Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, January 4, 2025

La Chapiza Cartel Captured And Interrogated A Los Cabrera Of Durango Operative in Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Propaganda War Between La Mayiza VS La Chapiza Continues.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

January 4, 2024 

La Chapiza Cartel captured and interrogated a Los Cabrera Cartel operative criminal organization based out of Durango. The Los Cabrera member's name is Sebastian Martinez Perez, "El 05" who claims to be in charge of recruiting civilians to join the ranks of the Los Cabrera Cartel. Mr. Martinez Perez claims in the interrogation video to be from Tamazula, Durango but lives in Culiacan, Sinaloa. 

La Mayiza and La Chapiza criminal organizations have both engaged in degrading themselves in interrogation videos since the war broke out in September 2024 between both sides. The following interrogation video is no exception as Mr. Martinez Perez warns Los Cabrera and La Mayiza members to not trust there leaders as they continue to make false promises. 



Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive: Sebastian Martinez Perez. Everyone knows me as 05. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive: 39. 

Sicario: Where you from?

Captive: Tamazula, Durango. But I currently live in Culiacán, Sinaloa. 

Sicario: Which criminal group do you work for?

Captive: I belong to the Cabreras mob. In addition, I report to El Picudo who in turn works for Mayito Flaco. 

Sicario: Whats your job?

Captive: I recruit people to fight in the towns of Cásala, El Salto, and other areas. 

Sicario: Is there something that you’d like to say to your buds from that criminal cell that you belonged to?

Captive: Things are tough out here. It’s best that everyone give it some thought before engaging in anything because this isn’t a game. As you can see my companions are in the same boat that I’m in. And the honest truth is that the Chapiza mob is to tough to defeat. Everyone is asking for people to come work with them out here but they honestly don’t need them. It’s best for everyone to just stay the fuck out of this. We’re out here dying of hunger and there isn’t any support for us. We’ve been out here for several days now and we haven’t had any help. Just stay the fuck out of this. Otherwise, the same fate that we’ve had awaits you guys. Everyone that was told that they’d ascend within the organization needs to just to stay away if you’re seeing this video. The Chapiza mob isn’t easy to defeat. We’re fighting for a mob that can’t always provide what all we need. These gentlemen spared my wife the day I was captured. I was told that they don’t mess with women and immediately let her go. The message is clear gentlemen. I already know that my life has gone to shit. But for everyone out there that still has a chance. It’s best that you stay the fuck out of this conflict. Don’t bother going into Culiacán either because everything will end horribly for you. There’s no reason why our mob should have us out here like this. As everyone can see my partners have also been captured…



  1. Uncle Donald is going to spank all you reptiles back to the Mexican Stone Age!

    1. Uncle Donald needs to focus on his side of the fence. He has his own problems to deal with.

    2. he won't do shit. he is more interested in iran and china.

    3. That's Koo foo

    4. 9:10 fuck u n ur bitch ass Donald Trump

    5. He had 4 years to fix things and he didn't do shit. Even with opposition, if he was so greater a leader, even calling himself a "genius", why didn't he unite the opposition? Because he's a dumbass. He's still not president and he's already afraid of China by not wanting to ban tiktok.

    6. He had 4 years to fix things and he didn't do shit. Even with opposition, if he was so greater a leader, even calling himself a "genius", why didn't he unite the opposition? Because he's a dumbass. He's still not president and he's already afraid of China by not wanting to ban tiktok.

    7. Yes, like he built a wall, and mexico was gonna pay for it, first 4 years of his presidency, no accomplishments, fact, all bluster, drug traffickers that cross the drugs and immigrants love trump. He is All talk and the drugs and people will get through, and they charge more, more profits claiming it is "harder" on them, but it is the same, just like his first 4 years, repeal and replace, fail, build the wall, fail, infrastructure, fail.

    8. Uncle Donald will not protect you hope you have life insurance

    9. He ain't do shit last time Diddy Donald, is all smoke

    10. That's a negative chief

    11. Go smoke some more Mexican meth.

    12. Donald needs to worry about Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, etc. Low education states in southern states, etc. He has bigger fish to fry in his backyard.

    13. Uncle Donald will crash the economy and then blame it on Biden. The economy is ripping under Biden and Donny going to crash it.

    14. Come January 20, 2025, when the honorable Donald J. Trump is inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States and sworn in as commander in chief of the armed forces, Mexico MUST decide whether to grow a set of balls and fight for it's sovereignty, or meekly surrender at the first sign of invasion, and give it up like little skinny jeans wearin' girly bitches to the evil gabachos.. 🤔😂
      Let's see what happens!

    15. so just by looking at the video picture and the piture that guy looks like one of those skeleton ish looking people. did they do any photoshopping ? He looks pretty bad….

      Rubio NYC

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    18. Presidenta Sheinbaum has agreed to take in deported bad hombres from all nations, not just Mexican nationals, but wants to charge Trump for each douchebag expelled from USA.
      Sounds fair!

    19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    20. @7:14

      Remember when AMLO forced Trump to surrender and release Cienfuegos?

    21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    22. Look at all these hysterical again over trump lmfao,hilarious keep it up

    23. Trump is coming for you all

    24. 12:25
      Almo never forced Trump to surrender Cienpedos. AMLO and his cabinet tricked the Administration, into releasing Cienpedos, because the Mexican court was to try him in court.
      The Mexican kangaroo court, after 3 days let Cienpedos free.

    25. 4:30

      So, Mexico out smarted the USA and, ergo, forced Trump to surrender Cienpedos.

    26. As soon as you think about spanking and punishment you get all confused about your family ties. I thought he was Daddy Donald?

    27. @8.47. Those people are families fleeing North as a direct consequence of US policy.
      Wait, are you being serious? It's so hard to tell sometimes. You know that the vast majority of people fleeing central America are not "Bad Haaaambres", right?

  2. Rusos alone would smash Chapo zetas ,, now imagine Los cabreras plus Rusos yeah no wonder Chapo zetas are desperate trying to change public perception . Nini 19 was over his head when he tried fighting el Ruso now all the chapos are over their head trying to fight Mayito flaco

    1. The ones trying to change public opinion are Los mfs with all there radio frequencies, videos, instagram pages and fb pages

    2. Ruso And MF getting smashed

    3. Then why didn't he?

    4. Put the pipe down clown show. If don’t know stfu

    5. Is that why Ruso was ran out of Culiacan?

    6. 4:20 Ruso didn't get ran out he left on MZ orders . He moved his whole operation to Baja California Sonora region.

  3. Dude's wife ratted him out

  4. Today I came across a video on facebook about Julio Cesar Chavez and Francisco Arellano Felix giving a price to miss Frankie O in Sinaloa in 1990. Will stuff.


  6. Julio César Chávez and Francisco Arellano Félix giving a price to Norma Lisa Lugo as Miss Frankie O in Sinaloa on 1990.

  7. Uncle Donald is more worried about getting ELONIA’s dick out of his ass.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Facts bro, Trompas needed help from a Yt mojado from Africa to buy him the presidency, alvrg con el muskrat que con tanto dinero no pudo arreglar su pais

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Uncle donal is thinking about crying bitches and how to get rid

  8. Can this guy really be a Los Cabrera member? I know for a fact that everything he said was scripted for him to say. It all sounds like words coming out of a Chapitos hitman mouth. He said a lot of lies. Chapiza is not tough to defeat. They've been dropping like flies. Getting arrested, killed and losing territory. The reason why I think he might be an innocent guy is because he said he was captured while with his wife. He wasn't captured while fighting in the street. Would not make sense to be alone with your wife in the middle of a war zone. Nuff Said!!!

    1. 10:19 He wasn’t alone he got caught in a safe house with his crew who are alongside him there and not tough to beat but then why has it been 4 months now MF are the favorites to win but Chapitos still have people especially in the capital

    2. From what im seen, they have the 2 most important plazas in Sinaloa, Culiacan and Mazatlan! Those 2 plazas alone probably have half of Sinaloa population, easy math bud, control those plazas and the population and let your rivals fight for scraps and at one point money is gonna run short

    3. 9:56 you currently have Rusos in the Imala region. Flechas around Mazatlan Concordia region. Los Rugrats staring to enter Culiacan. Also a few commanders from la Chapiza in the smaller less know ranchos flipped to MF .

    4. Rusos crew didn't wanna go back culiacan after the welcoming they got from el gavilan who left those bodies in the van

    5. @Nuff Said. You think he might be innocent because he was captured with his wife? I think you misunderstand what a "war zone" is in Mexico. Life goes on. They don't fight in the street.

  9. Aqui estan los quesque chingones de Durango los Cabrera.
    No pueden contra los chapos y haci quieren entrar quesque a Chihuahua.
    Bola de pendejos.

    1. Los Cabreras pronto le van a quitar todo Mazatlan a los chapos al rato lo van a ver

    2. Quesque? Y ps hay niveles

    3. 10:28 aver pendejito no es que Los Cabrera/MF quieran entrar a Chihuahua es que ya estan en Chihuahua. Un jefe pesado del NCDJ voltio bandera y el y su gente y sus plazas tambien. Por esos La Linea esta mandando a Los Linces de lo mejor que tienen para poder frenar la avansada del 04.

    4. Tienen años queriendo controlar chihuahua y los de la raya no se han rajado. Nunca podrán meterse como han planeado. Arriba mi chihuahua

    5. Los menonitas controlan chiwas.

    6. Ariva santiango papasquiaro!!

    7. @1:46 alv durango Arriba ojinaga

    8. Chiwas es otro nivel.. la Linea esta muy fuerte y traen puro vato de guerra apart controlan la mejor puerta al gabacho .. pero aunque no lo quieran ahi hay todavia mucho CDS operando calladitos no como en Tijuana que andan a lo descarado.

      Saludos de Guasave

  10. Sol u rooting for la chapiza, lol 2 years ago u were claiming they were done. 😂

    1. Nobody cheering for Chapiza. Not Sol but I can tell you gals are triggered when I put "MF getting smash"

    2. 10:42 Actually sol claimed CDS was gonna split, and look at them now! He was right!!! Only a few Gilbertonas claimed they were tight as your nalgas, but then again they were right! Cause your nalgas are as split up as CDS 🤣🤣🤣

  11. So he was out there for days with his wife recruiting soldiers for a war ?
    And when caught they let his wife go ?

  12. Pero andava de muy riatita.

  13. Mr trump hurry up and send your troops

    1. I hope he sends him to the US because they had 500 mass shootings.

    2. Surely a tough guy like you will volunteer to be a part of the invading force right keyboard warrior? @11:58

  14. Ariva Durango!!🦂🌲

    1. Es cierto que a los de Durango les dicen Alacranes porque pican con la cola?

    2. 9:57 this got to be the most annoying comment ever

    3. 9:57 foreal, he just mad michoacan has a stupid aguacate symbol

    4. Michoacán also has the butterfly monarchs symbol too 🦋

    5. @517
      The monarch 🦋 butterfly can't go to sleep tonight in his tree🌲 because some culero càrtel creeps illegally clearcut his habitat.
      Nuff Said!!!

    6. 1201 you must get that alot 🤣

    7. Ariva michoacan 🦋🦋🦋

    8. 7:13 so your the one that got bit by a duranguenses venono ke no?

  15. Apparently Ivan likes trannies.. he banged out Citaly’s “sister!

    1. "She"is nice if you'r woke,thank God wokenes is still not around here in🇩🇪

    2. Old news son, everybody knows how the Sinaloas role, even Mayito not so Flaco anymore had a thing going with La Gilbertona

    3. El mini lic también le gustaban el fierro

    4. 1:14
      You believe everything on social media?

    5. A todos los Sinaloas les gusta la masacuata

  16. Is it possible that so called multi billionare bussines guys cannot THINK ANYTHING NEW in PR job
    Every single confession as another day BB readers said is 90% same in structure.Dumb fucks.

    1. If you seen 1 confession from this "war" you seen them all. If it ain't they don't pay us, it's they don't send help to rescue me. Shit is repetitive

  17. Didn't the chapsticks just kill a woman for selling food the mayonnaise like a week a go...
    They don't kill women lol
    No mames pinche cabrones

    1. She was doing more than that. Going out of her way to provide for they. In short, she was also working with them.

    2. Los Chapitos no se meten con la gente inocente. Nuff Said!!!

    3. El Chapito has killed innocent women himself pendejo!
      Remember when he killed the Canadian girl and the guy she was with because she didn't accept his advances..
      Put down the pom poms pinche Culero!
      If it's nuff said than say less.

  18. Hmm.. They don't mess with women but just a couple days ago chapos killed a lady for providing FOOD to the cabrera gangs. So how is it they are dying of hunger? This "war" is starting to be pretty pathetic..

    1. 3:24 that means that lady was working for mf so she wasn't innocent

  19. Pura chapiza🍕🍕🍕

  20. Is this the lamest war in the history of narco?

  21. This guy says he's 39 years old. Meth is a hell of a drug.

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  23. Ariva la Tierra de Villa!!

  24. He’s 39 yrs old? Looks like 109 to me

  25. Trump is going to sort all of this out and send people packing

  26. Sol thanks for translations/work even tho these crying bitches here dont deserve shit

  27. They don't make sinaloas like they used too. Bola de tontos

  28. Ese vato se parece al Mayo Zambada.

  29. Clown should have stayed in Durango 🦂


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