Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Woman and child killed in suspected arson fire at a house in Los Mezcales, Culiacan, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by LOS NOTICIERISTAS



Culiacán, Sin.- A woman and a child died during the night of Sunday, December 29th during a fire in a house located in the Bosques del Álamo subdivision, very close to Los Mezcales, north of Culiacán.
The woman was identified as Astrid 'N', 26 years old, and her son Dante 'N', 6 years old, who were inside the house at the time of the tragic event.

The fire was reported at around 6:05 p.m. to the 911 emergency service, where, so far, it has not been reported whether it was provoked or if it was an accident, since it was reported that it could have been a violent attack, although neighbors assured that no firearm detonations were heard and said that the fire occurred because of a Christmas pinito.

Minutes later, members of the Culiacan Fire Department arrived at the site, who extinguished the flames and Red Cross personnel confirmed that, unfortunately, both men no longer had vital signs.

Municipal police officers cordoned off the area and requested the presence of investigative and forensic personnel to carry out the corresponding procedures in order to confirm whether this was a violent incident or an accident.


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  1. A Nuff Said se lo esta culiando Sicario 006, putos!

    1. 8:59pm That's a negative chief. I am married to Buffy. Sicario 006 is also part of my internet superhero team that fights cartels. Nuff Said!!!

  2. We all know very well who b burning shit down in culiacan none other than mf

    1. Its hard to say man

    2. It’s what happens when you hire out of state tweekers just like the video where the young girl was burn were they almost killed themselves in the process

    3. I saw a video recently uploaded by Grillonautas that M.F. was going to apply the Law Of Talion aka Eye for an Eye on the Chapizza. That all gloves were off, that if the Chapizza kidnapped, tortured or executed family members of the Mayos that they were going to do the same.

    4. 4:00 can you prove the people that did this are from another state other than Sinaloa? No.
      Sinaloa and every cartel always hire people from other states not just their state where they belong but this is not an excuse.
      Whoever did this won't be punished plain and simple doesn't matter where they are from. They simply work for Sinaloans or are Sinaloans in this case.

    5. Let's not jump to conclusions here guys. It has not been determined what caused the fire. Let's remember that during this time of year it gets cold and most people are poor and can't pay for heating in their houses. They burn wood inside the homes to keep warm. Unfortunately this is the number one reason for home fires. Nuff Said!!!

    6. @12.10. Nuff Said. They burn wood inside their homes to keep warm in residential areas? Is that supposed to be fucking funny?

  3. Christmas tree caught fire..
    Slow news day.. 🌲

    1. they were shot before been burned, i guess the tree desided to shoot them before lighting it self up 🤣, pendejete de mierda!

    2. Not really 2 balls 🦎 lizard.

  4. Mayos at it again killing innocents to heat up the plaza

  5. There’s a reason why Mayito Flaco is also nicknamed “Mata mujeres”

    1. More like “mata tortas” that fat fuck.. shouldn’t even be called Flaco anymore.

      Mayito Gordo Dos

    2. Ivan Archivaldo is also nicknamed "el Mata mujeres" killed Kristen Deyel just for turning him down! A real psychopath!

    3. There is a reason that MF is also nicknamed Mata Mujeres?
      Can you explain the reason? Thanks.

  6. Thought this war was going to be bloody like when Chapos and mayos started fighting Beltrans. Turns out these new wave narcos rather burn houses or kill innocent people instead of fighting each other. Bunch of pussy "cartel leaders"

  7. Ah yet another brave thing these losers have done!! Murdering women and children. What cowards!! I certainly hope Trump eradicates this scum off the gave of the Earth.

  8. Clowns on here blaming MF…lol. Mayo’s faction control Mexico and always will. They don’t harm the innocents, Chapo’s kids are in a real desperate situation. The clowns didn’t think this through.

  9. Chapos o Mayos no importa quien fue.
    Fueron gente de Sinaloa la banda que cometio este crimen de la mujer y su cria igual que como lo an echo en todo el resto de el pais.
    Para que vean toda la gente lame huevos de los narcos de Sinaloa que todos los narcos de cualquier parte si son igual de mierdas y punto. Se termino el discurso.

  10. I’ll say it again
    Mayo Zetas+Chapo Zetas= La misma mierda!!!!!!!
    Pura basura mata inocentes.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Tu Gilbertona, nada más soltando la
      Mamadora, pinche ardido.

      Ya salió el reporte el principal sospechoso es el papá de el niño. Pinche vato mierda. Mato su familia y lo quiso ocultar.

      Crime of pasión.

  11. @2.29. Lol. You just made that up.

  12. The dude getting head cut off stated that he was tired to torch up a woman’s house. Coincidence?

  13. I just stayed there near that Loma for Christmas. I think it’s accidental as I doubt anyone would have been able to get in to the territory. They have people watching every road in and out North of Culiacan.

  14. Chapitos cowards! Always killing women

  15. Sinapuercas corrientes a mas no poder

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. Igual de corrientes que los michoachangos y TamauliMECOS

    3. No sé te olviden los Guanajotos y Zacatelastetas @2:22

  16. Anyone know is this the same Los Mezcales from the corrido Coquio Castro by Chalino Sanchez?


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