Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Tamaulipas Border in 2025

By Itzli

Taking a look at the current state of affairs along the Tamaulipas border with the United States.

Heads up, this article is old school Nabble forum Itzli style so expect informal first person tone without taking the time to reference everything I say. Don’t like that? Click elsewhere and I’ll refund you the $0 you paid to read this, I’ll even throw in the whole $0 I earn spending my time to write this all down. Luckily there’s still cool people here that’ll make it worth my time.

Anyways, it seems like what I can show with my writing and research over the past few months is about as good as George R. R. Martin and The Winds of Winter so rather than trying to get to this point with what I have in the works let’s just dive right into what’s going on in the world of CDG along the Tamaulipas border with Texas/United States. This is important because the Trump administration has started declaring cartels terrorist organizations. By the way, no politics in the comments, I don’t care if your MAGA, woke, or anything in between, go somewhere else besides the comment section if you want to talk about who in the United States government is the good guys and who’s the bad guys, we’d probably get more productive discussion about Kendrick Lamar versus Drake so no politics from me and no politics from you.

Back to the point, been seeing the above map on Twitter and then @LosBloqueados2 had a really good post which motivated me to write. We see this plane circling across from Nuevo Laredo, CDN territory. This cartel is interesting, of course there’s still the rumors that 40 runs it from prison but for the longest Huevo Treviño was in charge. He gets arrested and his cousin Juanito Treviño aka La Sombra is said to be running things. I got bogged down in a Los Treviño/CDN leadership history article that I’ll finish one day but for now the point I want to make is that things may not be all good in the CDN. Maybe it’s just me, but ever since 42 got arrested it seems like there’s a power play going on between Anabel Treviño and her kids on one end and Francisco Treviño and sons on the other which involves Huevo, Juanito, La Bola, etc.

The plane does another loop along a stretch that includes Ciudad Mier, Los Guerra, Miguel Aleman and Camargo which continues to be an interesting area. As @LosBloqueados2 point out, Ciudad Mier continues to be controlled by the CDN, specifically El Chamuko and El H. Apparently “El Chamuko” is a regional leader, there’s some stuff being said about him on Twitter lately. Los Guerra still seems to be the dividing line of control with Los Metros under Primito controlling to the east of there. For Los Metros you have La Galleta in Miguel Aleman, El Pirata in Diaz Ordaz,  and El Gafe in Camargo, not quite sure if he means that El Rockero is his other alias or if it’s a different dude. El Gafe has nothing to do with the famous old CDG leader that used that alias, nor does he seem to be military or anything, he’s just some young guy that’s come to power.

So CDN for the longest has been attacking from the west trying to get Miguel Aleman, like I said, Los Guerra seems to be the dividing line so you get a lot of fighting back and forth over that town. Seems that CDN figured that out and had been conducting what I called the campaign for Camargo, just forget about Miguel Aleman and hitting from the southwest rural area to attack Camargo which makes the town of Comales suddenly strategic. El Barbas is running things there. Tied into this is the whole northeast Nuevo Leon area including Doctor Coss where a lot of the recent fighting has been taking place. This is territory controlled by El Chapparro, one of the few old school Metros that worked with M3 still around. So anytime you hear about fighting in Doctor Coss, General Bravo or areas nearby it’s fighting between CDN and him.

Another loop of the airplane covers Reynosa and Rio Bravo. Reynosa has always been the crown jewel of Los Metros and continues to be controlled by El Mono M36 who used to be the bodyguard of Panochitas. Not everyone thinks this but I feel like there is still somewhat a division within Los Metros, not necessarily rivals but just the way things cluster that goes back to when the Ribereña Metros fought the Reynosa Metros so you have Primito’s crew in Miguel Aleman, Camargo, and Diaz Ordaz while Mono and Chaparro are in with more old school guys. We’ll get back to Reynosa in a bit.

The final loop is across from Matamoros, home of the Matamoros faction of the CDG. El Contador is back directly in charge, having ran things from prison for a while. Yeah he has an ankle monitor and/or has to check in with prison once a week but no one really thinks that’s stopping him from doing anything. Uncle Osiel was out but got sent to Mexico and is in prison, things are quiet on that front and it doesn’t seem like he’s really doing anything. 

It’s funny though, people were complaining some much about Ciego doing all sorts of dirt while Contador was in prison and then Contador kills him and now it’s all Contador kills his own people and can’t be trusted. From my perspective here’s the elephant in the room, all cartels are evil but bias isn’t universal, there’s a lot of framing Contador in the worst possible light. I touched on this before but it really seems that there are some accounts that are aligned with M1 Cardenas and his son Beto that focus on burning Contador. Plus Los Metros have always been big on social media and I get where some people say some of the major accounts are aligned with them, maybe not directly but there’s bias no doubt. Again, I’m not being a Contador apologist, just saying you have to take a step back on some information.

@LosBloqueados2 didn’t mention this but El Casco aka El Joker is in control of Rio Bravo, no more Miguelito it seems as he was arrested, of course you never know when someone gets quietly released. Here’s where we get back to cartel bias. I really don’t care who’s winning or losing but what people say at times matters less than what the evidence points to. I’m talking about SDR reports, that’s a good way of telling where fighting is taking place. 

When the truce between Metros and CDG Matamoros fell apart when the war between San Fernando (Sierras and ZVE) and Matamoros broke out last year things got really hot in Rio Bravo. Things have died down in Rio Bravo proper it seems and from the SDR reports it seems to me that Los Metros can’t get past Palo Blanco anymore. It also seems that Matamoros is heating up the east side of Reynosa, especially the Pharr bridge area. I see stuff about them using Ubers and public vehicles to sneak people in plus the GE being on their payroll. Similar strategy they’ve pulled before trying to heat up the plaza. Sorry it may sound like I’m being a Matamoros cheerleader but just calling it how I see it, the SDR reports point to things being hot in Reynosa, even hear about mutilated bodies but pictures never seem to come out. No one wants to be the next Minu3t.

Ultimately I think this all ties into the whole rumors of a new truce taking place which hit hard for a day and then seems to have gone by the wayside. Declaring cartels terrorist organizations and the whole threat of drone strikes destabilize the whole situation plus wars are always bad for cartel business. It makes sense to want to come up with a ceasefire and the governor would definitely be pushing for that to happen. The impression I get though is that Los Metros don’t trust Contador and I’m sure Matamoros will want concessions. Control of Rio Bravo has been mentioned as part of a potential agreement but like I said, it seems that’s already happened. My guess is that Matamoros won’t sign off unless they get access to Pharr, just not sure if they would insist on complete control or if they would settle for open access.


  1. What an idiot insulting the reader right off the bat. Your articles suck anyways you daft cunt.

    1. Cool, tell me what's my worst article and what I could do to make it better.

    2. By the way interesting use of daft, do you happen to know my old friend Otis B Flywheel?

    3. @1253 who the fk asked you anyway ass hat?! It is exactly people like you if not you directly that has turned this site into what it is now. The articles continue to be great. Input from some is awesome, but always some dip shit in the comments having some dumb shhh to say. No one cares who you know or how better you are. Can't even criticize someone doing this for free. Don't see you coming up with something original . I bet you couldn't begin to translate an article or add something useful to help this site but no have to be a Dik and you sit and wonder why no one likes you

    4. You should start off by going to school and maybe learning something and learn some manners along the way. You don’t have to give a whole introduction diminishing and mocking the reader. If you are so offended by what “your” readers have to say about your article then maybe you are in the wrong trade. Politics, religion, mafia talk, everything and anything is allowed and people have the right to give their opinion as well as you are entitled to your poorly written articles and offenses. Have a good one and hope borderland beat fins someone’s else to write articles.

    5. Just a bit after "poorly written articles"... fins=finds?

    6. No, I don’t know “Otis”.
      I just know that you’re a daft cunt.

    7. Itzli needs to go.

    8. Yeah find all the grammatical mistakes. That will definitely make you smarter and wiser than everybody else here. What a troll, can’t even take any criticism serious without looking at a typo. You are a total loser.

    9. I guess that's better than you calling me a bloody wanker. Otis was a good ol' chap from Bromley, maybe you would have preferred his writing.

    10. Ok. Lost cause.

    11. ''hope borderland beat fins someone’s else to write articles''
      What for so you can complain about them?Your not going to write for BB are you whingeing arse,fuck offf cry baby

    12. Dude just go somewhere else… like otzli said its free not sure why you dont go make your own site

    13. Interesting, Itzli is forthright and addressing us like adults and all of a sudden the "machitos" get their feathers ruffled, hahaha. A lot of princesses lurking. This is an informal venue, not scholarly peer review, and he could have been more artful or not, but he wasn't purposely insulting anyone.

    14. don't tell me your over 30 and complaining like that, pathetic if so

    15. The person @12:53 commented on his lunch break from his day larbor job. Will be going home in a bad mood, starting a fight with his ruca. After, he'll be wondering if he should call the conecta on a Tuesday because he only buys meth on Fridays right after work.

    16. 337
      Are you spying on me?
      You just described my life EXACTLY 🙀

    17. The CIA, operating under the Trump administration, has been secretly deploying unarmed (at the moment) General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper drones over regions of Mexico dominated by heavily armed drug cartels. The report comes from current and former officials with knowledge of ongoing national security operations, shedding light on what is happening under the cloak of darkness - in preparation to disrupt and dismantle drug cartels. But the more recent flights were communicated to Congress by the Trump administration using a particular notification reserved for new or updated covert programs that the CIA intends either to conceal or deny, a source familiar with the matter said — suggesting that the flights represent a distinct escalation. Green Berets are already on the ground in Mexico! Fact!

    18. Otis B. Flywheel was KING!!!

    19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    20. The last times I read Otis B Flywheel he was being blocked by Chivis for racist ranting bullshit about blacks, then backing the account of that young journalist who was interviewing the Zeta commander who was mocking his gullibility- "Yeah, Lazca liked juicy male buttocks in his Tamales..."
      Comment above sounded targeted, especially reading their response. Fuck em, it's not like you're claiming your account is the last word. It's your take.

    21. Daft Cunts Are KINGS!!!

    22. @7:01 Guess I missed out on all that craziness. Most of my interactions with him was prior to him taking on the Otis pen name, I knew him as Spike on the forum and I actually know a bit about him in real life as he used to email me from his personal account.

  2. Don’t tell us what we can and can’t comment about.
    Fucking idiot.

    1. Actually I can, there's a comment policy but oh well.

    2. What an idiot writer. On top of being a stupid article no one asked about for people that don’t even posses any power or weight then he fights with the readers. What an odd person to have employed here.

    3. Employed implies being paid, I'm a volunteer.

    4. Why don’t you volunteer your services somewhere else then?

    5. In all seriousness besides my full time job I am on the board of directors of a non-profit that provides mental health services and programs for at risk youth or whoever might benefit from it.

    6. Itzli, great work. You always come out with top notch articles. Don't let any fool tell you otherwise. Fuck the dead brain critics. Keep it coming please. It is much appreciated. Thank you for all your time and efforts.

  3. Nobody wants you around anyways.

    1. Nobody or just you, having fun posting over and over seeing what I will approve?

    2. ''Nobody wants you around anyways''
      If it wasnt for Itzli etc there would be no BB,why dont you fuck off if you dont like it..You the soft cunt crying about Char aint you,c,mon you are arent you fuckin weirdo

    3. '1255 Nobody wants you around anyways'
      You speak for your self no one else,rather have Itzli than your sad ass

    4. "don't go away mad.
      Just go away!"

    5. "nobody wants you around anyway" are the EXACT words I say to my cat when he's aggravating me!

  4. Bring back the forum! The CDG threads were incredible.

    1. Wish we could but Nabble is basically dead, won't help us even restore the backup copy and haven't been able to find a similar forum software that doesn't cost $$

  5. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.
    Pure junk.

    1. Okay so let's see you write something better since you're so superior.

  6. Replies
    1. I'm 44 years old, never tried drugs, never smoked a cigarette, never been drunk so you're wrong, I'm too boring for that.

    2. Well drink coffee ☕, it's got caffeine, that is a drug.😭

    3. When me and my coworker go to the store every morning I get a hot chocolate, the joke is that I'm too young for coffee despite being in my 40s. But you got me, between that, sweet tea and Pepsi I hit the caffeine hard.

    4. Same bitch bangin on about Char thinking its funny,tellin you some sad cases

  7. This Is Some Instagram Comment Beef Shit And I’m Here For It. Both You Are Funny As Fuck. 😂

    1. Lol can you tell I'm having a slow day at work and having fun? I'm living out Season 2 Episode 17 of Superstore right now.

    2. I Can Tell And Please Don’t Let Those People Get You Down. You Are Doing a Great Job. Wishing You And Your Family Well My Friend.

  8. Thanks for taking the time to write the post and provide the info. It is greatly appreciated. Please do not get put off by negative comments filled with spite and with nothing of value to add.

    Best wishes,


    1. Appreciate the kind words, unfortunately this type of thing happens all the time and we (BB writers) generally don't approve those types of comments in the first place, it's a pain to sort through the good and the bad. No worries about getting put off though, I'm just having some fun actually publishing them, been doing this long enough the words don't phase me, people like you make it all worth it.

  9. If you don’t like the articles don’t ever read them again. Thank you for writing the article Itzli.

  10. These commentators have made the comment section unbearable filled with know it all right wing grifters.

    1. Many people share that feeling that's why I went out of my way to say I won't allow any political comments in any form lest I appear biased.

    2. Itzli:
      I sent you an email on your blog.

  11. ITZLI these posters always crying about contributors seem to be the newest here at BB..Long time readers seem to have more respect for what you do and remember forum etc..I wouldnt give a fuck what any of these soft little bitches say,all they do is complain and try and be comedic morons.You know what time it is with proper BB readers you are all appreciated..

    1. I hear you and really the intro was directed at one specific person that has been giving me grief on several articles but it's all good just having a little fun approving some of his comments, doesn't phase me one bit. But thanks, glad you appreciate the article, since we don't have a forum I tried the whole proper writing thing but my articles get too long and deep so I gave this a try and debating doing a laid back interactive type article again every few weeks.

  12. Take no notice of these horrible little losers Itzli thanks for the work

  13. The aircraft's track is mostly over US territory, and looks similar to standard US Customs and Border Patrol flights that are conducted on a daily basis, with aircraft often NOT sqwarking standard transponder codes.

    Obviously, the pilots have good reason to AVOID allowing publicly-accessible internet sites identify them.

    1. Very interesting point, I don't normally follow these types of accounts dedicated to flight patterns but that would make a lot of sense as migrant crossing areas overlap with Mexican population centers and drug trafficking routes.

    2. 3:17 Itzil I read an article today, I am sure Socalj will get a hold of it, and put it on BB...I could not believe what I read... Reaper Drones are collecting Intel on Cartels throughout Mexico, on Mexican airspace. The bilateral treaty, they had in the past allows it.

  14. Kendrick killed drake. Back to the rest of the article..

    1. Haha I read HipHopDX daily and anymore comments on any article seem to spiral to cheerleaders on one side or another, but yeah in the words of Mark Martin "Drake is soft like tissue".

  15. Good info, thanks.

  16. Woa! 44 so you’re another 1980 baby!?

    1. Yeah born in the summer of 1980, I'm officially at the point I don't like most music on the radio and getting lost in modern slang but at least my kids say I have unk status, I guess that's good...

    2. Don't buy any green bananas 🍌

  17. Where is el Commandante R1 ? What will happen to Gulf Cartel now that Osiel Cardenas is back?
    What happened to El Commandate Diablo?

    1. @3:29
      R-1 is just hanging out at the local cjng watering hole. Go up and interview him.
      He’s cool.

    2. If you google his name Juan Reyes Mejía-González and search images you will see a picture of him''NO ESTA MUERTO'' where he is older and balder,it is him..

    3. 4:02
      That picture is over a decade old.

    4. Lol. That dude is dead. Been dead.

  18. These shit talking comments are better than the articles now.
    It’s like Jerry springer:
    remember when viewers tuned in for the audience members rude and funny comments to the guests rather than the guests themselves.?
    It’s true.

    1. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Man my parents loved that show, let's put some KKK members and some black women that fit into a racist troupes and see how that plays out...

  19. Rest in Piss Narcofootage!!!

  20. What is the plane that is traveling this route?
    I notice it says no call sign,
    Could that indicate it is some sort of surveillance aircraft collecting sig int of some sort?
    What are your thoughts on this Itzli?

    1. Boeing P-8 Poseidon #AE67AE, I'm honestly talking above my head on this but I agree it's surveillance of some sorts and with latest news of drones being used I would assume somehow conn. I wonder if this would be any good for radio intercept as many border cartels use them to communicate.

    2. Now that a compliant Congress has unleashed funds for the southern border, don't be surprised to see swarms of drones doing stuff NOBODY will talk about.

  21. I dunno, man, this Itzli goes way back with BB, and nobody's covered NOTHING about those Texas border states on this site in ages..
    As a student of literature I can assure you there's nothing wrong with his writing style, eccentric as it may seem..
    He's the one with blisters on his fingers from pecking away at the keyboard, laboring mightily to give birth to his perfect child, and therefore gets to gently suggest that comments should tend towards the topic, saving MAGA & cheerleading for another post..
    We don't understand the rancor and vitriol..
    If you wanna be mad at the cat, be mad that he doesn't post more good stuff here more often!

    1. Gotta agree. I'm a criminology researcher and i thought the article covered a lot of topics that were unclear for those who study Tamaulipas turf. Traen muchas claves y conflictos que no se aclaran. Good one, Itzli

  22. CDG is as useful as a tv guide in the age of streaming … Tamaulipas is pretty irrelevant and all of the fighting going on is for the scraps that are made by extortion quota and kidnapping… every now and then you hear about some drug bust and it’s usually tied to CJNG or some independent trying to sneak a load thru .. Golfo and CDn are jokes

    1. The fact that the cds wanted it and the jalisco cartel wants in tells you all you need to know. Nuevo Laredo has more 18 wheelers crossing into usa than any other check point. There are big drug busts constantly in the south Texas border. Its normal. And its probably good Oziel Cardenas got locked up once in Mexico or his nephew might have him killed. What i read here is mostly accurate according to the local news sites. El contador inherited his dad violent ways it seems and he is in total control of the Matamoros faction even when he was locked up. While all the news is about the cds civil war and with reason. Its some byzantine shit going on with cds. El contador got himself out prison quietly.

  23. We just looked up "unc status"
    Not sure if it's a compliment! 🙀

  24. Being from Matamoros all posts about Tamaulipas are always interesting. Rn I really don’t know how things are down there but there’s gotta be a truce for sure

    1. No truce. More like a cease fire untill both factions are ready to go on the offensive again.

  25. Nice article itzli. You and mx have wrote some great indepth articles on tamaulipas and it's much appreciated. Good to see you're doing great in life.

  26. The link doesn’t show what the writer refers to. Can you link to the actual X post?

    1. With so many posts disappearing over time I decided to screen shot it and add it to the article but if you want the link it's

  27. Absolutely, Los Guerra still the dividing line. Can’t even stop at are own home— keep driving through.
    No authorities in town here, but I am sure you can find them hanging down by the river preventing border crossings these days. Sad!

  28. No offense itzli. But there is no productive discussion between Kendrick Lamar vs drake. Drake a straight biatch and took big L's.

    1. @7:33
      Fuck them both.
      Both have lame lyrics and lame raps.
      Branch out, don’t only listen to what is fed to you.

    2. Kendrick beats are straight up garbage

    3. Both are shite
      Makabelico is the GOAT

    4. I'll let you all in on the joke, I mentioned it because I see so much arguing in the comments section of HipHopDX. I'm too much of an old head, never liked Drake, if memory serves me correct I think the only song I heard that I thought he came across decent was Forever. As for Kendrick Lamar...I want to like him but I never can get past his voice. Respect him, thinks he's lyrically good but just can't get into his music. I need to check out Makabelico, I've straight up had conversations with BB writers how much I think his name is genius flipping Makaveli with Belico but as far as Mexican rappers I've mostly checked out Santa Fe Klan and a bit of Aleman.

  29. Go do an article on Saul Garcia, el Junes nephew in Mty... Has ton of land & still gaining ground/money.
    Not just him either plenty of older guys as well.
    Matter of fact why is there never Anyyy articles/spotlight/attention on anyone that operates in Mty???!
    You have all the Fiesta Americas/Safi hotels/banks & more. That's not all tourism & the businesses there don't pay much.
    Guess noone really wants to touch the money. Kinda like Sabinas Cohulia having more than 10+ banks in the tiny pueblito.
    Everyone in San Pedro & San Caterina are interesting as well.
    It's not even about cartels there anymore.
    Just merca/money/business/all those transport companys passing right through NL going north with I35.

    All this "cartel" which is much of Tamps really doesn't make much money. halcones/extortion/kidnappin they all do that because many are broke.
    Zs/Cdg it was different & they actually sold merca. They use call it "La Polla" in Reyno when Zs/cdg were together. Guys like M3/Hummer & their muchachos could be fronted merca on consignment if they had credit. Ton of people from whole valley use to get loads of merca on consignment from Gringo Mike when he would work for Hummer.
    There not really pushing much merca through Reyno/Moros now.
    Contador/Primito people/others obviously not included in this of course.
    Most of it is going through Mty/Laredo.
    Majority of guys are not even "cartel" just guys having money/contacts/business fronts that can push merca/clean their profit.

    1. February 18, 2025 at 8:04 PM
      Great post bro we need more like you..The pictures of Hummer now?Nuevo Laredo,no wonder CDN is strong..Keep posting common sense

  30. Yo itzli I appreciate your work man. CDG is the most fascinating cartel for me and I love all the coverage. Fuck these haters

  31. The road to never never land ! Were off to never never land !

  32. El Conejo loco

    I have stayed quiet for a long time because after where I've been, it's really hard to entertain me. However, I do read borderlandbeat. I find about 25% of the information I read informative.... after all, you can read almost everything posted on mainstream media. So I just keep quiet. I had been in touch with with older writers on this blog. And I really enjoyed her acknowledgement. So I still continue to use this site to read-between-the-lines. And I won't knock anyone. It would still be nice to see a factual article be written about present day goings on between factions...or bad blood between acting heads of regions and cartel heads.

    But what do I know.... I only spent from my teen years to my adult years 40+ years knowing some of these folks.

    El Conejo Loco......

    1. I was around the forum from pretty much the beginning of BB but honestly the really old school people I didn't talk to much outside of Chivis. However, I'm in touch with pretty much everyone from MX/Morogris to the present, even the ones that are no longer "active". Anyways what do you have in mind, like an overview of Mexico cartels in general? Sounds like something that I might tackle...If you ever want to email me.

    2. He's from the AZ/Sonora border area. Rabbit. Fam was connected or in the MParedes crew. I think thats him. Knows a lot about that area.

  33. Fascinating?
    These dudes are shit.
    Stupid dusty tweakers.

  34. What happen to the borderlandbeat forum and is Chivis still around?. Ive been following since like 2012 I believe.

    1. Me 2013 before they caught el z40 and I was in mazatlan at that time.

    2. Chivis ran off and joined the circus.
      She's a juggler, if you believe the rumors

    3. Chivis retired a long time ago, where have you been hiding.

    4. How closely have you been following, compa?🧐🤔🤨

    5. Long story short forum got pulled temporarily during all the lawsuit drama but when Buggs was ready to bring it back up Nabble would no longer restore it despite having a backup. As for Chivis I know MX/Morogris talked to her a few months ago and she's doing well.

    6. Itzli thanks for the Chivis update. I've asked several times about her and never got a real answer. Knowing she was dealing with health problems back then, that's great news. I've been here since the beginning of 2014. Hard to believe honestly. I wish there was a way to access all the old forum info and go back and see what came to pass. So many great comments from people actually in the know on the main page and forum before the shut down. Don't listen to the idiots Itzli, you are appreciated!

    7. @7:22 First of all thanks for the kind words, I don't let the negativity get to me and try to have some fun with it but it is still uplifting to get support. Although me and Chivis weren't always on the same page I never doubted her dedication and appreciated all the effort she put into BB. I was on the outside of a lot of things but it seems that the dynamics got messed up with the lawsuit and it just never went back to how things were with her. As for the forum, totally agree, even if it wasn't usable for new posts the historical information it contained is invaluable in my opinion. Backup copy still exists, unfortunately it would take buying server space (the easy part) and paying a programmer to back into Nabble programing (the hard $$$ part) in order to do so, both me and Buggs have tried talking to what remains of Nabble staff but have gotten nowhere.

  35. Itzli hope all is well my friend! Keep up the great work as always! Still lurking.

    - La Plata -

    1. Man glad you still around. Hit me up

  36. Replies
    1. "I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showed
      You were just a painted face on a trip down Suicide Road "
      .. Dylan

  37. I want my money back

  38. Nice article. That corner of Mexico can be confusing to the casual BB follower. So where do Scorpions fit into all this? I thought they were ascending at the moment?

    1. Good question that I didn't make clear. Scorpions work under El Contador, so anything I say bout El Contador and Matamoros is relevant to them.

  39. Yas queen! Fuck these haters !

  40. Hello, I live in Austin, TX and I want to take my boat fown from Aransas Pass to the TMPS coast. I have been following this site for a while and it does seem like TMPS has cooled down a bit. I have friends at the banks/credit unions in Laredo, Pharr, and Mcallen, Harlingen and Corpus Christi. Some of them say it's hot, most say just keep a low profile and you'll be fine. My interest is fishing the area East and NorthEast of San Fernando. Yes, I'm aware of the SF massacre by Z years ago. I'm 45 yrs old and former military. I drive an f250 and have a 22ft boat that I would tow down there. Anyone know good guides or locals that know the ramps and bays in TMPS? I will NOT wear my Rolex or be flashy, just want to be peaceful, fish, and maybe bump it up with some of the foxes in the area.

    1. 7:43, sounds like you want to fish Lake Guerrero, or am I wrong? We travel Donna - Guadalajara 3 or 4 times a year in SUV or pickup. If you leave Austin before 8 AM you be at the lake before 5. Don;t drive at night and you will be just fine. Good bass fishing although the presas in Nayarit and Sinaloa are better: more and bigger fish. All the way!

    2. 7:43, if you want a simple safe route from Donna to the lake, I can help you.

    3. 7:43
      Unfortunately your truck will attract criminals, to use for convoys.
      Come in an older model Nissan truck, beat up the body.

    4. Unfortunately your very presence regardless of truck will attract criminals. Even a slight breeze attracts criminals in Mexico.
      Just another example of a government that can’t help its people.

    5. Lots of good fishing in places where the civil law support is a little more robust than down in old Mexico, where a little plomo will take your truck, your boat and your life without a second thought.

    6. I live in Cd Victoria. I know San Fernando and Carboneras coast area well. It would be a monumentally bad idea for you to drive down here in a boat and go fishing. Just don’t.

    7. @1014 bad idea. The Padilla area is hot. Do you live here? When is the last time you strolled down here in an American plated truck and boat??

  41. Save your self time bud and just load them cartel vs cartel videos! You really think what the gov puts on the news is the truth? USA 🇺🇸 we are the top tier drug dealers we are the shadows that go to other countries and fuck shit up. We kill our own agents if we have to, that’s the truth. Sad to say, but I still rather leave and be part of 🇺🇸

  42. Itzil
    Char been churning articles like there is no tomorrow, then he has to put up the the Reddit kids, that post childish comments.
    Legendary Sol, 💪 can come back and moderate the comments.

    1. When I reached out to my old forum friend Char to write for BB I knew he had it in him and he's proving me right. People want to complain about copy and paste but overlook how much he can cover doing so plus he's not just going through the motions, the depth of his knowledge and insight is amazing.

  43. Thanks, Itzil!!! Much appreciated!! Keep it up!!

  44. Even though the article was full of misinformation, missing actual facts, full of speculation, boring and too long ,
    you cheer readers instead of looking at it for what it should be, a factual report, you are cheering on this fail because you think being critical is mean.
    This is why BB fucking sucks now.

    1. You're so very welcome, despite what you say here you are typing away about something you hate. Here's the deal, since you know better send me or anyone at BB a quality article and we'll publish it with whatever writer name you want to use. Otherwise the rest of your comments are going into the spam folder just as all the ones that I chose not to approve. Take care

    2. Those weren’t all me and you know it.
      I’m not going to send you a thing .
      I just want you to do better or piss off.

    3. I agree with them Itzli.
      BB needs better posts, new leadership. Also while it’s not ok to call names or mock anyone , any criticism should be welcomed and I must admit when you mocked a commentator for a spelling error it was a low blow and incredibly childish.
      We don’t need another SOL.
      We are glad that person is gone.
      Thank you,
      Long, long time reader.

    4. Thank you for taking the time to write this Bill, I'm not going to argue the fact because I agree, what I did was a childish low blow but here's the deal. I "joined" BB in 2009 and the vast majority of my work is gone because of the forum being unrecoverable. I've tried being a "proper" writer and will spend months researching and writing a single article, documenting every single piece of information with hyperlinks. On multiple occasions once I publish a certain individual starts criticizing my work and on multiple occasions I have tried to engage in a discussion with them to better understand what they think and how it could make my work better. Ultimately it hits the same wall and I will never satisfy their expectations. The whole intro to this article was a bit tongue in cheek while at the same time attempting to preempt a repeat of the same criticism/discussion. Obviously that didn't work, I probably should have approved the comments in the first place but then I'll just have to mark multiple messages claiming I'm scared of criticism in the spam folder. So yes, I'll own up to it, I made a childish comment in a long shot attempt to show how ridiculous it had become. Criticism is welcome, tell me what information is wrong, let's engage in discussion, but to just say over and over my work is trash is getting old and I'm not the only one that feels that way. The day may come that none of us want to write in the first place.

    5. Hopefully for you, it’s today.

    6. @201
      Wait a minute, Bill, this "low blow" was only a direct answer to the pest who had just mocked the author's writing style..
      A stoopid speller in this case is merely the pot calling the kettle black..
      The two were dueling, like matador y toro, influenced by the beats of rap fueds and Jerry Springer hootenannies infused throughout this thread, and Itzli has ALREADY confessed to being jacked up on Pepsi (guacala!), and was just fucking with the simple Simon's head to kill time!
      All in good fun!
      As far as new leadership at BB to shake things up, now's the time to smash your caguamon on the table at the biker bar and grab the keys, or sit idly by and watch Elon come and mop up!
      "If you can't say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all" Mom

    7. @3:13 the fact that you addressed the topic on hand while incorporating so many threads of my random nonsense...your comment seriously made my day.

    8. I don’t agree it’s like “the pot calling the kettle black” on this one.
      Obviously the reader was offended and was definitely fired up, but if you write a post and preface it with remarks such as Itzli did,
      you’re going to get that reaction from some or many.
      I feel like Itzli didn’t need to criticize their misspelling either.
      That being said , I also feel like Itzli handled all other comments very well and was extremely open and honest.
      Just my two cents.

    9. Exactly , all in good fun.
      Nobody should get their feelings hurt.
      If you can’t take it don’t dish it out Itzli

    10. 3:46 One. Not many. If information is wrong provide links, proof or what your carnal, tío, primó, compa or novio chismoso is saying.

    11. 1:12 what was wrong with it. And what is wrong with speculations based on facts and past event? Boring and too long while you bitch about lack of depth in the article. Why are not doing some m30s and OD silent in your basement.


    Won't be long now until the Blackhawks and miniguns arrive

    1. 1:18 No period kid, keep your underwear on, there not going to that extreme. Yes true there's Reaper Drones, collecting information on Cartel locations, safehouses and drug labs.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. You guys are done.
      Corrupt ass Mexico.

  46. To be honest ,look how many posts this thread got.
    I would not quit or keep people from criticizing, Itzli.
    Hell, let some of the trash talkers talk.
    It’s kinda entertaining!
    It’s stupid but in a guilty pleasure way.
    I love seeing commentators lash out.
    There’s a point when it gets mean but otherwise most are funny zingers.

    1. The way I look at it it's a balancing act. I have pretty thick skin, like seriously I'm not going to get my feelings hurt over the words of some random stranger on the internet. Only thing that really pissed me off was bringing my kids into it but that's a comment that went into spam. But on the flip side if I spend all day trying to out troll the trolls am I driving away people that want to ask questions and have discussion on the article?

    2. "say what you want about my babymama, but don't bring my kids into it"

    3. 4:49
      James Brown in da hood, welcome back.

  47. These fucking drones have sensors that are sensitive as a nun's nookie that sniff around like a schnauzer for the smell of fentanyl cooking, certainly, and perhaps the aroma of the finished product in bulk form..
    No matter how meticulously something is wrapped, molecules escape into the air, and yeah, I guess you could say the atoms snitch!
    Ain't gonna be seeing the coffins of any brave boys bushwhacked by godless cartel cutthroats being shipped back home to they american mommas, this will be 100% robot war, only lethal to the bad guys, and maybe to the general public unlucky enough to be in the area when hell comes a-callin' from high in the heavens..

  48. You pissed a lot of people off with your post.
    What were you thinking?

  49. Everyone knows BB’s writers are volunteers, and whether readers like them or not, it’s free! I don’t seem to understand the disrespect for someone who writes or who post comments, it’s someone’s opinion. Some opinions are well-written, maybe more knowledgeable/informative but in the end, this reader enjoy most of it the articles. But when I don’t like an article, I usually see it as “it didn’t interest me.” Who ever writes articles here, thanks. Whoever doesn’t like them… well, it’s freedom of speech. To each their own

  50. All y'all are snowflakes man dang ol bloom hower….

  51. 🇲🇽🌮🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  52. Miss the good ol BB days.
    Just post beheading videos or something.
    That’s all we really want!
    I want to eat lasagna while watching that chainsaw video again!

    1. I hear you, of course we don't have narcos writing their names with intestines like the old days either. Seriously, we know what gets clicks and Sol did a better job of catering to that.

  53. Readers 1
    Itzli 0
    Final score

    1. Yeah, because the readers run the site. Vato pendejo. -El Nemesis.

    2. 12:46
      You just self owned yourself vatos locos forever essay.

    3. 12:46
      Yes el Nemo
      the readers run the website.
      Itzli 0

    4. El Elmo shut the fuck up.
      Swim back across the rio.

    5. 12:46
      With all do respect.
      Sir Nemesis.
      90% of the people that comment in here are Reddit kids, kids in detention.
      That's why we see lots of childish comments.
      10% that comment are grown mature persons .
      Don't let the kiddos bring you down.

    6. 12:52
      Speak for yourself.
      You don’t speak for the readers.
      Up yours wimp.

  54. Replies
    1. Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding your comment but are you saying this article is just a copy and paste? Mind sharing what I allegedly copied it from??

    2. It’s basically copy and paste. Not an original thought in it, at all.
      Everything in it has been written elsewhere.
      I’m not going to explain where , you know where you read it.
      We all read the same shit.
      You jumbled a bunch of things together and called it a post, and knowing it was shite,
      prefaced it by saying ,fuck you if you don’t like it.
      Other than that, it was boring.
      It’s a good thing you dont get paid for it.
      Don’t listen to the cheer readers who compliment you, that’s noise.
      You guys need to either do better or fucking fold it.
      This site used to be good now it sucks.
      I am not the only one who thinks this, not at all.
      Even you know it sucks.
      Am I wrong?
      And don’t gimme crap like your other excuses about the shit that got erased, I’m talking about what’s happening now.
      Do better.

    3. 2:07 another lame comment.
      We gladly refund your subscription.
      You don't Ike the information, that it takes time to set up and translate into English, then you don't belong here.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Itzli any post you author is appreciated, especially Tamaulipas DTO. Also started reading BB the same year. What's your blog address?

    1. Freedom of speech - ya gotta love it.

  56. The saving grace of CdG is them kicking each others ass none stop. CDN is their black sheep every one knows that low key they are all relatively the same organization. Its just one day they kick each others ass and the next they help them kick some one else ass and the day after they get ass handed to them. At this point it worked in everyone's favour to have loose alliances and volatile dynamics. They should come to an agreement with CDN and each other already. A ceasefire would be start. Na nevermind that, sometimes negotiations are impossible

  57. Thanks for what you do Itzil and every single person that helps BB. I love BB. All you motherfuckers that don't like it here, you know what you can do. Vayan a chingar su puta madre. BB family, Saludos y un grande abrazo desde Los Angeles- El Nemesis.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. STOP IT For fucks sake. Let's see if we can control our emotions on subsequent posts!!!

  59. If you would report the real and stop cherry picking BS maybe people would not be so bord of this site. It's become so watered down the only interesting things in the article are the comments. This is like the Disney version of what's really going on. Be real journalists and report it all. Write better and stop the censorship that goes on on this site. Keep you bland writing to yourself if you don't like the comments. Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

  60. 11:05
    Please stop!
    Think about the children!
    You’re hysterical like a woman. Calm down cholo.

  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. This the most attention your post has gotten in maybe forever and you’re complaining?


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