Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, January 17, 2025

Man who procured guns, ammo for Sinaloa Cartel sentenced to nearly 20 years

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Prosecutors said Keith Rodriguez Padilla obtained powerful guns and ammunition for the Valenzuela trafficking organization that was part of the Sinaloa Cartel

This information was posted by THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE 


JANUARY 14, 2025

When federal agents raided an Otay Mesa truck yard linked to the Sinaloa Cartel in 2020 they discovered more than $3 million in cash and more than 1,500 pounds of cocaine, as well as a tractor-trailer loaded with 20,000 rounds of .50-caliber ammunition, which is so powerful it can pierce a concrete wall, disable a vehicle or shoot down a helicopter.

Prosecutors alleged that ammunition was headed for Mexico, where drug trafficking groups have used .50-caliber machine guns and sniper rifles to try to outgun each other, as well as government security forces. Specifically, prosecutors said the ammunition seized in Otay Mesa was headed to a Sinaloa Cartel faction with deep roots in San Diego that was locked in a bloody internal power struggle with a rival bloc.

On Monday, the man who procured the 20,000 rounds of ammunition for the cartel, 39-year-old San Bernardino County resident Keith Octavio Rodriguez Padilla, was sentenced in San Diego federal court to 19 years and six months in prison.

Rodriguez, who prosecutors said used the moniker “Taliban,” pleaded guilty in 2023 to four federal conspiracy charges involving cocaine importation and distribution, money laundering and firearm and ammunition smuggling. He was prosecuted as part of a broader investigation into the Valenzuela Transnational Criminal Organization, which prosecutors described as “a significant component” of the Sinaloa Cartel.

“(Rodriguez) played a vital role supplying high-powered military grade ammunition to the (Valenzuela) TCO,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Sutton wrote in a sentencing memorandum

Federal agents raided an Otay Mesa truck yard in November 2020, discovering cash, drugs and some 20,000 rounds of .50-caliber ammunition. Keith Octavio Rodriguez Padilla admitted that he procured the ammunition for a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. (U.S. Attorney’s Office via U.S. District Court filing)

The probe of the Valenzuela organization, dubbed Operation Baja Metro, is an offshoot of Operation Narco Polo, an even larger and longer-running investigation of the Sinaloa Cartel. Prosecutors have charged hundreds of people linked to those investigations and secured guilty pleas from members of the Valenzuela family who have admitted to leading the crime group.

Authorities say that in 2020, Jorge Alberto Valenzuela Valenzuela and his sister Wuendi Valenzuela Valenzuela, a Chula Vista restaurateur, stepped up to lead the organization after the slaying of another brother who was the logistics and financial operator of a money laundering network for longtime Sinaloa kingpin Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. Since the 2016 arrest of Zambada’s longtime partner, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the Valenzuela organization and other factions of the Sinaloa Cartel loyal to Zambada have been locked in a vicious internal war with factions loyal to Guzmán’s sons, collectively known as Los Chapitos.

Defense attorney Megan Foster acknowledged in a sentencing memorandum that the Valenzuela faction of the cartel “is incredibly dangerous and responsible for unspeakable acts of violence, money laundering, and drug trafficking on both sides of the border.” But she argued that Rodriguez’s only role was sourcing ammunition for a contact who he only later learned was a “heavy hitter” in the cartel.

“Little did he know that said contact was extremely high up in a TCO being investigated by federal law enforcement officials,” Foster wrote. She said Rodriguez’s guilty plea to the cocaine and money laundering charges was based exclusively on that co-conspirator’s criminal activities, not any actions Rodriguez personally engaged in.

“Mr. Rodriguez never bought or sold drugs for the TCO,” Foster wrote. “He never laundered or transported any money for the TCO … He never committed a violent act on behalf of the cartel. He never built tunnels or flew planes or drove trucks for the TCO.”

But Sutton urged U.S. District Judge Andrew Schopler to not take Rodriguez’s conduct lightly, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement that Rodriguez and his co-conspirators supplied the Valenzuela organization with .50-caliber rifles, submachine guns, grenade launchers and “assault style rifles,” as well as tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

“The majority of firearms and ammunition trafficked into Mexico — including high caliber and assault weapons — are shipped from the United States,” Sutton wrote. “… These weapons and ammunition empower drug cartels to intimidate local communities, challenge state authority, and expand their deadly drug trade back into the United States. Tragically, some of these weapons and ammunition have been used against Mexican security forces bravely seeking to capture cartel leaders.”

Another man who admitted to supplying guns to the Valenzuela organization was sentenced in 2023 to 15 years in prison. Rodriguez’s lengthier sentence was based in part on his criminal history, which included two domestic violence convictions and qualified him as a “career offender.”

The leaders of the Valenzuela organization have pleaded guilty but not yet been sentenced. Jorge Valenzuela is scheduled to be sentenced in April while Wuendi Valenzuela is scheduled to be sentenced in June.


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  1. What the gin stores in Texas, Arizona and the rest bordering states? Can they be prosecuted for selling high powered rifles to cartels without background check? I guess not.

    1. "One drink of wine or two drinks of gin
      I'm lost in the ozone again"
      .. Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen

    2. Viva 2nd amendment, death and destruction!

    3. Wouldn’t that be equivalent to the US going after the companies in China making the fentanyl precursors!

    4. I love my gun rights i live in arizona and i keep my record clean so i always have that privlidge to buy whatever firearm i like ! So these idiots in mexico should be dismanteled by thier own goverment but if they need help im sure the US would help them clean up these dirt bags i love my rights as a human being and my US rights there has to be change on both sides of the border for this to be better americas (americas both sides north and south)

    5. I mean imagine if this whole contenant was one country north and south we would be a exagerating duper super extremely super power

    6. Never mind common sense,mexican nationals and families profiting and destroying mexico,blame the gringos ?

    7. @6:53 so you use ak47 or ar15 to hunt deer? Why arm people with mental health issues? You too smart for us. Magas are going to send US back to caveman eras.

  2. Kevin Toys and Ana Gastelum house attacked in Culiacan.

    4 Chapiza hitmen getting interrogated by MF forces in Mazatlan

    Famous casino in Culiacan burned. Allegedly belonged to IAG .


    1. I hope BB translates the interrogation of the 4 individuals

    2. Thank you for the links bro in the video where the Chapiza people are getting interrogated one claims he comes from Escobedo Nuevo Leon . That he was a deputy for the plaza boss . Seems like Chapitos are pulling people from other states too. Also this was probably Grupo Flechas recording.

    3. No pues está canija la cosa porque ya pasaron al otro mundo.

  3. But, but, but all the fools that adored AMLO, said that the guns are brought in by the manufacturer.
    Prime example that criminals, take them South into Mexico.
    AMLO tried using the manufacturer and lost. Who pulls the trigger when the criminal kills someone? The criminal or the manufacturer?

    1. But but but dude, they didn't say that. The only people you can fight are strawmen, and even then you flail.

    2. @But but but dude- Defending criticism of gun sellers by pretending it was all about manufacturers is just disingenuous, has the same twisted logic as Mexican traffickers saying they aren't forcing people to inject, cos they aren't the ones pushing the plunger, or banks taking millions knowing where the profits came from, because it isn't THEM that...
      Why do you never attack a real target?

  4. This guy gets a 20 year sentence and his bosses will flip and be out in 5 years.

    1. Thats because most of these guys are just followers! Want to belong to some bad ass cartel and look tough! Bosses give up these guys as soon as they can and walk!

    2. He should have stuck to just driving his RZR on the Bernardino trails with the rest of the Manguerones! Lol

    3. 8:05 If you are a criminal and your IQ its a little above avarage, you would realize working for CDS its only going one way, getting snitched on

    4. @ 3.18. Damn, That electric shock treatment for kids talking about snitching hasn't come in yet?

    5. 7:17 snitch detected

  5. Taking photos shows how stupid they are.They deserve to get caught.

  6. And the cartel leaders they sold them to only did 3 years and were allowed to stay in the states. Impressive

  7. Where and who Supplied the Taliban Culero?????💀🇲🇽☠️🇺🇸🐷

    1. No Taliban in Mexico.
      9:00 you need to study geography..
      Next you will say El Salvador is in Mexico lol.

    2. 1247 u need. To read the Article Dummy!!☠️

  8. Shrek from arsenal efectivo used to do the same, as well as Kartel music owner lol. Kartel music was in prison for a while , same cell block as Chino Antrax in SD.

  9. Fyi the Valenzuela and Mayo org snitched this supplier out. They forfeit the drugs and money and blamed him in exchange for a better CI deal. They keep operating and this guy was fucked. Snitchanomics

  10. Hay no!
    El era muy buen persona
    Lo amo


    1. This guy was a cartel wannabe scab and got sold out like most of the low-end guys! Why anyone would want to be like this guy is beyond me! Sucka!

  12. I just love all these idiots who take pictures of themselves and post it all over social media. They make the prosecutors jobs so easy to prove they are guilty. They love to show off because of ego. Maybe now the Mexican president can shut up and stop crying that we don't do anything to stop the flow of guns going down south. This is a major blow. Maybe now she can do her job and stop flow of fentanyl and illegal immigrants coming to America. Nuff Said!!!

    1. One moron down, thousands of idiots left to go. Another USA criminal who contributed to the ongoing drug war violence in México while safely living in his birth country. To the world's #1 drug consumers, my advice to you which is surprisingly easy to implement, is to just say no to drugs. No using or selling. It really is that easy. No need to be a dope fiend or wannabe drug dealer.

    2. That's the US's job. Does Turkey ask Syria for them to stop the flow of refugees? Didn't think so right.

    3. 2:30 that would put the pharmaceutical cartels out of business too.

  13. Being a cartel member doesnt really pay. Imagine having car fulls of cash but always running and hiding from authorities or rivals. You have to live life constantly in fear of being captured or killed. Not worth it no matter how much money they promise.

    1. Go in. Bang it out and invest elsewhere or work an 8-5pm and get wrecked with property taxes your whole life, mediocre retirement and enjoy a few years after 67. Possibly, raise kids that do not even appreciate what you do or have done to them. 90% of people are on this boat.

    2. 5:33 sounds like you’re projecting your sad and pathetic life and of those who surround you🫵🏼🤣

    3. 831 Stating 90% of people are fixed to that schedule does not mean “I” or “me” Also, do not be naive as in lobbyist does not exist, laundering within all banks, city hall corruption within small towns and cities. Corruption in construction permits in the billions, corporations staying clean off billions in taxes, insider trading and many more. You know who gets the D, middle class bud.

  14. Expose the gov who sells them the guns, not these clowns.

    1. From the photo, these were probably stolen from, not sold by, the US military. Which is not uncommon at all.

    2. 12:23🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yea cause innthe USA there is no corruption 😂😂😂😂😂

    3. More than likely, the ammunition was sold by government agents with a transponder inside, taking them to the warehouse where the dummies should’ve had exported and imported drugs In separate locations🙀🇺🇸🇲🇽☠️

    4. Every time the democrats are power shootings and gun flows also drug trafficking is on the rise... i hope this doesnt turn into a oliver north story all over again!!!

    5. 1223 wrong! Us military keeps up with EVERYTHING, you better ask a vet how meticulously they keep up with their weapons and ammo. This was purchased legally

    6. 10:49 boy politicians are all the same shit, just like every single cartel is the same shit

  15. He'll be out in 10.

    Nuff Said!

  16. Replies
    1. Arrest your mom for selling tamale's.

    2. 1:25 shit cauh, they didnt arrest Trump for his rape charge even though they found him guilty 🤷🏼‍♂️

  17. El Carnitas was also selling guns to El Ceviche. Crime pays.
    - Sho Nuff...nephew de Nuff Said.

  18. Yo, Sho Nuff, when you say you're the nephew of Nuff Said, are you bragging?
    Or complaining?!

  19. At least 15 years.
    Said Nuff!

  20. This is el hermano del “kaiman” i used to follow these fools on IG , always showing off and showing off guns and yacht parties in florida , they are from perris or riverside i think

  21. Make sure you get you Trump meme coin guys..... Trumps not a criminal at all......... RIP USA

  22. Was Pedron Antrax one of this family ?

  23. Everyone of them is fat and out of shape?

  24. como estos cabrones consiguen la clientela pues!, como conozco pendejos alucines que van y vienen, ni mueven un dedo ahi pasan de alucines, fiesteros, valeriatas, y pum en una borrachera o cualquier lugar de la nada conocen a un cliente que les agarra cantidad grande de mercancia y no les roban, alm y si el cliente les dura unos cuantos años terminan valiendo riata, parece que la misma vida les pone todo en faciles terminos cuando les da el regalo de gozar de las ganancias que vienen de negocios que vienen del sufrimiento ajeno.
    ahhhhh pero cuando le toca la suerte a un listo a un cabron con escuela, inteligencia, prudencia, astucia, etc se hace una macana xxl.

    mi gran pregunta es....
    que tienen de especial todos los pendejos que les va bien en la malandrinada si no traen colmillo pues.?

  25. Barak Obama supplied more military weapons to the Cartels than any one else.

  26. #Quila #Culiacán #Sinaloa
    Atentos posible captura de Juan Carlos Félix Gastélum “Chavo Félix” yerno del Mayo Zambada tras un operativo de las fuerzas armadas en Quila, Sinaloa 📍

  27. Supposedly Chavo feliz got captured

  28. Chavo felix captured

  29. Chavo Félix went DOWN

  30. The best president ever to serve the USA is out office on Monday . When and where Donald decides to shut down border .. drug prices are about to go up. Thats crazy how he influences a lot shit along the chain

    1. Watch the Mexican peso NOSEDIVE on Tuesday!
      You heard it here first!

    2. 6:04 Watch the USA economy tank from recession and high inflation this year and especially next year. If you bought that doncon meme coin you already took it up your hoyo sin fondo without K Y.

  31. Mis contactos en Mazatlan estan reportando la captura del Chavo Felix en Mocorito segun los rumores en el malecon de mazatlan .. u heard the news here first alv .. major blow to mayo flaco .. la chapiza is king !!

    1. Connor, Mocorito está lejos de Quila,

  32. Off topic,they caught chavo Felix!! U heard it here first

    1. This ain't Borderland Barbers, GTFO! 😹

    2. I want a Mohawk haircut, by famous BB barber Sol.

  33. Chavo Felix detiendo in Quila


  35. Where’s that same energy and criticism for these guys.
    Mexicans will flame no sabos and Mexicans that “only eat chicken” but where is that same attitude for people like these guys and Mexican-Americans that also facilitate the drug trade.

    1. He got broken off almost 20 years and will serve 15+. Family members of his will pass away, he'll mourn them in his cell. Partied hard and now will serve his sentence slow.

    2. La Barbie already has our “interests” you could say

    3. 8:56 
      Only applies to white,black gringos,but they basically hate everyone,puro haters

  36. Ariva la semilla del aguacate!

  37. Look out carteles, Nuffy has been hired to spearhead this campaign and he is now at work recruiting Sicario 006 to snitch inside info.

  38. He got off way too easy, 19 years for each gun he send south.

  39. El taliban Aka paisa
    Del vario Sur Rialto Play Boyz!!
    Y arriva la delinquencia


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