Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Chapo Isidro, the boss who grew up under the watchful eye of the Army; Secretary Of Defense Of Mexico places him at the level of “El Mayo” and Caro Quintero

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by EL UNIVERSAL

Over the past two decades, the drug lord has expanded his sphere of influence into Sinaloa, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Durango and Nayarit. The Army places him on the same level as El Chapo Guzmán and El Mayo Zambada.

Chapo Isidro, the drug lord who grew up under the watchful eye of the Army. Illustration: by Ani Cortés

FEBRUARY 9, 2025 

Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, alias Chapo Isidro, or as some refer to him, the “other Chapo,” has just been listed by the FBI as one of the 10 most wanted criminals in the world, and is offering 5 million dollars, about 100 million pesos, for information leading to his arrest. He is considered the head of a “large-scale” organization. The United States government accuses him of introducing fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana into that country. With the designation that occurred just last Tuesday, Meza Flores entered the “big leagues” of international crime, however, in Mexico there is a history of almost two decades that precedes him and is recorded by military intelligence; it includes his arrest and release on at least four occasions and satellite images of the addresses where until a few years ago he took refuge in the mountains of Sinaloa.

In 2008, at just 25 years old, he assumed the war leadership of the Beltrán Leyva brothers' organization when they separated from the Sinaloa Cartel. At that time, the Beltráns began a battle against Joaquín Guzmán Loera, alias El Chapo, and Ismael Zambada García, alias El Mayo, similar to the one currently being fought by the Guzmáns and the Zambadas. These have been the two largest splits of the Cartel.

Just a few years later, on May 4, 2011, Chapo Isidro was arrested in Culiacán, accused of committing crimes against health, illegal deprivation of liberty, and violating the Federal Law Against Organized Crime, according to an identification card prepared in May 2020 by the General Adjutant of the Secretary of National Defense. However, he was released without detailing the reasons or the institutions that participated.

According to internal Sedena documents that can be consulted through the mega-leak of Guacamaya Leaks, in 2012 the Guzmán Loera and Zambada García factions managed to displace the Beltrán Leyva from Sinaloa, and established their hegemony in most of the municipalities of the state. And although they were seriously weakened, the Beltráns never really disappeared.

In that year, in parallel, the United States issued the first accusation against Meza Flores. It was filed in the Court for the District of Columbia.

Free and in operation, El Chapo Isidro established himself in the north of Sinaloa and took total control of the municipalities of Guasave and Sinaloa de Leyva. And although they tried hard, neither El Chapo nor El Mayo were able to take those territories from him.

While Chapo Isidro was increasing his military, logistical and political capabilities in the northern zone, he was arrested three more times in a period of two years, according to the same document from the Aide: on July 9, 2014, in Guasave; on August 8, 2014, in Ahome and on April 16, 2015, in Guasave again.

Beginning in 2016, Meza Flores' structure expanded its areas of operation to 13 of the now 20 municipalities of Sinaloa. He made sure to flank the state with a presence in the north, south, coast and mountains.

Due to his imminent growth, in 2018 the Army classified him as the leader of several criminal cells that operated not only in Sinaloa, but also in Sonora, Baja California Sur, Durango and Nayarit.

Although this drug lord had kept a low profile and that had helped him not to be heavily pursued by the authorities, as happened with El Chapo or El Mayo, on November 26, 2019, a federal indictment and a federal arrest warrant were issued against him in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Then came the production of fentanyl, the new great enemy of the United States and, according to the Mexican and American governments, Chapo Isidro also entered the manufacturing of the now famous blue tablets. In December 2024, the Mexican government seized a ton of fentanyl in Sinaloa, and it was immediately awarded to him. That, inevitably, put him on the priorities of the Mexican and American authorities.

For this work, dozens of emails, diagnoses and analyses of the security situation were reviewed. The reports were prepared by the Ministry of National Defense, the National Guard and the CERFI of the West and Northwest, intelligence centers that provide information to Sedena, the Ministry of the Navy, the Attorney General's Office, the Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection and the National Intelligence Center.

The reports track the movements of El Chapo Isidro. Year after year, they mapped his presence in the country, traced the sea and land routes he used for drug trafficking, and placed him on the same level of hierarchy as Joaquín Guzmán Loera, Ismael Zambada García, Rafael Caro Quintero and, in recent years, Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, alias El Chapito.

The FBI has included Meza Flores on its list of the 10 most wanted fugitives in the world. It is offering a reward of five million dollars, approximately 100 million Mexican pesos.

The takeoff
In February 2016, a document prepared by the Criminal Investigation Agency included Meza Flores among the 122 priority targets of the federal government. El Chapo Isidro was then eleventh on the list and was identified as the leader of the Beltrán Leyva organization in Sinaloa. That same year, the Sedena recorded that he was engaged in an intense dispute with the Sinaloa Cartel in other territories with the intention of extending his production areas beyond Guasave and Sinaloa de Leyva. In December 2017, the Third Military Region reported that Meza Flores had managed to enter the neighboring municipalities of El Fuerte, Ahome and Angostura, the latter two allowing him to have access to the Sinaloa coastline and, from there, create a new maritime route. It also began to establish itself in the mountainous area of ​​southern Sinaloa, in the municipalities of San Ignacio, Mazatlán, El Rosario and Escuinapa, places that share borders with Durango and Nayarit.

At that time, according to military intelligence documents, Meza Flores used a maritime route for drug trafficking that started in the port of Topolobampo, in the northern municipality of Ahome, then stopped in Bahía de Kino, in the municipality of Hermosillo, Sonora, and ended in Puerto Peñasco, very close to the border with Arizona.

At the end of 2018, the Sedena identified a new maritime route. With control of Ahome and Angostura, Meza Flores planned the trip to Loreto, Baja California Sur, through the Gulf of California.

As for the land route, Chapo Isidro has used Federal Highway Mexico 15, the most used to travel from Sinaloa to Sonora.

The combination of the surnames Meza Flores began to stand out in documents on drug trafficking and armed power in Durango, Nayarit and Baja California Sur. In a criminal diagnosis of the Western Region of Mexico, dated December 2018, the Sedena stated that Isidro was the leader of criminal cells that operated in the northern, central, northern coastal and mountain regions of Nayarit. Meanwhile, in Durango, the Third Military Region estimated that Meza Flores maintained a 15% presence in the state, especially in the mountain municipalities of San Dimas, Pueblo Nuevo and Mezquital, areas close to the south of Sinaloa and north of Nayarit.

In August 2022, an intelligence operation carried out by the Sedena and the United States government managed to obtain aerial images of the capo's location.

El Chapo Isidro had stopped being a local leader to become one of the major players in Mexican crime. By July 2019, the Sedena stated that the capo had formed the “Triple Alliance” in Baja California Sur, a union between the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel, the local organization “Los Renés” and himself. The objective of this meeting was to fight the Sinaloa Cartel for control of the municipalities of La Paz, Los Cabos, Comondú and Loreto.

The power accumulated by El Chapo Isidro already allowed him to fight different battles simultaneously. In that same year, but in Sonora, he sought control of drug trafficking and sales in Guaymas, another strategic municipality due to its location on the Pacific Ocean coast.

Between 2020 and 2021, Sedena reaffirmed Meza Flores' total control in Guasave and Sinaloa de Leyva, and added its partial presence in Choix, El Fuerte, Ahome, Angostura, Salvador Alvarado, Navolato, Concordia, San Ignacio, Mazatlán, Escuinapa and El Rosario.

The image was obtained after an overflight carried out by the United States government in coordination with the Sedena, according to internal Army documents.

Dozens of emails exchanged between the director of Air Operations and Customs and Border Protection Services of the United States and a high-ranking Sedena official, whose position was not identified, show an intelligence operation carried out by both countries between 2019 and 2022, in the first part of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

They called it Operation Mongoose, and it carried out overflights in Mexican territory with aircraft and pilots from the United States government through Sonora, Sinaloa and Nayarit. It also intercepted radio signals and recorded conversations.

On August 8, 2022, Operation Mongoose obtained two key images of El Chapo Isidro. Aerial photographs show a complex of 10 cabins located in the mountain community of El Batamote, Guasave, Sinaloa. Another image shows a country-style hacienda in the community of Estación Bamoa, Sinaloa de Leyva. The documents that contain the exact coordinates of the locations are titled “The house where Chapo Isidro slept” and “Chapo Isidro’s cabins.”

Today he is free, and is one of the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives.


  1. Sorry but this is ridiculous.

    1. Not a single word from Trump on how to fix American addiction to drugs.

    2. He should stand tall against these allegations and lay low.

    3. Why? Cause you think Mencho or Mayo or Quintero is stronger?

    4. Yes i believe everything the U.S and Mexican gob tells us..I also have a flying pig to sell,remember the Forbes article''Chapo one of the richest guys on the planet''many actually believed that shit

    5. 10:57
      So, we should believe you?

    6. @10:57

      Forbes never said that. What they actually said was that he was one of the most powerful, with a worth of 1.5 billion. What evidence do you have to the contrary?

    7. In 2008 el e01 should been about 16 years old maybe 15 growing up in the states quintero payan associate absolutely good people’s from what I’ve heard

    8. 120 there was no evidence that number was a estimate.

    9. 4:50

      What evidence was the estimate based upon?

    10. 10:57 Musk has nothing on Chapo, he facilitated way more people flying to space, in their own minds though.

    11. I remember the first time Joaquin escaped from jail, our family made a bbq. This goes deeper than the average Joe pushing or holding drugs for one.

    12. 1049 — RCQ has always been NUMERO UNO.. those who know, know.

    13. Get off is d!ck

    14. You didn't make no fukn bbq bs..símon el numero uno

  2. Replies
    1. Nah. He's loyal to his people.

    2. I doubt he established new territories or plazas, but he rebuilt areas that had atrophied from the war. The Americans have voice ids of virtually all cartel members and can lift them from any electronic device that sends a voice signal. So, they know who, when and where a cartel figure is speaking. Along with human intel it makes it easy to know where all the main players are located at any given time.

    3. They'll give him till November. Then most likely they'll pick him up. But someone big will fall this November. They always do.

      PS. Can we please stop posting about Tuechitlan. ;)

  3. Is he really helping Mayito Flaco against Los Chapitos?

    1. He’s MF compadre so there’s a possibility he’s helping him out.

  4. Not for long, once on the top ten list it's downhill from there.

  5. seems the us gov wants him alive and the mex gov doesn't want him spilling the beans. . . or maybe vice versa. . . Since July 2019 they started targeting him, maybe some fellas on the USA side started filtering information about him in 2020/2021 after all it's not fair to these narcos for someone to avoid law enforcement... these days they can implant a tracker in your nasal cavity and you won't know it. keep sniffing that smart dust tweedle dum and tweedle dee

  6. Close probably even impossible to last as long as Mayo. Hard record for mencho and Chapo Isidro to beat.

  7. From being Beltran’s bodyguard to being the leader of his cartel, not so easy and without making too much noise like the other leaders.

    1. He the leader of a cell. Not an entire cartel. Only 3 cartels real cartels in Mexico. That CDS CJNG and CDG

    2. Sorry but i have to correct you, cdg isnt a cartel anymore, it is splintered way too much. But you can add the cdn fellas.

  8. Will be interested to see who lasts longer without being killed or captured between Mencho , Iván , Alfredo , and Chapo I.

    1. Mencho ESTA muerto vato loco Marijuano.

    2. No Mencho lives in talpa de Allende with his new wife and has 2 girls with her who go to elementary school there I have family there

    3. 10:58 a true pinocilo/lair who you fooling, no period nino.

  9. El Cholo Ivan was his worst nightmare .

    1. And where is he right now exactly?

    2. LMAO.. CDS would fuck with him. They all ran from chalito also.

    3. And where is chalito. He was barbas gato. Now his dad was somebody but where is he too?

    4. Chapo Isidro y los Gonzalez hicieron correr al cholo ivan y a los anthrax varias veces el chapito Isidro era y sera su peor pesadilla Burrion y Tubutama testigos

    5. Those guys are dead. Chapo’s and mayos only win wars by snitching.

    6. Where’s the CDS you grew up to listening to their corridos? All dead and locked and ratting on each other. Sapo vs Rata. There’s a reason Ivanka y sus hermanitas no le entran contra MezaFlores 😂

    7. Say what ya want but Cholo Ivan took plazas from Isidro (Mazatlan y Mochis) Isidro was good at defense but he never came out of his areas or added to them

    8. Did you not read the article ? They’ve had surveillance on him for years he went form Guesave and sinoloa de Leyva to having a presence in choix, ahome, and angostura then later that year he expanded to San Ignacio, Mazatlán, El Rosario and Escuinapa, places that share borders with Durango and Nayarit. You mfs can’t read worth shit I think yall come on here read the title or heading and just comment non sense… dude been around over 20 years obviously he expanded over time

    9. 12:51 those plazas you named were plazas that’s been BLO since Arturo split up what they referring to as expanding influence is from him controlling one area to now controlling everything that was BLO, CDS tried to take plazas and he successfully defended northern Sinaloa for Arturo than Hector and now for himself

  10. Puro propaganda! Let's blame the little sinaloa handler while the real lobos go untouched with immunity! Their gringo handlers!

    1. 6:44 for all we know hes the one who orchesteated having chapos kid bombed or hes been telling on factions left and right so his can grow, you never know no one does

  11. Does anyone remember watching an actual video of possibly Chapo Isidro himself taking part in the Topolobampo massacre? It was short, they record themselves hiding out in a small hill on the side of the road and giving a discreet cheer to the camera.

    1. That was macaco and el 100 lieutenants of Chapo Isidro

    2. was macaco the one the black hawk lit up with the machine gun?

    3. The video was long but isidro was short.

    4. H2 was sprayed in Nayarit, it was messed up, then H9 by the helicopter, Macaco got killed when he escaped prison in Culiacan, was gonna switch sides to Ivans, He told his uncle his plan unce told Bajito Dro (Chapito Isidro) and well hes history.

  12. Why is there no report on mencho being bombed on. There reporting it on tik tok

  13. As long as chapo isidro doesn't go to a meeting with the chapitos he good.

  14. $100,000,000 pesos reward can buy a lifetime supply of masa, aciete, frijoles, coca-cola, y arroz!

    1. Tell me when has it been the last time, someone in Mexico collected on a reward?
      The person tipping the authority, gets taken to a room , cartel members get a call, they come in to the room, first thing..they cut his tongue, then the torture starts, then 💀 death, perhaps sliced up to.
      Seldom does Mexico make good on rewards.

    2. This just made me picture Mexico making the snitch claim the reward like a lotto ticket in the states. With all the press and an oversized check

  15. Open a taco stand Miriam.

  16. Tick tock mother fucker

    1. Cringe comment , acting like you’re part of seal team 6 lmao.

  17. I thought he took orders from el musico.

    1. @10.04. He does, or did- he's almost second tier in that network, but his reputation precedes him, and they might be trying to deter committed involvement in the Sinaloa war just by shining a light on him and upping the bounty, like a State manta- "Stay the fuck out of it. Atte. FBI."

    2. Musico lives in chihuahua

    3. @10:56 what part? It must be where Linea controls.

    4. He don’t take orders from no one. BLO is run by a 3 man counsel they have a map of the structure on BB when the treasury department made sanctions on them. and in the corridos they tell you Musico singing songs Sagittario with the bow and arrow and chapo Isidro at the front of the command.. the sanctions explain these 3 are all equal in power basically regional leaders.. Isidro has sinoloa, Sonora, Nayarit, Durango, Baja Cali sur… musico and Sagittario has Oaxaca, Guerro, Chiapas, Quintana Roo… but it’s been articles saying Sagittario is chapo Isidro’s chief of security

    5. It isn't really about "taking orders", its about power. As dumb as it is to try and list the most powerful in a complex network, "councils" can still have obvious leaders, and there are other official documents that put him beneath both his elder "partners". The US treasury is not a trustworthy source, because it's remit is narrow.

    6. Isidro doesn’t have no territory in Durango or Nayrit but he does have territory in Monterrey and all those other plazas you named.Musico has no territory in Guerrero,Chiapas but has a ranch in Chihuahua which really isn’t his territory it’s his hometown that is ran by Gente Nueva Salgueiro the three brothers El Che,el 37,and Heriberto but runs on plazas in those other areas as well and Sagittario is his personal security who is in a wheelchair and is in Sinaloa with Isidro but what area does Chuy Gonzalez run in Sinaloa ?

  18. Those cabanas are sick
    Is that for comfort or guests?

    I remember Isidro since people said he killed some of the Antrax, like Pancho Arce in Culiacan

  19. I give him 2 years, max.

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  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Dropped more bodies than everyone commenting here

    2. @5.56. That is one of the saddest comment I think I have ever read on BB. Somebody who thinks other dudes are jealous because they haven't murdered as many handcuffed young men as Chapo Isidro has. Fuck...

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Lmao say it in person pussy, all these pussy white boys only say shit like this online or to old folks but when you run into someone that’s with it you get knocked tf out real quick.

    2. Due u even know what a chilango means

    3. Ánimo delincuencia

    4. @4:39
      “Due”you know what a chilango means?
      “Due” you even know how to spell?

    5. @3:56
      Ok tough guy

    6. Gonna give you ass an old-fashioned internet beatdown!!! 😾😾😾

  24. Where was El musico during the blo war with cds

  25. I can't think of another trafficker who's legend is so out of synch with his actual power. It started with BLOs control of the local Mexican media years and years ago, got coaxed along by corridos and the myths surrounding 2 bloodbaths, and snowballed with Netflix. It got to the point where even Chivis was calling him a fascinating tactical genius because information was scarce and he'd co-opted the military to run offensive operations.

    1. The fact that he survived through all the wars and kept it low profile, adds to the legend. He never was hanging mantas, or talking on social media, he was just gunning it out.

      The thing was he went against the two legends, May and Chapo and not only survived, but prospered, to the point he probably wants to go back to when he was a nobody. After that OFAC sanction in December 2023, the pressure has been building.

      The best he can do is stop with the fentanyl, but I doubt it's that easy, when there is a whole eco system in Guasave, Bamoa, Sinaloa de Leyva relying on the M30's going north.

    2. 1:56PM you would think so, but the Beltran Organization has/had a good grip on the Laredo corridor and the Arizona/New Mexico corridor. If he leverages his "lo mas nuevo" product as ransom for what ever "capricho" he wants done itll be done. Translation he can send some crack head from Arizona / San Antonio/Dallas Utah/Chicago to whack some one if he chooses. Pay them in crack not money and tell them not to be brain washed ... the old cia trick

    3. @J. Nobody with real power was on social media back then, and no real boss uses it now. You're right though, it is rare to outlast the most powerful and still thrive. Guess it's about longevity then, like Mick Jagger.

    4. You sound like a weirdo.. you dont know nothing about chapo Isidro but what you read.. if the military, DEA and FBI got all these files and documents detailing his routes, his plazas, him expanding in 2017 and at war with CDS how are you gonna say there info is wrong ? Lmao 🤣 yall are slow or just don’t read.. this dude been on the come up since 2016 it’s a reason mayo brokered the truce with him and you don’t make the top 10 most wanted list.. same list osama bin Ladin was on and be a small fry! It’s self explanatory. They clearly know enough and got enough info about his operations to put him on the list.. he got hella territory in the golden triangle producing tons of heroin and fetnayl that’s why there after him.. the biggest bust in Mexico history was his 660 lbs and 800lbs in another house.. that kind of weight your definitely one of the biggest traffickers in Mexico..

    5. @1.18. I sound like a weirdo? I don't know where to begin. Your comment is all over the place dude. You tell me I don't know anything about Chapito Isidro but what I read, then tell me I just don't read? Osama Bin Laden, "Hella territory", the "Golden Triangle", the biggest bust in Mexico's history? Read something else.
      I wasn't calling him a nobody, I said I can't think of another trafficker whose reputation is so out of synch with his actual power, and if you don't understand why they are targeting him now you don't understand what's happening in Mexico.

  26. The name of the place the cabañas were at, Batamote, is the name for a plant called in English "Water Wally", or "Mule Fat".
    Has some medicinal value..
    Also known to grow in areas with abundant water, so maybe this hideout was a balenario.

  27. Trumps going to get this midget and make him mow his lawn.

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. @5:55 Hey at least 3:16 s comment made for a good chuckle

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Trump will give him a pardon then make him head of the d.e.a.

    5. All he has to do is give Trump a 5% kickback on the feddy loads and Trump will welcome him with open arms

  28. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Arriba Sergio Ramos y el Monterrey

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. As long as he don't go to a chapitos meeting he good

    1. If a Guzman wants a meeting tell him hell no.

  31. Looks like the US is trying to take down all of Sinaloa. They’ve been fly spy planes into northern Mexico very frequently lately. Like Navy Spy planes. Don’t believe me you can google it. Something serious is about to go down.

    1. Well good luck stopping the business, there’s still Russians the Japanese Albanians Italians and Chinese. Drugs are a big part of the economy even if they were to stop for a week the effects would be felt bad. the US economy is going to shit it’s only a matter of time before we’re in a depression not a recession. Ironic how people thought the failed businessman was better than Biden.

    2. 8:10
      Those surveillance planes are taking data and video and photos, their lenses can capture, a licence plate. Apparently you haven't read the recent article about it.....they are checking if Mexico is meeting their part of the agreement, to have soldiers posted at the borders.
      If not Trump will imply the temporary suspended Tartiffs.

    3. Trump gonna put tariffs on blue pills. He's gonna bankrupt the cartel

  32. SPY PLANES MAKING 18 Trips through northern Mexico::,The%20U.S.%20military%20has%20significantly%20increased%20its%20surveillance%20of%20Mexican,and%20three%20U.S.%20officials%20familiar

    1. Yep a P3 has been near TJ yesterday, doing sigint.

    2. The U.S planes are staying on their side of the border, Mexican airspace is not being violated (supposedly)

    3. Usa planes can fly on usa space and see miles deep into mexico. No need to fly over there.

    4. Back in the days they used commercial airline routes above 30000ft for sigint. Worked very weil, would think they do the same here.


    Can someone please translate this narco mantra from Los alemane ?

  34. Viva some short ass Mexican!


    1. maybe he was double crossing and they found out, maybe he was solid and no charges could stick to the teflon don or maybe he was allowed to play ball with the big boys and he needed help to get them out the way, no one really knows till that paper work is released. I personally think he was paying off both gov with money and information till they found out his little plan, now they both want him gone, but who knows.

    2. 1:48 it's mexico capos are arrested and released with bribes all the time.

    3. 11:54 he's allegedly responsible for that ton of fentanyl that was seized awhile back, that's most likely why he made fbi top 10.

    4. All big shots are snitches, Mayo, chapo specially

    5. 1042
      I was slinging pakalolo back in the day and tried to reassure my connect that I would never rat him out if I got myself in a pickle with the cops..
      I assured him that I knew in my heart he would never betray me either..
      He laughed in my face and replied:
      "I got 3 kids to think about, I'd give you up in a heartbeat if I had to!"

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. Connor relax, BB let's you post childish comments and now you're back stabbing.

    3. 7:58
      "A true friend stabs you in the front"
      ..Oscar Wilde 😸

  37. This guy is overrated, he is smart and low key but not on that level. He got ran out of jalisco by mencho but is pretty big in cuernavaca and sinaloa though

    1. You’re overrated. And overweight.

    2. 3:32 yup, 230 pounds all muscle baby girl

    3. 10:39
      I doubt it lady

    4. @3.32. LOL. Overweight is kinda funny in a thread about Chapito Isidro. You seen recent photos of him? He's 5 foot and spherical, push him and he'd roll then bounce down his mountain like a basketball.

  38. Puro paiza power!!!!

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. It is hard for me to understand why USA keeps on blaming others for their own problems. USA needs to fight the drug war on their country. Distribution and drug use is something they should work on.

  41. This guy's biggest mistake was to have the word "Chapo" in his name. The U.S will go after you if you have the name Chapo. It's like putting a red blanket in front of a bull. The only way for him to save his skin is to get a sex change and move to Europe like Emilio Perez. Nuff Said!!!

  42. I hate when dumb ass people comment on here and speak as if there opinions are factual! Who the fuck are you to say he hasn’t expanded into new areas ? His territory always been sinoloa, Nayarit, Sonora, Durango and Baja Cali sur and chihuahua! There was an old post by BB that explained the routes he has and cities and states that they run through.. and Durango and Chihuahua was included! Don’t forget he has almost total control in northern sinoloa (Golden Triangle) He don’t have to take over a city or an entire state… it can be villages and towns where he has a presence and operates from. This dude was under Amado at 15-16 years old.. survived the war with chapo and mayo and held on to territory’s that they couldn’t even take! Like Sinoloa De Leyva and Guesave during the war taunted chapo that he couldn’t enter his territories… that was 10-15 years ago! And he isn’t the leader of just a cell he was the head of los mazatlecos and La Oficina (BLO/Zeta alliance) became Hector Beltrans right hand man when his brothers fell… and after hector died became 1 of the 3 top leaders of the BLO.. along with Musico and Sagittario (The 3 Links) and then people saying he not that big ? He controls all the poppy and weed fields in the golden triangle territory he’s held since mochomo got arrested… probably one of the biggest producers of heroin and fetnayl in Mexico along with CDS and CJNG… the BLO still is and always has been one of the top cartels in Mexico read the sanctions the treasury department put on the “BLO New Generation” Chapito been through all this and is only 42 yrs old! Dude has a long reign ahead of him and the fact he’s been arrested 4 times and let go tells you the power he has… Isidro, mencho and maybe musico are the last left from the Arturo and Nacho era…. Azul, chapo, mayo, and all there LTs are gone.. Arellano Felix bros are all gone dead or arrested.. El Mata migos is still locked up… El lazca and El 40 and all the original z’s are gone except commander Pitalua all the other organizations have a new generation of leaders.. gotta give chapito his props being the last one left

    1. 11 44 your boy is all hype. He's just onother snitch

    2. All hype but he didn’t have to dig tunnels to escape prison he was let go 4x!! when chapo was arrested he did 10 years!! Yall give chapo all this credit if he didn’t have the government he would’ve lost the war with the jaurez cartel and the zetas!! Like he lost when he tried to take Nuevo Laredo.. Yall keep thinking mayo and chapo was something special but it was the Beltran leyvas who expanded into Sonora, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Mexico City, Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca etc… it was El Nacho who already had Jalisco, Colima and parts of Nayarit when he joined the federation.. chapo turned in his own people when they were a threat.. and when the war broke out with the BLO chapo couldn’t even enter Guesave and the plazas in the north of the state.. Isidro not only survived the war against chapo and mayo but prospered expanded kept a low profile and been making multi millions all while him musico and Sagittario rebuilt the BLO amberto Beltran Leyvas sons are part of the new structure.. they caught a load 1,5000 kilos of fetnayl that belonged to Isidro if he’s sending that kind of weight in just one load you can’t say he’s isn’t a top tier trafficker.. read the sanctions they put on him and musico last year they still hitting 6-7 states in the US with tons of heroin, meth, coke and fetnayl! A couple years ago a Lt from the BLO was caught in Europe selling weight so there overseas! Facts are facts he’s definitely on that level and that’s why hes on the top 10 most wanted list! You don’t make the fbi top 10 most wanted and be a small fry..

    3. 10:55 his a snitch just like chapo, he's all hype. Mencho ran him out from south of Mexico back to sinaloa.. 😢 😭

    4. Everyone; this cunt @3:25AM is absolutely right. He def had some high connections thanks to his past affiliations but all things come to an end. I wonder if the Flores Twins told on him. I know they are both former BLO associates but stranger things have happened. The Flores Twins are the real gangsters vetted by the FBI. I recently heard them say so themselves on a podcast. 🤷‍♂️

    5. @10.55. It sounds like you read way too much. The US use BLO as shorthand for something they can call a conspiracy, just like they always do, because they need it to build future cases. It doesn't mean you should believe it, any more than AFO or CDG.
      A BLO lieutenant was caught overseas selling "weight"? Who?

  43. Durango no te acabes!!!


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