Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, January 19, 2025

CJNG Celebrated During Concert In Tinaja de Vargas, Michoacan

  "Enojon" for Borderland Beat

(Photograph of metal structure with banners of Cervantes and Javier)

Nemesio Rubén Oseguera Cervantes ‘El Mencho,’ leader of the ‘Jalisco New Generation Cartel,’ (CJNG) and Javier Guerrero Martínez, the former leader of ‘Los Guerreros’ and close of Cervantes, were celebrated during a concert on January 15th in the Tinaja de Vargas Town of Tanhuato, Michoacán. 

Footage captured by event goers would show the Musical Group ‘Charanda Band’ playing a show with a large firework structure or ‘Castillo’ to the left of the stage, that once alight would burn bright figures of roosters and of Saint Judas Thaddaeus while two banners drop from overhead with images of Cervantes and Javier. Additional firework structures would be ignited showing a figure of Cervantes with his name underneath and another burning the iconic letters of the criminal organization ‘CJNG’ while spectators cheered and danced. 

(Video showing the lighting of the firework structure and the dropping of the banners)

(Video showing a firework structure burning to show a figure of Javier) 

Marketing posts posts by the musical group and media captured by eventgoers would confirm their presence in the area but the exact details of the event are unclear, after initial reporting of the event the marketing posts from their official Facebook page would be removed. We reached out to a number of individuals present at the show but we haven’t received a response as of writing. 

(Marketing graphic for the musical group 'Charanda Band')

(Photograph of the concert during the event)

The town had been previously in the spotlight after images circulated through social media around September 26th, 2023 of a quinceanera for the daughter of Heraclio Guerrero Martínez ‘El Tío Lako,’ Brother of Javier and a principal member of Los Guerreros, held the day prior that showed a lavish celebration with luxury gifts, famous guests, fireworks, coordinated drone show and a heavy presence of CJNG gunmen. Carried out while allegedly holding captive Yolanda Sánchez Figueroa, the former Mayor of Cotija, Michoacan after she was abducted by gunmen on the same day while traveling in the neighboring state of Jalisco as a massive show of force. 

A property belonging to Heraclio would be raided by personnel of the Mexican Military, Civil Guard, and the Attorney General’s Office in Tinaja de Vargas on November 14th, 2023 where authorities seized a Tiger, Panther, and Lion cubs but failed to locate Heraclio. On Google Maps a marker has been placed labeled ‘Rancho Tío Lako’ on a property near the outskirts of the town, but its unclear if it's the same ranch raided by authorities or if there's any concrete relation to the criminal figure. 

Similar celebrations have been carried out honoring other criminal leaders such as José Antonio Yépez Ortiz 'El Marro,' former leader of the 'Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL),' around June 15th, 2024 near a church in San Antonio de Morales, Guanajuato.  

Sources: Hyperlinked In Text


  1. Los chavalos de la perla have a rola called "50 guerrreros" in aint no referee but that song is official.. explains alot about that faction of the 4 letters of terror. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Wait a darn minute..
      Connor is secretly...
      the Nuffmeister???

    2. Is about the massacre the now defunct Policia Federal carried out in the ranch on the Jal/Mich border ? From a helicopter they sprayed a bunch of Sicarios from Ocotlan Jalisco.

    3. Conner stop impersonating me. There is only one true Nuffy here. That is why you were voted one of the worst BB commentators of 2024 and me the best. CJNG has the worst bands singers backing them. They are awful. I would say that CDS Chapos have the best. Mencha and his followers better enjoy these last few parties because Trump just took office. They will soon be taken care of. A mi el mencho me pela la verga! The Real Nuff Said!!!

    4. 6 00 😆 🤣

    5. It's not the real Connor, a wannabe clone. Connor went down South, some said he got kidnapped.

    6. No connor went down south with his life partner to learn better grammar

    7. ''Wait a darn minute,the Nuffmeister ?''
      I wouldn't be surprised if he was no period,nuff,koofoo,sir and the fuckin rest of the dumb-ass's

    8. Nuffydiddles, Conny, and Anonymous "no period" wanker are hellbent on ruining BB.

    9. Trump aint going to do shiiit. Just ike jaliscas don't do shit. Never cld get in tamailipas even with help from a traitorous faction inside the state unlike other pussy states like where this party took place.

    10. Why would anyone want to be nuffy?? His type definitely ruined the internet

    11. I heard the legendary Broly Banderas is with Conner in the jungles of Bolivia

  2. Los michoacanos y guerrerenses son un lastre para el país. Raza corriente y criminal

    1. Al igual que los chinolas

    2. Todos los que le hechan porras a los carteles son Raza corriente!

    3. 1:36pm Los mas corientes se la pasan hablando por la internet 🤡

  3. El Seńoron Mencho partying like its 1999.

  4. Toda esa gente que va a celebrar son la misma gente que se queja que está muy feo Michoacan, mucha violencia y nada de trabajo.

  5. Por eso michoacan está como está, le celebran babosadas como esta y luego se quejan de la violencia. Puro Valí pndj.

  6. Claims to be from michoacan but hasn't been able to return after getting kicked out by lfm lol

    1. 3:45 right now about 50% of Michoacan is controlled by CJNG

    2. Only reason is because Los Zetas trained FM. Fast forward to 2025 and CJNG pushed them out to Guerrero smh

    3. 6:57 cjng can't even handle el abuelo that they literally had to ally with viagras lol.... now that's a good "SMFH"

    4. 5:15 cjng don't control shit, don't forget some people flipped on them there so they lost ground n having presence doesn't mean they control

    5. Lo sacaron de michoacan y no a podido regresar al naranjo de chila jajajaja jaajajjajjajaj no va volver a ver a su hijo, hojala se este pudriendo donde quiera que este vato corriente cobra cuotas ya ni traficantes son ,son lacras vividores de gente trabajadora y indefensa son ratateros muertos de hambre

    6. 733 I see little flechas boy is in the house.

    7. 7:29 Ahh yes the C.U. monkeys. So powerful that they fight themselves while the government does the real dirty work attacking CJNG/Templarios

    8. 11:20 fuck los flechas n fuck u too

    9. 807 little flechas boy

  7. Very nice, were there any elected officials at the concert again, President? To bad no RICO law the band would of been interrogated/investigated and indicted.

    1. In the US Trump is already running scared of China by saying he'll allow TikTok. He's always been petrified of Russia and China, they own him.

    2. Cartels causing bloody havoc, and you want to lock up the BAND?

    3. 4:59pm That is false. The reason why Trump wants to allow tiktok is because he received high number of votes from young people who saw him in that platform. He feels that he can reach more young people through tiktok. Nuff Said!!!

    4. ''He's always been petrified of Russia and China, they own him'' Fuckin grow up you crank,you sound like an hysterical woke bitch,your ass is sitting hating in the U.S

  8. CJNG really knows how to par-tay! 🚁🚁🚁

    1. Inche fiesta corriente. Parece que usaron la feria de la tanda

  9. Esos Michoachangos no saven hacer fiestas! Equi en Santiago Papasyano nos juntamos todos y nos picamos con la cola hasta que brote el veneno, Puro Durango Plebe

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. 5:58 puro 🦂🦂!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 los que pican con la cola

    3. 5:58 Sinarata detected 🎯🐀

  10. Does anyone have pics of Menchos lugarteniente El Chorizo Fumigado?

    1. Yes there is a picture going around of him in your bedroom doing your bed

    2. El Chorizo Fumigado is KING!!! 👑

    3. Nope, but I have pics of my Chorizo.

  11. Ariba michoacan!!!!! 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    1. Arriva mi Santeago Papasyano!!! Les picamos a las monarcas con la cola!!! Ajuaaaaa!!! 🦂🦂

  12. Chilango power 💪💪💪💪

    1. The best power, puts all of the mexicans on their knees

    2. 💪💪💪💪

    3. Dear Chilangos: Taylor Swift sucks :P

    4. Si saven la verdadera significante de chilango?!? Haci se le deci alos norteños k se venia avivir al df 😂 pobres pndjo les digo con esto chinolas y sus lava caros 😂 pinches chinolas son mas pendejis amas no poder les digo 🥱

    5. Óooorale chilango

  13. Musica más culera que los corridos tumbados .

  14. Se nota que Charanda Band esta a nivel mundial.

  15. Mexican culture and their heroes ?
    Look at the factionalism and cartel support even on here''50% of Michoacan is controlled by CJNG''another poster gloats ? Support cartels then winge and cry its everyone else fault ? Class

  16. So basically now when Mr Trump took over this has same value for example if in some fuck up state Syria or Yemen typ abu hamzaaus having concert celebrating their leaders (designated terrorists) i think Mexican does not really know what actually happened few hours ago in Washington.Game is over.Rules are changing

  17. Puro Michoacán yaoow ! 🥑🥑

  18. Asi a de estar el mencho en el infierno dando vueltas rostisandose.

  19. Amalaya estar alli pisteando y un buen perico. Animo gringos perikeros nunca va a cambiar nada

    1. 6:56 you what saying that gringos like periko and that cambiar nada be sure that rules are different now.You are one of these who think that cambiar nada aber trump wird gefickt koks und 🇩🇪 by not buying WW BMW AUDI and so on...🤣✡️🇮🇱🇩🇪🇭🇷

  20. They need to party all they can because a new day is about to dawn in the western hemisphere. Cartels are officially designated as terrorist organizations and anyone that aided them will be prosecuted for providing material or logistical support. Get ready Mencha you can run but you can’t hide Mexican trash.

  21. Arriba Michoacan casa de los Templarios alv con las jaliscas. Aqui cuidamos nuestro Tierra 100% Michoacan!


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