Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mauro Alberto Ojeda Nuñez, "El Jando" Involved In The Durango Explosive Attacks And Participated In The "Mayo Zambada" Kidnapping; In transfer to CDMX! The pilot of ‘Los Chapitos’ already appears in the National Registry of Arrests

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by LOS NOTICIEIRISTAS 

FEBRUARY 8, 2025

Culiacán, Sin.- Mauro Alberto “N”, alias ‘El Jando” or “El Piloto”, arrested in Jesús María in Culiacán by federal forces in a military operation by land and air in the early hours of this Saturday, February 8, 2025, already appears in the National Registry of Arrests (RND).

After consulting this federal government platform by Los Noticieristas, it is confirmed that ‘El Jando’, pilot and operator of “Los Chapitos”, is officially registered as arrested.

He was arrested in Jesus Maria, where Ovidio Guzman, son of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, was arrested in January 2023.

At 12:52 hours, Central Mexico time, his status was: IN TRANSFER.

He is being transferred by air from the Culiacán International Airport to Mexico City where he will be held in a penitentiary.

“El Piloto” is the alias under which he is registered with the federal government and according to his arrest record. In which they describe him as 1.70 meters tall, with a light complexion and at the time of his arrest he was wearing black pants, a black shirt and black tennis shoes. In the photographs he can be seen wearing the blue shirt, but in others he is wearing a black sweater or sweatshirt with a large brown bear printed on the chest.

The arrest was led by elements of Defense and GN, together with the Navy, FGR and SSPC

Harfuch confirms
The Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection, Omar García Harfuch, officially confirmed the arrest this morning, of who he said was the pilot of “Los Chapitos”

As a result of the reinforcement of security in Sinaloa, this morning, after a confrontation that occurred in Culiacán, with personnel from the Army and the National Guard, Mauro “N”, alias “Jando”, was arrested, considered an important operator of the criminal cell “Los Chapitos” of the Pacific Cartel and a trusted man of Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, “El Chapito”, reported the federal government.

Who is ‘El Jando’, in the structure of ‘Los Chapitos’?

Mauro “N”, alias “El Jando”, is a civil pilot and key operator in the structure of “Los Chapitos”. He is credited with the authorship of the attacks with explosive devices that occurred in Vascogil and Tamazula, Durango, on October 28 and November 6, 2024, respectively, reports SSPC.

It is presumed that on January 5, 2023, during the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán, alias "El Ratón", he sent an armed group to Jesús María to try to rescue him.

During the capture operation, an element of the National Defense Secretariat (Defense) died.

The capture
At 3:30 in the morning this Saturday, the sound of helicopters crossing the sky woke up the inhabitants of the Jesús María municipality and surrounding towns. Then came the gunshots from high-caliber weapons.

“The helicopters are flying low,” residents reported from 3:30 in the morning.

15 minutes later, a ‘firefight’ with machine guns could be heard.

“They already shot, they are already shooting.”


  1. "Why would they fight so hard for a pilot.
    Ivan must have been close and got away probably"

    El Jando was involved in the Durango explosive attacks if you remember a small aircraft was used and explosives where thrown to houses.

    El Jando was also involved in the Mayo Zambada kidnapping according to an MF source.

    So that explains why fighting occur this guy knows so much about La Chapiza

    1. Char if you see where the helicopter was at it seem it was on the backyard of the house that has a road that leads to Edgar Guzman graveyard. So pretty sure either Ivan or Alfredo was there and escaped.

    2. Yes char .. this is a heavy blow to Ivan and Alfred. El Gato in Mazatlan getting henned up was a heavy yet under the radar blow the navy did on the chapiza last week.

    3. Why did the Americans let him go if he really was the one involved in the kidnapping of mayo? Story has all sorts of holes in it.

    4. La escolta de ivan son ex militares por eso lograron contener al gobierno echando 🍆 con todo el equipo y armamento a sus despocion esos hombres sinaloenses por el jefe dan la vida

    5. He has a weird apodo, no mames, "El Jalado".

    6. How was he involved in Mayos kidnapping? If he fly Mayo over that means the US let him free to fly back

    7. @4:28 .. mi pregunta es si esos hombres darian el apestoso por el jefe ?

    8. Another Mexican 'mummers farce". The videos of the chapitos approx 7 truck convoy loaded with sicarios showed they were in no hurry to skeedaddle to avoid confrontation or capture. A good guess is $$$ was paid by the chapitos and the pilot sacrificed as a trophy for the military and then everyone split to have a cold one!

    9. 7:06 no es el jalado, es el JANDO meaning "Alejandro" which is weird cause his name is not Alejandro, but we Mexicans can turn a name into a bunch of nicknames, all it takes is one little mistake and we will call you la paloma if your name is jose, meaning Jose Jesus dad who was born from Maria having sex with morning dove 🤣

    10. And not a single word from Trump on how he alleviate drug addiction.

    11. @2:58 his name is Mauro alejandro

  2. Animo Sicarios!

    Animo Commandante Char!
    Los patrones have a new pilot .He is known as" The Sinaloan Top Gun"
    He was highly trained by a Colonel from the Air Force Tier 1 unit the 24th Special Tactics Squadron.
    He can conduct classified and clandestine operations such as direct action, counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, hostage rescue, and special reconnaissance.He is on call 24 x 7. He has access to Mossad modified Cesnas and CIA SAC Blackhawks .

    1. That's good news, 006, and is sure to cheer up the troops, but finding a certified Blackhawk mechanic in la Sierra is like searching for a needle in a haystack, no? 🤔😮

    2. The Sinaloan Top Gun le encanta disparar los ostiones en el centro a Sicario 006.

    3. Sicario chinga tu madre pinche puñal.

    4. Callate Connor. No saves nada.

    5. A connor le meterien el Top Gun en el chiquito.

    6. Connor is KING!!

    7. "Connor" is Menchos little Pom-Pom boy..!!!

    8. Connor todavia ESTA mencho en redwood City?

    GRACIAS EjeMx y GN
    Son unos chingones los amo.

    Y después del Culiacanazo q tanta risa les dió

    1. LOL your corrupt incompetent EjeMx y GN had very little to nothing to do with his capture.

  4. 20 pilots to replace him.

  5. He’s the personal pilot of IAG, and people wondering why they clashed against the military..

    Military making a push into Jesus Maria & possibly Badiraguato.

    1. ?"making push.." as as they simoly cannot come there and in the middle of city open an barrack.Mexico is not syra

  6. Ese compa ya esta muerto. Nomas no le en avisado

  7. Sicario006 what brand is the Teddy Bear hoodie piloto is wearing?

  8. Pura mayiza plebes

  9. This dude has weird sunglasses on…

  10. Los Zambada informantes pagando operativos de Militares para perjudicar a sus rivales

  11. Why tf you cover their eyes? We can still see who tf they is stupid

    1. To “protect” them!

      More like show respect… says everything.

  12. se los digo y se los repito estos plebes se van acabar entre ellos mismos. a poco piensas que antes este ...paso mucho tiempo y todos sabian donde estaban y nadie lo capturaba....esto solo es el comienzo pobre gente en culiacan,yo voy a sinaloa todas las semanas ,soy trailero desde hace mucho tiempo..y nunca habia visto,,lo que se ve hay dinero,,yo no se como hacen estos malandros pa vivir .......lo malo no es para siempre....el trabajo honesto es duro pero no ando a salto de mata

    1. Trabajar honesto pa los jóvenes ahorita esta cabron, casi no hay futuro. Le economía esta para la chingada

  13. Cocaine is not worst than whisky. The only problem is that it’s made in America Latina. The difference between Green land and Trump is that green land it’s not for sale.

    1. I’ve never heard of anyone beheading someone while drinking whiskey. I HAVE heard of someone being coked up and chopping up bodies. Yeah, that I have heard.

    2. 3:35

      There's literally hundreds, if not thousands, of reports of people getting drunk and killing, maiming, and beheading other people. There's a video of a cop being interrogated because he got drunk and beat the shit out of another cop, killing him. I've never understood the reasoning behind "I never heard... therefore, it never happens ", as if truth depends on one singular person's experience.

    3. El hpta petro es todo un pendejo y también para repetir lo q dice el

  14. Why do they call him Jando?

    1. his name is Mauro alejandro aka jando or jandito. I knew the guy he was a piece of shit he's from la noria. but the guy n the pik with the blue shirt doesn't look like him


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