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Monday, January 20, 2025

Trump Signs Executive Order Designating Cartels and Certain Gangs as Foreign Terrorist Organizations

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Among the nearly hundred Executive Orders signed by newly inaugurated President Donald Trump on his first afternoon in office included an order to designate Mexican Cartels and other groups as FTOs, or Foreign Terrorist Organizations. 

This designation had been touted often during his first administration and when campaigning for both subsequent elections. Searching through Borderland Beat archives, Congress has been exploring this idea of designating the cartels as terrorists since at least 2012.

On a news post from outlining his first priorities in office, Trump stated:

President Trump will begin the process of designating cartels, including the dangerous Tren de Aragua, as foreign terrorist organizations and use the Alien Enemies Act to remove them.

Currently, many of the Mexican cartels as well as several gangs are classified as Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) which open them up to law enforcement action and economic sanctions for anyone doing business with them.

The Executive Action does not specifically call out any cartels. Only providing the basis for those to be designated should they fit the criteria. Transnational Criminal Organizations are mentioned which include only the Sinaloa Cartel and CJNG.

Tren de Aragua has not been deemed a cartel in the same sense as those based in Mexico and other countries, including the Cartel del Sol in Venezuela which consists of high level military and government leaders. Currently, a $25 million reward is offered for the pseudo President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro related to charges of 'narco-terrorism'. Several MS-13 gang members have been charged with aiding 'narco-terrorism' as well.

Tom Homan, the incoming Trump administration ‘Border Czar has stated that the cartels would see US military force combating them. “They have killed more Americans than every terrorist organization in the world and Trump is committed to calling them terrorist organizations and using the full might of the United States Special Operations to take them out.”

After declaring Mexican cartels as Foreign Terror Organizations, President Trump was asked if he'd send US Special Forces to Mexico to take them out. 

"Could happen," he said. "Stranger things have happened."

Terrorist Designations Versus Kingpin Act

The Kingpin Act, already in place, targets specific individuals and companies in clearly defined, specific cases in Mexico and other countries. Criminal groups are not legally constituted entities, which makes them more difficult to identify or track.

In contrast, an FTO designation includes the criminal groups themselves into the Office of Foreign Assets Control OFAC list making membership or affiliation alone justification for sanctions and prosecution. Texas named cartels as FTOs in 2022 on a statewide level.

One of the primary differences, as outlined in previous Borderland Beat articles is the ability to for military force and intervention as part of the mandate on the Global War on Terrorism which began following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Charges for those financially or materially supporting drug cartels would now be considered supporting terrorism and carry much longer sentences than simply violating sanctions imposed on the cartel members.

Cartel members are now to be considered by US authorities as terrorists. Those, whether voluntarily or forced to work with and pay protection to cartel groups would be considered to be materially supporting terrorism as opposed to possible victims.

Material Support for Terrorists

The new designations would provide prosecutors extraterritorial jurisdiction under US law to target cartel members operating abroad. It also allows prosecution of anyone providing “material support” to the cartels. Beyond those subject to violating sanctions.

This would include thousands upon thousands of those affiliated with and doing business for cartels, including drug mules, lookouts, money launderers, public officials, law enforcement officers, and even drug users. The penalties, should the support result in a fatality, could include up to Life in prison and up to a $125,000 fine.

Migrants paying cartels for passage across or even to the US border would be providing material support making them ineligible for asylum and subject to quicker deportation or possible charges.

Those paying a piso or protection, or possibly even a kidnapping ransom would knowingly be funding cartel operations and providing material support to the cartel groups and gangs being designated.

Overall, it would increase the scope of possible prosecutions beyond cartel leadership and possibly add more to terrorist watch lists.

Broader Implications for Mexican People

Designating Mexican cartels as FTOs will have political, national security and diplomatic implications. Analysts and the media have been increasingly focusing on these. But it will also have a large impact for businesses related to Mexico.

These designations will mean that any payments made by a company to cartel-affiliated organizations or individuals, and any logistical assistance provided to them, could be seen as material support of terrorist organizations.

For the last 10 years, the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico has conducted yearly surveys among its member companies on public safety. The results of the 2024 survey suggest that extorsion from organized crime is a pervasive issue in Mexico.
  • 12% reported that "organized crime has taken partial control of the sales, distribution and/or pricing of their goods.”
  • 45% stated that they had received extortion demands for protection payments.
  • With FTO designations in place, extortion payments, even if made under duress, could be considered “material support” to terrorist organizations.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq., the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA),50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq. it is hereby ordered:

The order creates a process by which certain international cartels "The Cartels" and other organizations will be designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

International cartels constitute a national-security threat beyond that posed by traditional organized crime, with activities encompassing:
  1. Convergence between themselves and a range of extra-hemispheric actors, from designated foreign-terror organizations to antagonistic foreign governments;

  2. Complex adaptive systems, characteristic of entities engaged in insurgency and asymmetric warfare; and

  3. infiltration into foreign governments across the Western Hemisphere.
The Cartels have engaged in a campaign of violence and terror throughout the Western Hemisphere that has not only destabilized countries with significant importance for our national interests but also flooded the United States with deadly drugs, violent criminals, and vicious gangs.

The Cartels functionally control, through a campaign of assassination, terror, rape, and brute force nearly all illegal traffic across the southern border of the United States. In certain portions of Mexico, they function as quasi-governmental entities, controlling nearly all aspects of society. 

The Cartels’ activities threaten the safety of the American people, the security of the United States, and the stability of the international order in the Western Hemisphere. Their activities, proximity to, and incursions into the physical territory of the United States pose an unacceptable national security risk to the United States.

Other transnational organizations, such as Tren de Aragua (TdA) and La Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) pose similar threats to the United States. Their campaigns of violence and terror in the United States and internationally are extraordinarily violent, vicious, and similarly threaten the stability of the international order in the Western Hemisphere.

The Cartels and other transnational organizations, such as TdA and MS-13, operate both within and outside the United States. They present an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. I hereby declare a national emergency, under IEEPA, to deal with those threats.

Policy & Actions

It is the policy of the United States to ensure the total elimination of these organizations’ presence in the United States and their ability to threaten the territory, safety, and security of the United States through their extraterritorial command-and-control structures, thereby protecting the American people and the territorial integrity of the United States.

Within 14 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of State shall take all appropriate action, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence, to make a recommendation regarding the designation of any cartel or other organization described as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

Within 14 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take all appropriate action, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to make operational preparations regarding the implementation of any decision I make to invoke the Alien Enemies Act in relation to the existence of any qualifying invasion or predatory incursion against the territory of the United States by a qualifying actor, and to prepare such facilities as necessary to expedite the removal of those who may be designated under this order.


  1. Ojalá solo sea algo parecido al Plan Colombia y no una intervención militar directa. Si no, la cosa se puede poner más fea de lo que está.

    1. Que arremangue todo el pais mexicano. Pinches indios no sirven para nada ocupan sentir la verga como sintieron los de iraq y afghanistan.

    2. @10:55 Que arremangue a tppbm primero

    3. 10:55 tú sigue mamando y esprimiendo verga. Para eso eres #1

    4. Will be hilarious when Sheriff Trump's DOJ starts labelling Mexican politicians as terrorists and arresting them! Just maybe Sheriff Trump can transform Mexico from a 3rd world sheethole to a modern civilized nation! Will be tough but if the Mexican people support him it can happen!

    5. @10:55 Es curioso que me digas indio y luego uses la palabra "arremangue". Y no, no todos vamos a sufrir las consecuencias de los que votaron por Shitbaum y Dump.

    6. Indio de centro América hablando de indios de México. Los que no sirven para nada son los países que caen abajo de México. Ningún país menos Brazil se encuentra cerca a lo que hace México en dinero y exportes.

    7. y tu 10:55 eres el primero en linea para ser penetrado pinche nopal 🌵

    8. Todos los envidiosos salen , a Mexico le van a pelar la verga . De que se murieron los quemados . Que pase la ley que quiera ese wey a Mexico no se mete.

    9. 1:38 what a stupid comment! Mexico is fucked because of the u.s, nothing is going to change you’re in idiot if don’t think the u.s supports and arms the cartels

    10. @10:55 pm seremos indios aki en Mexico pero recuerda que UN indio le metio la verga a TU mama y de ahi saliste TU . Pendejo y aki esperemos a tus pinches gringos pa mandartelos en una caja pa atras.

    11. @1:38 you must be one of those mush for brains with a pudding backbone who murders, rapes and sling drugs! Truther is right when the majority of Mexicans would heil Trump if he wiped out all the lowlife cartels! El Salvador roundup and housed in a extra super max would be a good start!

    12. Óooorale escandinavo

    13. Q arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrranque ya

    14. Mama la verge mamalon. Let the shit show begin boys, woooooohooooooo!

    15. Alot of Mexico is fu-cked cause the tops dawgs there are corrupt and have no balls to stand up to anybody so they turn into f Ing lil puppets

  2. Trump wants war with everybody, but he’s going to commit the same error an Austrian man did in the early 1940s by trying to take everybody out.

    1. 9:48

      Except with China and Russia. He's always been petrified of them .

    2. China owns lands and has people here, Russia has people plus they could easily throw off the power grid I mean look at that the time a small group of Russians hacked all of Las Vegas in less then 15 mins extorted them out of 100m and the US government swept that under the rug like nothing. Plus there’s a generation of young citizens that would easily switch sides and fight alongside Russia and China.

    3. US in not petrified of those countries, it’s a game of money, tariffs, production, and world stability; these are powerful countries and they have to play game.

    4. Will this affect the steady flow of drugs?

    5. Russia can’t even hmbeat Ukraine. Their a disgrace of a wanna be superpower. China is a more serious threat but the US knows war very well.

    6. 10:39 you asking it to be on watchlist by your your eyes bitch.🇮🇱🇩🇪🇺🇸

    7. The only reason why Russia hasn't won the war yet is because of weapons delivered from the west paid for by our tax money.

    8. Only IQ folks could admire or follow cartel leaders when they are all back-stabbing rats who turn to jello once american justice have them in their cement boxes! Watch out Sheriff Trump is coming for you so have plenty of extra pairs of underwear!

    9. @11 pm ignorance at its best . Not only did Russia take on Ukraine it took on NATO as well ! Please inform yourself before saying something like Russia can’t beat Ukraine .

    10. North Korean Gordito President, sent 100 hundreds of his Military to help Russia in the war, unfortunately they are being captured or killed.

    11. 10:52

      Nobody said the US. It was said that Trump is petrified.

    12. 1:08

      Remember when AMLO forced Trump to surrender Cienfuegos?

    13. 9:28
      Hum bug 🤔
      Amlo never forced Trump.
      Amlo s cabinet tricked the US government, that he would be tried at Mexican court, which was a clown circus, and Cienpedos was let go.

    14. @ 7:47 Youre a moron if you think russia can take the whole NATO all at once LMAO. Russia is struggling with ukraine alone, imagine all of NATO joining their forces, not only weapons but man power alone. Russia would fall in less than a month. The only thing thats stopping the west from removing the commies from power is their nukes.

    15. 7:56 lol no actual proof of that fake news

    16. 9:38 yes, I remember that drug lord wearing a military suite. Trump let him get away

    17. @11:11

      Mexico outsmarted the US by tricking them, forcing Trump to give up Cienfuegos. AMLO forced Trump.

    18. 12:16 dont forget Russia has china and north korea back up, that would be a world war and nobody wants that

    19. @10:39 is a little too smug and cocky to not be in the criminal underworld. we have you located pendejo.

    20. Singalo is right next to an ocean...The US will park an aircraft carrier of the coast of Mazatlan and direct operations from the Ocean. 25 percent tarrif plus frozen bank assets of the cartels will collapse the mexican peso. The people will then collapse the corrupt government funded by cartel money. Divide and conquer. New government will be a puppet for the Us Interest and destroy the cartels with US made weapons amd coordinated airstrikes.

  3. Can't wait to see a hellfire missile dropped on a cartel convoy

    1. Lmao keyboard warrior how come you don’t do anything yourself? You’d get your shit pushed in. All these trumptards literally suck off this clown and act like he’s the second coming of Christ.

    2. That's Koo foo

    3. Mencho just signed a similar order, deploying his anti-SEAL teams and anti-hellfire armored vehicles, all under the command of "el Sonic hedgehog ".

    4. Daddy about to turn Mexico into Iraq lol Que bueno

    5. Siempre tiene Que haber un pendejo!

    6. 10:01 Are you the diaper-boy designated by the cartels to respond to Trump! What! No videos from the cartel jello-leaders challenging Trump? Too busy changing their diapers!

    7. 9:50
      No period kid, keep dreaming. 😭

    8. 10:01 - U R a POS

    9. 10:29 PM Your daddy will get taken out watch

    10. 1:22 AM Trump is the one who wears diapers hahahaha He even has a guy he pays to change him when he craps google it

  4. Thank God! Finally.

    1. Looks like the US will be looked at as clowns by the world even more now that trump Is president . Let call blue red haha As much as you don’t like cartels you can’t call them terrorist because there’s a big difference . They are only in the buisness of making money . Trump will make a lot of new enemies for the US.

    2. 752 you sure as fuck don't live in Sinaloa then because what is happening here daily to the citizens is the definition of terrorism.

    3. @7:52 the motive doesn't matter, they still commit acts of terror against innocent civilians moron. I wish the Mexican government would irradicate these scums or atleast keep them in check. you know. Like stick to trafficking? But they like to extort people trying to make a living.

    4. 7:52 AM Trump wont make it the 4 years, too many enemies

    5. @11.22. It is NOT the definition of terrorism. A community living in terror does not mean that the people forcing them to live that way are "terrorists". They are murderers and drug traffickers, and laws exist to combat them. When a serial killer is forcing women to stay home in fear he isn't a terrorist, he's a serial killer. This new designation has nothing to do with drug trafficking.

    6. @12.19. You think motive doesn't matter when defining the crime of terrorism? It's the only thing that matters. Let me ask you this- a man murders 50 people over a 5 week period and terrifies an entire community, but he's been laid off his job and suffers from paranoid delusions. Another man is working for an offshoot of Al Qaida and attempts to stab a woman in a mall to highlight the war in Gaza, but falls flat on his face and gets his ass kicked by passers by. One of them made people terrified, the other is a terrorist.

  5. Hopefully we see an AC130 over culiacan soon

    1. I hope to see it too. In Monterrey in San Pedro in Colonia del Valle all the US army officers took up residence last time America went down there. Hopefully this time they occupy Zapopan (valle real,bugambilias , palomar)and DF (Polanco,san geronimo , atizapan) as well. 2009 Fallujah battle updated to mexico in 2025 on Americas door step is going to be awesome. Provide payments for all sicario scalps. Soldiers of fortune 2k25 coming soon...

    2. Not at first, first they will impose tarris and freeze cartel money in mexican banks...this will collapse the peso. Maybe 1000 peso to the dollar or 270...either way the people wpuld then force out the government..

  6. This dude just want the oil mexico has. He’s just using cartels as an excuse to invade.

    1. There are like 5 states that produce more oil than Mexico has

    2. He ran on combating fentanyl and illegal immigrants which the cartel has their hands in, so I’m guessing that’s his main priority for Mexico. Second is a new trade deal

    3. Mexico doesn have significant oil reserves. Now Canada has signifcant oil reserves hense 51st state.

    4. He’s not smart enough to realize how bad this will backfire on him .

    5. I like how the comments and replies are smart and non ignorant. Happy to see this.

  7. White boys already dropping dead without using bullets

    1. Your dropping on the ground, with out using periods.

  8. He ain’t going do shit. If he tries to invade Mexico it’s not going to end good. Mexico will close its doors too, will probably join the brinks with china and Russia. Canada will probably join too. The US will be back in a recession( that’s what all Republicans want) cause its top 2 trade partners have 86 them.

    1. Canada is part of 5 eyes. Its an anglo nation. They would never go agaist their fellow anglos. Canada takes marching orders from DC .What a stupid comment canada backing up mexico. You must work at auto zone or a call center you brainless piss ant

    2. All Mexico has is cheaper labor than america. But other countries have even cheaper labor, so Mexico has zero negotiating power!

    3. 10:46 get off your knees and go wash your face. Move around… do something else

    4. Canada is a hoe country and will join the brink if it sees the US going down hill. Read the FN room pecker head. You must pop a squat to take a piss

    5. Delusional Alcuin’s Trump es tu papi mijo accept it

    6. No other country takes orders from DC . The US isn’t what it was anymore it’s not the superpower it once was . Trump is still trying to move like it is . China will get a lot new BRICS member with Trump in the presidency .

    7. @ big truther Right just cheap labor huh , it’s not like Mexico doesn’t have tons of resources in its country . Mexico will be better without the US . BRICS is the way to go! Hopefully Trump does all the stupid things he’s talking about to antagonize Mexico and push it to join BRICS .

    8. This comment section is funny. One if your in the cartel flee the US. Two 25 percent tarrif plus frozen cartel funds in mexican banks will collapse the mexican peso in about 2 months. Maybe 500 pesos to one dollar. That will force the people to overturn the government. Replacing it with a puppet regime loyal to the US and armed by the US....they will destroy the cartel with American military bases will be built in Mexico for a jumping off point into Panama

    9. Oh no, I hope he doesn't crash the economy. That would kill all of the incentives for beaner invasion and they may go back where they came from. I can't bare the thought.

  9. Guys all talk B/S fcken mama boy

  10. Designating Cartels and Certain Gangs as Foreign Terrorist Organizations now gives us the authorization to go after them inside of Mexico. Doing this was long over due. I will put on my Nuffy uniform and volunteer for the U.S military. I will soon be doing operations in your Mexican neighborhoods looking for cartels. If you see a man in a blue suit with a cape and a big "N" on his chest don't be afraid. Please offer me some free tacos. I will help to liberate you from the cartels! Nuff Said!!!

    1. There’s a difference between sicarios and cartel members

    2. Sniderbaum aka AMLO in a dress, will not allow that, as she is from the same party as AMLO was.

    3. Nuffy nuffy, come out and plaaaay!

  11. Drone strike #1 for Ivan in his hideout outside Culiacan 🎯👀.

  12. Hope Trump starts drone strike program like we have in the middle east. Every fucken convoy of vehicles should be a legitimate target. Find them and send a hellfire missile or something down there throats. Kill them all. More than 20 people together in a rural area? Drone strike for breakfast. Start with Michoacan Sinaloa Guerrero and Tamaulipas. What is mexico idiot army going to do. Not a damn thing. With existing assets in Lackland afb and Fort Huachuca and David Monthan we would change the total future of Mexico within 1 month . Maten a todos. Damn savage mexican morons look what we have on america door step.
    Drone strike time you mexican monkeys.... arrest rocha and cabeza de vaca a d every dirty politician. Take control of country steal their resources. Fujimori time.......

    1. Damn seek help dude

    2. Lmao don’t hit those keyboard too hard. All I know if I had you in the ring with me you wouldn’t even last a full round you’d be eating shit on the floor.

    3. @10:45 the trailer is still trashing lol

    4. @11:24 your low IQ and too many punches in the head has rendered you certified stupid!

    5. 10:45pm You are absolutely correct. We need to blast all of these scumbags. If we accidentally kill innocents too bad. That is the cost of war. That will be Mexico's fault for not dealing with the cartels before. Innocent Americans die everyday from fent

    6. You must be on the fent . You wanna be hick . Fuck trump

    7. @11:37 claro, muy fácil como no vives aquí. A la gente como tú deberían de enviarla a la guerra para ver que tanto duran. El 99% de la gente como tú no se anima

  13. It's about time we make Mexico an even bigger graveyard. God bless the USA!

    1. 10:53 please b the first one to invade Mexico or u just all talk

    2. The US wants a recession bad I guess . Sure go for it!

    3. When the U.S. has a war going on, everybody makes money, there's no recession.
      Study economics, then come back to comment!

    4. @10:57 that’s because they don’t go to war with their trading partner , you idiot . Study common sense .

  14. This will not be an actual “war” but it does declare going after cartels. US will NEVER invade MX… EVER. What will happen is a lot of movement of government officials gathering intel and working with MX counterparts to control the flow of drugs and hitting the cartels hard, whether MX wants it or not, they will be forced to cooperate. This is actually a smart move, for both countries, and MX is all about it… they are a failed country and the Sra. Presidenta is ok about it too. Have you seen how she talks and talks and then goes in line with what the US wants? It’s because of the tariffs that will be enforced on MX if she doesn’t play game.

    Oil? The US has MX by the balls due to the external debt… the US doesn’t take the oil, they just want to ensure that it is kept in MX. MX is also an extremely corrupt government and making business with China and Venezuela, Cuba, and other anti-US governments enhances the opportunity for the US to want more control since MX government doesn’t have it.

    1. 25% tariff all products coming up from Mex starting Feb 1 now Americans have to pay extra 25% not for drugs but Corn Chiles etc POS Don tariffs hurt the buyers(ordinary folks) not government or suppliers

    2. México external debt? STFU. LMAO. It's less than 50% GDP and maybe even less than that since México has a substantial informal economy. I know there's a bunch of whitewashed sellout pochos and lambeculo vendepatrias that would side with the gabachos in a war with México. But it's a pipe dream of all the drugs you addicts love.
      The irony of your comment is you'll default on your external debt and your paper economic power will collapse.

    3. @10:57 say no to prescription drugs

    4. That’s a bias statement. MX is not a failed country. Their economy is great and will get stronger. They produce a lot and export to various countries. China is invested in MX. Trump will ruin a lot of relationships because of his ego and US in the states will feel the hit. Remember that.

    5. Who da fuk said, he would invade Mexico? Are you on drugs? Of course that won't happen.


    6. You’ll see the control the Mexican government has once they are pushed to join BRICS . Trump isn’t smart enough to realize Mexico won’t be told what to do . He clearly doesn’t know how Mexicans are . “Has Mexico by the balls “ “whether Mx wants it or not “ haha that’s not how things work. No partner will accept and remain partners with someone who thinks like that . China will have a lot of new members in BRICS thanks to Trump

      Also if Mexico has many business deals with Russia and China it doesn’t mean it’s corrupt it just means they can do whatever the hell they want and don’t care what the US says.

    7. 8:24 yo yo you keep mentioning BRICS, that's in Europe, Mexico is no where near Europe, tell your mom to buy you a globe of the world.

    8. 200
      That's right, India, china, and Brazil are in Europe on my globe

    9. @2:00 pm Brazil is In BRICS , I don’t think Brazil is in Europe . Maybe in your globe it is . Genius .

    10. Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, China and South Africa make up the BRICS block with Ethiopia and some other countries but there are no Europeans in BRICS yet. Cheers

    11. @8:24 stay butthurt.

  15. Trump doesn’t want wars, he wants to end them.

  16. Bring out special units & mini-guns, aim for the burrito holes.

    1. @11:46 bring YB out then the one that should of flushed you

  17. This is not going to age well.

    1. Yeah For Mexico 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. It will be even worse for the US . China will gain a valuable member Mexico , so valuable that at one point it was the number one trading partner with the US .

  18. Mexico needs intervention, Mx Government needs to stop pretending like they have it all under control, They Dont! They lost a long time ago!

    1. The US has no control over the drug problem either with all the guns and money flowing back to Mexico not even mentioning all the addicts

  19. The purpose for war is always peace

  20. yo lo habia dicho aqui en borderland beat....pero la raza decia eres loco.vean al declarar org terroristas a los carteles mexicanos..tienen la facultad y obligacion de combatirlos mismo en territorio mexicano..y la neta trump enviara tropas a mexico..porque mi mexico se convirtio en territorio controlado por criminales ..el gobierno corrupto obedece a los grupos delictivos......eso era lo que querian ahi esta........................

    1. Y los gringos no son corruptos? También a Trump se le van a caer encima

    2. yeah baby marines they going soon to mexico babyy,,,shake but dont brake..and then CDS,JALISKAS AND OTHER ratones will be caugt..yeah baby,i love that.and then mencho mustra a los gringos que eres macho machomenos

  21. so now our fellow mexicans can come claim assylum as well not just venezuelans

  22. The white house nursery. Create jobs and push for higher wages. Get the price gougers,tax the billionaires and take care of the debt.

  23. Oye que lastima Mexico no hace nada y megusta los carteles. Que lastima AMLO jr ella no hace nada.

    If a Mexican government allows cartels to freely exist then that means the Mexican government is corrupted and derives value from murder, mayhem and drugs and slavery. The cartel owns the Mexican side of the US border. Es verdad AMLO y ahora Claudia, el AMLO jr, no hace nada.

    Mexico necesita un gobierno como El Salvador y pone todos los Sinaloa y CJNG pendejos en un almacen humano. Yo creo se pueden hace lo mismo en USA con GITMO! Pone todos carteles ayi. GITMO soy muy lejos, no hay ciudads, no hay senoritas, no hay internet, no hay tv, no hay nada o nadie. Ellos son solo humanos con nada. Haciendo un vida con nada. GITMO soy el infierno en la tierra para los carteles y la familia del carteles. Diga a ellos "sal se puede"! Si como no! Vayate!

  24. Trump is a joke. Imagine how many people he will have to arrest and prosecute. Where the money will come from? He’s already giving more tax breaks to the wealthy putting USA on more debt.

    1. this means they will kill them not arrest them. Good move

    2. 9:05 Lolz. Deportations of millions and war with México. Numbers matter. Think critically.

  25. About time too, lol at all the fan boys here crying the only people that are afraid of these fuckwits are the innocent people than have to live among them, they will fi ally feel what's its like to be afraid.

    1. You sound like a leva.

    2. Bro eliminate your little street gangs first before trying to take out Transnational Cartels that work with the governments , (and hold the key to who enters your country .) In the past the arrangement was you guys can bring drugs just make sure no terrorist enter the US , now imagine trying to destroy the people that actually have the key to who enters the US . (Believe it or not Cartels prevented terrorist from entering the US ), as crazy as that sounds it’s true . Who know what will happen if the US government wants to destroy them. They have so many tunnels by the time the US finds all of them , well let’s just say the US won’t be able to find all of them .

    3. Yeah but that little key trick will only work once...once they smuggle terrorist to hurt the US then you will have the full weight of the US military with absolute justification to seize territory and depose the government. Your taking 8000 m1 Abrams, 5 aircraft carriers, thousands and thousands of drones, the largest icmb missle fleet in the world, subs, frog teams, amphibious marine landings, airborne operations into mexico city, a fleet of c130 gunships. A10s II's up the ass, along with 200,000 army regulars trained in mountain urban and dessert warfare...and AMC can deploy 100,000 men plus assets anywhere I the world in 24 hrs...

    4. 10:47 it doesn’t matter all your technology doesn’t matter , plus a large portion of your best soldiers/ marines are of Mexican descent . Just look at Israel vs Palestine . Plus theres millions of Mexicans inside the US already . It won’t be a walk in the park attacking a pacifist country like Mexico . China , Russia , and many countries previously allied to the U.S. would support Mexico Militarily either by providing weapons or drones or even militarily . Has the US ever been in a war where they would have casualties inside their country ? I’m assuming they haven’t . It’s easy to travel to the other side of the world and attack/ bully small countries , not so easy attacking a neighbor that’s loved all around the world . Yes , Mexico gets along with everyone for a reason . Worldwide Mexico has more Allies arguably than any other country. Latin America , China , Russia are just some examples .

  26. every nation has a right and duty to defend itself from any and all threats. The failure of a government to do that and do it seriously is a betrayal and a crime. I have no problem with cruise missiles targeting ranches in Sinaloa or Columbia for example

    1. 7:06
      Do you have any idea how much a cruise missile costs?

    2. One tomahawk cruise missile costs close to $2 million dollars

    3. Do you know what the economic burden on America is from the 100,000 deaths per year attributed to the illicit fentanyl market controlled by Mexican DTOs?

  27. The problem with Trump and other people is the blame game. USA has a mass amount of drug addicts and the cash to pay for drugs. You need to curve the drug addiction as much as fighting the drug trade. Also, fentanyl doesn’t only come from Mexico.

    1. Hard to do that when cartels are bringing in 2000 kilo loads 6 times a week...when you can get fentnyl cheaper than eggs and milk, there is a massive problem...shit look at mexican drug addiction proble....I've seen mexico's ridiculous

  28. If force is used i hope it doesn't have the 2006 calderon effect and cause more suffering on the good people of mexico.

    1. thee are good people in Mexico?

    2. 9:05 AM - Your Mom is a cantina hooker. Does that mean all women are cantina hookers like your Mom? What a stupid question.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Va pegarle una emparejada a mexico todos van a caer Asta los musicos por aser corridos a grupos terroristas PURO PAIZA POWER!!!!

  30. Va a limpiar culican cincho por andar asiendo video de youtube y diciendo que ahi ay mucho narco ahi luego todas las tiendas buenas ahi se van a secar como maimi en los 80 todo por los youtubers

  31. Donde estas Sicario006? . Dont cry when Delta Force and DEVGRU Team 6 operators have you surrounded !

  32. Question:
    How will invading American forces know how to differentiate between the good Mexicans and the bad Mexicans?
    Kill 'em all, and let god sort them out! 🥹🤔😹

  33. The US needs to start from the top and work its way down and get busy real busy


  35. will this effect the music industry? Ban visas for those signing corridos ?

    1. Exactly my question. So will Peso Pluma no longer be paid in the US to put on shows promoting narco culture when he can't even perform in Mexico anymore with Mayitos bounty on his head after the last flyer drop a week or two ago?
      I want to know how much Morgan Freeman was paid to sell his soul to the devil to narrate the glorification of murderers.

  36. If cartels are now terrorist organizations, people who buy drugs from them and people helping then in the US are terrorist associate and can be prosecuted for helping terrorists?

  37. Game over. Should’ve kept pushing coca, mota and H. Hell even meth was fine. They killed themselves pushing fenta. All these drug lords think they are smart and can see the future, but Greed got em. Bye bye

    1. 11:48 those were the good ol days when suppliers had that raw uncut dope from Pablo Escobar and all the good outdoor weed, too. The Mexicans fucked the drug trade.

  38. Although I would like corruption and drug trafficking to go away in Mexico, this is not the way I would want it to go down.. I wish the Mexican government would put their foot down and get rid of these cartel scum all on their own.. because they can. they show their might when they have to but corruption stops them from doing their job.. what USA doesn't realize is that if Mexico stops trafficking.. someone else will step up. the USA has a huge drug habit and that alone will cause someone else to keep feeding those fat burger losers.

    1. US has cartels to . Who sell dope out there ?? But you like to point your finger at mexico . There way more corruption inside the US government then anywhere else in da world. Lobbies are one . US prompts terrorist that kill women and children in Palestine.

    2. Yea but cartels aren’t killing people in broad daylight and taking over towns and having constant shootouts in the US. As far as Palestinians go, I have little pity for a group of ppl that sees non-Muslims as animals .. fuck them! I find it hilarious to hear these self-righteous comments talk by down on America yet your family probably sold e everything they had back home to get your sorry ass on US soil. If America is so bad, where else would you fucking go coward ?

  39. Love seeing these keyboard racists in the comments. That’s right let it all out, because like Tyson said “everybody talks shit until they get punched in the mouth. Yall would get your shit pushed in talking like that in person trust.

    1. Hillbilly Joe, you do racist comments too, you can't have it both ways.

    2. Hillbilly Joe, you do racist comments too, you can't have it both ways.

    3. Racist??? Stop talking about yourself

    4. 12:32 fuck u n fuck Trump too...

  40. Meanwhile 200,000 from Ukraine are granted asylum to the USA. Your Venezuelan no problem come through the asylum process.

  41. Trump acted tough on his entire life. He was born with silver spoon up his ass , and now he had secret service with him all the time. Captain bone spur dodge Vietnam draft. He’s a oussy to its core.

    1. He’s a coward just like his fanboys. You can send any of his racist trumpets to a hood here in the US and they ain’t getting out of there

    2. hoods are cowards,no problem to eliminate them. hoods dont fight,thry ambush unarmed victims,you aint shit.

  42. I don't get all these vatos. First they leave Mexico for US because cartels are choppin heads of their abuelas and now they act like the cartels are their favorite uncles. Ya'll pinches don't want Mexico free of violence???

    1. Same as the gangs in the black community in America. They love them and hate them but don’t want them to go anywhere because they think it’s their culture.

    2. Thank can't even travel from paint a to point b in mexico because you don't know which state you will be kidnapped, extorted, and's like a drunk person planned a road trip

  43. I think Trump would be more successful if he were to declare Mexico a natural disaster!

  44. As long as people like to take drugs it won't change

    1. people always have and always will. but if you legalise them then guess what, criminals don't control the industry. remember alcohol prohibition? yeah, it's like that

  45. Call Guadalajara. Then call Sanalona. Then call Tepito. Then call El Valle de TX. And tell'em this. The government you've been paying on is what's left you in a ditch. Then call Durango and say this. El pedo ha llegado tocar el avaniko.

  46. Chinguen su madre centro Americacas! Ustedes son el problema! Paren de llegar a Mexico pinches sucios hdp basura!! Viva Mexico culeros!!!

  47. Just think you get popped helping your Primo Eddy move 10G’s back to Mexico! Your going to be labeled as “ working with or for a Terrorist Org” your fucked! USA is going to take these Cartel Pussy Scum bags out and regain Control of the Drug Trade like they used to! Uncle Sam Doesn’t Like Competition!

  48. El Chorizo took thr next red eye flight out of Benito Juarez due to fears of Trump. On the same flight was los Huevos Esrellados cartel members. - Sho Nuff

  49. All I can say is Gitmo

  50. Please let Trump invade Mexico n before he knows it he will have China n Russia all over the southern border

  51. Que empieze en el norte y se valla para abajo arremangando parejo

  52. The muslims communicating "royal families" lied to there brain activities about spirituality and spiritual warfare they have a right to simulate violence and terrorism in america using these groups and after they suffer for there families being punished and killed after my brain activity and even videos and writings explains things properly to the groups also guiding them to keep order in the community not disorder my brain activity won to guide humanity and instead of the governments letting me go simulate and listen they used my brain activity for there stories with the royal families because my brain activity won over them and guided humanity better also my brain activity wouldnt stay to be gay with them for there inclusion stories to elect a gay president in america one day also for there colonization of mars stories with the film industries, tech companies and space agencies using my real brain activity and life story for there stories my brain activity being with nasa , the vatican , royal families , governments and celebrities since I was born and out of jealousy the ben ladens, khans and royal families stopped me from achieving anything because of there brain activities being there and being jealous of my brain activity winning and being aloud to stay anywheres and there families hiring neuroscientists, AI engineers and actors to follow my brain activity around simulating to guide them with my brain activity and personality also real life story my brain activity experienced with all of the celebrities, world leaders, royal families and filanthropists Im Moncef Badiy Askri "Buddy" "Momo" a Heterosexual Male and Catholic tunisian canadian born in canada arab, Berber, Spanish, Portugues, French, Roma, Mongolian and German Blood ✝️.

  53. Do you know what the economic burden on America is from the 100,000 deaths per year attributed to the illicit fentanyl market controlled by Mexican DTOs?:

    Estimated Costs:
    A study by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) estimated the overall economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal overdoses in the U.S. to be approximately $1 trillion annually, with fentanyl accounting for a significant share due to its prevalence in overdose deaths. The 100,000 deaths attributed to fentanyl-related overdoses alone contribute to billions of dollars in direct and indirect costs each year.

    The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) has estimated that the economic cost of a single opioid overdose fatality is approximately $9 million, which includes both tangible and intangible costs. Using this figure:

    100,000 deaths/year × $9 million = $900 billion/year in economic losses related to fentanyl-related deaths alone.

    Context of Mexican DTOs:
    Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), such as the Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco New Generation Cartel, control the majority of the illicit fentanyl entering the United States. These organizations leverage precursor chemicals from China to produce fentanyl and its analogs, smuggling them across the U.S.-Mexico border.

    The toll is not just economic—it affects public safety, national security, and the overall well-being of communities across the country. Addressing this crisis requires comprehensive efforts across public health, law enforcement, and international cooperation.

    1. Break down the 9million per death. Some of those people will not account to anything in their life. Most.

  54. Aww man, the USA looses almost $1 trillion a year due to illegal narcotics from Mexico. What a burden. What are we to do?

    Thank you Mr. President Trump!!!! Day 2 of your presidency is super presidential!

  55. Open season from space, intelligence, and special ops, on cartels and Corrupt Mexican officials.


  56. So Trump is ready to start a war with the cartels in which tons of American troops will die and nothing will change. The US will still have the demand for drugs

    1. No troops would die and he doesn’t even need troops to take out the cartels.

  57. Gonna be an interesting ride for sure. "machismo" vs. Machismo.


  59. A lot of top tier politicians in Mexico just got a target on their backs...

    1. The pendulum has swung. There will be a reckoning.

  60. For years cartels have been comparing genitals and barbarism amongst
    Themselves to see who is in charge. The fruits of their labor has destroyed societal balance.
    There is a reckoning coming.


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