Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 9, 2025

63 bags with human remains in Lomas del Refugio grave, in Zapopan: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by EL OCCIDENTAL 

On Wednesday, 15 bags were located


Román Ortega

Agents from the State Prosecutor's Office and experts from the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences resumed excavation work this Wednesday at the clandestine grave in the Lomas del Refugio neighborhood, in Zapopan, where 63 bags with human remains have been located since it was located on December 13 by members of the Luz de Esperanza (Light of Hope) collective.
Hector Flores, founder of the collective, said that they were working until December 24 because there was no more backhoe, which was needed for this work.

“It was necessary to ask the Chief of the Cabinet of the State of Jalisco, through him, the Secretary of Agriculture lent a backhoe so that they could continue the work today.”
Héctor Flores indicated that today the State Government finally provided the heavy machinery so that the agents of the State Prosecutor's Office and the experts of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences could continue with the search work.

He indicated that as a result of this Wednesday's work, 15 bags with human remains were found, for a total of 63 since the work began last December.
“Today 15 bags and one bone remains were found and in total there are 63 bags, tomorrow the work will continue in the grave here in Lomas del Refugio, in Zapopan”.
The discovery occurred on December 13 in a property located at the intersection of Ameca and Matamoros streets, where the members of the collective arrived to search for buried human remains, according to an anonymous tip they received through their social networks.
According to data from the Special Prosecutor's Office for Missing Persons, 20 clandestine graves had been accounted for between January and November of last year.


  1. These are probably all the young people who got tricked with fake job postings by CJNG. Once they found out the real details of job they refused to fight and tried to escape but got killed. Some of the remains probably got feed to that lion they recently found. The anonymous tip was a hitman who was involved with these murders but probably felt guilty and made the call. One job in Jalisco that will never die out is DNA medical analysis. They keep finding dead bodies everywhere. It never stops. For the haters that say that I am racist. It's not true. There's a difference between a racist and someone who loves their country. I also dated a light skin black girl in high school for a week. I only use the N word while singing my favorite 2 pac songs. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Cjng is a low scum group. They also use these people they pick up from the streets for organ harvesting, alot of the leaders are satanic and do rituals on all these people. So many dumped bags have been found in zapopan through out the years even by the stadium where chivas plays.

    2. 1215 yeah and CDS does none of that.......

    3. I feel your truth, friend.

    4. I feel your truth, cousin.

    5. Jajaja the myth of widespread organ harvesting while mencho runs around with broken kidneys… you guys are so funny.

    6. Every cartel in Mexico is a piece of shit, they all destroy the youth

  2. Where is all the outrage from the lying liberal environmentalists concerning all the massacred people stuffed in hefty bags and thrown in the dirt or all the pollution from the thousands of drug labs and chemical dumps?

    1. Human bodies are biodegradable, good for the soil and ecosystem. The plastic bags however, are bad. If you're so upset why don't you write to the environmentalist or, even better, go over and help clean up the mess instead of being a little, pesky, whiny brute.

    2. @1.30 Disingenuous fools like you say "WHY AREN'T THEY PROTESTING ABOUT....", but when it's pointed out to you that they ARE protesting about it, have been for years, forming alliances and campaigning in multiple ways for the disappeared and the chemical dumps that fuckers like you don't give a shit about, you say... "Huh. Fucking do-gooders...". If they did protest about the plastic you don't give a shit about you'd sneer that they weren't concentrating on the bodies that you give even less of a shit about. The bad faith is breathtaking.

  3. So many idiots on this site will argue that the United States is just as bad. This is probably the 600th narco grave uncovered in the last six years. Nobody is more hateful of Mexicans then their own people.

    1. 1:47 do a little research and you will find out that there are more deaths in the USA than USM

    2. 1:47 nobody is more hateful of Mexicans than white racist in the US

    3. 1213
      Nobody is more hateful of light skinned Mexicans than moreno Mexicans

    4. 1:47 this poor gabacho was high on fentanyl while posted this crap. It's so popular on US nowdays and makes you and your opinions degradated. I just can't understand why they keep killing theirselves with street drugs and complaining on the internet about mass graves. Funny people.

  4. Mexico is one big cemetery. So many good people, hardworking people, people who deserved much better! And then things like this happen. One thing is clear, until poverty is eradicated, which is almost impossible, serious crime, drugs and corruption will rule this beautiful country. So sad

    1. The planet is one huge cemetery. Everyone dies.

  5. "Senor Mencho's Narcofosa No.666"

  6. Congrates to Mexico for creating/manufacturing the Olvina car. Finally taking the 1st step. They need more creations in the tech sector. Just do what China does, they buy a product in the U.S. and copy it then sell it, they ignore patient laws.

  7. This is sad af...

  8. In culiacan and Sinaloa its a war and you barely see this much carnage. Just amongst sicarios that get dumped. Ever since i can remember stories like these have been consistent in Guadalajara. 2010 years also. Crazy how much people they have chopped up for a while now and its been controlled by cjng for years now

    1. 10:48 well pal, Guadalajara alond has more people than All of Sinaloa convined, esay math, its like comparing violence in a little american town vs Chicago, Detroit, New York, Miami or LA 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. 951
      Culiacan gots a million+ people living there, ain't no sleepy little pueblo!

    3. 5:47 how many people does Guadalajara have?

    4. 736 metro Guadalajara has 5.3 million

    5. 314
      Holy Shit!
      That's a lot of tapatios!

    6. 3:14 exactly 👍 5.3 conpare to 1.2, all of Sinaloa state does not have 5 mill people, 7:36 is just hating

    7. 758
      No, moron, the city of Guadalajara has 1.4 million inhabitants.
      The METROPOLITAN area (Zapopan, etc.) has 5 million +.
      Please learn to read English and stop being a hater!

    8. 2:29 exactly fool, Culiacan has 1.2 mill because all the rancherias around it count! Now Guadajara is just like LA! Zapopan and the sourrounding areas now make Guadalajara cause they are now connected!!!! And just that spot along has way more people than all of the state of Sinaloa!!!!

  9. Luz de Esperanza are Mexico's best people doing their best.
    They need their own backhoe.

  10. Anyone seen Connor lately?
    Is he really being held for ransom?

  11. Praying for the lost souls of Mexico. These are your brothers and sisters people. Please stop doing this devil's work and ask, I mean beg and plead for forgiveness! You're eternal souls are at stake! You will burn in hell for all eternity.

  12. Hopefully, BB's coverage is helping to draw attention to the problem and gets the gob up and off their ass and a backhoe sent pronto to the site of los restos..

    1. Right, like the “gob” has been so active until now…

  13. jose angel canobio got busted

  14. Puro Contra del señor de los Cocks, Ajuaahhhh!!!! Aqui el que se mete la paga, no como esos Sinaloas que se jactan de controlar sus "ciudades" que para nosostros son ranchillos bicicleteros! Puro senñor de los Cocks!!! 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓

    E. Charles White

    1. Escuchado varios podcast the vicitmas de secuestros que escapan y de sus mismos sicarios que dicen que mucha dela gente que levanta le asen delo peor y no la deben

    2. 12:17 todos los carteles hacen lo mismo

  15. ¡Como Mexico no hay dos! ¡Juuuuaaaaa!

  16. Just imagine how many there are in Sinaloa..

  17. Don't know how true it is but allegedly El Guerito and La Perris from la Chapiza captured in Mocorito Sinaloa.


  18. Hefty bags are appropriate for bagging them and no blood overflow.

  19. the soil in mx is rich, the culture is rich, the traditions are too but the earth there thirsts for blood, it always has since the days of the aztecs

  20. Chilango power 💪💪💪💪

  21. The CARTELS should be ashamed of themselves!!!! Killing ther Meixcan brothers and sisters. smsh Lunatic behavior! Their is enough money and territory for all!!! As for betrayal of MZ it goes both ways his fraction and sons told on EL CHAPO. This war amongst the Sinaloa Cartel NOONE WINS. WASTE OF LIFE, MONEY and beautiful country. Killing the vulnerable and innocent people is a disgrace!!!! SMDH

  22. Pero denle las gracias al señor por las roscas

    Pinche lacras corrientes que bueno que nunca pudo regresar al naranjo de chila hojala y se este pudriendo donde quiera que este

    1. 4:30 esta entre tus nalgas

    2. Si estuviera amarrado a lo mejor como es puñal y mata amarrados

    3. 8:30 entonces te gusta que te maten cuando estas amarrado? Pero no te mueres 🤣


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