Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The La Mayiza Criminal Group Release Audio Broadcast Calling Out Ruben Rocha Moya Governor Of Sinaloa For Supporting La Chapiza Cartel And Claim Jose Angel Canobbio Inzunza Was Freed By Sinaloa Government

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

JANUARY 24, 2025


The top aide or secretary of El Comanche once again released an audio broadcast criticizing La Chapiza members and the Sinaloa government. El Comanche is a high-ranking member of the "Mayo Zambada" criminal organization, which is led by Ismael Zambada Sicairos, "Mayito Flaco" son of Ismael Zambada Garcia. 

Sinaloa has seen a wave of violent events in recent days, and what has become clear for the Sinaloan people is the Governor of Sinaloa Ruben Rocha Moya has to step down from his position. Although Ruben Rocha Moya seems to have the support from the Mexican federal government, the people of Sinaloa believe otherwise. 

The following audio broadcast by the secretary of El Comanche claims that Ruben Rocha Moya is supporting La Chapiza, and freed Jose Angel Canobbio Inzunza, "El Guerito" principal lieutenant of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar from a recent military operation. 

El Comanche and his brother McKlein are leading operations against the La Chapiza Cartel in Culiacan, Sinaloa, with the blessing of Ismael Zambada Sicairos. 


Hello there Chapo Zetas. Hello there Chapo Zetas. You’re no longer Chapo Zetas. Now, you guys are child killers. Despicable pigs, swine, murderers of innocents. All of that crying that you’re doing with Mayito Flaco. Blaming us for killing innocent civilians. When you know damn well that it was you guys who killed those two kids recently. 

Filthy pigs. On top of this Rocha Moya is covering for your mob. It’s clearly evident with everyone he let go. Case in point would be for El Mórral and Jose Angel. They were detained and released afterwards. This conflict of ours will never end. We know that Rocha Moya is shielding your cartel. 

The following goes for that coward JL. Commander Comanche wants to battle you. Just say the word whenever you’re ready for this. We can meet up for that confrontation in the same manner that we’ve done it out in the community of Elota. Those gunmen that we have out there will engage you. 

They’re not much for small talk but will come out to war against you. Unlike you guys who just run your mouths over the radios while asking that we come closer towards you. We’re already aware that you guys are nothing more than filthy pigs. It took the killing of innocent civilians for us to come out looking for your gang of fucking pigs. 

You’re better off giving support to your personnel out in Elota since we’re slowly taking them out. Go out there and help your shooters out instead of challenging Comanche. We’ve already demonstrated for you faggots that we’re not afraid. Stop doing that childish shit of hanging narco messages claiming we’re responsible.  

All of the citizens, the townspeople, know that you scumbag vermin are all supported by the government of Rocha Moya. Soon enough your charade will come to an end. Keep killing women and children. 

This communique goes out specifically to all of the women out there. Pay close attention. Every female that’s giving the Chapo Zetas aid at the drug spots, gambling dens, acting as guides in patrol vehicles while the gunmen maintain a safe distance behind them. You seem to think that we’re not aware of what’s actually going on. 

But the thing is that we’ve got it all figured out already. Stop engaging in bullshit. You’re better off doing something else with your lives. Otherwise, bad things will happen to you. The filthy pigs labels thrown our way will be the only thing used in your defense. You’re each responsible for the harm that comes your way for having helped out these scumbags. 

Step away from these matters while you still can. This conflict is man versus man. Between Chapo operatives and Mayos. Only men can engage in this war. Come on out for that armed confrontation whenever you guys are ready. You scumbag murderers of children should already know that we’re on the outskirts of town. Not within the city limits. Long live Mayito Flaco! We hold no fear you fucking faggots. 


  1. Replies
    1. That guy comanchichis underling sounds like a straight comadre he’s always on that radaion always saying the same shit over and over they need a new spoke person someone needs to cut his tongue 👅 out. He’s kinda annoying.

    2. Yup, because CDs Los chupitas never snitch.

    3. All your beloved Sinaloans snitch and rat. Especially the top tier guys.

    4. 8:45
      Are you SURE they're rats?
      Not doubting you, but had never heard anybody suggest that on this site before!

    5. @8.45 and 6.29. You still don't get it. They are ALL "rats", that is how it works. If they weren't they wouldn't be in business, because they wouldn't get the protection they needed.

  2. Poor Mayas are crying like their rat daddy Maya Zambada wasnt snitching on Macho Prieto and Ondeado and Arturo Beltran to the Government/DEA

  3. Replies
    1. Alfredillo is on the run and needs a new ride🤪

    2. Ivan Archivaldo for president!

  4. The mf people killed those two kids. They thought it was a woman with pistoleros in the car. They gave themselves away with this radio snitchaton. When they mention and warn women about being lookouts. Disgusting 🤢 child killers.

  5. Only Trump can save 🇲🇽

    1. Trump will pardon all criminals!

    2. MAGA isnt welcomed here

    3. 1217 instead of accepting ayuda de Tromp, you will suffer more. You are a stupid ass

    4. 9:46 Acual ayuda. Empty rhetoric. Help yourself and your loved ones by not consuming prohibited drugs. Personal responsibility. That's what the Republican party used to be about.

    5. Funny shit,trump gets them every time lmfao,

  6. Who's winning the war so far?

    1. hard to say. neither side is all in yet they are fighting with a fraction of their total strength, still focusing on other states at the same time.

    2. The war is tied up, we're going into sudden death overtime

    3. Del lado donde está el gobierno de ahí es donde está el que va ganando

  7. Didn't they storm a government building in culiacan this week?

  8. The one thing in the audio that I totally agree with is the last part. The part that says they should step out of the city for a confrontation cartel vs cartel only. This would solve the war in one day without innocent civilians being killed. The U.S would know exactly where they are from our Elon Musk high powered satellites in space. Once the hitmen are out of the city we can send in our cruise missiles and blast them all away! Nuff Said!!!

    1. So many weirdos on BB now with different personas fuck is goin on ?

    2. Be careful what you wish for, Nuff.
      If all the malandros get bombed, and that's the end of the cartels, Borderland Beat goes out of business!
      Which means you'll lose access to your adoring flock of followers, and be left only with the loyal lady Buffy to listen to you rehash the glorious battles of your superhero days, and THAT will grow old fast! 😃.

    3. Nuffy say no to drugs wey. The US doesn't rely on Elon Musk's technology to deliver payloads to its enemies. That technology is independent buddy.

    4. @255
      Well, you got your Nuff Said!!!, then you got a Nuff Said!!, with only 2 exclamation points, Nuff said, and Sho Nuff Said is the new kid on the block.
      Pretending to be Rubio NYC fell out of favor, yet different incarnations of Connor/Conor/Connie still chugging along.
      As a board-certified mental health professional, it frightens me to think that there might be only one No Period Niño out there!
      Semper Fi
      Enough Stated!!!!!

    5. ''Enough Stated!!!!!''
      Freudian slip or what ? Are you the real ?
      Sheeit cant even believe people on BB

    6. That’s because it isn’t a war!!!!

      It’s a big front to genocide and terrorize the people!!

  9. The informant Zambada family knows all the dirty tactics and backstabbing tricks

  10. De q se quejan y señalan?
    Culichis lacras

    1. Puro culichilango pawer papa 💪🏼! Tashas y perico!!!

  11. Why is a Central American incharge of a Mexican DTO? Sinaloas need other countriws to survive i guess

    1. 100% with you, the guy talking sounds really Central American

  12. They talk about the murder of women, then threaten them with murder in the same breath. They need the people onside but its amazing that they think people in Culiacan are as dumb as they are.

  13. Damn bro the Mayitas stay snitching

  14. 1:46 need to stop the hating!

  15. El comanche y su hermano son jotos culones ay tengo unos videos de ese puto llorandole a su vieja cuando lo engañó

    1. Ve y diles y enséñale el video , sino lo haces es que el culon eres tú mi amigo. Cualquiera puede difamar . Pero no cualquiera lo puede demostrar.

  16. What a lame ass logo.. looks like a donkey for one.

  17. Moncef Badiy Askri “Momo”February 4, 2025 at 10:44 PM

    Currently at the el nomada hostel in Asuncion, Paraguay listening to AI communications muslims still following me through Latin America simulating even some guests at the hostel from turkey the other group from iran, chechnya, saudi arabia and the uae who I yelled at a few years ago in tijuana mexico the prince of saudi arabias family also there cousins from the uae are still using my brain activity after ratting on everybody lying and impersonating me calling themselves “Momo” “Buddy Askri” even on 33 tons of cocaine operations ended november 19 a few years ago the AI communication I was listening to was the prince of saudi arabia panicking and communicating that me Moncef Badiy Askri “Buddy” “Momo” is who they say I am and guided everybody and that my brain activity is with the bosses in Latin America and that there waiting to carry out all the operations and after transform to be me Moncef Badiy Askri “Buddy” “Momo” using neuroscientists like rachel summers from america also AI engineers andrej karpathy from tesla, christopher manning AI engineer from america and steve wozniak who promised they could transform them to be Moncef Badiy Askri “Buddy” “Momo” his real brain activity that they used his whole life in Hollywood now where in 2025 after destroying everybody’s lives again in Sinaloa Mexico which the same families did impersonating me in 2013 when I was living in pereira colombia bankrupting El Chapo Guzman and lying listening and communicating with kimbal musk and his pals same garbage people lying and contradicting themselves with there friends mark zuckerberg, jeff bezos and his brother, tim cook and his family, sundar pichai and his group, mackenzie scott and chelsey manning, elon musk and grimes with there trans militants also vivian and justine wilson from the wilson family who lied the whole time after communicating for there heartfelt story that they convinced there 🐝 elon musk to be gay with them when it was the opposite he was gay the whole time simulating and spying on everybody putting up all of those satelites to be able to find any human beings brain activity on this planet and be able to listen to it and communicate for it using technology also being able to transform and steal other peoples identity’s and lie about spirituality and all of these different stories they simulated with there group for there inclusion stories for the lgbt community to take over humanity also for the colonization of mars stories horrifying how weak I am physically because of people who lied and stayed with my brain activity also my brain activity not speaking any languages I speak tesla neuralink along with metaverse using my brain activity in farsi, arabic, hebrew, indian, pakistani , chechnyan and maybe other languages but the communication I keep hearing keeps explaining that they could using my brain activity for other peoples stories and personal lives who speak those languages I could barely talk tonight properly because of the khan, ben ladens, king of morocco and prince of saudi arabia being with my brain activity when the man from turkey was having a conversation with me physically at the nomada hostel in Asuncion, Paraguay even the other muslims communicating the past few years when I was in sao paulo, porto alegre and rio de janeiro were lying and communicating and simulating chaos with the Sinaloa, CJNG “Mencho” , Gulf Cartel, Farc “Other Factions” , ELN “Minus ☮️ process also robbing and stealing from them with foos gone wild also space x and starlink satelites even carrying out operations for reward money ratting on 3000 people in nogales, mexico and La Eme and the Sinaloa Cartel even confusing and causing chaos with El Mayo and Joaquin Guzman Lopez while laughing out of las vegas with the film industry and other posts they have through Latin America with the film industry’s and neuroscientists, AI engineers also the directory and watching everybody’s locations and brain activities switching lives with people without them even noticing it

    1. lay off the drugs. people with adhd like you should not be using meth. your obessions and wierdo behavior are exacerbated when all tweaked out. litterly you have to much free time. you could be doing something productive like actually bieng a contributor reporter. i bet if you put your mind to it instead of writing nonsense you could be a good as any editor on here. and i hope you seek help. i pray for you and for you to overcome your meth addiction.


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