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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Singer Natanael Cano Cancels Concerts After Being Threatened by Los Mata Salas in Hermosillo, Sonora

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The performances in Jalisco were cancelled after the narcomanta was found in Hermosillo, Sonora on January 5. The group Los Mata Salas accused the artist and other singers of financially collaborating with Los Salazar, a breakaway cell in conflict with the Los Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Natanael Cano announced in a statement that he was canceling his performances on January 11 and 12 in Arandas, Jalisco, and at the León Fair, Guanajuato, respectively, citing “personal issues."

"To all my people, I am very sorry to inform you that due to personal reasons I will not be able to attend these shows. I love you all very much and thank you for all your support and understanding,” he shared on social media. 

The narco manta, was posted at a high school in Hermosillo, Sonora, not only mentioned Natanael Cano, but also Tito Torbellino Jr. and Javier Rosas , in addition to including local musical groups and influencers from cities such as Hermosillo, Guaymas, Ciudad Obregón and Navojoa.

The message threatened those artists to not to get involved in illegal activities. “This is not about making corridos, it is about collaborating financially and any illegal action. If you do not heed this warning, you will be shot,” the banner read.

In response, the singer shared an image of several blankets with his face on them on his Instagram stories, captioned "The only blankets that matter to me." The story was deleted a few minutes later, but the screenshots taken by some of his followers were spread on social media.

Sources Proceso, Infobae


  1. These nar-corrido artist don’t want to “learn.” Who remembers Remmy Valenzuela in Nayarit getting shot at while on stage performing in a Beltran Leyva wedding?

    1. El Halcón De la sierra , Chalino Sánchez , Tito Torbellino , Saúl Viera , just to name a few …

    2. So he got shot at a BLO Wedding.. i remember when i lived en Los Mochis The Mazatlecos recently won that plaza and one of the first narco coridos songs i would hear their was his songs about La Mochomera.. Los Mazatlecos y El Chapo Flores y El Gio. y El Botas Blancas.. Some security they had at a that event.. eLxBarrett

    3. The soldiers were the one who raided that Beltran Leyva party and Remmy Valenzuela did get hit but survived.

    4. Didn't he get shot because of el corrido cartel de las traiciones

    5. Saul Viera got shot outside of a Dennys in El Monte by the ex of his new girlfriend

    6. Saul viera was shot by a jealous bf from the girl he was smashing, he had bitches and was known as a player so his death was pussy related

    7. Saul Viera…. That wasn’t the reason for his death,

    8. We remember them cause they got shot and killed.

  2. No que no tronaba la pistolita. This kid is gonna get smoked soon. Will be seeing many concerts cancelled in the near future.

    RIP Gilbertona

  3. These type of singers need to only perform in the U.S in order to survive. Performing in Mexico is playing with fire. Not to mention that the pay is way better up here. You get paid in dollars and not in the super weak peso. The Mexican chicks are also just a little heavier down there. Nuff Said!!!

    1. I have a feeling you’re on the heavier side as well lmao

    2. Mexican women from northwestern mexico are significantly better looking than Mexican-american women and the rest of Mexican women. You obviously have bad taste.

  4. So Chapo Trini's guys killed Tito Torebllino Jr. Dad in 2014? In Obregon right

  5. RIP Tito El Torbellino RIP Valentin Elizalde RIP Chalino Sanchez

  6. No que no tenía miedo pues jajaj. No le saque mi torcido.

  7. Only in Mexico will the terrorist enforce the rule of law rather than the law itself. No secrets all these young artist are lavanderias.

  8. Chalino & Tito both got killed by quinteros nata can be next

  9. Pinche mugroso. No que muy verga?


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