Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, December 30, 2024

Secretariat Of Mexican Navy destroys in Nayarit 15 marijuana plantations

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by EL OCCIDENTAL 

These plantations covered an area of approximately 25 thousand 700 square meters


Crys Benítez / Correspondent

Tepic, Nayarit - The Secretary of the Navy through the Mexican Navy informs that, in recent days, naval personnel carried out the location and eradication of 15 marijuana plantations in the State of Tepic, Nayarit.

Vice Admiral Felix Quiroz Javier, Commander of the Tenth Naval Zone, explained that in different actions carried out by Navy personnel in the vicinity of the municipalities of Jala, Ixtlan del Rio and Santa Maria del Oro, 15 marijuana plantations were located and eradicated.

These plantations covered an area of approximately 25,700 square meters, with approximately 555,750 plants weighing approximately 166,725 kilograms.

Two metal magazines, 58 cartridges, nine magazine holders and a tactical vest with magazine holders were also seized and were handed over to the competent authorities for the corresponding investigation.

In the permanent fight against drug trafficking and in view of the increase in the consumption and popularity of various illegal drugs worldwide, the High Command of the Mexican Navy instructed naval personnel to establish operations to locate, seize and destroy illicit crops.

In conclusion, Vice Admiral Felix Quiroz Javier added that with these actions, the Secretary of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, contributes to the Mexican Government's joint efforts to combat the production and processing of drugs in the country, thereby weakening the manufacture of drugs by criminal groups and preventing their distribution and sale, thus preventing them from being within the reach of young Mexicans.

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  1. I thought Mexico was in the process of legalizing marijuana for the revenue it produces.

    1. Yes but it has to be done legally, permits, registering a business... Let's think a just a little bit.

  2. Just some reggie. Mexico needs to import dro seeds. There is cbd legal vapes stronger than that reggie now.

    1. I didn't realize growing in hydroponice changed seed genetics. Apparently I'm just not in the know.

    2. 3:24
      "The problem with the world is that inteliigent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence"
      ..Charles Bukowski

    3. 7:44

      Good quote, not exact though. It was expressed by the poet Yates and the philosopher Russell before Bukowski.

    4. 03:24 it's amazing what you can learn in the comments section on BB.

      Did you know that aeroponics and hydroponics can result in a stronger cannabis plant with more resin, terpenes, and cannabinoids?

      Did you know that Mesicanos already have Blueberry Kush growin since 2018? Outdoor and hydro.

  3. Why won't Mexico just legalize pot and they won't need to focus on marijuana anymore. They need to focus and put all of their energy towards finding fentanyl labs. I have never heard of a weed overdose but I hear about fentanyl overdoses every day. Mexico please put weed in the back seat and look for fentanyl! Nuff Said!!!

    1. Put weed in the backseat… Are you sure about that Duffy? If you was to make the same correct it’s put weed on the back burner.

  4. Connor got banished for a few weeks.

    1. Connor had the best seats ringside at the Jake Paul fight, but haven't seen him since.
      It's new years eve, if they have any hip clubs in Redwood, he'll be there hoping to catch a glimpse of his hero El Mencho! Nuff Said!!!

  5. It's peaceful in Sinaloa because mayo turned himself in.

    1. Mayo turned himself in so he could spend his final days with his sons.......

  6. Competent authorities my ass. Who's that Cheech & Chong?

  7. Dear President Trump:
    Look how good we're doing in the war on drugs!
    We got this covered,
    please don't invade us!

  8. Off Topic....
    Anyone seen James Brown?
    Ever since Barney passed, he has not been the same.
    Some one needs to go do a welfare check.

    1. 2:34
      You don't ever stop with your obsessive compulsive crusade, will 2015 be any different?

    2. 2:09 has been watching too many Time Machine movies. He wants to go back to 2015.🤣🤣🤗

    3. What if they were actually both the same person?? 🤔

  9. Sinaloa is peaceful because mayo turned himself in.

  10. Is that menchos? Doesn’t he control that area? If not, who does?

  11. What happened to Connor?

    1. Connor on holiday in Dubai with Cuba Kid!!!

    2. Rubio Nyc cheated on him with Sol Vendido.

    3. A Connor lo tengo en una cabaña en Mazamitla y lo estoy doblando como escopeta,y soplandole la nuca .

    4. Breaking news:
      Connor and Emma Colonol spotted at dance club new years eve in Plaster City, California!
      Nuff Said!!!

  12. That’s a bad yield over that much land - 15 plants😹


  14. Nobody wants to smoke cartel ditch weed anymore except the broke ass homies that are struggling to feed their pitbull.

    1. I smoke it to save money for Rogaine and maybe a hair transplant.

    2. @7:21
      Somebody must want to smoke it, or they wouldn't be growing it.

    3. Those fooz will follow their dog around for days just to smoke their shit after fido gets into their stash.

    4. This weed is treated with chemicals, prepped, and sold as "high end" weed in US dispensaries.

    5. They are taking the weed running it through a solvent, I.e. Butane, propane, acetone, take your pic of solvents. They all do the same thing and extract 90 to 100% THC Even from Reggie
      And it’s a lot easier to discreetly move oil across the border then it is 500 pounds of low quality weed.

  15. Fair to say that this weed if for Mexico? Pretty sure the US doesn’t need their help anymore…


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