Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Milk Thieves Arrested in Two Events in Guanajuato

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

A string of arrests linked to milk theft in Guanajuato showcases the adaptability of organized crime rings in the state, expanding far beyond traditional organized crime activity. The trend also is notable for it's similarity in methods to fuel theft in the region, a major criminal economy for at least two decades. 

On January 31, two men were ⁠arrested by police in La Calera, where they were caught extracting milk from a pipe to sell on the black market. Inside a storage warehouse, authorities located various jugs, containers, and a siphon for stealing milk.

On February 5, in Santa Rosa Plan de Ayala, Leon, authorities ⁠arrested another two men at a clandestine storage facility. Authorities seized a hose, jugs, tractor, and a tanker truck loaded with 34,000 liters of milk.

According to NMas Noticias, the suspects were ⁠stealing milk in the countryside and diluting with water, before taking it to facilities to package and sell the milk. 

The methods and tools used in these thefts are strikingly similar to those use for fuel theft or "Huachicoleo", in the state. Thieves will pierce rural and remote Pemex pipelines to siphon fuel for resale to gas stations and roadside stands.

In response to the trend of milk theft, Irapuato police have increased patrols.

 Sources: ⁠Periodico Correo, ⁠Guanajuato Police Press report, ⁠Nmas Noticias


  1. Wow!

    Mexicans will steal ANYTHING.

    1. 5:47 Even your heart 🥰 (feelings wise)

    2. That's Koo foo

    3. Yeah and your mom and your wife

    4. Wait till they start stealing scat packs

    5. They're slowly stealing the US, too.

    6. 5:47 leave a dildo out, they’ll steal that too. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is safe over there. 😂

    7. 6:27 shits cracked up lol

    8. 5:47 Yes they’ll take a wife with 3 kids with the illusion they have daddies money only to be sitting in filth with them lmfao idiots.

    9. @8.48. You sound like a paranoid child, you know that right? Mexicans are stealing the US?

  2. I’d expect milk thiefs and goat stealing from sinaloa but from Gto ? Come on Guanajuato

    1. They steal live stock in rural Veracruz

    2. I expect this low life activity from every other place in Mexico except Sinaloa.. you hear about so called “cartels” directly robbing people in Michoacán, Jalisco, Tamaulipas, GTO, EdoMex, Puebla and the list goes on .. seldom do you hear about local common folks being preyed on in Sinaloa, TJ, Chihuahua or Durango .. in these states people fucking around get dealt with and the criminal groups don’t see the “regulars” as a commodity .. it’s all strictly bizness

    3. 7:46 🤣🤣🤣 wake up Peidro, every where even in the USA if you get a chance you will steal something

  3. If you have milk at plug prices 🐮 , holla at me. I need that. Shit is too expensive these days baby.

  4. Animo Sicarios !
    El patron has made it clear anyone stealing milk in Sinaloa will recieve 50 tablazos with a tactical tabla.

    1. A Sic006 le gusta mamar para sacar Leche todo el dia. Pinche golozo.

    2. A El Asesino de Pepino 0.006 le va a caer un chingos de palos - digo tablazos!

      Ese degenerado le sigue robando la leche masculina as sus compadres del cartel...(son compas por que le bautizaron el chiquito)

  5. In the USA right now if you get caught stilling 🥚🥚🥚🥚's you will get the death penalty, but hut but but, i thaught the first day that Trump took the prensidency the gas and eggs where gonna go back to the prices in the 2000's 🤣🤣🤣 you guys are in for a big surprice

    1. I had no idea that "stilling" eggs was now a death penalty offense. Had I known, I would've warned Abuelita before she tried to "still" another dozen for her famous breakfast tacos!

      And man, I really "thaught" that on the first day of Trump's "prensidency," gas and eggs "where" supposed to magically return to 2005 prices. I stood at the pump, waiting for the numbers to roll back like an old VHS tape. Instead of a discount, I got a big "surprice!" It turns out time travel isn’t included in presidential powers.

      But hey, at least we now live in a world where calm eggs are outlawed, gas prices exist in an alternate reality, and spelling is just a suggestion. Thanks for the update...your version of events is way more entertaining than the news!

      Stay "prensidential," amigo!

  6. I better not catch these clowns watering down little babies' milk! 🐄

  7. Trump will blame huevos skyrocketing in price because the sicarios are stealing them.

  8. Pendejos it's the eggs that expensive... La neta que gente tan mierda stealing milk no mamen.

  9. Word on the street is there's a new player in town...El Saca Leche. He is from the town of La Estancia and has a lot of foot soldiers, aka abuelitas, distributing the milk to the local farming communities.
    - El Dunzo.

    1. Sinaloa fans will now worship El Saca Leches!

    2. He can come drain this pipe anytime, loaded with milk baby 🥛

  10. Being a thief is romanticized in Mexico.
    Typical of losers.

    1. Better than being a chomo

    2. @2:45
      Go back to bed cholo

    3. @9.40. If it's ever romanticised it's because the one party state left people to starve. Reclaiming what was stolen is a better definition than "theft". Context is important. You could say violence is romanticised in the US, because the country was born in violent uprising against the British, and grew with a genocide against the indiginous population, but it isn't very helpful.

  11. Golazo que les metieron a los chapitos en Mazatlan con la captura de el gato del circulo de seguridad cercano de Ivan .. putazon que les metio la marina alv .. hdspm este año no se me va hacer ir al carnaval en Mazatlan con la banda wn la playa ..en putazo por el malecon en una pulmonia con sonido alv el que sabe sabe

  12. I heard a story of a newborn that literally came out of the womb and tried to grab the doctors watch

    1. In what US city did that happened?

  13. MEXICAN TRASH: they come in ALL flsvours

  14. Leche de la vaca contenta

  15. Mexicans will even let criminals steal their farms and ranches and even their livelihood and country!
    Viva Mexico!
    Good job!
    Steal it all!
    This is what happens when the very essence of your identity as a Mexican ,
    at its heart, is a thief.

    1. True.
      Always felt like Mexicans are stealing the rug out from under themselves.

    2. Tacos for brains.
      Carnitas for hearts.

  16. How much for chocolate milk ...

    1. Do they drink chocolate milk down there?

    2. For the last time, chocolate milk does NOT come from brown cows!!!

    3. They suck it out of radiator hose.

  17. Me sacan de apuros estos roba leches

  18. Mexicans usually just drink Yoohoo. But you have to pronounce it JuHoo

  19. It is very important for cartel members to have their cereal with milk in the morning. It gives them their energy to go out and be bad. Nuff Said!!!


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