Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 27, 2025

‘Mayo’ Zambada' demands his repatriation, he says he was kidnapped. By: RIODOCE

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by RIODOCE 

Author | Miguel Ángel Vega

Date | February 25, 2025

Time | 1:00 pm

David Weinstein, a lawyer and former federal prosecutor in the United States, claims that El Mayo can use the information he has about the government to reach an agreement with both countries

The information that Ismael El Mayo Zambada would provide, not only to Mexican and American authorities, but also to international public opinion through his lawyer Frank Pérez, would be an unprecedented bombshell, as it would reveal details related to the corruption of governors, politicians, military and police commanders, and businessmen from Sinaloa.

The information seems endless, according to intelligence sources in Mexico and the United States, and it would have started at the time of his arrest, on July 25, when he revealed details about how he had gone to Huertos del Pedregal, in Culiacán, to attend a meeting with the governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya, and the sons of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, and to mediate a dispute that the state governor had with Héctor Melesio Cuen Ojeda.

The meeting was actually a trap by Joaquín Guzmán López, as revealed by Mayo Zambada himself in a letter sent by his lawyer Frank Pérez to the media, because upon his arrival, the capo said that he was attacked, subdued, and later taken against his will to Texas, where he was handed over to agents of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS, for its acronym in Spanish).

“The information that Ismael el Mayo Zambada has is a lot, and it would make the Mexican government tremble, more than that of the United States, due to his ties with politicians and officials,” said a military intelligence official, who at one time investigated cases such as that of Zambada García and Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán.

The kidnapping of the capo and his subsequent arrest has left a wave of death, because a little more than six months after the conflict between Mayos and Chapos began, the Attorney General of the State of Sinaloa has reported more than 900 deaths, and almost 1,300 missing persons.

As a new resource, Zambada García sent a letter to the Mexican embassy in New York, with a copy to the president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the Attorney General's Office demanding that the Mexican government defend him, as a Mexican citizen, and demand that the United States immediately repatriate him to national territory, and at the same time, prevent the death penalty from being applied to him during the process, since his arrest and transfer to the neighboring country to the north was illegal.

"I was deprived of my freedom in national territory, through physical coercion and deception, and subsequently transferred to the United States by a Mexican individual, without authorization from the Mexican authorities, and without complying with any of the applicable legal procedures," reads the letter, sent by Frank Pérez to this weekly.

The letter adds: The Government of the United States of America has a responsibility for action by omission since it is a well-known fact that the legal requirements and international commitments that are mandatory for both countries were not met when I was received. Therefore, it can be stated clearly and precisely that the express commitments of the international treaties that I invoke in this section have been violated.

David Weinstein, a lawyer and former federal prosecutor of the United States, said that given the power of convocation that Mayo Zambada has, he could influence his repatriation, and that the death penalty not be applied to him, although everything will depend on the agreements regarding the extradition treaties that exist between both countries and taking advantage of what he knows to negotiate.

“In this case, the accused can use that information he has about the government, and reach an agreement with both countries,” said Weinstein, who is currently a trial lawyer in Miami.

President Claudia Sheinbaum said that as a government they would review the case, because beyond who Zambada García is, and the crimes he committed, it is a matter that has to do with the rights of a Mexican citizen about to be tried in the United States, but without having followed all the legal procedure that the law requires.

“No one is defending El Mayo Zambada, but the fact, and there is an issue in the letter that has to do with sovereignty and the trial,” Sheinbaum Pardo stressed.

Zambada García refers to a series of constitutional articles, human rights, migration laws and extradition agreements between Mexico and the United States, including the case of Dr. Humberto Álvarez Machain, who was kidnapped by US agents in Mexico in 1992 and taken against his will to the United States.

Although the U.S. Supreme Court then ruled that his kidnapping did not prevent U.S. courts from exercising jurisdiction over him, the case sparked international controversy and led to the signing in 1994 of the Treaty between the United Mexican States and the United States of America to prohibit cross-border kidnappings, which establishes that neither party should carry out or tolerate the capture of persons in the territory of the other party to take them to its jurisdiction.

El Mayo emphasized that while the Mexican government determines how to defend him, the United States must commit to offering sufficient guarantees so that the death penalty is not applied to him.

The former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel also mentions that he hopes that Mexico really defends him, but that if he notices a certain passivity on the part of the Mexican State, he could interpret it as a renunciation of its responsibility to protect its citizens and would set a dangerous precedent that weakens its ability to defend its nationals in similar situations.

"If that is the situation, it would lead me to denounce my own country before international bodies," said the boss.

Article published on February 23, 2025 in issue 1152 of the weekly Ríodoce.


  1. Strange a drug king talking about human rights.

    1. Pues no que muy bravo disque el "señoron" mayo, que esto y lo otro puro bla blabla.

    2. What happened to the countless murders under his watch? No human rights existed there. His lawyers are coming up with many scenarios to try to get home, back to Mexico. And if that were the case he would be set free by the Curupt Mexican government.

    3. EXACTLY. This just shows how corrupt the mexican "government" is. Clowns.

    4. sir you will be released in the after life. that is what the judge will say. unless he cuffs up all his wealth and buddies

    5. Everyone forgets that money makes the world go round . Even the US government has a price . There been many examples of money and good lawyers giving big time narcos a slap in the wrist . Take Damaso father for example : millions of dollars trafficked to the US killed many people , and is living a good life among the US citizens . If Mayo is the good negotiator he’s known to be , and by this letter sure is proving he’s good ; watch him handle this situation like a pro . The US just wants money and Mayo has a whole bunch of it. It Hurts to admit but the US is clearly corrupt as well , the judicial system is a joke if you’re rich .

    6. 4:12

      Damaso lopez is in prison, he won't be released until 2032.

    7. 1:32
      Where did you read that?
      From what i have seen he id already out and about only his is in jail at the moment

  2. "If that is the situation, it would lead me to denounce my own country before international bodies," said the boss.

    Aplácate baboso! Ni que tuvieras tanta pinche importancia. 😂

  3. The irony. All the people he killed and tortured yet hes worried about a little needle prick and going night night

    1. Like who, let's Hear some names..? Who did He kill..?

  4. Chapitos on top. Nuff Said!!! Pura gente del señor! 👨🏻⛰️🍊

    1. When your leader is in ADX, there's no "on top".

  5. It's in the best interest of his safety and longevity to be in US custody also the best interest of all investigations for him to be in and remain in US Custody.. he is lucky to still be alive . All of this is going to end badly. The United States is in the midst of a shift of transparency of information that is going to destroy all of the old guard and the old ways of thinking and the understood narratives.

  6. He has cancer if I'm correct and he's very old so by the time he's had his trial and sentenced he might be dead and if he got the death penalty it takes years and years maybe a decade or 2 he would be dead by then anyway. Guy is either going to die from cancer or old age in a cell he's never getting freedom

    1. Vampire we all know, Death penalty is not on the table.

    2. 3:51

      Only Spanish language media has reported he has cancer based on a rumor of a journalist. English language sources have not reported that, only that he has diabetes.

    3. 12:27:
      The feds have already put the death penalty on the table. It's unlikely that Mayo would live long enough to be executed. How this affects him is that on death row he has more limited access to other prisoners and much less out of cell time. The feds know this and this is the reason they are pushing it.

    4. 4:20
      I have to do more research, it has been a long standing, that death penalty is not on the books. Feds break that rule, the Treaty with Mexico can cause, sore relations. Besides at the end, Mayo will be set to be there many years. He recently wrote a letter to Claudia, that he wants to go back to Mexico, because the prison is cold.

    5. @Detroit. I don't think they are pushing for the death penalty, it's a negotiation. If they do it won't be to stop Mayo from interacting with other prisoners or because he'll spend longer in his cell.

  7. Try as you may and you provide good arguments. But you aren’t going anywhere. You’re cooking old man. Might as well get comfy. Cause you’ll die in a US prison. As may people’s murder and kidnapping that he’s ordered now wants to cry foul when it happens to him. Well guess what your own people did this to you. The United States didn’t kidnap you. Now you’re basically trying to extort your own government to try and get you back to Mexico. Good luck with that. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

  8. Won't work as Sheriff Trump has designated Mayo's cartel a terrorist organization, so there is zero chance that the Sheriff will show any weakness and send Mayo home! All Mayo can do become an official King Rat and get a cushier federal Pen to spend his remaining years!

    1. But but AMLO forced Trump to release Cienfuegos.

    2. 6:30
      Get your fact's together.
      Trump's administration was tricked, NOT FORCED. 😭

  9. Pinche Mayo y tu familia tracionaron al Sen̈oron Chapo quien les dio de comer.
    Arriva el Señor de La Sierra.


    1. El Mayo siempre fue el papa del chapo . Como dice el corrido no compa Sinaloa es mío . A llorar a otro lado .

  10. He write a million letters USA is prosecuting him to the fullest. Whether Mexico protects his right or not! He will never be let go. If he is a great leader whonis respected and considered legend in his own right. In addition, with any mental sense and remorse he would write a letter to both fractions of the Sinaloa Cartel and demand that they do a TRUCE!!! To avoid killings and forgive to make the Cartel strong again!

    1. You're delusional if you think that after all these months and killings that CDS will hug it out. Besides, Mayo stated immediately through the first letter to maintain peace and clearly that didn't do shit.

    2. Who knows the USA might have to actually ceed to Mexico's demands since a treaty is in place to prevent this exact thing. Mayo isn't making this about himself but highlighting the treaties in place between the USA and Mexico. If the treaty is broken it really puts in jepordy international relations on both sides

  11. Mis contactos en Mazatlan estan reportando la posible cancelacion de el Carnaval luego de que ayaron bombas y explosivos detonados a control remoto por todo el malecon. Grupo firme cancelo su presentation luego de las narcomantas en tijuana que les advirtieron si se presentaban los mataban alv

    1. No they aren't.

    2. They won't. They just cover up all the explosives found and bomb threats and killings nightly with a huge smile on their faces. They decided to do a free stadium concert tonight with Grupo Firme and Cuen canceling due to death threats. So putting thousands of people fighting over free tickets and backing different cartels in a compact area with a lot of alcohol is their solution.

  12. Mayo is nothing but gutter scum. He’s not going to get repatriated. He’s an idiot to think he has any power in the US. Homeboy is going to die in an American prison and there is nothing he or anyone else can do to change that.

    1. He does have power because trump is president. You know how much trump loves holding this over Méxicos head taunting them having him and all he has to expose that would hurt the US but utterly destroy Mexico.

  13. This is crazy but it might work

  14. Sheinbaum concerned about the human rights of this mass murderer and yet she says nothing about the human rights violations of innocent Mexicans extorted, kidnapped and murdered by these animals.

    1. She is on the take, bribes to pad her nest egg.

    2. @Detroit. Don't do that, it's downright dishonest. You know full well she's fought hard for the rights of the people most vulnerable to extortion and kidnap. If you don't, ok, but faking outrage that she didn't bring in the "human rights" of victims when talking about a separate subject exposes your hypocrisy more than hers. When should she have slipped that in exactly?

    3. Who did Mayo ever "mass murder"..?

    4. @8.35. You'd have to go year by year or there wouldn't be enough space to list those murders. Or decade by decade by decade. It would run into the thousands, responsibility into the tens of thousands, not counting the vanished. I'm not defending Zambada.

    5. Some of those murders were ordered by uncle Sam

  15. Denouncing his own country. What a true Mexican patriot.

    1. @Detroit. You've said before that it's what they should do- expose corruption- but now when it's hinted at, the men who might do it are traitors? And instead of denouncing corruption they're denouncing their country?

  16. Pinche ruquillo cocaino. A este guey no se le debe ni dar permiso ni de hablar con nadie por mierda que es.

  17. He also demanded apple juice and a nap.

  18. People in Hell Want Ice water!!🦴🔥🔥🔥🔥☠️🦴💀🔥🔥🔥

  19. What a moron, he can ask Juan Matta-Ballesteros how his repatriation worked. Accept your fate and pray that you did not become the first inmate celebrating his 100 birthday.

  20. Sinaloas always crying like little biaches 🤣

  21. Weather he was kidnapped or not.
    He will be going on trail , no substitute to try him in Mexico.
    Let the American court system take care of him.

    1. Whether fool not weather ... Weather is temperature

    2. 4:55 my automatic spell checker, selected it. You should be happy I don't forget to use periods at the end of a sentence.😂🤣

  22. If Mayo is released back to Mexico can he bring peace back to Sinaloa? He can arrive and stop the war. How much time does he have left to live? Is it worth to spend millions in tax payer dollars for a trial? Not to mention all of the medical help he is going to need due to his various illnesses. Might be better to just send the old man back. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Yeah sure. He'll go make peace with the guys and Rocha who killed his friend and abducted him. If sent back, the only possible situation is he wipes out the Chapos quicker to stop this continued out of control violence in Sinaloa.

    2. There was NO peace when Mayo was free so what makes you think he'll bring it?

  23. He has a legitimate legal argument here. Especially if you look at the Doctor Who was at the Enrique Camarina torture who was kidnapped in Mexico and taken to the states and ordered by federal court in California to be returned to his country, And he subsequently was returned

    1. under Trump mayo is going no where

    2. @11:02

      You're missing one important point: who did the kidnapping of the doctor? Mayo was not kidnapped by government officials so his argument is not legitimately legally.

    3. He does not have a legitimate legal argument because he was not kidnapped by government officials.

    4. 959
      Mayo MIGHT have been kidnapped by government agents, but if they did they certainly remembered not to leave behind any evidence of their nefarious doings!

    5. 3:01

      Is "might" a word you use when you have no evidence? I mean, he MIGHT have been kidnapped by Trump and he made sure to no leave evidence.

  24. GOOFY delusional old man lol.

  25. Maya an undercover vendido to the USA quieren golpe de estado los gringo para si hacer guerra en México todo la propagación que están haciendo . Arriban los ojo que el dinero convierte al más fiel en un traidor vende patrias

  26. Welcome to Gringo Land. Mexican government is corrupted by Cartels and therefore American can proceed with his detention

    1. Look, it's the Period-Police, a famous BB-Legend. Just doing His thing.. What a cool Guy. I'm a Fan.
      Unlike No period-Kid, who is wack..!

    2. 8:40

      Look, the No-Period-Person-Police is here to police the no period person!

  27. Extraditan a z40 y 42

  28. I'm sure Chapo gave alot of info also but Chapo will die at ADX. Mayo, because of his health, might be different. But I doubt it.

  29. What a fuckin crybaby how about all the innocent killed under your orders and kidnappings. Threatening to turn in politicians. What a fuckin clown 🤡. he should let’s see what will happen to his family. Arriba el cartel de los sapos!!!!!!🐸. The US is not fuckin around your time has come you fuckin terrorists!!!!

    RIP Gilbertona

    1. Oh damn it, kids back from camp with his clown emojis and his mums Netflix subscription. Sapos! Gilbertonas! Terrorists!

  30. He said get me out of here or he’s going to sing like a canary.
    Snitchaloas! Mencho is KING!

    1. Pom-Pom Connor forgot to sign in..

    2. Snitchaloas? Snitchaloans? Snitchasapos? Netflix? SOL!!! HELP!!! I FORGOT THE WORDS!!!

  31. Does this mean U.S. Wanted poster are bullshit?

  32. The real criminals are the politicians in Mexico and USA that are corrupt ... That's why these guys do what they do, cause they know they can .. and thats.why I said the government is the real Mafia

  33. It's all fun and games until they get themselves caught up ... Then they cry and snitch on everybody

  34. If everybody wants to get technical and go with the law, El Mayo has a very legitimate argument and it's in writing in the law and law is to right wrong ... The US on the other hand will find some reason not to release him, cause they are just as shady as the Mexican government, so El mayo nice try but u ain't going nowheres homie

    1. 5:00

      His argument has no legal basis if he's a wanted man on this side of the border. If, however, you still think he has a legitimate argument, remember the US has an even stronger legitimate legal argument for not releasing him. This sword is double edged and his side is dull.

  35. Fuck you fuck your demands you are confused! You are ours bitch! There is nothing you can tell us that we don’t know or want to know. Welcome to gringo justice where your drug money and drug addicted killers don’t mean shit! Concrete, steel, and guards who have cars boats house pension health insurance and retirement accounts. Enjoy living hell bitch!!

    1. AMLO forced Trump to release Cienfuegos.

    2. Lmao those fat ass guards don’t have no boats.

    3. 1:07
      AMLO tricked the Trump administration, into releasing Cienfeugos into Mexico courts, only to make Trump a fool, Cienfeugos was released.

    4. @7:33

      So, by a trick AMLO forced Trump to release Cienfuegos. The result is the same.

  36. Good luck with that 🤠. You’re about to get a plane load of friends.😂 MAGA!🇺🇸 MMGA! 🇲🇽

  37. Este guey nada mas tiene mirror que le maten a su cria el MF.
    Como si no tuviera otras dos docenas de estas crias con todas las nias que violo a traves de los eños el meco este.

    1. Si piensas que el MF esta solo estas perdido el vz yel mg desde eeuu son Los buenos

  38. When you are a known terrorists, you have NO rights. Other than the right to not be tortured, beaten, or burned alive for fun. He has no rights and Mexico has NO international right to protect a mass murderer, and a known terrorist who raped and beheaded women. He has no rights. Only the right to be put to death.

  39. Chapo tried to negotiate look where he is at... mayo is done. He will not leave the U.S. unless its in a box. He should start building his mausoleum now. I wonder if he thought being a narco was worth it. Millions of dollars and always on the run and hiding from authorities or in constant fear of being captured and executed on video by your rivals. It pays to be an ordinary citizen. I have no money but I am free to go anywhere and no one is looking for me. Life is good.

  40. Good Luck Mayo...LOL

  41. Who remembers when VZ got busted and the DEA CALLED Mayo to talk to Vicente


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