Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Jesus Ramon Félix Núñez Cousin Of Rafael Guadalupe Félix Núñez, "Changuito Antrax" High Ranking Member Of The La Mayiza Or MF Criminal Organization Is Captured And Interrogated By La Chapiza In Culiacan, Sinaloa. Changuito Antrax Is The Plaza Boss In Manzanillo, Colima, For The Sinaloa Cartel.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

JANUARY 22, 2025

The following interrogation video is of a man named Jesus Ramon Felix Nuñez who claims to be the cousin of Rafael Guadalupe Felix Nuñez, "Changuito Antrax" a high-ranking member and lieutenant of Ismael Zambada Sicairos, "Mayito Flaco" leader of the Mayo Zambada faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

The United States Department Of Treasury says the following about Changuito Antrax, Rafael Guadalupe Felix Nuñez (Felix Nuñez), who began his criminal career working as a hitman for the Sinaloa Cartel. In 2008, following the separation of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Beltran Leyva organization, a new Sinaloa Cartel armed wing was formed by now-deceased Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa (“Chino Antrax”) that would go on to be called “Los Antrax.” Among its original members was Felix Nuñez, who then became known as “El Changuito Antrax.” Following Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa’s arrest in December 2013, Felix Nuñez took on more responsibility in the organization, and on July 25, 2014, Felix Nuñez was indicted on drug trafficking charges in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. He was arrested by Mexican authorities in November 2014 and in 2017 escaped from a prison in Culiacan, Sinaloa with several other Sinaloa Cartel members. To date, Felix Nuñez remains a fugitive.

Since his escape from prison, Felix Nuñez has evolved into a powerful and violent Sinaloa Cartel leader in the city of Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. The city of Manzanillo is home to a large port that shares its name and serves as a gateway for illicit drugs. The port of Manzanillo receives shipments from all over the globe, including cocaine from Colombia and illicit precursor chemicals — including those used to synthesize fentanyl — from Asia. In addition to being a North American entry point, the port of Manzanillo is also a strategic transport hub for drugs ultimately destined for the United States."


La Chapiza Interrogates Jesus Ramon Felix Nuñez Cousin Of Changuito Antrax 


Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive: Jesus Ramon Felix Núñez. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive: Laguna Colorada, Sinaloa. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive: 44. 

Sicario: Which group do you belong to?

Captive: The Mayito Flaco mob. 

Sicario: What is Changuito Ántrax to you ?

Captive: He’s my cousin. 

Sicario: What was your mission?

Captive: To kill spies. 

Sicario: What weapon were you provided with?

Captive: A .380 pistol. 

Sicario: Who gave you this firearm?

Captive: Changuito. 

Sicario: How much were you paid?

Captive: He initially gave me 4000 pesos. And this is what I was using to live off in the community of El Manguito. I was told that I’d be given an additional 10,000 pesos afterwards. But that all turned out to be a lie, it was just talk on their end. 

Sicario: Who sent you to Culiacán?

Captive: Changuito. 

Sicario: Is there a message that you’d like to send out to your buddies?

Captive: Don’t bother listening to anything those guys have to say. It’s all talk and lies. More than likely you’ll be sent to the slaughter in much the same manner that I’ll probably end up in here soon enough. Don’t listen to what people have to say. It’s best that you guys stay on your toes for your own good. Value your lives and don’t let these individuals deceive you. Don’t waste your time believing a ward that they say. I would also like to send a message to my dad…

SOURCE: United States Department Of Treasury

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  1. On previous comments lots of comments about we focus too much on interrogation videos and that it is getting boring. Also, for me to hand over the reigns. All of our previous and current administrators were all volunteers and we do not get paid to share our work here whether it is copy and paste translations as some of you refer.

    Hope you guys been good! I will publish more recent interrogations.

    1. I believe that ALL your "blogger" profiles are the same person. This is the only site that people sign in with it. 👀

    2. Would like to hear what he said to his dad

    3. Haters always hate. The people complaining are teenage boys.

    4. You guys do a great job. Thank you. 🙏🏻

    5. People need to stop complaining about what they're getting for free and start contributing. Thanks for your hard work char and sol zu for your continued translating.

    6. Hi Char. You do what you can when you can. Don't feed the Reddick Trolls. I appreciate what you bring to this site!

    7. Rest in Piss Narcofootage!

    8. 1:05 Maybe all using a new profile to avoid being identified? I wouldnt use my main profile.

    9. Criticizing and complaining without doing anything is some weak, privileged kids' shit.
      No one takes a second to put himself into others shoes, to see it from another angle.
      Selfish and stupid, here and generally in life.

    10. Char you been doing a good job, considering your on a volleenteer basis, thanks for holding the fort down. Many kids in here, don't realize how much time it takes to translate articles into English, they sure don't want to try to read them in Spanish, because they lost it along while ago. People don't realize how good they have it until they lose it.

    11. Char,please tell us you are not listening to the complainers,bro if you go BB will struggle,do you think they care?Many,most appreciate what you do here at BB and support you,believe this..

    12. Dont listen to bitches on here Char,c,mon man fuck em..Keep on doing what your doing..Dont give up on us here Char baby fuck em

    13. @1:05 I don't just believe, I know you have no idea what you are talking about. Every single person listed as a BB Reporter is a separate individual without question so please stop with the nonsense.

    14. Anyone complaining you have the individual right to fuck all the way off and find somewhere else you may like even better,or better still get off your arse and create your own content..

    15. Char, you are doing a great job. Those that complain should just go to another site and move on. Anìmo.

    16. Char we appreciate all you guys do. Just shut off the comments. No useful info comes from comments. If any one has some insight they can email you guys directly...

    17. Stop being insecure, your good.

    18. The article and the victim’s last words are so sad. We need to know some what of this to try and understand it… Thank you guys for reporting real news.

    19. Funny that when people make comments with criticism BB don’t post the comments.

    20. Char,.. sigue con los video's de interoggations y translations.
      Gracias por el effort you put in for us to read and enjoy.

  2. Are the antrax still around?

    1. Must be hard up for stooges when you need to send your cousin on a suicide mission to kill spies. I guess the now dead stooge thought he was James Bond.

    2. Trump will pardon!

  3. Jesus Pena El 20 sigue vivo?? o el fue uno de los que matar el día que secuestraron al Mayo.

    1. Esta a 6 pies ese guey.

    2. 1:42 fue uno de los que mataron

    3. No el Peńa no estaba presente cuando levantaron al MZ.

  4. Why is Changuito Antrax called changuito? His skin is white. Was this poor bastard already living in Sinaloa when he got captured or was he sent from Colima? All he has was a simple pistol to defend himself. I could've taken him down quick. The original Antrax were bad asses. I wonder who was tougher between the original Antrax or the original Zetas. Char keep putting out interrogation videos. I like to see criminals tortured. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Ántrax were what los Ninis are right now , macho prieto was the original bad ass .

    2. Any proof for your bold statement about anthrax? Werent they just bunch if party bunnies playing GI Joe?

    3. 2:42 it was the Zetas, they changed from armed wing to business operations, unfortunately their expansion and unification of power made some of it's members drunk on power with out repercussions for their abuse of civilians and copycat criminal cells borrowed their infamy the internal damage control wasn't fast enough they were spread too thin too fast from the first split to the internal fractures, to the multiple war fronts. No disrespect to Sinaloa but with out their financial backing and contacts they would have quickly been defeated. Whats happening in the state now is what every plaza has been through already except before they never held confrontations internally on their own territory and truthfully its worse now than before because of how much the tactics strategies and resources have evolved. Anthrax were more about internal security compared to the federations proxy groups.

    4. 2:42 there's a picture of changuito and what's claimed to be his son. In that picture it becomes plainly obvious why he has that sobrenombre/apodo.

    5. 2:42 le dicen Changuito porque tiene cara de chango, no por el color de piel

    6. ''Why is Changuito Antrax called changuito''
      Take a wild guess? Cause hes an ugly monkey looking motherfucker,looks like a fuckin orangutan with a wig on

    7. 10:34
      "No disrespect to Sinaloa".

    8. 10:34 hey Nuffer you're a pendejits If you think Anthrax was even on par to the Zetas

    9. @8.13. Macho Prieto wasn't Antrax. He had his own men.

  5. Animo Char!

  6. Miren como esta el Ocran, Culiacan en guerra
    . La gente del Yoma estan perdiendo contra la gente del Pocha. Los tolerospis del los hijos de Pocha estan muy bien entrenados por un tal 006.

    1. Can’t you talk right this is not YouTube channel ocean use real words. That’s why the world is like this because of alucinados like you.

    2. ''That’s why the world is like this because of alucinados like you''

  7. Dude looks like a junkie.

    1. I'm sure he gets paid in bolsitas at times.

    2. It doesn't look like he was inflicted pain, I'm here to see how the new administration
      will affect the dynamic of security in Mexico; not to root for more acts of war, I stated that to state this, if this man is deceased and his body wasn't desecrated for the sake of humanity let his family mourn him with some sense of dignity. Junkie or not, but if this guy was desecrating bodies ordering bike acts beyond murder then his loved ones might not have the opportunity with withheld from his victims loved ones.

  8. Same narrative " they promised a bigger amount of money and they didn't deliver on their promises is it true or not?

  9. Word on the grapevine is that Jesus ratted out El Super Porky before his death.

    1. national lampoons porky's was great they don't make films like they used to

  10. Its shameful with no human morals/companssion using peoples video death for website ratings or furthering careers, if it was a family member Im sure it would not post.

    1. Furthering careers!? You know the staff is unpaid right? Where are all these rude comments coming from? Without BB many of us would not be informed on what actually goes on in Mexico. Before all the haters and ridiculous comments that have zero to do with the article, there use to be some really great commenters. I have read BB since the old days. Back when there was a main page and forum (I wish there was a way to access this old info now). If you don't like it, go somewhere else. None of you complaining will be missed.

    2. Same, I wish we could access the forum even if we can't do new posts, just to read the old information. Buggs actually has a backup copy of it as it was never intended to be permanently shut down but unfortunately that overlapped with Nabble shutting down multiple servers. We've tried to get them to restore it from the backup copy but haven't had any luck and doing it on a private server would require some programming work to get the file to actually work.

    3. @4.37. Sites like these are often used as stepping stones to build a social media following, just like internships are. You must know that. If you really have a problem with "haters" you should concentrate on the people who come here for those videos. I'm not @6,42, and don't really agree, but it's a more intelligent comment than 90 percent of the others on here.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I did volunteer work for BB. Looking for articles and doing research and translations. Readers are ass but management was worse. To much micromanaging when I was doing the work. lol. They had a guy that was a pain in the ass as manager of BB.

    1. His name was Sol I bet. Ese güey se creía algo hasta que lo amenazaron al pendejo

    2. You proudly say what you did, but won't mention who you are. Stop with the bullshit lies, this is why the moderators need to do more on the stupid childish comments that come in, do more on not publishing them.

    3. @6:57 Hit me up if you would, I'd like to talk to you about things.

    4. 6:57

      Was that Chivo? (Not to be confused with Chivis).

    5. 6:57 AM
      ''I did volunteer work for BB''
      Bro try again and see if you can dig it this time,Itzli has given you an invitation..
      It really is appreciated and worthwhile

    6. 4:29 Jajajajajaaa. Chivo got banned.

    7. 1:29

      I remember Chivo going crazy after being made a forum moderater.

    8. Forum moniter, more like a cop.

  12. No esta moviendo Los ojos ni leyendo una cartulina

    1. Lo unico que se mueve son las nalgas de 006.

    2. Su alma ya se había esfumado

  13. Ahh shut up you lying liberal punk!
    USA- 1 million
    The world— negative a billion

  14. You'll seldom have 100% agreement when it comes to anything subjective, like what type of stories BB should publish. Most of people that say your stories are boring are here to see heads chopped off or some kind of similiar gore imo. The smallest dogs always bark the loudest, but the silent majority says you are doing fine Char. Ignore the fools!

  15. This whole site is bullshit. Sol shit on this site for over a year while posting only his own comments.Char wants to guilt trip us into submission by telling us she's a volunteer. Char if you wish to volunteer why a crime blog and not a homeless shelter or an animal shelter or something like that. And if I read another story about a " clandestine lab " I'm gonna die from boredom. Let's be honest, at this point it's just one person working at BB while using like 5 names and all they are doing is copy and pasting articles from other sources.

    1. Fácil te puedes ir a chingar tu madre pendeja. Pero bien que andas aquí pinche hipócrita. 😂

    2. Typical SOL always hiding and pops up when convenient for her. The thing is that SOL is the one that copies and computer translates and hands it off to other to post.

    3. 8:29 let me guess, and this is a wild guess, you are from a state that is know as the Gilbertona state? Where snitches come in bunches, and they think a guy can stop the world from spinning if he give the order, where you praised a Cuban that is now in a US prison, am i off?

    4. 8:29
      You don't like the site, cry baby 🍼
      then don't come in. You don't even know what gender is Char.

    5. Iv been following BB since around 2018.. To be honest your comment has no meaning just leave if you dont like it. I appriciate the work and time put into making this

    6. @8:29 I'm leaving your comment up for now, you have no idea what you are talking about, every reporter is a different person, Char is the only one that is putting in work lately and rather than being grateful you have to make a stupid comment. How about this, go somewhere else if you don't like the stories being presented. Other than that you can apologize because any other negative comment I see is being deleted.

    7. 8:29am BB is great. Your a dumb idiot. Everyone here does a great job and don't get paid. People's lives have been saved with the information provided dumb ass. A person contacted me and thanked me with info I provided from my smart informative comments. Sol was great and missed. Go get a life. You made the Nuffster mad now! Nuff Said!!!

    8. 8:29

      Instead of complaining why don't you volunteer at a shelter?

    9. 1207 is the "Fake Nuff".

    10. ''because any other negative comment I see is being deleted''
      Itzli...Weed these dogs out its the same sad loser who is posting these attacks on Char.....If you have the time delete

    11. Told you this the same sad loner posting this Char crap

    12. Dont listen to 8:29, he is known as La Llorona, he is Lloron just ignore his ass

    13. Get a job and stop living on welfare, that will cure your boredom. What a morron.

    14. @ 12.07. When you think it's the real "Nuff Said" it's because he just read an article from Culiacan and repeated things word for word while always slightly missing the point, or congratulating himself for following his algorithm. That is definitely the real Nuff Said lol. It's too note perfect.

  16. Cual fue la ultima cancion que este cuate al igual que muchos otros narcos le canto a sus compas?
    "Pero tu, que me has dado falsas promesas de amor". Jajaja

  17. This site sucks now CHAR

    1. No period kid, you suck big time.

    2. 1038 let me process your refund for free and never come back thank you

    3. ''This site sucks now CHAR''
      This is the same goofy lonely clown who keeps posting this boolshit to get a buzz out of everyone on BB..Ignore this sad bitch

    4. 10:38 just like they told me in Ali Express, your refund has been denied! 😭😭😭😭

  18. This dude just a tweaker.
    Cousin or not.

  19. His look is of total resignation & acceptance of his long-awaited fate & roll reversal of so MANY of these same scenarios

  20. His last words were " i cant breeve"

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. @2.10 Fuck off with that sneering racist bullshit.

  21. Puro pinchi joto de los dos bandos

  22. "The DEI's Report"

  23. Itzli:
    You’re on a power trip girl.
    Can tell the truth hurts.

    1. Hmm let's see, power trip? We talk about you in the group chat, I have the full support of everyone including Buggs to remove these senseless comments plus and you're a moron thinking I'm female. Anyways I decided to let this one slide because you aren't talking about my friends and I have no fear of you, your comments or your so called truth that is totally wrong.

    2. Itzli:
      You don’t have to “fear” me I’m not a violent person unless I’m provoked.
      Jesus you sound pathetic
      I’m just saying this site sucks and you’re a kiss ass. You sound like a girl:emotional ,etc.

    3. 1:44 acting tuff behind a computer, 😭 yea you are really "viokent" 😂 pendejete de mierda

    4. 1;44am
      Go back to bed or the meth keeping you up.
      Stick to the article at hand, why try to step on the moderators you do not have nothing better to do at night?

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. What ever happen to chivis? Those were the good times

    1. From what I understand she's doing well, MX/Morogris was in touch with her a few months ago.

    2. Chivis was a nazi when it comes to commentary that reflected poorly on her work. She always found a way to make it about her or taking credit for someone else's hard work. Good riddance.

    3. We miss Chivis. But also appreciate the current BB admin...

    4. Itzli any info on DD?

    5. 9:29 pretty sure you never ever experienced a national socialist.
      What a dumb comment.

    6. Looks like the last time I talked to DD outside of this site/the forum was back in 2015. I tried to reach out to him in 2022 but the yahoo email address I had for him bounced back it back.

    7. Another one that is lost in history.
      Chivis is in Norway, adjusted to a more slow pace asmosphere. She still keeps busy.

    8. January 23, 2025 at 9:29 PM
      Basically hit the nail on the head about Chivis,she would get people banned for disagreeing with her e.g ''Dr Mirelles'' she thought he was a saint and didnt want to hear contrary..

  25. CHAR:

    You should be proud of the work.

  26. Y eso q eras primo del Changuito
    Ex amante de la Karla Contreras

  27. Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened in this thread? A group meltdown? It reads like the last backstabbing episode in a teenage reality TV show. Count the adults on 2 hands, just.

  28. Look at all of you complaining here like little bitches! If you pussies don't like it then get the fuck out of here. Create your own website since it is so easy. The workers here do it on their free time, and I for one, an very grateful. Thank you guys for what you do. Us real fans, we love you guys! Saludos and a big abrazo desde Los Angeles to La Gran Chivis, Ese Sol, Char, Hearst, Buggs, SoCal, todos! De parte de - El Nemesis

  29. Chivis is in Norway with her lover El Lazca and they live happily ever after.


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