean, south america, Europe! Nuff Said!!!
ReplyDeleteANYWHERE but the cradle of the cartel lol…
DeleteNuff said=stupid
DeleteHey Nuffy wtf? You contradict yourself hahaha this guy went to paradise and still got wacked lol
DeleteDefinitely stupid! I don't use periods!
DeleteThis kid had no real power he was killed by the family extension. At this point anyone siding with the enemy gets it. Another notch on the list.
DeleteLos Chapitos still taking out los Carrillo. Wonder if the remaining ones are going to side with MF .
ReplyDeleteThey only hit on innocents, this guy's dad had nothing to do with their business but they took him out as it happened with his son now
DeleteThey are sided with mf they are arch rivals of the Guzman clan
DeleteThe King of England always wants 2 sons, an heir and a spare in case one is killed. In Mexico the cartel leaders want sons by the dozen as prison and murders take down their numbers!
DeleteMan, this family is cursed.
ReplyDeleteAmado, dead. Vicente, prison. Rodolfo, dead. Jose Cruz, dead. Cipriano, dead. Alberto, prison. Guadalupe, dead.
DeleteThey killed alot of people too like beto de la loma
Delete@2:00 Yep!
DeleteRodolfo's son, Jaime Eduardo Carrillo Quevedo went to prison for kidnapping his own grandfather if I'm not mistaken.
DeleteLuis Carlos Carrillo Cano was killed at a restaurant a long time ago. His son Luis Carlos Carrillo Godinez was enarly killed at a Starbucks in Tulum?
Another nephew, son of Amado's sister Luz, Francisco Vicente Castillo Carrillo, was shot to death some time ago.
Luz's other son, Miguel Amgel was kidbapped back in 2008? La Linea left two banners in Navolato demanding he be returned or else there would be violence. Miguel Angel was released the next day.
Luis Fernando Carrillo Navarro is serving time for killing his own girlfriend.
People making choices is a curse?
DeleteCarrillo’s do not snitch like the Sinaloa Cartels do. They don’t make deals with the CIA, FBI and DEA. They end up in prison or dead because they are solid G.
Deletethats hard to believe @10:46, they have been around a while and that usually means they had an agreement. I dont know who is on whose side but doubt both sides are aligned with US interest.
Delete@10.46 That is laughable. Amado had a huge network to round up his enemies using the authorities, and so did Vicente, whose enforcement arm in Juarez were basically police. The family always preferred arrest to murder, because it was more like hostage taking, and guaranteed good behaviour from the targets family who might otherwise try to avenge a death. OGs lol...
DeleteWho had more pull , cartel de Tijuana or cartel de Juarez in their peak prime ?
DeleteHis grandma made big fuss over his Dad.He Was killed by municipales 2008.Hell Broke lose in Navolato/Culiacan area when Viceroy sent his death Squads against Chapos. Politicians and Elementos were like kids when mama and papa geting divorced.They were confused...Juarez or Chapito/Mayonnaise....Amadno old school DFS Agente in my opinion was not dead until 2010s and many people say so....But honest to God Los Chapos took half of Carillo Fuentes from this earth because El Pollo
ReplyDeleteLa maldición de los Carrillo. Más seguro fueron los Chaputos, los hijos de Amado buenos amigos del mini lic, tal vez por eso la niña 19 y su gente mataron a Cesar Carrillo
ReplyDeletePero la niña 19 se va podrir en la cárcel y todos los pistoleros culos en bolas. Lo que le esperar a Ivan
DeleteTienes toda la razón.
DeletePut his ass in that grave 🪦
ReplyDeleteThat's where all the tough guys and wannabe tough guys end up prematurely.
These boys aren’t even involved and have never been. Chapitos taking them out due to being Carrillos.
DeleteThey aren’t cartel leaders head ass they are family of them so they got killed for it
DeleteEl morro andaba con los mayos amado es padrino de Serafín zambada
DeleteMi entendido es que Benjamin Arellano Felix es el padrino de Zerafin.
DeleteThe Carrillo family keeps paying the price for Amado’s crimes. Almost 30 years later, and his family continues being a target.
ReplyDeleteMost likely somebody who was pissed with the Lord of the Skies. Somebody who Amado Carrillo Cuentes screwed over thirty years ago. This just shows that cartel members will never forget and eventually get you. Nuff Said!!!
ReplyDeleteThey killed Chapo’s brother Pollo. Pollo took cake of Ivan and Alfredo when Chapo was up locked up in the 90s.
DeleteHell no. Some creepy little nobody killing an innocent trying to make a name as a G. A punk.
Delete@Nuff said. All it shows is that you watch too many mafia movies lol.
DeleteWow… has 🍕 been wiping this family out little by little…?
ReplyDeleteYes, still paying for killing Pollo.
Delete@312 — nah… they just want their piece of the pie more so than anything.
Delete@458: ... Or "Their Slice of Pizza"..
Delete@4:58 What pie? This family has no influence and very little involvement nowadays. They’re solely getting clapped for being Carrillos.
Delete@2:27 what are you talking about? Carrillos still have influence. They are low key but at least 2 are high up there possibly a 3rd.
Delete@227 — I don’t disagree with you towards them paying for their name, but how do you know none are involved? Vicente sure as hell was and he really wasn’t busted that long ago (within last decade)…
DeleteProbably did business with the chapos and got betrayed .. that’s their modus of operandi
ReplyDelete12:00 stupid bitch u talking out ur ass... This idiot was running with MF
DeleteDumb , that family ordered the assassination of chapos brother pollo , he was close with the chapos raised them while their dad was in prison. Cmon research at least a little bit dummy
DeleteAmado DID work for Mayo.. yes, that’s right… read Vicente’s book. The $25billion fortune is a bogus myth to pin all that money on a dead man. Mayo, Chapo and RCQ were likely worth that amount (or more) during the time they made that shit public.
DeleteDon’t forget how much the gov was trying to confiscate from Chapo during this trial..
@4:00 Exactly. Ivan and Alfredo are taking Carrillo’s family out because they killed Pollo, who took care of them. They don’t care if they’re involved or not, if they’re family, they’re a target.
DeleteRemember a while ago El senor de los cielos son was killed in navolato Sinaloa too
ReplyDeleteCesar Carrillo
DeleteDon R betrayed him
DeleteHis cousin Armando Carrillo son was killed in Sinaloa too...you think this has to do with El mayos war wit El chapos
ReplyDeleteNah… on going purge of the Carillos. Both payback and taking their piece of the pie.
DeleteMaybe Jose Cruz Jr. was looking for payback for his cousin's murder. His uncle Guadalupe C.F. was killed not too long ago but he was running with BLO according to a BB report. I don't reading who had him kiled. Maybe Jr. wanted payback for his death, too.
DeleteYes and the uncle Polo was killed by Carrillo's. You'd think if you had a name like Carrillo, Guzman, Trevino, mencho etc. That you would get your fuckin ass to the USA if you are not in the game and want to live a normal life. Anybody with last names like that I would think would have no problem whatsoever applying for amnesty in the U.S.
DeleteThat’s one hell of a hole in his side if that’s what it is?
ReplyDeleteHard to tell, but I imagine we’d see more blood around it if it was an exit wound… too big for entry, unless it was a .50 maybe.
DeleteIf it was a 50 cal there would be no head smh 🤦🏻♂️
Delete@1232 — when shot in the gut??? Still agree there should be a bigger exit wound…
DeleteY’all have no idea about terminal ballistics .. many times a powerful projectile like a 50 cal will zip right thru a body without much tissue disruption specially when using armor piercing rounds.. ballistic tips, soft points and hollow points are designed to expand, fragment or tumble dispersing most of its energy into the target .. the amount of mess you leave behind depends more on the target and the construction of the projectile than the caliber and/or the potential kinetic energy of that caliber.. therefore you may situations where a .30 caliber hollow point projectile creates far worse damage on the target than a .50 caliber FMJ .. now if you compare apples to apples, a hollow point .50cal will create much bigger wound channels than a .30cal hollow point
Delete@10:30 bruh.. I get it .. completely understand what you’re trying to prove, however you lost about 90% of these commentators the moment you mentioned “terminal ballistics”. Went right over their heads 😝
DeleteProbably didnt have shit to do with anything other than being a Carrillo.
ReplyDelete+1 … someone knows what’s up!
DeleteSame shit I’m saying. This guy was not involved in the game. Y andaba todo mugroso.
DeleteCan someone explain which faction Carrillos siding with? Seems they are being killed lately.
ReplyDeleteRIP Gilbertona
RIP Gilbert Tonto a.
DeleteMF ofcourse, they've been a target of Chapitos for a while now.
DeleteSigues ??
They’ve BEEN getting killed, Gilbertonita..
DeleteExtraño a doña gilbertita
Delete2:07 ,7:39 gilbertonas alert 🚨 chinguen a su m@dre!!!!.
DeleteRIP Gilbertona
That family can't catch a break. But then again all this karma coming back to them because when the main brothers took over there juarez organization, that's when the femicides started happening.
ReplyDeleteRemember the movie godfather when they were going to kill a young Vito after his dad because they feared he would want revenge when he grows up. Carrillos were allowed to remain in Novalato after losing it to Chapo because they said they accepted defeat but now that MF is at war with Chapitos they have decided to seek revenge and are supporting Zambadas. La Linea and Juarez are not ran by Carrillos anymore
ReplyDeleteExactly true , I think I saw on here and YouTube one brother of Amado has control the Juarez cartel but not the head leader just a high ranking position. Still true what you said though
DeleteNice fantasia, foo.
DeletePinche Carillos para que chingados andan en Sinaloa todavia?
ReplyDeleteDe cualquier manera este chavo era presa facil. No se miraba que ni guardaespaldas tenia ni andaba vestido de ninguna manera muy particular de grandes narcos.
Tal ves esta muerte fue solo para subirse el cuello algun pinche alucin que es chingon porke mato a un Carillo.
Tienes todo la razón, mejor se hubieran refugiado en Chihuahua donde tenían poder. Sinaloa siempre ha sido de los chapos. Cómo dicen los corridos de la línea, aya en Chiwas traen a los Chapos de rodillas porque en topones siempre les han dado una recia a los pepperonis 🍕
DeleteLa verdad. Me preguntó lo mismo. Que hacen en Sinaloa? A todos los han desvivido, hasta a las cuñadas
DeleteTodavía hay Carrillos en Chihuahua y esos sí traen power
DeleteSinaloa cartel just cleaning up
ReplyDeleteCleaning up by taking out a dude that doesn't appear to be in the game but just happens to be related to those that are in the game.
DeleteHow tough is that? Fuckin Sinaloa punks.
This ain’t cleaning up. This was picking on an easy target that was for sure wasn’t going to fight back. They ain’t cleaning shit. Bunch of pussies, just mad cuz Linea rocks the fuck out of em at every topon.
DeleteWhen it comes to warfare and inflicting violence on the enemy La Linea is on a league of their own.. even without having the numbers advantage of other cartels, they operate very efficiently not once have I heard them lose a topon unless it’s against the military (which is always a for sure loss unless you get away). They also control the most important cocaine route in Mexico and traffic specifically ONLY cocaine and heroin they have been against synthetic drugs for a long time now and against extortions and interfering with non-involved civilians.However they did kill a family of women and children (Lebarons) so yep they’re pieces of shit just like the rest of them.
DeleteDoes Navolato have any relation with Juarez cartel at all?
ReplyDeleteCesar used to control it until 2020 when he got betrayed by Don R
DeleteNo. Carrillos dynasty is from there but the narco bosses moved out of there years ago.
DeleteThis hit was probably just some dude trying to make a name for himself by saying he took out a Carrillo who by the looks of it wasn't in the drug game at all.
Not anymore. Navolato is Chapitos territory. The family was staying there, since that’s where they’re from, but people who were involved are long gone from Navolato.
DeleteThey technically were the Juarez cartel for the longest time, but I doubt any keyboard warriors would know the truth.. despite everything reported, it all amounts to maybe 10% of the truth and what’s really going on…
DeleteWho is Don R?
Deleteesto es el producto del trafico de drogas,el karma te atrapa a ti o a tu familia..es dinero sucio....la carcel o el cementerio..
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to the family. Wtf this guy got to do with any of it. They ain’t in the game.
ReplyDelete12:07 STFU if u don't know this moron was helping MF
DeleteHe was a Carrillo. Lived with a target on his back.
DeleteStfu... Smarty pants.... So what was this guy doing that was helping mf that deserved his death? They was just being punks and wiped his ass out cause they needed an easy target to make them feel like somebody and they wouldn't need to do that if they was somebody. Pretty self explainitory. Ya know, like the guy with a little dick need to drive a big truck.
DeleteMore rumors about la chapiza having to ask jalis as for help surfacing. The 2 biggest pieces of shit the child killlers and the biggest snitches in cartels history on the same team. Good luck with that.
ReplyDeleteArriba el Mayo Zambada perros.
ReplyDeleteSeems the same thing is going to happen with this chapo and mayo war. Who ever wins is wiping any family members left whether they in the game or not. Ill stick with my job.
ReplyDeleteQEPD El Señor Pollo.
ReplyDeleteStill no word on Vicente Carrillo Leyva. I heard he is in WITSEC in the States. Anyone hear that as well?