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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

US Prosecutors In Talks with El Mayo for Plea Deal in New York

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

U.S. prosecutors said Wednesday that they’re discussing a potential plea deal with Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. Mayo also expressed his desire to retain his lawyer Frank Perez despite a possible conflict should Vincentillo Zambada be a potential witness in a future trial. Perez had defended Mayo's son before.

Assistant U.S. attorney Francisco Navarro said the plea discussions with Zambada, a leader of Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa cartel, haven’t borne fruit so far, but prosecutors want to keep trying. A judge scheduled an April 22 hearing for an update.

Zambada’s lead attorney, Frank Perez, declined to comment on the discussions.

Zambada was an attentive and active participant during Wednesday’s hearing, which focused on whether he wanted Perez to continue representing him even while also representing a potential government witness in the case — Zambada’s son Vicente Zambada.

“I don’t want a different attorney,” the father said through a court interpreter. “I want him, even though this could be a conflict if he represents me and my son.”

Zambada said he realized there could be problems with Perez representing him and his son — “for example, that he will have to hide information that he obtained from Vicente from me.”

U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan ultimately agreed that Perez could stay on the case, noting that Ismael Zambada also has other lawyers who could handle any piece of it relating to his son.

Artist's rendition of El Mayo and lawyers on January 15, 2024.

According to Mexican journalists who covered the second hearing of 'El Mayo' in Brooklyn, New York, Mayo showed that he was in better health, as he arrived at the courtroom without needing a wheelchair.

“It seems that the prison in the US has not been too bad for him. I'm not joking. He looks MUCH more recovered than in the photographs of his arrest or as he did at the first hearing to present charges. He even smiles at times,” described journalist Arturo Ángel Hernandez.

“He has dark hair that is combed back, with a gray beard. He does, however, limp. At times he joked and smiled at his lawyers,” Hernandez reported at the time.

Sources AP News, Infobae


  1. All this and all factions of his former organization crumble like a cookie. Smh

  2. Mayo is snitching!!!!! He wants to keep the same lawyer as vicentillo. They are reporting he is already making statements on Amlo. For this the Mexican government will go after and kill el mas gordo. You heard it here first . Also Ovidio and Cesar are snitching on Almo. Arriba el Cartel De los Sapos!!!!!!!

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Sapo power 💪🏼!!!!!!!

    2. I watched Anabel Hernandez on YouTube and she said Mini Lic being arrested has to do with Mayo snitching. Leave the writers alone. They are volunteers. We have come to love this site over the years and if you don't care for it, see you later.

    3. @1.01. "You heard it here first"? No dude, we heard it here last, like chinese whispers.
      I'm pretty sure that anyone following this case properly heard that bullshit from a dozen other people, without the "Snitching!!!!!!" flappy hand excitement, and the weird obsession with Gilbertona.

    4. A pinche Gilberta, ya te habías tardado.

    5. RIP Juanga Gabriel del mero paracuaro michoacan

    6. 4:23 when I say you heard it here first if true mayo is providing information on Almo best believe his son is done. He will get killed or be forced to turn himself to the USA.
      Arriba las putas Gilbertonas Ardidas lol.

      RIP Gilbertona

    7. No they are giving up drug routes and other crime families and according to insiders epn is about to go into hiding

    8. 7:54 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Gilbertonas thinking its only Michoacanos who dont like them, nobody likes you guys 😂

    9. 8:27 juangas really think people like them 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    10. 11:20 🤣🤣 Yes you Gilbertonas and Michoachangas are the same, thats why you dont get along with each other, the rest of Mexico laught at your asses 😂

    11. ''Yes you Gilbertonas and Michoachangas are the same,' nobody likes you guys''
      Keep it real tho keep it street fuck the play nice shit

    12. 5:32 👍 ok son

    13. @4:23 “we heard it here last, like chinese whispers” 🤣 I haven’t heard that one before but I love it.

    14. @4:23....“ No dude, we heard it here last, like chinese whispers." 🤣😭. I haven't left a comment on ANY website in like 10yrs+ now probably. But that my friend is pure GOLD fking brilliant and I'm stealing that shit too...thanks holmes I appreciate ya!! U got any more like that throw em up here!


  3. Sapo power 💪🏼 puerco power 💪🏼 corriente amas no poder power 💪🏼 en otras palabras puro sinaloa!

  4. This article proves it. Being in an American prison is better for your health rather than being in Mexico free. You hear that Mencha? Turn yourself in fast. Our prison hospitals will fix your kidney problem and you will be a new man just like good old Mayo here. Not to mention that you will be reunited with your dumb son Menchita. Nuff Said!!!

    1. How would you look after being roughed up and thrown in a plane at that age? The initial stress was a lot. The article proves nothing.


    3. Dude's cartoon image looks great compared to July arrest photos, 'Nuffy..
      Maybe he DID turn his own ass in for the top notch medical care the feds provide!
      When La Cosa Nostra rat Joe Valachi was being held in LaTuna, he had a makeshift kitchen setup and his handlers kept him happy and talking by bringing him delicacies, pungent Italian cheeses, salami and shit like that, you'd better believe MZ getting the same treatment, mangos, aguachiles, marlin en escabeche, etc..
      When Saddam Hussein was getting debriefed by his American captors, they appealed to his sweet tooth with dates and figs..
      Bye and bye, Stockholm syndrome sets in, you fall in love with your jailers and spill your guts..
      You can fight the law, but usually the law wins..

    4. Finally someone with common sense 🤔

    5. Mas bien sinaloa El estado de los sapos

    6. 4:45 orale 2 balls 🦎 lizard.

    7. I needed money cause I had none
      I fought the law and the law won
      I fought the law and the law won

    8. @ Nuff Said. What proves what? Mayo negotiating a deal that will take the death penalty off the table proves... What exactly? That being in a US prison is better for your health than being hunted in the mountains in your 70s? Damn, you just don't stop...

    9. 8:34pm Read the last part of the article dummy. The journalist writes that Mayo looks good in prison. Read before you attack a superhero. Nuff Said!!!

    10. @ Nuff Said. I'm S, and you're a naive kid. The article was from AP News and Infobae, and I still can't tell if you're serious. "THIS ARTICLE PROVES IT!!". Because a person who never saw him before says he looks better than the photo they saw going into the courthouse, all it means is that he looks better than when he'd been beaten and kidnapped. Dummy.

    11. @4.45. You have a lyrical turn of phrase lizard/lettuce dude, but comparing Valachi and Saddam with Mayo Zambada? There isn't a single point of crossover with either of them.

  5. I don’t think it’s the US prison that’s good for him, it’s that he’s not constantly hiding, running, moving around to remain free. Sometimes solitude is the best freedom.

  6. All those corridos they made for him and his army of fans that couldn't stop fawning all over his old ass will end with this chump ratting everyone out. Somehow I'm not surprised. 😂

    1. Good to hear from you Sol. #lovekindasucks

    2. Foo it’s 2025 and you’re still a hater smh

    3. 💯. Sending best wishes from your old stomping grounds near the ville. Good to see you doing well with your works and thanks for continuing to get the word out. Maybe things will turn around for the mexican citizens in the near future.

    4. He was kidnapped and flown here against his will by pinchi ratas and the Mexican estadio de Sinaloa so of course he is gonna lay it on thick about these traitors.

    5. Sol, go back to your little hole in the ground.

    6. Miss you brother. I'm waiting for you to come out of retirement. Nuff Said!!!

    7. 'Sol, go back to your little hole in the ground''
      At least he got off his arse and did something to help BB and the army of crying bitches here..You fuckers are the haters

    8. Fuck bitch made haters

    9. 😂😂😂 the funny thing is that now Sol does not get 1/2 the hate he use to get when La Gilbertona was a life, we all know the Gilbertona was the glue who kept CDS together, now that Sol talks shit about Mayo the Chaputitos cheerleaders dont hate on him and vice versa 😂😂😂

    10. A year ago this comment would of gotten 30 responds calling Sol a traumado, now he only get 10 😂 las Gilbertonas se partieron en 2

    11. 5:56 10 are chapiza 10 are Mayiza and the other 10 dont know who to cheer for, esas Gilbertonas andan todas traumadas

    12. That can't be Sol Prendido, must be an imposter. He'd never use the word "ratting". He was the dude who miseducated a generation about "snitching". The emoji is familiar though. Chuckle chuckle.

    13. Okay sole now you can luck Menchos nuts 🥜 in peace. We all know you’re a flames out cartel fan boy. You don’t have to keep posting cause your crush 😻 looks a little too obvious now.

    14. Maybe they round sole up in a few days after Trump takes office. Or you can hide in a tool box somewhere.

    15. 50 years in the game what else could he do…i wanna see you last 50 years in your career…probably not, your probably trynna retire by 55 with the snow flakes

  7. Everybody called Tekashi 69 a rat "he broke the street code ".
    Here you have a high level Cartel leader snitching. There is no street code! Its all BS

    99.9% of anyone faced with life in jail will snitch and" rat " .Its called survival.

    1. Alfredo Bletran didnt rat he knew the consequences and faced them and held to his balls didnt bring anyone down with him even though he got life at least he went out with his dignity

    2. 6:48
      Alfredo Beltran wasn't offered a deal to rat and when he was arrested he immediately ratted out a Colombian supplier and his own dead brother, blaming his siblings as the true leader. Mochomo is the saddest rat of all.

    3. Lol really i disnt know that happened wow im fucking mind fucked right now

    4. You cant rat on a dead man you fucking lemon and no, he did not rat on any suppliers.
      Dont judge others on just what you would do, spineless little maggot.


    5. @12:54

      Mochomo ratted on his dead brother even though charges cannot be brought upon the dead. In his testimony he said "the defendant defended that his role in the Beltrán Leyva cartel was limited to helping his brother Arturo Beltrán Leyva, who died in December 2009 and who, according to him, was the real leader of the cartel"

      What a sad desperate asshole! Blaming his own dead brother! And you're defending him?

      He also ratted on a Colombian supplier when he was caught. In the US court he admitted, also on record, that his cocaine suppliers were Colombian.

    6. 2:24 thats not snitching
      His brother was dead dummie,
      It's not like they are going to bring him back from the dead and put charges on him.

    7. @5:28

      Is English your primary language? Or, what's your level of experience with it? I thought the every first sentence @2:24 would avail any concerns you had about snitching on a dead man. If you cannot understand that simple sentence then I don't know what to tell you. Unless you want me to write to you as if you're an unusually dumb child, then I can. Good grief.

  8. There is no realistic possibility that he gets anything less than what will effectively be a life sentence. He’s too infamous. Even if he gives up good intel on Fox, Calderon, Peña Neto, and Lopez Obrador, Mayo will get at least 20 years.

    1. The US may not want that intel as they already have it.

    2. As a 70+ year old man myself, I can assure you 20 years will be a life sentence 🫤

    3. They’d just put him in witsec and say he’s serving his 25 year sentence.

      Not really hard to do from a govt standpoint. Keep public records showing he’s in jail when he isn’t.

      With someone this high profile it’s the only way

    4. Thankfully a life sentence for a cocaine addict like this guy and his age could be the next five years.

    5. 3:34 exactly, the USA already know all of that, but some high ranking USA guys might be in trouble, this is not good for them and are gonna end up killing Mayo and his family

    6. @6:16 I think you are mistaken in your understanding of serving a sentence in WitSec. If you are sentenced to 20 years and go into WitSec, you remain in prison until your sentence is reduced—you just stay on a WitSec wing. If Mayo enters WitSec and is sentenced to 20 years, he will remain in custody. Damaso Lopez is currently serving 15 years in WitSec.

  9. Arturo 'Botas Blanca' Beltran Leyva and his brothers will always stand tall in Mexica Mafia history as true cartle jefes who would either die in a shootout before surrendering or do their lengthy sentences before ratting! While, El mayo and his family will be despised for their ratting in Mexican Mafia history!

    1. @Big Truther,

      El Mochomo ratted out his Colombian supplier and even ratted on his own dead brother, putting the blame on him as the leader of their faction. He was not able to rat further because the US did not offer him a deal. Stop believing in fairytales.

    2. Bigger than mayo en chapo
      El jefe de las plazas for a reason f* these snitches

    3. 2:35 PM
      Yawnnnnn,write a heroic corrido about white boots and white tights El Botas Jefe de yawnn snore my hero

    4. Mayo was set up you dummy

    5. That's cartoon Scarface bullshit Big Truther. Arturo Beltran Leyva was assassinated by the security forces under Garcia Luna- he allied with Lazcano, kidnapped Luna and murdered Edgar Millan, the most powerful police figure in Mexico. It wasn't a blaze of glory, it was squalid.
      As for Alfredo, he wasn't given the option to "snitch" so don't pretend he stood up.

    6. Lol. Tranquilo alucin.

    7. Cubans cant handle the heat

    8. The Beltran Leyva were the only real ones

    9. They all died premature deaths and were decimated by these people.

    10. 2:35
      You need to think about your life and priorities.

    11. @2:35 almost all Mexicans tell

    12. 3:37 PM Arturo was the BLO boss. Mochomo accepted his life sentence like a boss, unlike Chapo who still bullshitting tryin to get free

    13. Amen bro even though i dont give a shit about these dudes and what they do but if i had respect for them the Beltrans in my opinion from sinaloa and caro quintero have showed to be real

    14. 12:55

      Arturo was the boss that's why Alfredo ratted him out saying his dead brother was the boss and accepting his sentence wasn't his choice. It was the courts who decided his fate. Mochomo is a rat and always will be.

    15. Everyone watched the Kazquillo doc.about ABL and are now experts on the subject!!!
      Btw, it's great!

    16. 11:23
      What's that? Sorry, I don't watch anything stupid.

    17. @11.23. At least he didn't comment underneath this time- "Arturo let that AK spray!!!"
      He still ended with that bullshit about Arturo going out in an honourable blaze of glory. If he titled his video "The Brutal Death Of A Cruel Paranoid Bully" it probably wouldn't have got so many clicks.

    18. @12.55. Alfredo accepted his sentence like a boss? LOL. You mean at his sentencing he didn't burst into tears and stamp his feet? He accepted it like somebody who had nothing to trade with the authorities that they didn't already know. He had no choice. Your bar for a Boss is low.

  10. If vicentillo going to testify against mayo or use his statements against him there’s no reason to keep a lawyer representing him. there’s a reason he’s going with vicentillos lawyer. He is cooperating. Either el menos visto aka el mas gordo is killed for mayos snitching by the government or he willfully turns himself in to the FBI/DEA. You heard it here first. While all these capos snitching you have all the dummies killing each other in Sinaloa. You can’t make this shit up lol.

    RIP Gilbertona

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. ''RIP Gilbertona''
      Flog that bitch get more mileage

    2. Bunch of idiots man el pastel was enough for everyone pero querian mas que los demas pendejos

    3. 6:57 you the no period nino pendejo.

    4. @12.49. Have you ever contributed anything here apart from pointing out grammatical mistakes while making grammatical mistakes? Are you the Gilbertona kid? Damn, that would make sense....

  11. Luis Chaparro on his X account is reporting that Hernan Domingo Ojeda Lopez “El Mero Mero who is Ovidios uncle and was arrested about a month ago. Has signed his extradition papers. Why would someone want to be extradited???? Arriba el Cartel De los Sapos!!!!!.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. No te da vergüenza che vieja

    2. Luis is 50% full of absolute dogshit non sense

    3. This rip gilbertona dude is annoying bb needs to ban his comments

    4. He is 50% right most the time and with all the sinalocas snitching I believe this to be true. We shall see. 4:39, 9:59 lo you can tell the Who’s a Gilbertona lol. Mayo snitched lol don’t get triggered ladies .

      RIP Gilbertona

    5. 9:59 I agree. That commenter and the "nuff said" guy are annoying. The "no period" person is without a doubt the worst! At least the other two have a little bit to say on the actual topic. People like them are why BB lost the real commenters, with actual info. Who wants to deal with all that as a response!?

    6. Yea i heard his talks and he gets alot of shit wrong pendejo

    7. 9:59 🤣 here we go with the banning, they should ban comments bitching about comments, like your littke bitch ass

    8. C,mon man,who getting banned who would be arsed moderating some of this shit,Char etc got the right idea fuck em..

  12. If Mayo cops a plea, he'll be sentenced, and it won't matter what his kid's got to say about him, does it?

  13. The Zambadas will rat you out in a fraction of a second, they are used to the good life and in prison only low level security facilities have perks and good services.

    1. Dude zambadas already ratted on you without you doing anything lol thats how fast they snitch fucking turd rats

  14. Be the way they arent all snitches and rats,mexican cartels take the cake for all that,no one beats them

  15. Va cantar como pajar la Mayonesa

  16. All that snitching is making him healthier. Just like his son Mayito Sapo 🐸

    1. Snitching gives him health points like in a video game lol

  17. Ariva michoacan 🦋🦋🦋

    1. Im about had it with you comment! Aqui puro 🦂 que picamos con la cola!!!

    2. Ariba santiago papasquiaro

    3. 4:51 Aguevo!!!! Los de Santiago picamos con la cola!!! Como todo buen alacran!!! Ajuuuuuaaaaa!!!!!

    4. Puro michoacan bali! Nos gusta la semilla del aguacate 🥑

    5. 9:47 Ajuaaaaa!!! Metanse el aguacate por el tiramaiz mientran nosotros los picamos con la cola!!!!! 🦂🦂 puro alacranes de durango compa!!! Nos encanta picar con la cola!!!

    6. 650 Puro Durango!! 🦂🌲

    7. 1:18 cuando nos juntamos para picarnos con la cola mi compa 🦂?

    8. 1145 mejor ay ke mirar las monarcas en el parke bale 🦋

  18. Mayo the new Buki singing 🎵

    1. All you guys would snitch ,stop acting like you wouldn’t . Facing life or snitch ? Yeah all you guys would snitch !

  19. Sicario 006 snitched! That puto!

  20. Replies
    1. Chapo didnt snitch

    2. Be patient like a good lad.
      If Chapo is really a Forbes billionaire like they say, he can buy a presidential pardon from the Donald, who takes office on Monday..
      Elon was being eyeballed for SEC violations, coughed up almost $300 million, now he's got a seat at the table..
      If charismatic guys like Elon and Chapo ever teamed up, there's no telling how far they could go!

  21. Buy but but, i thought mayo turn him self in, those deals should of already been made, plus there shouldnt be any war going on in Sinaloa! 🤣

    1. you thought wrong bozo.

    2. 5:23 somebody skiped the sarcasm class! 🙀

  22. We're going to get daddy or we're going to get son. Because family don't mean shit around here whether it be blood or not. In 1980 while in Lamesa TX we had to cut our vacation short because back in Cactus TX, Richard got plomoed nuka style. Walking out of his daddies bar.

    1. "Do you remember Cactus Texas, nothing but a wide space in the road
      Eighteen wheelers never go there, main street's just too narrow for the load"
      ..Waylon Jennings


    1. Politicians, military generals, banking industry leaders (money launderers).

  24. Arriba el Chapo Guzmán

    1. 6:10 el chapo tiene decadas snitching 💯.

      RIP Gilbertona

  25. Snitches will snitch.

  26. To those criticizing El Mayo, ask yourself this? What would you do if you were in his situation?

    Also, if they can get Amlo And other high profile generals and politicians and governors, could it change the status quo that’s been in Mexico since the early part of last century it could possibly do some damage to the drug trafficking network that’s been operating there since then. At least that’s the hope of the DC LE.
    Will it work? I have no idea, but that’s their plan. It would mean all these high profile kingpins would walk into Witsec and feds would go after politicos.

    They’ll never end drug trafficking. But they could significantly change the way traffickers operate in Mexico, assuming Claudia gets on board, which is definitely not a sure thing.

    1. @8:47

      I wouldn't be in his situation to begin with. I have better things to do than worry about that idiot Mayo.

    2. No way in hell they go after AMLO even with hard evidence. We all saw what happened with Cienfuegos. It would cause too many diplomatic issues.

  27. All the Gilbertonas defending Mayonesa is priceless lol. The reason you guys are annoyed by my comments is?? Exactly you sinalocas the truth is what it is.

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. 2:07 no le faltas el respeto a doña Gilbertita

    2. 8:54 Tienes razon! A Nustra santa Gilbertona nadie le falta al respeto! Era nuestra santa que aqui en Sinaloa nos mantenia juntos! Pero ahora que fallecio nos partio en dos! Entre Chapos y Mayos! Es mas yo no se a quien irle, quisiera que nuestra santa Gilbertona reviviera, voy a buscar las esferaz del dragon para revivivr a nuestra Santa Gilbertona!!! Hasta voy a pelear contra Goku para quitarle sus esferaz y regresarle a mi Sinaloa la paz que se merece, todo esto por nuestra Santa Gilbertona!!! MALDITA la hora cuando fallecio mi Santa Gilbertona!!!!! 🥹😭

    3. 6:04 😂🤣

      RIP Gilbertona

  28. Pinche viejo miedo, criminal, deberían de fusilarlo junto con toda su familia y dejarlos tirados como sapos reventados en el monte.

  29. We don't really want or care if they get amlo or any other high level Mexican politician. We care and want them to get people in their own government enabling all of this. USA politicians need to be punished for all of this.
    Attn: all of the people of mexico.

  30. What kind of deal could he possibly get .. he is stuck in a us prison until he dies so essentially there is no deal that will benefit him

    1. He’s ratting on los Chapo’s,know a lot about them

    2. Where you do your time is part of the deal..
      Freezing snow or nice weather, you wanna prison that's somewhat comfortable, because you're gonna be sitting there for the rest of your life!

  31. What happened to El Guano?

    1. 814. Sometimes in Acaponeta or neighboring areas besides his main area of control.

  32. He lost his aura, status, credibility. Chinolas have and will always be alucines

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. I know hes probably going nuts being locked up. All those years on the run living the high life. Now hes in a concrete box eating ramen noodles

    1. Ya got it wrong homie, TV dinners, warmed up by trustees in Orange jump suits. Other days ham and cheese sandwiches.

  35. At the end of the day, all big capos work with government.
    Vicentillo said it himself, cds were snitching on other cartels so they can get a pass to distribute. They all get little to no time in prison

  36. U heard here first!! Chavo felix got caught in Sinaloa,mayos son in law! Second in command

  37. All the next terrorist cartel guys just gonna get disappeared to Guantanamo. No charges, no trial no communication. Just a another missing terrorist.


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