Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, February 28, 2025

Mexico Confirms Marco Ebben's Death, Bodyguards Linked to Previous Murder

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The death of Marco Ebben was confirmed thanks to the collaboration between the FGR, the National Police of the Netherlands and the Dutch embassy in Mexico. His lawyer Jan-Hein Kuijpers confirmed this on Wednesday.

On February 24, the FGR reported that despite false identities being present on the body found last month, it matched the physical characteristics and fingerprints on file corresponding to Marco Ebben. Ebben was wanted by Europol for drug trafficking convictions. The Embassy of the Netherlands, represented by the Consul and the First Secretary, began to repatriate his body.

Among his personal belongings was a fake DEA identification badge in his wallet. He also had a Mexico voting ID card in the same false name. He had reportedly entered Mexico originally on a Russian passport under another name. 

Hired Military & Police Bodyguards

Captured after the discovery of his body was 4 of his gunmen/bodyguards. They were not regular gunmen, one was posing as a police officer. Those arrested also included a former Mexican Navy SEMAR soldier and two former Mexican Army soldiers, all originally from Guerrero.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, the guards identified as Antonio "N", Héctor Edel "N", Marvin Isaí "N" and Víctor Orlando "N" were also charged with the killing of a man in the same luxury area outside of Mexico City.

The victim, identified only as JEVG, was murdered in his home after an argument related to an alleged debt he had with the "boss" of the bodyguards. It is presumed this referred to Ebben.

Murder of 'JEVG'

The killing occurred January 25 at a home in the Los Olivos neighborhood, in Atizapán de Zaragoza.

According to the investigations, the bodyguard gunmen arrived at the home in a vehicle, three of them entered the property, where they argued with the victim over an alleged debt.

During the altercation, Hector, one of Ebben's bodyguards and gunmen, shot JEVG, who died on the spot. The suspects then fled in the same vehicle they had arrived in.

The four detained bodyguards remain in the Tlalnepantla Penitentiary and Social Reintegration Center, where they face charges of qualified homicide in two different cases.

Sources Infobae


  1. He went out the way that he had probably dreamt of for many years. He’s probably in limbo rite now confused wondering wtf happened as he definitely wasn’t expecting that. Let this be a lesson to everyone who is in Mexico rite now playing the real life game called “Narco Boss” you will end up like this and all of the material shit that you have is suddenly worthless and all of the people who you’ve killed or hurt and all of the lives that you’ve ruined along the way in the race to get no where, it will all be down there for you to answer to. The reason to come to this life is to learn about and share love. May god have mercy on all your souls. Amen

    1. Cuando en la vida no tienes nada y llegas a tener todo no importa el precio a pagar desde que nacemos estamos destinados a Morir carcel o la muerte saben de antemano que solo existen esas opciones pero cuando el hambre y la necesidad pegan nada importa y sobrevivir se vuelve ya no una opción

    2. “Playing narco boss” he was a boss. Eventually this happens or you get send to jail.

    3. I don’t think anyone or anything will have mercy on these ruthless dirtbags…as is apparent.

    4. Spot on comment. Amen.

    5. 4:34

      No uses la hambre como escusa para el crimen.

  2. Hopefully this will stop the theory that the photo was staged. The first photo of his alleged death was so obviously not him I understand people being suspicious, but the sources from that story were on social media from people who'd never even heard of Marco Ebben. The same thing happened when El Chayo was killed (again)- previous fuck ups meant that there would always be people who didn't believe it. Still, a big kid like Ebben is exactly the kind of entitled bully who'd try faking his own death after coked up arguments with his backers about whether Amado is still alive or not, just for fun.

    1. His own men got rid of him most likely. He looks as if he was going out so they wacked him and took what was left but were caught in the act.

  3. he could have just disappeared to a safer foreign country with the other euro narcos but he decided he wanted to play cartel boss in Mexico, what a trip. obviously he lived the life he wanted and probably died the way he wanted too.

    1. Might have had too much goin on in mexico plus he had a warrant out so it was hard for him to move..Remember Chino getting caught in Schiphol the Dam,he thought he was all good

  4. Sic006 snitched, pinche marica.

  5. Good riddance. Someone should tell his dad that he is now for sure dead. Last time they interviewed the dad he said it was his son in the last false identification of the guy that was shot in Culiacan.

  6. Nuff said! Nuf said!

  7. Wtf did he tried to do there!? I understand for example if he was on CDG territory in tampico so to send what to rotterdam or antwerpen instead of buying from colombians (that have not sense aswell) but sinaloa,pacifico...dont get ut.Game is different in Meexico for europians is best if on run Dubai,Istanbul or Spain.Seems to me that he was nit "mercenary"because mexicans taking those from.central america....Strange decisions.And europe is much better for money because we in europe taking stuff direct in colombia or ecuador for few thousands and when come to EU its then times over.Dubai is safeheaven tgere is Kinahan they say aswell,pricw on his head is bigger than Ivan Archivaldo for example.10 milions and kinahan is 15.So message to europians stay in europe and keep sending emisarys as you have for last 30 years.Take your profits in euros and enyoj.Mexico is warzone and its better ti have nothing to do with US designated terrorists.

    1. Ppl think is all good to go to mexico and this is what happens. Betrayed and killled.

    2. CDS and CJNG are able to send coke out without it ever touching Mexico as can many other groups because it’s really not that hard.

    3. ''think is all good to go to mexico and this is what happens. Betrayed and killled''
      Isnt this what they are known for its not exactly a surprise when someone gets betrayed in mexico..

  8. Could they have hit Kastor coordinating with MF people

    Or were they just tweaked out running their own weird ops in DF?

  9. Don't take a lot of brains to pay your own security. This fool was a friggin broma.

  10. Ran out of money , couldn’t feed his wolfs anymore . End of story

  11. Emma Coronel replied to my IG direct message this morning at 9:52am 💪🏽😎

    1. You guys hooking up? You could clean her teeth and floss her up. Yee-ha!

    2. You couldn't get her in your dreams. You have a better shot with Menchas wife. Nuff Said!!!

    3. ''Emma Coronel replied to my IG direct message'' I told you this guy was a fuckin clown,he is all sprung cause emma deigned to answer a simple minded pleb who thinks emma is someone special..Unbelievable

    4. Get a life boy

  12. The natural antipathy they have for whites eventually got the better of them,he is a fool for thinking he could trust them for anything never mind his life


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