Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Live Thread: Juan Carlos Felix Gastelum 'El Chavo Felix' Captured In Culiacan, Sinaloa

 Borderland Beat Contributors 

Photograph By Michelle Rivera on Twitter (Photograph of Gastelum while detained by authorities) 

Juan Carlos Felix Gastelum 'El Chavo Félix,' a principal member of the 'La Mayiza' faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, was captured on January 18th during an operation conducted by the National Guard in the Quila community of Culiacán, Sinaloa. Initial reports alleged the criminal leader had been captured during an undisclosed operation in the region and attributed footage of Military helicopters flying in the region to be part of that alleged operation. 

(Footage capturing a Military helicopter allegedly taking part of the operation against Gastelum)

The arrest would be confirmed after Gastelum appeared in the National Detention Registry which reported the arrest took place at 3:58PM MST in a residence along Lázaro Cárdenas street (Coordinates: 24.426819271968963, -107.22424644018366), and indicates Gastelum is currently being transferred under the authority of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime. 

(Report by the National Detention Registry confirming Gastelum's capture)

Following the arrest a communication circulated through social media where an unidentified member of the rival 'Los Chaptios' faction mocked Gastelum's capture and urged Juan Pedro Gómez López 'El Comanche' to bring armored vehicles into Culiacan to fight, a translation is as follows: 

(Video communication published by CDS affiliated accounts regarding Gastelum's arrest)

Translation done by Sol Prendido

"You gang of...have finally seen how things really are. Where’s that support that you guys claimed to have had? According to you so many people would fight for you guys. So, where’s it at now? How much gunfire did you lose for that sloppy ass, how many of your gunmen perished in that fire?  

Make sure that...Comanche gets this message. This goes for that coward Comanche and his brother. Come to the capital. Apparently you’ve been winning for months out here and we have yet to see those results. 

You guys are nowhere to be seen out here. You’re having to mess with YouTubers because you know very well that you can’t overcome us. And that shit is set in stone. Look here Comanche. Come on out for that armed confrontation. Bring 10, 15, or 20 of your armored fighting vehicles. 

Make sure that’s what you come at us with. Don’t be cowardly about it either. Bring your war tanks and the support that you have. If you’re ready for this to go down then let’s do it right now. Man the fuck up and deploy this way. Let’s meet head on. What do you think? You...should already know that we don’t retreat. 

I’d really like to see you come through here. The teams of Juan and Jose Avéndaño are at the entrance of the battlefield. Those groups are enough of a force to ensure that you won’t get past them. Either way come this way so that we can fucking destroy you. 

It’s up to you Comanche. Are you once and for all ready for this? At this point it’s up to you if you’re down for this challenge or if you’re just a fucking coward about it. So, man the fuck up you pigs. We’re gonna be waiting for you  Long live the Chapiza mob."

According to Grillonauatas, López spearheaded the conflict against the Los Chapitos on September 9th, 2024 and was heard during a separate radio communication that circulated through social media on December 9th, 2024 where the criminal figure denied La Mayiza's involvement in recent attacks against Police. 

Photograph By DEFENSA (Gastelum following his capture) 

We'll keep you updated as the story develops.  

Sources: Hyperlinked In Text

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  1. Hurfuch ain’t playing around

    1. Sicario es marica

    2. Obviously Harfuch has a direct line to Mayito and chapitos and arranged this bloodlest handover in Chapitos territory! I would imagine there is high level discussion between the politicos in Mexico city, Sinaloa and the belligerents for a detente or modus vivendi to stop the bloodshed and violence, so everyone can return to business as usual. Could be El Chavo Félix was opposed to any type of peace deal and paid the price.

    3. Big Truther, if you haven't noticed, current transgressions are business as usual.

    4. 5:37 BIG MITOTERO!

  2. Erggg primero el Macho P y ahora el Chavó F. Sonora se está quedando sin sus meras cabezas. Nomas falta el Águila, charly y checo.

    1. No mms. How long ago was MP “killed” and now chavo felix. That’s a lot of years, you’re talking like this happened back to back. Chavo felix was turned in, el de la barba was with him everywhere he went it seems as if they gave him up maybe had to do with MFs people injuring the military the other day in the shootouts in CR.

    2. Quienes son eso los que faltan?
      Chavo Félix era el bueno de Peñasco

    3. La cabeza soplan.

    4. 7:36 🤣🤣🤣 como si "El de la barba" fuera mas chingon que los guachos, al chapo lo agarraron con el cholo y no hizo nada como lo que decian sus corridos pedorros

    5. No he wasn’t given up he frequented quila often but this time his luck ran off he came to town to meet el checo who escaped by fekix aint

    6. 7:52 el charly es el bueno en penasco, siempre ha sido charley desde ke murio el MP

  3. You know what that means ? Samuel Fuentes was nearby.

    1. El barbón se quedó en peñasco con el Charly, un primo de allá me acaba de decir que todavía se mira el Samuel por peñasco, el chavo andaba calentando la plaza en peñasco y lo despachó el Charly un tiempo para su tierra y pues cayo

    2. 1:38 osea que el charly es mas grande que el chavo y Mayito ya no tan flaco?

  4. Another dude I thought was never was going to get arrested.

    1. You though wrong.

    2. Never? Mayo and chapo got caught! 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

    3. @7.41mayo didnt get caught he was betrayde big diference

    4. 10:58
      Mayo was caught after being betrayed. Don't confused the cause with the actual catch. Big difference.

    5. 10:58 But but but but i thaught he turned himself in, and the fight going on is just a little group vs another little group, the top cells are as tight as ever

  5. Pero el guerito lo liberan.

    1. First chillon at

    2. Guerito es inocente. Es un hombre de familia respetable. No como este corriente.

    3. Lol this is too funny

    4. Chapitos on top. Nuff said!!!

  6. Donde estaba el Samuel fuentes.

    1. Entre tus nalgas, por eso tus nalgas tienen barbas

  7. Hurfuch going all out !!

  8. The CDs will now get the chancla. No more hugs.

  9. This dude is probably more important than Chapitos.

    1. Really? Thats why they turned Culiacán upside down to rescue him

  10. This dude has a bunch of good corridos ngl.

  11. Se está quedando solo Sonora. Nomas falta El Charly , Caiman , águila y el checo.

    1. Ahora por eso andan de muertos de hambre los policias en Puerto Peñasco multando a gente a lo pendejo por qualquier babosada que dicen ellos que cometiste.
      No tienen quien les de de comer.

  12. This dude more powerful than Sapitos.

    1. No he’s not! Where was all the road blocks and killers ? He was in charge of peñasco, that’s it

    2. 639 clearly your statement is incorrect.

    3. Negativo tenía el mismo puesto

  13. Is he going to get a plea deal or is that just for sapitos lol.

    1. Depends how fast his extradition is out in place.

  14. Outside Penasco too

    This is #2 in Mayito's side

    1. J, I know as the son in law we all assume he’s right behind MF as heir to the Zambada organization. And maybe that was true, but he wasn’t even the most important player in Sonora for the MZ faction, El Checo has been the plaza boss of Mexicali and San Luis Rio Colorado for over a decade and other important routes in Baja California And Sonora. Supposedly he has Mexicali so on lock El Ruso, P1 and even Chavo Felix felt safe to stay there for long periods at a time. Who knows what the truth is

    2. El 6 is the who really is #2 in the MF fraction he still calls shots in Mexicali

  15. Trakas hijo d su puta madre

    1. that trakas guy came out of nowhere, chavo felix is old school, dont mix that up with old school situations

    2. Old school? Lol

  16. Sicario 006 snitched, that puto again!

    1. No thats impossible sicario 006 was getting camote negro en la nalgas so he couldnt have

  17. Que bueno. A la verga con ese guey.

  18. No more clout now that his daddy MZ is not around and u know damn well MF gave his ass up for being disrespectful with his sister. Boy is lucky he didn't get whacked. Think Michael Corleone and his payback to Connie's husband for being a cheating, no good lying piece of crap.

    1. Connie's husband Carlo got whacked for setting up Michael Corleone's brother Sonny to be massacred on the expressway, not for cheating on Connie.
      Try to keep up with the rest of the class!

    2. Reports are that Mayo is in negotiations for a plea deal. Since the Mexican gvt has been vocal critics of the kidnapping of Mayo and the subsequent war that is affecting the Sinaloan population, good chance is that the State Department will want to soothe this sore point by cutting a deal with Mayo. This deal would entail Mayo ordering negotiations for an end to the war and he would get a shorter sentence in lower level federal hospital facility while the Mexican gvt would get peace for Sinaloa! El Chavo Félix probably opposed any orders from Mayo as with the old man gone was angling for control of the cartel.

  19. El mayo está vendiendo a sus colaboradores más cercanos

  20. Mayo Zambada working on his plea deal giving up his son in law

    1. Mayo knows his goose is cooked so what does he have to offer that will send him to lower security federal pen or hospital, given his age and medical conditions. He can offer the State Department what will please the Mexico gvt who were apoplectic with Mayo kidnapping and subsequent violence and mayhem in Sinaloa and beyond, his family to remain in control of his cartel and himself: peace among cartel factions in Sinaloa which he always wanted. Mayo is still the cartel jefe of his cartel and, I suspect, El Chavo Félix didn't respect Mayo and his orders that there needed to be a negotiation to end the conflict, so he had to be elimminated in an orchestrated arrest. I am sure the Mexican authorities at the highest level, along with the cartel leaders, are working on a plan to end the conflict!

    2. @ must be top personal in MZ faction,or work direct with US would you ever come up with this,and post it on here.You sound exactly like Sicario 006..SMFH

    3. 9:47 here we go with your conspiracies pedorras! He got caught and thats it

    4. @2.48. Big Truthers first post was pretty good tbh. The second was speculation, maybe a bit off, but if you have better speculation lets hear it brother.

    5. Mayo names a couple big shots from his faction of the cartel and in return the US won't go after his son directly.

  21. El Mayo starting to snitch to prevent the death penalty

  22. Hahaha another one soon to be providing information to the DEA/FBI lol. 2 things could’ve happed he was betrayed by his own or this was planned. What you guys think?

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Or he slipped up n pissed off and underling

  23. Good thing he was captured. Always told my fam. There was a vibe I did not like about this person. Loyalty was not there, just using the Zambada name for money/red carpet. Always cheating on Teresa. Even tried to hit up my second cousin who is related to those of El Salado. She said, no Thank you. We are family and rejected Chavo.

  24. Wasn’t he losing hair. Dude was legit balding lol.

    1. Hair transplants are becoming more mainstream now. Dr. Nader in Reynosa is the best HT surgeon in Mexico in my opinion.

  25. Chavo bigger than chapos.

  26. This is not good for Sonora, this dude was stand up and didn’t fuck around against the locals. No one wants Chapitos in that region.

  27. All the big dudes falling, this cartel is done for! For both organizations.

    1. More opportunities for the upcoming generation. 😏

    2. The new generation is not adept, they're slowly decaying into scattered street gangs.

    3. Lol tiene sueño mijo no sabe lo que dice

  28. BB ! el Debate names you in their article “Quien Es Juan Carlos El Chavo Felix”

    1. Pura gente del BB! Alaverga ayayay( insert Mexican trilly thingy)

  29. Mayo is starting to snitch and give names and where abouts, if i was a Mayiza guy i would take my money and hide in a hole somewhere i only knew about, Mayo is the biggest rat ever

    1. @7.14. If you're the kind of guy that talks about snitching like that then they'd have sussed you out long ago, taken your money, asked you politely where your secret hole was, you'd have trembled, told them, and you'd have been buried in it.

  30. CJNG taking over.

    1. Jaja ese ni cartel es

    2. Like zacate ??? Lol no sabe nada mijo

    3. Chilango/chapiza power 💪💪💪💪

    4. Cjng are just a bunch of killers not a real cartel

    5. 5:36 🤣🤣🤣 y estos gueyes son unas monjitas de la caridad! Son la misma mierda que el CJNG nomas que mas culos

  31. Puerto peñasco bout to change owners

    1. Puerto Peñasco already feeling the shit that cops do without a leader.
      They fucken pull people over for no reason and want bribes less they take you to jail or impound your vehicles.
      Fucken low lives from the heart.

    2. El Curtioso bout to take over.

    3. Boss in peñasco has always been el charlie.

  32. Looks like teresita made a deal with the US gov while her pops was on trial , he prob over the life and im sure the old man is opening a lot of doors for capos to retire in the US under witness protection maybe , just a theory

  33. Mayos took a big hit with this one , wait I thought mayos weren’t in Culiacán ? So much for Chapos controlling Culiacán .

    1. Well looks like chapitos do control and told govt to capture him and they do! Proves they control!

    2. Mayos sent in the capital he was captured in a rancho names quila

    3. He was arrested and Chapitos still partying in Culiacan. Id say they run it.

    4. They didn’t get him in the actual city of Culiacán. They got him in a suburb or rural town of Culiacán.

  34. Chapitos have won the war now

  35. Lo puso el mayito sapo 🐸 se va a calentar entre ellos ahora.

  36. This is what the old man was talking about. war is good for no one.

    Then again, he could’ve been turned in by his own.

  37. Mayo flaco doing his daddy’s duties

  38. I went to a party in East La and they told me 006 was there in a room, door was locked but I could hear his voice coming through "me duele pero me gusta".

    1. That’s koo foo

    2. Lol it's "koo" because it's sus? I always new 10:05 is a puñal.

    3. U have to be a sick mf to even make this up..

    4. “Take dat take dat “

    5. No mames, you've never been to a party loser.
      PS the koo foo pendejo gets locked up on purpose on the weekend to get laid

    6. Now that's a party!

    7. 11:04 it's even sicker because it's true!

    8. That's Koo foo

  39. That was in Quila,I was about to say I know he wasn’t stupid enough to actually be in culican

  40. Bad news for Puerto Peñasco, I heard there is already a curfew in place for tonight.

    1. Yep. Leonel, Alan y Chip have already killed 8 of their rivals and burned their bodies.

    2. Just a normal night people out and about. No curfew

  41. I mean Mayo is negotiating a deal… hmmm

  42. Hay esos hijitos de la Claudia Félix.
    Sin mamá, sin papá

    Y los demás hijos, por lo menos las mamás son más tranquilas y ahí siguen...

  43. All of these dudes are screwed once Uncle Donald comes in as the new Sheriff! Long live the USA!

    1. Presidente musk y su primera dama Trump.

    2. @8:11
      Trump is a slave to China and Russia, he's so scared of China he's allowing TikTok back

    3. Lmao good luck thinking that. If anything Donnie should be worried about Russia and China because when they go in, it’ll be without no lube

  44. Operaciones por simulaciones el gobierno de estados unidos escuchando lactividad del cerebro de la gente en la sierra madre desde cuidad mexico tambien nasa oaxaca mexico estan aya el ejercito canadiense con lactividad del cerebro del marina de mexico con metaverse y microsoft tambien hicieron cosas malas a lactividad del cerebro del ejercito, policia y tambien el pueblo sobre falso historias de vidas pasadas tambien espíritus, entities extra terrestres, brujeria y kreshna historias "indios👳‍♂️" por los historias de la colonización de martes tambien simulaciones transformando la gente ser gay con technologia y por un gay presidente en el estados unidos un dia es el programa de vidas pasadas desde florida estados unidos tambien israel y los tech compañías desde el estados unidos metaverse, microsoft, open ai, tesla neuralink, google, apple y amazon con la gente del industrio de peliculas tambien nasa, space x, blue origin y canadian space agency hasta china y india me siguieron a culiacan sinaloa mexico en 2019 llego el 3 de mayo ✝️ Moncef Badiy Askri "Buddy" "Momo" Hombre Heterosexual y Catolico tunesino canadiense nacido en canada sangre arabe, Berber, Espanol, Portugues, Frances, Roma, Mongolia y Aleman todo el mundo estan parte de simulaciones en el mundo y historias lactividad del cerebro ellos receptivo a technologia 🌎🚀🛰👩‍🚀👨‍⚕️🎬👨‍💻🖥👻🪶🗣🧠👽.

  45. Snitching in sinaloa is no joke
    Many more will fall due to MAYO

  46. Aquí sigo en el camino
    Muy afortunado soy
    Soy amigo del amigo
    Y no tengo distinción
    Con todos me encuentro
    Siempre al millón
    Cuántas cosas han pasado
    Pero nunca me he quebrado
    Sigo al frente con mi gente
    Y también con mis cuñados
    M-Gordo y Serafin son extrañados
    Los consejos de mí padre
    Por siempre los he escuchado
    Siempre evita los problemas
    Y no ser de más confiado
    Le doy gracias a mi Dios que has regresado
    Siempre pensando en que hacer
    Hay negocios que atender
    Culiacán es mi terreno
    Y en el charco me han de ver
    Me gusta ser responsable
    Es mi deber
    Me relajo fácilmente
    Con música de acordión
    Félix me la pasó siempre
    Escuchando un corridon
    O también con una bonita canción
    Compa Charly le agradezco
    El apoyo que me da
    A Don Mayo mis respetos
    Un ejemplo de humildad
    Con la empresa
    Mi firmeza y mi lealtad

  47. Definitely a set up by mayo and his plea deal.

  48. El Mayo going to work already? If this guy makes it across the border he’s singing no doubt about it unless he’s the fall guy but dudes with the money this guy was moving are not built for prison

  49. 🤣🤣🤣 tiene panza de niño con lombrizes y chichis de perra que apenas pario

    1. Óooorale personal trainer.

    2. 6:43 te enamorarias de mi si vieras paps, pero no le hago a barro porque me embarro

  50. Mayo Zambada and Vicente Zambada still snitching and giving up info ….

    1. If it's "them or me", I'll pick ME every time.
      You know you would too!!
      Would you rather be in prison and get respected for not snitching, or be free as a bird and be labeled a rat?
      We're not discussing about a videogame here, were talking about hard time in the penitentiary!

  51. El chavo : Edición Especial

  52. Doubt he was “given up” how things are the last thing any side wants is to lose personel, its so hot in cln that marina is patrolling and if you get caught you get caught…

  53. Mayos had the military on their side. The only way this could've happened is if Chapos paid them more for this arrest. Highest bidder always wins you know. The military is most loyal to cash and not cartels. Another thing that could've happened is that Chavo Felix did something to piss off the military. Only time will tell what happened. If he gets an extradition order to the U.S I wonder how fast he will start snitching everyone else. Nuff Said!!!

  54. The truth is Mayos just with one of their big armed wings grupo flechas are too much for Chapos . Once they start bringing in more grupo flechas thats when they really mean buisness .Grupo flechas wiped out CJNG and took the whole state of Zacatecas pretty much ,plus control the state of Durango . That’s two states under this armed wing and are advancing in Nayarit a third state . Chapos think Mayos are going all out and the reality is their barely starting …Chapos are already scared .Its clear Mayos hold more power than Chapos , that’s why chapos have only been defending because that’s all they can do.

    1. 1055 LOL man come back down to reality.

    2. Negative. Cabreras are just an armed wing and are sponsored by Mayo. They don’t have no real pull with the major Mexican government.

    3. Cdg cdn and other groups in zacatecas.

  55. Dice un compañero 🦇 que lloro mucho en el helicóptero el chavalo. Que parecia doñita. Lo puso el hijo del mayo. Dio el pitazo.

  56. Mayo’s faction is done! Doesn’t take a eye surgeon to see that. Don mencho the new king of Mexico. The new M grande.

  57. Flaco either turned him in cause he kept cheating on Teresa and also as a gift to the government or government running w chapos he’s a huge fish

  58. Puro michoacan bali🦋

    1. Pura genti de José Torres,Bali.

  59. Gobierno balanceando la ajedrez con los de ariba que juegan con los de abajo..

  60. JOSE AVENDANO ****.

  61. yo se los habia una grerra entre dos facciones que antes estuvieron juntos..cada uno conoce los secretos del otro grupo...terminaran acabandose y vendiendose al mejor postor,aqui en culiacan todo mundo los conocia,antes grandes fiestas,ferraris,lucian armas.etc.SE ACABARAN COMO PERROS HAMBRIENTOS..Y ESTO ES SOLO EL COMIENZO

  62. These stupid fools are getting caught and mecho is sitting back laughing. 😂😂😂

  63. So in the middle of the so called war he is just living in the city of culiacan that supposedly is chapitos territory?

    1. In Quila not in the city. Beside Salado

  64. Que chingoas Anda en culiacan si sabe que arde ...Deverian andar se en las montanas de Durango para que no caiga.parecen novatos

  65. Donde estaban el joto de Samuela y los demonias 😂😂😂 valen verga los mz

  66. The only way the guzman clan can handle their enemies is with help from the government and by kissing thee ass of the jaliscas.

    1. Chapos and Mayos have the same modus operandi, with out the help from the government those two crew would of been wiped out already by any other cartel, you can tell on how they know exactly were every is but dont do shit, they send the government, and the government is taking brives from both cells, 🤣 you can not be this stupid

    2. The jaliscas thing is fake nobody cares for them

  67. Anyone associated to mayo better start getting on there knees begging for forgivenes and a job elsewhere hmmm chapitos cuz everyone going down like in goodfellas thx to that rat mz

  68. I told you they'd catch that fool !! 😹

  69. He turned himself in.
    This was a coordinated surrender.
    Mayos are weak weak weak

  70. Ahora si va estar como el chavo llore y llore pipipipipi pipipipipi

  71. Watching a CDS war is like watching a Disney musical, nothing but singing

  72. Y el comanche ???? Jaja no k brincan en breve
    Y el dinero no que tenían dinero jaja pobres muertos de hambre
    Pura 🍕

    1. No ahí dinerito hasta aquí me llegó el olor a pobreza

  73. Should have stayed in Peñasco, Culiacán is Chaputo territory with halcones everywhere. Trying to go through the city low profile like Cheyo was never going to work no matter how much power he had. Ojalá lo suelten con una feria ya que soltaron al Güerito de los ChapoZs, los verdes de 🪖están con el que suelte más 💵💰

    1. You know nothing. Quila is south of Culiacan deep in mayo territory. His own people snitched him out.

    2. No ahí dinerito el arreglo es antes de medios de comunicación si no tienen nada bueno que ofrecer vas pal DF

    3. Lla salio su foto, lla no lo pueden soltar, al jotito lo soltaron porque todavia no publicavan su foto, por eso a los grandes capos no les gustan las fotos

  74. Everyone is suggesting that there's some type of snitching going on... if there was, how would you know? Only way I could see that happening is, you either know people in direct contact with the U.S agents handling the case, or you're representing Mayo Zambada. I dont care how well connected you think you are, or that you've been following Anabel Hernandez before she moved to the U.S, chances are your accusations are about as good as anyones .. Now how about this for change. The governments efforts are showing results. Maybe just maybe, the government patrolling and flying drones over the city for the past 4 or 5 years is what has resulted in so many high profile captures. See, you guys are so set on bad mouthing Mexico, that anytime we see successful advances, youre quick to look at any and every other scenario but the one thats right in front of your face.. I swear, some of these comments just go to show how uniformed BB readers are. Es obvio que pa ya sabes que no se estudia.

    1. That’s cause the government in all forms in Mexico has continued to be in bed with Narcos since the beginning.

    2. 827 under AMLO's administration we saw the most captures and extraditions of high profile druglords than all of the previous administrations combined, dispite his "abrazos no balazos" catchphrase. So what does the U.S do with these extradited kingpins? Witness protection and a slap on the wrist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  75. For those that do not know. Quila is important because it is in the middle of 15 libre and 15 cuota. West of el Salado, North of Estacion Obispo/Pueblos Unidos, South of Costa Rica and East of El Dorado. He was overseeing to support and hold down security measures in El Dorado and Costa Rica.

  76. If heavy hitters are not hiding in mountains they reside between the 15s. Different getaways. East has mountains and west Sea. Many hide out in Fishing boats. Which is why South of Culiacan to Maza there are many heavy low key people.

    1. You’ve seen these “heavy low key” people that no one else can seem to find?

    2. 825 Many of them bud. No one seems to take me serious. Their loss. Consequently, higher ups on US soil already have a plan.

  77. I think el ruso going to switch flags. If he becomes BLO or CjNG either cartel will control Mexicali. I don’t think checo will have enough weight to keep it. BLO will be the new jefes in culiacan by the end of the year. Then mochomo comes on time. That’s just my opinion and what I think.

    1. A sinaloense would never go to cjng not even a real cartel

    2. Bro mochomo is doing life in prison!

    3. 532 LOL bed time kid.

  78. If Mayo Flaco where to get arrested or kill who would be next in line in the Zambada cartel?

    1. If Mayo gordo 2 dies or gets arrested the hole MZ faction is gonna split into a few guys fighting for the top spot, they will be done, and by the looks of it, chapitos have the upper hand with this guys arrest

    2. Vicente will go back once there is a cleanse within MX government/cartels by the US. Vicente will run the organization under the guidance of his handlers in the US.

    3. I wonder if anybody's kids are in the game like Mayo Flácos kids or Serafins kids or Mayito Gordo or Vicentes kids I know El Pato and El Nene are in the game and there kids of one of Mayos daughter the one that was with Javier Diaz.

  79. This is what illicit investigations on X is claiming “Iván Archivaldo had been
    attempting to track "El Chavo Félix'5" movements in real-time, but it was difficult because he was moving quickly and with minimal security. In November, the Chapitos offered a reward of 3 million pesos, approximately 150,000 dollars, for anyone who could provide information on the whereabouts of "El Chavo Félix." Miraculously, National Guard personnel arrived on the afternoon of January 18,
    2025, at the house in Quilá where "El Chavo Félix" was hiding. The location had been leaked by the Chapitos, who apparently managed to have someone from the Zambada organization claim the reward and turn in "El Chavo Félix." This battle is all about snitching. Let the best snitch win.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Bro ilicit investigations just make up stories on the fly trust me not reliable

    2. 5:31 just posting what they posted. I believe he was betrayed or he arranged for his arrest. We will find out soon.

      RIP Gilbertona

    3. You think they would actually pay the pesos? They would kill him first for being a snitch. Can't win in that business unless you are near the top, and even then you still don't live long or if your lucky get locked up.

  80. The Sinaloa cartel is decimated! Don Mencho new king of Mexico and replaced mayo as el M grande!

    1. En Mexico ahora solo hay una M Grande y el es Señor Mencho!!!!

      E. Charles White!!!

    2. That guy is not even a real mafioso does not have anything on sinaloa

    3. 5:30 chapo double crossed him and still couldnt take him out, than Mencho took more than half of CDS plazas, now imagine if he actually "had something on sinaloas" 😂😂😂

  81. Possible Sheinbaum CJNG and Chapitos alliance to control and calm down Mexico.....

  82. El Mayo has been in talks with prosecutors for a plea deal. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with it

  83. Looks like Mayo is looking for a New son in las to me

  84. le llegaron al precio al marranazo del harfuchi, no esperaba menos del protegido de cardenas palomino discipulo de genaro garcia luna, el mero hueso de las ratas corruptas al servicio del narco

  85. No te acabes Durango


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