Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Trump Vows To Declare Mexican Drug Cartels Terrorists

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by YAHOO

Alexandra Ulmer - Reuters

US President-elect Donald Trump says he will launch a new anti-drug advertising campaign emphasising the physical impact of taking drugs like fentanyl and has repeated a threat to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organisations.

"We're going to advertise how bad drugs are for you. They ruin your look, they ruin your face, they ruin your skin, they ruin your teeth," Trump said at a conference of the conservative group Turning Point in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday.

Trump gave few concrete details about the ad campaign, which he does not appear to have mentioned before and that he likened to running a political campaign. He said his administration would spend "a lot of money" on the program but that it would be a "very small amount of money, relatively".

The Trump transition team did not respond to a request for further information.

Trump's plan has echoes of the "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign, led by Republican former first lady Nancy Reagan in the 1980s to encourage young Americans to refuse drugs.

Between 50,000 and 60,000 Americans are projected to die from synthetic opioid overdoses this year, most from taking fentanyl or closely related drugs.

The fentanyl crisis featured heavily in Trump's 2024 presidential campaign, even though synthetic opioid deaths more than doubled under his 2017-2021 administration.

Trump also revived a campaign vow to designate Mexico's drug cartels as terrorist groups.

"I will immediately designate the cartels as foreign terrorist organisations," Trump said.

While in office in 2019, Trump shelved such a plan at the request of Mexico's then-President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who said he wanted US co-operation on fighting drug gangs, not intervention.

Some US officials had also privately expressed misgivings that the measure could damage relations with Mexico and hinder the Mexican government's fight against drug trafficking.

Trump's official election platform says that when he takes office he will order the Pentagon to use "special forces, cyber warfare, and other covert and overt actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations"



  1. If he sends special forces to mexico and ACTUALLY starts making mexico a better place, Mexicans will give him the respect and support including mine.

    1. No (Real )Mexican is going to want the US military invading Mexico . So no , this won’t ever happen.If it does it will be a bigger problem for the US as Mexico will turn its back on the US ,because it’s not respecting their sovereignty.It could even be the last drop causing Mexico to join BRICS . I mean it doesn’t get any clearer than that . Its like if Canada invaded the US militarly and supposedly wanted to help . Of course no real US patriot would be okay with it .

    2. How many years and troops took to take out Osama Bin Laden ?

    3. Mexico will nit join BRICS, there is no money in it.

    4. 12:48
      Nobody's asking anybody "to be okay with it", just please stay the fuck out of the way! 🛫🛩️🗽🧹

    5. Mamasela a trump

    6. 12:48
      Relax cayotero, AMLO is gone.
      Please no 5 page Manifesto.

    7. @12:48 the "real mexicans" in places like Michoacan, who have to deal with CJNG truck convoys shooting up the town, don't give a shit about your little speech buddy

    8. Sicarios are a dime a dozen, some would love to go back to Mexico and get paid to fight, all it takes is money.

    9. Trump had 4 years to fix things and he didn't do shit.

    10. Mexico needs invading. Again.
      You can’t expect a nation of greedy savages to govern themselves!

    11. Theres a difference between the US defending itself against canada or canada. They dont stand the chance against the us military. Mexico is already benefiting finacially from help from the US. They need us more then we need mexico. Simple as that.

    12. @1248 half the Mexican population is in favor of joint US-MX ops to improve security. The US wouldn’t “invade.” 🤦🏻‍♂️

    13. Theres many ignorant comments who clearly are talking out their ass . Like the one who said stay out of the way lol . Not realizing US economy would never recover with a war with Mexico . 12:48 is right if Trump invades their most important trading partner that would just be stupid . Mexico has a great relationship with China and Russia not to mentioned they extended an open invitation to Mexico to join BRICS . The US isn’t the most powerful country in the world anymore , everyone else already knows this except it seem the only one who isn't aware of this is the US . In other words , the US can’t just go and do whatever it wants any more , and if it can’t respect Mexico , China and Russia will.

    14. @9:55 the greedy savages are you crackers with insatiable drug habits. Think pedo Matt Gaytz

    15. Actually many are here wanting something to be done after the government stated they cannot control the violence. We have stores, restaurants and hotels closing daily and families unable to eat. Señora Presidente even just ignored to talk about the security during her visit yesterday to TALK ABOUT SECURITY! The government is too inept to get themselves out of the situation they put themselves in due to greed and most of Sinaloa's innocent affected are demanding the presidente to label daily incidents for what they are - TERRORISM.

    16. Getting on your knees for Trump is insane.

    17. 6:48!🤣🤣🤣 tell me you are a little slow without telling me you are a little slow

    18. 8:16 what? I thought CJNG couldnt get into Michoacan?

    19. I used to think this was stupid for a plethora of reasons. One being it would make everyone eligible for asylum. But that's already what's happening anyways for anyone from anywhere on the planet. I'm also tired of the excuse "it won't work so don't bother trying anything ". Like with the wall and how much money 5 billion dollars was when we can swnd hundreds of billions everywhere else for their security. Waiting for Mexico to do something about it has worked out real nice. At this point i really don't think it could hurt anything.

    20. Mexico doesn’t want anyone invading their sovereignty yet they are kissing Vlad Putins feet any chance they get, who himself invalided a sovereign nation, called Ukraine.

    21. @10:10 Times have changed my friend . Mexico is a Country that continues to grow economically! Mexico is unique in the sense that it’s a neutral country when it comes to international politics and war . Attacking Mexico would be foolish for any country, even the US . Mexico gets along with everyone for a reason . If the US is foolish enough to attack there’s other superpowers who would back up Mexico instantly . So in case you haven’t realized it yet ; wars aren’t about who’s military is stronger or who has better technology , there’s a lot more involved in winning a war now a days . Just look at Israel vs Hamas : what should of been a crushing win for Israel on paper is still ongoing ,with Israel arguably having more casualties than Hamas .

    22. 820 he didn’t because he didn’t have the House. It’s different this time . Learn how the US government works.

    23. 2:44 with all do respect, you are still stupid, there is no way USA can (soft invade)

    24. Nothing that Trump could do by authorising even a "soft invasion" could outweigh the damage done by the order itself, and the only people who would forgive it are Mexicans outside Mexico, because they'd believe the media that told them things were better years later, the same media that told them an invasion was necessary in the first place, to "save Mexico from itself".

    25. @2.44. You used to think it was stupid for a plethora of reasons, but now you you think it won't hurt anything? It'll hurt the most vulnerable, and at the border it'll force the mobs who work for the traffickers to target the migrants even more aggressively. If it's a more secure border or immigration that you worry about then you're advocating throwing fuel on the fire.

    26. 7:09 WTF. LOL. How do you think he passed his only legislative bill in his first two years? The tax cut for the rich with their bogus trickle down economics. Bet that's his first order of business but it's not going to happen when the economy tanks and inflation remains at the same level or goes higher. Prepare to be disappointed "MAGAA".

    27. 7:09
      Doesn't need the house. Executive order. Learn how the government works.

  2. I support Trump sending special forces to Mexico, but what I don’t like it’s ignorant people that think this will be an easy job. People that think this will take no time to end the violence and cartels.

    1. Remember Osama Bin Laden ? Was it easy?

    2. You support Trump sending troops to invade and take over the land but you there complaining of sending money and weapons to Ukraine. With Israel it all good the money and weapons but no talk of sending troops in.

    3. What I don't like is that ignorant people forget Trump had 4 years to fix things and he didn't do shit.

    4. Not to mention cartels have the Mexican government’s backing. Won’t be easy and make things worse.

    5. He literally just said it wouldn't be easy. How's Osama doing now?

    6. @2:05… ya sientese señora .. last time he had too much opposition from congress and the house of reps .. this time he has them in his back pocket

  3. I always wondered , if drugs and cartels are a big problem for the American government how come they never send help to Mexico ? They send help to countries that are in the other side of the world but not their neighboring countries.

    1. They send help all the time in the form of monetary and actual help training law enforcement in Mexico. Look for Merida Initiative

    2. We do help the Mexican goat (aka cartels). We send them guns. 😉

    3. I always wonder why USA cannot help people to stop using drugs. I always wonder why USA cannot stop drug distribution in USA.

    4. 11:54pm. You should read the Merida Initiative because no money was send to Mexico. In fact all the money was used here in USA. Mexico got training and lots of equipment but no cash at all. The money was used to buy equipment and to pay USA private companies for training for Mexicans military personnel.

    5. 11:54 You mean train cartel members. If we were not such a junkie ass country these guys would not be so rich. We pay to kill ourselves Mexicans are doing what any American would do. 🤡 🤡

    6. 11:19
      Welcome rookie cookie.😁
      Mexico has been getting paid yearly, for many years to fight the war on drugs, just like they do with Columbia.

    7. The U.S use to send their old military equipment to Mexico as a form of aid, until AMLO came into office and opted out. Instead he bought new equipment from China, Russia and France, and took the training from the U.S as a show of respect. Like you, his emphasis was more on actual money. When congress passed that almost 100 billion dollar deal in foreign aid to Taiwan, Isreal and Ukraine, he was the first to criticize the U.S for its 200k fentanyl related deaths in one year and the immigration issues the U.S was facing and how out of all that money Latin America got a total of something like 300 million in aid. He argued that there were bigger issues at home or in the U.S's neighborhood that these far away regions far from U.S borders.. his belief is that if you want to keep people from immigrating, you need to provide them jobs. China knows this and is capitalizing by bringing manufacturing to Mexico, reinforcing 1248's comment, that if the U.S doesn't play nice in the sandbox, Mexico will become a part of BRICS. Mexico would not allow for U.S intervention on their soil, and under the Bicentennial agreement which Trump signed off on and Mexico has followed to a Tee, the U.S would have no reason too.

    8. Mexico is not in nato and is backed by Russia.....

    9. Yes they send money but the corrupt government dnt to use it how to they suppose to. They steal it. Thats why they cant control the cartels.

    10. They help by sending guns, payments in dollars and lots of military trained sicarios

    11. 9:15
      That doesn’t mean anything because Look at Assad or how they completely ignored their responsibility with the CSTO lol

    12. AMLO and Madam Presidente refuse it. They actually removed joint task forces here in Mexico going off about protecting Mexico's sovereignty bc they knew the amount of corruption that was being exposed. The government would rather watch the country burn before being found out about their cartel connections and how much they are being paid to continue this narcogovernment.

    13. China knows how to deal with illegal aliens. They're colonizing africa with predatory loans just like everyone else has done. I'm sure they will treat Mexico swell.

    14. Who said they don't send help? Ever hear of the Merida initiative?

    15. @1.06. They didn't refuse the offer of help, because help wasn't being offered. It was diplomatic pressure in public aimed at getting votes, and the "offer" was deflected by Mexico with gritted teeth, while completely different negotiations went on in private.
      Which corruption case were the "joint task forces" tracking, that they had to be removed?

  4. I’ve seen this news on other platforms and I don’t know if people are dumb or just ignorant saying " this will be a piece of cake “ or " they will end the cartels in a week”
    Like use your brains and actually do some research on cartels, they are not your neighbors gangster.

    1. Bro they dont stand a chance. They dont even stand a chance against the mexican military but the miltary is bought by the cartels. But then tweeakers aint shit against full armed US military.

    2. It's also funny how people always admit on here that the real boss in Mexico is their government and they can stop things whenever they want but they want their piece of the pie. So it would be easy for the Mexican government but impossible for the us.

    3. Yes. It would be a long, drawn out cat and mouse game, hunting them down house by house. No quick victory, maybe no victory at all.

    4. It's a stupid idea, but not because they are powerful organisations. They are your neighbours gangster, and that's the problem. They aren't structured mobs anymore, and trying to take them out would mean taking out everybody's neighbour.

  5. I’ll give Trump my respect if he actually makes mexico safe again, and that comes from someone that lives in Ensenada.

    1. How many people got killed during Trump presidency in USA ? Is USA really safe ? Canada News said more Canadians got killed in USA than any other country in recent years.

    2. Sure he will! Like Mexico paid for the wall and Chicago New Orleans, and Baltimore are the safe city in the world.

    3. Save again he will not only make it worse by sending mercenaries but they civilian casualties will be 10 fold than with the cartels fighting each other.

    4. 11:28 shit, if he could only make USA safe, i would be ok with that, help with the mass shootings and the drug addicts, instead of trying to blame other countries for your addictions, its like me blaming McDonals for been fat 🤷🏼‍♂️

    5. I wonder what makes those cities dangerous. Is there a pattern to be noticed?

  6. If he makes Mexico safe there’s high percentage of Mexicans not wanting to come to the United States, violence is a big factor of why Mexicans go into the country.

    1. Clearly you don’t know much about Mexico.

    2. Trump had 4 years to fix things and he didn't do shit.

  7. Que carajos ! Ayuden a nuestro Venezuela dejen a mexico , ellos ya están acostumbrados a la guerra.

    1. Mejor ponganse a peliar y sacar del poder a Maduro . Los Venezolanos le estan dando mala fama a los Latinos . En todos los paises que van quieren vivir de mantenidos del gobierno . Pongansen a trabajar! Vagos .
      Arriba El Commandante Trump !

    2. Cómo van alludar a Venezuela si son puro criminales suscios trump lla se cansó que lo venezolanos nomás puro abuso por eso ahora venezolanos primeros en deportación y jamás va alludarles

    3. Los Hijos de Maduro han destruido a todos los paises de Sur America y a Estados Unidos quieren vivir de vagos exijiendo assistencia del gobierno. Lo unico bueno de Venezuela son las Venezolanas pero la gran mayoria tambien vagas .

    4. Típico Venezolano no quieren hacer nada por si mismos. Siempre piden ayuda. Puro vividor

  8. He would have to be stupid to do this. Who do you think will offer to aid Mexico when its sovereignty is attacked? Here's a guess: Russia and China. Why, you ask? Because the U.S. would have lost its ally to the South. Not just that, you would have to assume that all Latin American countries would support Mexico defending its sovereignty at all costs. Think of the economic impact on all of the Americas if this goes down.

    1. Exactly my thoughts aswell, anyone who thinks this would end well plays too many video games or is just plain stupid. Trump needs to pass laws that are tougher on drug users. It starts in your own cities and towns. An ad campaign will help but tougher laws on drug users and heck, I’m ok with mass executions of drug dealers selling this shit too. Mexico is too much of an economic ally and sending in your military or special forces to an ally is a big mistake.

    2. I tell you, I broke a finger nail.

    3. May be the european union. They just formed a $900 billion trading partnership with 5 south american countries and e. u. and mexico as well as s.a. countries have catholicism in common.

    4. Awesome. Maybe the economy will collapse and there will no longer be incentive for economic migration. That sounds fantastic.

    5. Also, so we need tougher drug laws for users. Does Mexico need tougher gun laws?

    6. Sorry idiot.Addiction is a disease. Tougher drug laws for addicts. You are one clueless idiot

    7. 3:07

      Addiction is a compulsive disorder. It was called a "disease" around the 30s and 40s by non-medical experts in order to remove the stigma associated with it. It's only a disease colloquially, not medically, because there's no organic pathology associated with such a behavior.

  9. Replies
    1. No real Mexican is for trump . As a matter of fact, Mexicans are tired of the constant disrespect by Trump and the US politicians at even suggesting a invasion of Mexico , Or the blaming all the US problems on Mexico and illegals when all Mexico has ever done is support the US every way possible and never get recognition for it …If it continues to insult Mexico and not appreciate it for what it actually is ,one of their most important trading partners , and a sovereign nation . I can see things backfiring very quickly for the US as Mexico is a very proud nation .

    2. MexicanshateTrump!

    3. I am sorry to inform you kiddo, the election is done and over with.

    4. He'll deport your ass pendejo. Your not any useful for him anymore. For him your just a number.

    5. Mexicans for Trump makes me laugh. Dear Mexicans trump doesn't like you. Why support some one that doesn't like your race?

    6. Well actually sorry to tell you guys. A lot of real Mexicans do like Trump. I’m in LA. Half the Mexican born people I know that couldn’t even vote were going for Trump. The women hated him lol

    7. 219 listen to your wife her judgement is better then yours.

    8. It’s not a Mexican invasion .. it’s the entire WORLD invading THRU Mexico .. anyone who believes Trump hates Mexicans are those who let Univision Telemundo and Jorge Ramos do all the critical thinking for them … if you really know your people you would know that Mexicans value family, religion, traditions and hard work .. Mexicans like to own shit .. Mexicans are for the most part conservatives so if we can think for ourselves why would we vote for liberal communist loving broad who will let Hollywood run the country ??

  10. Except for some remote places in the country sides of Mexico cartel members are not randomly driving caravans of vehicles or armored vehicles and are not hanging out or in groups of hundreds like real terrorists are.
    Yeah cartels cause chaos to some extent but look up "the real Mexico nobody shows you" in YouTube and you'll see plenty videos of places in Mexico where there is zero to no violence by cartels on any given day in planty cities in Mexico. Cities as in populations over one hundred thousand people.
    So to label cartels terrorist is another attempt at appealing to racist voters by a red head former POTUS.
    If this happens because the US claims to have a right to attack Mexico (yes Mexico for the attacks will be set there), then China will feel free to attack Taiwan and Russia anywhere else they want simply because they also claim the right to attack their interests.
    Bunch of idiots talk.

    1. Amen!! Couldn't have said it better

    2. My car got dirty, I washed it yesterday and then I found it dusty dirty, those leaf blower people are aholes.

    3. Lol, lmfao even.

  11. I say we force Mexico to take Texas back! And Nuffy goes too

    1. 11:39 AM Se dice "niño" pendejo, con "ñ" estupido baboso. Aqui esta tu period. 🖕

    2. I will not go to Mexico dummy. Mexican cartels are worse than terrorists. Just compare the deaths from overdoses and terrorists in the last ten years. If Mexico can't clean it's self up then Trump will. Nuff Said!!!

  12. Funny all these p3nd3j0s for Trump, like if supporting him would get you some white privilege, el nopal lo tienen en la frente. Trump doesn't want brown/colored refugees in America but somehow he thinks labeling cartels as terrorists is a good idea. Maybe that orange clown should focus on the American addicts that make the drug business profitable for the cartel. Or maybe he should also go after big Pharma for creating the opioid crisis, but we all know that will NEVER happen.

    1. Kamala Kaka Harris lost. Joe Biden ruined America . Barak Obama and his husband Michael are corrupt race mongers . Get over it Trump 2024

  13. President Trump needs to go after all Tren De Arragua ! Deport all the Venezuelan free loaders.

  14. I'll be rooting for the cartels

  15. All the US needs to do is what they're doing in parts of Africa right now, the Mexican government will never know they're even in the country.

  16. yo lo habia dicho.usa terminara enviando tropas a mexico .con o sin el corrupcion y colusion de las fuerzas de seguridad en mexico es grande ,,,antes de una operacion los corruptos AVISA LOS CRIMINALES NARCOS....VIENE LA POLICIA.................

    1. 4:33 🤣 los dos paises son iguales de corruptos, o como crees que la droga llega a las calles en USA? Apoco crees que les salen patitas y cooren a las manos de los adictos? Para que lleguen las drogas a las calles de USA tiene que aver corrupcion, la diferiencia es que en USA el Crimen Organizado si esta Organizado y en Mexico les vale madre, pero los dos paises estam iguales en la corrupcion

    2. Pero si ya hay tropas del US ARMY en México desde antes de Calderón.
      No consuman propaganda.

  17. 106 you sound like the one who is racist with the red dead potus gas lighting comment.
    And Russia has already invaded Ukraine? Over a year ago during the current potus term.

    1. @5:26 Unfortunately I've tried using the real name of the former red head Potus but anytime I do my comments do not appear here idiot.
      Now you know why I use this guys stupid hair color.

  18. @106 tell us idiots more how Mexico is not in a drug war right now? And how cartels aren’t controlling the cities and murdering mayors and journalists,
    Get your head out of the sand ! Stop manipulating and telling us idiots what we don’t plainly see!??

    1. Cartels do not own everyday lives of Mexicans fool. Yeah authorities are corrupt to some extent but how does that affect Americans?
      It doesn't. How does this affect Mexicans?
      It's a stupid culture crap that is getting out of hand by the same Mexicans thinking of themselves as poor and taken advantage of.
      While this has been the case for many many decades now at least during the past ten to twenty years Mexicans in Mexico themselves have gotten better educated and along with childbirths per couple going down the Mexican standards of living have gone up with many many Mexicans.
      Poor uneducated fools in the countryside and many inner city barrios without steady incomes are the Mexicans with a still high birthrate and because of this the mentality of needing to obtain money by any means necessary to support large families still flourishes in these cases.
      Narco corridos glorifying violence does it's part to brainwash idiots into joining this culture of drugs and violence.
      This is why some people like myself harshly criticize narco culture in Mexico.
      Something that can't be safely said in a loud voice in many parts of Mexico today.

  19. Sending special forces
    Into Mexico will stop the demand for drugs in the US, I love the logic.

    1. It’s not about stopping anything .. it’s about killing capos so new ones can take over and forcing them back to the shadows like it was back in the day.. to keep cartels from being brazen and so “in-your-face” as they are today.. it’s about sending a message

  20. From the halls of Moctezuma
    To the shores of Tripoli
    We fight our country's battles
    I'm the air, on land, and sea
    First to fight for right and freedom
    And to keep our honor clean
    We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines 🥺🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳

    1. Fuck you racists!

    2. Los Marines son puros Gilbertonas. Tenia un primo ahi y salio puñal. They’re foot for Ivan.

  21. Ironically, white boy trump will be sending in Spanish speaking operatives to eliminate their moreno cousins! 🤔😸

  22. Don't panic just yet..
    The Donald has decided to invade panama first, to take back the canal, and that might take a minute!

    1. @7.08. And he's still bidding on Greenland lol.

  23. he wont, he can't, if he did then all of the civi's in mexico can legally get asylum

    1. Sorry, charlie, asylum laws getting revoked

    2. That’s how you know the average trump supporter is as dumb as a bag of rocks. They are trying to deport everybody yet this would allow any Mexican to take refuge in the US legally. But then again when has Trump done something and actually delivered. Give it a year or two and he’s going to be as clueless as sleepy joe

    3. Facts, and it's obvious Trump doesn't like brown people because to him Venezuelans and Mexicans are one in the same

  24. Too many promises, and politicians tend to do that. They say what people want to hear and in the end , they only do the minimum no matter what side they are from.

  25. I know Americans are crazy for trump and they will believe anything he says, but let’s me honest he’s only going to do half of the thing he says.

    1. 742 its your classic scare tactic and the Canadian prime minister fell for it. well the Mexican president showed shes got bigger balls then trump and justine put together .

    2. 5.33
      Claudia is a lady, she does not have bigger balls lol.

  26. Killing or capturing the leaders will only cause more violence. Calderon did a great job proving that.

  27. It’s like boxing, punching a bag anybody can be Mike Tyson but what happens when that bag is another boxer that actually fights back? Not a piece of cake. It’s not going to happen but if it did it would be falling dominos of a shit show. Trump might just be the idiot that launches into WW3 and if Russia and China arrive in Mexico it’s a wrap.

  28. If Trump actually follows through with this promise, high value cartel members better get used to living in caves.

    1. Ha, what a joke. He doesn't call out Putin and Kim Jung Un. How can you possibly think that he's gonna be tough of the cartels? 😂 He'll invite those groups in the white house just like how he invited the Taliban to camp David. The orange turd is weak If the cartels flatters him. They'll eat him for lunch just like Putin is doing to him.

    2. 12:53, bald putin and fat kim jung have NUKES, the cartels have NADA.

    3. 1:03 nukes? That's a cold war psyop. Fentanyl is a lot more real than nuclear scam like covid.

  29. Yessir!
    There ain't gonna be no more eating cats and dogs, nor lighting folks on fire on the NYC subways!
    Y'all get to go home to the steaming jungles of third world shitholes, leave now and save face 🐇

    1. No, it's Billy Bob's brother Merle🙂

    2. That hillbilly Joe dude eats animals of the peoples homes.

  30. About time. Unless Elon Musk declares this will increase the Goverment fexpends way too much, violating the DOGE standards

  31. Gilbertonas terrorists whaaaaaaaaat!

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. 🤣🤣😂 o no Gilbertonas are not gonna like your comment

    2. That's Koo foo

    3. 8:25 Good morning Julia!

  32. Mexicans don’t want American special forces in Mexico. They’ll ruin the country like they did in the Middle East and start raping women like they do with every country they invade.

    1. also say that they win, all cartels are completely defeated. ok. now there's a huge vacuum that will instantly be filled the moment the special forces leave. that's an unrealistic best case scenario, and it requires a permanent US military presence in mexico to prevent it reverting back to normal when they leave. it's a terrible idea and only hollywood movie watchers think otherwise.

    2. People are not ready to hear this !!

    3. Damn civilians getting psyop. There's at least more than 10 us military bases in mexico and that was before Calderón era.
      There's no war on cartels.

  33. Why invade mexico ?for all of you that don't know last 2 Mexicans presidents were graduated from mexican universities so they know how to bargain for the benefit of Mexico before them the last 4 presidents were Harvard graduates so they bargained for their families future not mexicos future so the United States need to have a Harvard or Yale graduate in the mexican presidency is good for the american people if we all are salaried on dollars is better for all of us so whatever works I'm down for it. Now you all know why

  34. Doesn’t a group have to have an ideological motivation to designate them as a terrorist organization where the Mexican cartels are solely focused on generating revenue?

    1. 1019
      What are you, a lawyer?
      Or worser yet, a philosopher?
      Let's not get hung up on semantics and technical legalities, these are some bad hombres running 'round, going hog wild down mexico way and red blooded American boys are gonna be invading via plane, train, or automobile, whatever's fastest, maybe parachute in, or get their backs wet crossing the Rio Bravo, kick ass and take names.
      Get with the program!
      You're either with us or against us in this apocalyptic struggle between good and evil, you must choose a side.
      The good people of Mexico, after the initial shock of being bombed back to the stone age and brutally subjugated under a puppet regime controlled by Washington, will thank their güero masters some day for making the world a better place for their children, believe me!

    2. @8:30 I think it’s great that you still conserve you little kid imagination. Good job! Don’t know how old you are , but that’s still an achievement of sorts .

  35. It's going to be a tough job, but the U.S. will kill the cartels, hitmen and plaza bosses, the same way the U.S. killed the very heavily armed and very well funded ISIS.

  36. drop the bombs on mexico from the sky lol cartels will have no where to hide.

  37. Just do away with Fentanyl.... The business was just Fine before all the Sinaloa mamones started poisoning the people because they were loosing territory and Profits to another cartel

  38. Trump should declare his supporters terrorists!! How many school and mass shootings happened during trump's 4 years .. ye cant even protect his country and wants to fix another.. fuck trump and you if you support him

    1. He’s not trying to fix shit … he’s just going to make people accountable for their actions just like Chapo, Mayo and the rest of them.. believe me he knows there is no fixing Mexico … sorry if that hurts your cornhole

  39. I hope this happens because Mexican could really use the assistance in this matter that has gotten out of control.

  40. The orange turd won't actually do that. By the way, Claudia sheinbaum strategy has been a success despite theirs violence going on in Mexico. Some states managed to lower down crime. They created there police force in some states like Zacatecas and Tamaulipas and Chiapas just recently created a new police force. The name is fuerza de reacción inmediata Pakal. FRIP for short. They been arresting criminals and corrupted police officers. Zacatecas also created that group but it's call FRIZ. You never gonna here that on the u.s. news. Orange turd has no idea what's going on and doesn't give a dam. He's weak on calling out dictators and getting flatter by dictators and maybe cartels makes him a weak little boy he is. By the way. I thought Elon musk was the president. 😂 😂

    1. 1.09
      Actually Mickey Mouse is President.

    2. You clearly haven’t been to or live in TAMPS 🤦🏻‍♂️

  41. All stupid coments.Us And Mexico can in ANY DATE MOMENT arrest ANY CARTEL LEADER and impose any LAW whic could severly punish every toothless skinny mexican killer who decise to kill compatriots for few grams of meth and few dollars
    But they want do that becase than they will lack money for blackops operations and to keep mexican greedy politicos in check

    1. Like you said; US and Mexico.
      Not the US by itself inside Mexico can go on about and arrest a Yone it likes inside Mexico proper.

  42. This is a shitty idea.

  43. Cocaine will Be just Fine.... Fentanyl....bye..bye

  44. Wolf tickets by a draft dodger.

  45. Green Berets, Delta Force in and out in 6 weeks, 200,000 sicarios and their supporters left dead.

  46. The technology is available to scan every vehicle that enters the country at the border and use AI to identify anomalies in each vehicle. Could build tunnel/underpass like entry points at every major border crossing with scanners on all sides. Will cost billions of dollars but if the government is ever serious about closing the border, that’s one thing that needs to be done. Instead, let’s keep bitching about the border and vote to send more billions to Ukraine!

  47. Sending US troops on the ground to combat "The Cartels" is unbelievably stupid. The only way it could work is with a full scale invasion which is impossible. Anything else would ignite chaos that would could eventually roar over the border. I'm praying his generals will laugh at the idea like they did most of his other military suggestions.
    He wants to enable targeted strikes on foreign soil, but targeted strikes backfired spectacularly last time round. The more successfully the plan was executed the more disastrous the result, and he wants to double down? I can picture his Generals wincing at each other while he outlines his plans.
    -"Why can't we invade Iran again?"
    -"Err...It wouldn't be prudent sir"
    -"Fucking loser. And don't call me Prudence.."
    I'm praying it's blowhard bluster.

  48. So Claudia wants the USA to respect Mexicos sovereignty, yet she and AMLO kiss Putins ass and refuse to condemn him for the genocide of Ukrainians?

  49. Trump's invading Greenland, Mexico, and Panama on inauguration day, Jan 20, and there's nothing that you keyboard warriors can do about it..
    North America First!!!

    1. Watch him do nothing . Messing with politics in Mexico Can bring more consequences than expected .

    2. Its funny you put México there with the US and Canadá. Culturally and ethnically, México is more similar to the rest of Latin America than the US. Whether you like it or not.

    3. All talk , only his supporters really think he’s going to do all the things he been saying lol.

    4. He puts Mexico with US and Canada because that’s North America you idiot . @10:05pm

    5. You’re both right

    6. @6.46. Renegotiating the use of the Panama Canal (not the country) is not "invading Panama", and he hasn't even hinted at "invading" Greenland. I think you know that though.

  50. Let the mexs kill mexs, who gives af. Control our border w stiff, stiff, STIFFER penalties, unbearably-hot border prisons, 30 yr sentences w hard labor

  51. 50 % of the problem are the Cartels. The other 50 % is the consumer. Supply and Demand.
    Taking out Pablo Escobar,Cali Cartel ,El Chapo ,El Mayo , Osiel Cardenas etc.etc did not stop the consumption of drugs in USA.

    In the USA some people look up to a Fentanyl Junkie as some sort of hero. That is the real problem !

    1. Hahaha who looks at them like a hero? I’m not even in the states and know that you are ignorant

    2. Fentanyl junkies are KINGS!!!

  52. Narco terrorist are scared and peeing their pants.

    1. Actually things look a lot better for them IRL.

  53. It will be a collaborated exercise. Remember Libya?what happened to Gaddafi right through the window? Pow pow pow bye!!! The Americans know where the dirtbags are It won't be an invasion. It will be jointly and the Mexican army will be happy. Merry Christmas everybody Feliz Navidad a todos

  54. All these comments from the US about "CARTELS!!!", are so naive man, based on bullshit definitions, sensational news stories. The US has all the tools it needs to bring down the trafficking networks by targeting the money, and a thousand navy Seals wouldn't be able to go in and destroy those networks even if they were given permission. They mutate and evolve constantly.

    1. @6.11. Why would I kiss your grits if you haven't got the grit to respond to the comment?

    2. Just mention ISRAEL DID USS LIBERTY to tough Navy Seals and see how they get a system crash lol.

  55. Last time Trump was asking. This time he is telling. He will absolutely designate cartels as terrorist groups and go after them with every weapon in his arsenal. It works much to his favor that Mexico doubts him. He will have a much easier time then if the cartels prepare. Also he said he will stop the flow of precursor chemicals going to Mexico from China. This isn't Trump 2016. This is super Trump 2024. He has both Congress and the senate and a majority of Americans backing him all the way. With a Republican house/Senate the putrid, weak, democrats will be relatively powerless to stop his agendas.

    1. Don’t forget to zip up trumpets pants when you are done

    2. Fuck trump. He's nothing but a rapist who doesn't give a shit about drugs. Wake up you MAGA blow hard. He's not going to do shit

  56. What an idiot. Alright there Mr Makey,”drugs are bad” “just say no”. Go back to the 50’s asshole cause it didn’t work then and it definitely won’t work now. It’s called addiction and drugs are a symptom. Period….


    1. The tiniest Latin American country who was toppled by a prison gang? Do you even know what a cartel is?

  58. All that's gonna happen if they do this is further destabilize Mexico. Go after the corrupt politicians. But they won't. Because drug money is funding their black budget


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