Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, December 30, 2024

This is the luxurious house raided today in Las Quintas, where 4 young members of the Jorge Humberto Figueroa Benitez “La Perris” Or "27" faction were arrested.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by LOS NOTICIEIRITAS


DECEMBER 30, 2024 

Culiacán, Sinaloa - This afternoon the property where four young men, alleged members of a criminal cell of the Sinaloa Cartel, were arrested was searched following a federal intelligence operation in the Las Quintas sector of Culiacán.

The actions were carried out minutes before noon on Estado de Puebla street by elements of the Mexican Army and federal investigation agents, where at least two luxury vans with an economic value of 2 million pesos were observed being taken from the interior of an ostentatious white house with a brown door, which had stickers with the legend “insured” on doors and windows, in addition to a document from the FGR stating the search warrant.

On the day of the arrest, more vehicles and heavy weapons were also seized, which were announced by the Federal Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Omar García Harfuch, where in the information provided by the federal authority, it was indicated that the four alleged criminals belonged to the faction of a high-ranking organized crime figure identified as Jorge Humberto 'N' alias “El 27” or “La Perris”.

The detainees were identified as Gabriel Alberto 'N', 29 years old; Luis Ezequiel 'N', 28 years old; Juan Carlos 'N', 24 years old; and José David 'N', 20 years old.

It is worth mentioning that during the operation, an investigative officer from the SSPC was injured and was taken to a hospital where he was given the necessary medical attention and is out of danger.


  1. Bad hombres. Justice is coming.

    1. Probably longtime sicarios of chapitos. After all the arrests, awols and KIA, now it's clear why the respective beligerents are grabbing any stooge or canon fodder they can find and tricking them into their cartel utopian dreams! In reality, they aren't paid what promised if at all, barely fed and their families are threatened with death if they don't go on suicide missions or go awol! Appears who has the $$$ to keep buying weapons, paying gvt brides and paying gvt agents to do their dirty work will win this war. Probably last decades!

  2. That puto Sicario 006 snitching against the pigs.

    1. Hey, he asked to now be called Culero006…

    2. you must love sicario 006, your always on his nuts.

    3. 11:18
      Sicario 006 girlfriend detected.

  3. Luxury smh

    1. Compared to most houses in Culiacan it is…

    2. That place is nice. No mansion, but custon spec home that I'm willing to bet is worth easily twice as much per square foot than the majority of nice homes anywhere. And I'm sure of it after estimating thousands of homes then insuring them.

  4. I would hardly describe that as an ostentatious and luxurious house, it's far from it.

    The Grammar Police (Semi-Retired)

    1. 8:12
      It's in Mexico and that's how it was written in Spanish. I live in Oregon and my house is worth about a million dollars, one story and looks nothing like the on in the picture.

    2. @454 — The house belongs to your parents… not you.

    3. 1051 the house belongs to the bank 💰

    4. It's not a mansion, but the building materials, architecture, they're all easily luxury grade. I think you have no idea what you're talking about.

  5. Wait, this is a luxurious house? 😂 MY HOUSE LOOKS 10x WAY BETTER THAN THIS DUD. And to top it off I got it not doing stupid shit. Nuff said!!!

    1. It's a nice house in a nice neighborhood..
      Save your opinion til you've seen how lavishly they decorated the inside!
      The signs on the door don't really mean the crib has been "insured", but that's the first thing Google translate musta thought of instead of a more meaningful translation like "secured", or "seized" ..

    2. Just like Sicario .000006s wife! She's fat, ugly, and sports hairy moles on the outside, but her vitals are good on the inside.

  6. Guardia stay alert boys,kill any motherfucker who steps to you

  7. Que le paso al morro magueron alucin k se hacia llamar badimont badiumount 😂

  8. More Chapitos falling like flies. The previous captured members of the cartel are snitching on the remaining members. These four captured members will now snitch on others. It's a domino effect. People will argue that they have the ability to stay silent. You need to remember that Mexico does not respect the rights of criminals arrested like the U.S does. They still torture criminals for information in Mexico. The Mexican military also has an agreement in place with MF. They want to eliminate all Chapitos as fast as possible and bring peace back to Culiacan. Nuff Said!!!


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