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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Exclusive: Los Chapitos Offer Bounty for Durango Governor

 "El Armadillo" for Borderland Beat

Borderland Beat received the following image from a verified source within the Cartel del Sinaloa - Chapitos faction. Below is the translated text

"This is an announcement from Alejandro Lopez Guzman informing the people that as of this moment we are offering a 10 million pesos reward for information leading to the capture and/or killing of the narco governor of Durango, Esteban Villegas, for his relationship and cooperation in taking care of the Cabrera narcoterrorists and their organization in the state of Durango where he has provided security and allowed for the free distribution of drugs. We are also offering 2 million pesos for each commander and each government official involved with the Cabrera."

Governor Villegas, a member of the PRI who took office in 2022, is being accused of allowing the Cabrera Sarabia brothers to reign in Durango.

Illicit Investigations has reported on the relationship between the Governor and the cartel brothers "The current governor of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal, is another kingpin. A longtime friend of the Cabrera Sarabia brothers, when he served as Mayor of the state capital, he used the cartel’s front companies as suppliers, delivering gasoline and food to the municipality. Villegas Villarreal frequently meets with the Cabrera Sarabia brothers, informing them about the political inner workings of the state and federal government. These bosses have consolidated their economic power not only through drug trafficking but also by collecting fees throughout the state and acting as contractors for the state government and some municipalities."

Less is known about Alejandro Lopez Guzman but our sources indicate he is a cousin of Ovidio "El Raton" Guzman Lopez and Joaquin "El Guero Moreno" Guzman Lopez, who both are in US custody. Alejandro is believed to be a high ranking member of Los Chapitos who manages his own faction in the organization, though details beyond this are unclear. What is clear is that this move is a strike in the ongoing war between the two factions of the Sinaloa Cartel. The Cabrera Sarabia brothers are allies of Ismael Zambada Sicairos "Mayito Flaco" and an obstacle for Los Chapitos in their fight to eliminate their rivals and take full control of Durango.

This offer of roughly $500,000 USD comes as the State Department prepares to designate various criminal groups as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, including the Sinaloa Cartel. 


  1. Let this be a warning to all "narcoterrorists", chapizzas are coming for YOU! 🍕

    1. Nomas porque se viste con corbata y anda de muy "cremita" no quiere decir que no es malandrina. Asta le a de gustar el mecate como a 006.

    2. Chapitos on top. Nuff Said!!!

    3. CDS=Cartel de los Sapo's

  2. En Durango mas que un ustado es muy particular saver quen y donde son el que entran hal gobierno. Que heredencia y desde cuando y de cual paise. Porque es pertenente que la sangre natural Mexicano corra todo el gobierno. No se lo suelten ha uno como Sheinbaum. Esa hente no tiene sus intereses nomas handan de lacra. Things happen when you don't pay attention! People take advantage of your innocence. There's not a moment you can't be on top of it.

    1. Compas le podo que disculpen a mi compa SIR, No tomo suedicina y esta un poquito piraton, no es su culpa, son las drogas, espero y lo disculpen por las zandeces que publica aqui en BB

    2. 803, say esa I don't need you to ask people to excuse me out here. You wanna be my personal pirata then become the piniata. I gotta lotta blindfolded ninios ready to swing. They'll take their turn in a thought ese.

    3. Simon ese listo pa la piñata estamos firmes

    4. ''No se lo suelten ha uno como Sheinbaum''
      Who voted Sheinbaum?President of mexico still hard to believe but looking round the world you see a pattern,its not hard to believe

    5. @230
      About 2 out of every 3 mexican voters cast their vote for Sheinbaum, a landslide any way you look at it! NuffinSaid!!!!!!

  3. WOW. Another Guzman Lopez that's been keeping a very low profile. Hopefully more info to come.

    1. Even George Lopez is one of them.

    2. But this is a Lopez Guzman, not a Guzman Lopez. There’s a difference.

  4. He’s likely in the U.S, Canada or Europe where his family is likely already established. These corrupt politicians never face the consequences of their self-serving political decisions.

  5. Terrorists gonna terrorist.

    1. @7.12. A quote for the ages brother. Them there Thems always gonna act like Them. Bring back the War on Turr to protect freemonmoxy!

  6. Alejandro wants to be infamous, big mistake.

  7. The bad news is that he has a bounty on his head … the good news is that he is being protected by Cabreras….

    1. I mean Durango is Cabreras stronghold , so we’ll see if chapos have the power to make that happen.

  8. Chapos mad that Mayito flaco has Durango on lock

  9. I used to think these big time narcos were smart but now I understand they are just ignorant, greedy bastards that do as they please. They were just labeled as terrorists. Instead of slowing down a little, they double down and go harder. The good old days of the 70s, 80s, 90s are long gone. Send the spec ops in and let’s see what happens to Mexico after.

    1. 813 if you’ll search your memory, you’ll remember that in the late 1980s I believe 88 give or take a year, the American government and DEA and customs partnered with Mexican federal agent Guillermo Calderoni, and flew I believe two Blackhawks into Mexico from the American side. I believe they took off from Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo and we’re after Pablo Acosta and his crew I believe report said he had about 300 people with him in his stronghold of Boquillas Del Carmen. The federalist and the DEAhad some serious weapons on board that Blackhawk. I believe most of Pablo‘s men were killed, but many fled and he died in his bed, propped up with two 45s in each hand.

    2. I don't understand the leap in logic- you used to think they were intelligent, but now you're older you understand... What?The designation has been changed, so SPEC OPS? Repeating the same mistakes as Calderon with US interference is madness. It sounds like you never understood what was happening then, which is why you don't understand what's happening now.

  10. It's the 2 million pesos offered for any official collaborator that's the real message here. They aren't after Villegas, they're trying to weaken and deter his base.

  11. Where do u collect the old Bait and not Pay!! Just get whacked !! 💀🇲🇽💀💀☠️

  12. Lol this all could be fictional in regards to that Alejandro feller tryng to distract and confuse the gringos

    1. Right Connor. Quadruple bluff from that "feller" to confuse dem gringos.

  13. Is there any truth to the near capture of Ivan in Jesus Maria. I heard he almost got caught. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS REAL NEWS JUST YET. All I am asking is did anyone else hear the same. SUPPOSEDLY he almost got caught in Jesus Maria and he escaped through a danm tunnel of all things.

    1. Source: Anabel Hernandez 😂😂😂

    2. @11.20. You can mock Anabel, but if it wasn't for her many of the stories you read on here that come from Mexican sources, go through agencies to Western media and get repeated feverishly on social media would never have come out. Clown.

  14. Have you seen that super expensive quinceñera in Durango a few weeks ago

    1. Were there baddies?

    2. Chicas picosas LISTAS

    3. 940pm yes the daughter of el dani aka el travieso aligned with Cabrera bros mayo flaco

  15. That idiot... not many people at all even knew he existed. Probably his older brothers kept him quite and now that there gone he wants to be known. We now he just fk herself.

  16. Don't worry, our Savior president Donald J Trump will put an end to all this nonsense!

    1. Of course he will my question to your Dumbass is will it happen before or after he wins the war on drugs… Such a num nuts

  17. I wouldn't get on social media if I was involved or related to top cartel leaders,.Now, Alejandro has screwed himseld just like that top cartel snitch Sicario 006.

  18. Are they going to pay? Good luck with that

    1. When the person comes with the tip and wants the reward, they get disappeared.

  19. Se hacen pend, o le juegan y este mensaje en realidad es de los mayos. Es obviamente que el esteban villegas esta en DGO capital, diario pasaba por la entrada de dgo-parral. Se dice que aste el mayo estaba oculto en ranchos de canatlan o nombre de dios, se empezaron a ver retenes en todas esas entradas, raro, yo creo no. mas bien las mayas quieren ver quienes pueden ser chismosos y mandar el mensaje.

    1. Por la libre a Parral an estado. I put that months ago. They are protected by everyone there.

  20. Where does Guano stand in all this !??

    1. The cousins are willing to join in but Guano hasn’t given the green light and he has the most presence in Durango besides Cabreras and might not want to considering he spends alot of time there and it turning to a warzone would jeopardize his freedom

  21. Why don’t you let an email, proton mail, tutanota, something safe, I can give you the info you ask for free…

  22. Good news my fans from the ex CDS, injust saw a picture of la Gilbertona in Facebook, she has a son, i wish i could post the photo 🥲, but she is still alive, she is the only hope to stop this nonecense war, Gilbertona if youbread this plz come back! RIP Gilbertona no more

  23. Mayitos side should put bounty on governor of Sinaloa to counter. Not sure if there is a bounty on that governor that supports Chapitos.

  24. I hope both governors get eliminated, wouldn’t that be great for civilized society.

  25. Los dedos de Sinaloa no pagan arrrrrrrrreeeeee 😂😂😂😆

  26. . I wonder if they offer choice of lump sum or annuity payments.

    1. We will pay you DOUBLE, in cash, but you have to come meet us in a dark alley to pick up your reward 💰

  27. Pero si en Durango no pasa nada.
    Los Cabrera controlan todo y ellos trabajan con los de Sinaloa no para Sinaloa.
    Pinche idiotsaa. Los de Durango son unos titeres para Sinaloa nada mas.

  28. I doubt they would pay for any info lol they barely pay them sicarios

  29. So BB is now a ‘news’ spreader for cartels? Or only from Chapitos?

  30. Durango no te acabes!


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