Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 24, 2025

Thoughts on the "Terrorist" Cartels

 By Itzli 

One of, if not the biggest story of last week was the United States government declaring multiple Mexican cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) and even though there has already been a few articles about it on Borderland Beat there’s some things I want to cover which will serve as a launching point for another article/project to come.

Words matter when it comes to the United States government as once something is labeled it can trigger how the government treats it as can be seen on the State Department’s website. I don’t want to get into any politics around this but it should be pointed out the vast majority of FTOs have been Islamic groups and up until now there has only been a handful of groups in the Americas that have been designated. It looks like all of those groups are seen as communist/Marxist revolutionaries with the only ones with some drug connections being the United Self Defense Forces of Colombia and two Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) groups prior to this.

The term cartel started as a passing reference to the way that Pablo Escobar and his associates from Medellín dominated the cocaine market in the 1980s and since then drug cartels have become defined by the Depart of Justice as “large, highly sophisticated organizations composed of multiple DTOs and cells with specific assignments such as drug transportation, security/enforcement, or money laundering. Drug cartel command-and-control structures are based outside the United States; however, they produce, transport, and distribute illicit drugs domestically with the assistance of DTOs that are either a part of or in an alliance with the cartel.” DTOs stand for drug trafficking organizations, which are defined as “complex organizations with highly defined command-and-control structures that produce, transport, and/or distribute large quantities of one or more illicit drugs.”

In my own personal writing and research I take this a step further by coming up with five roles that a Mexican cartels may be involved in when it comes to drugs:

  1. Cultivation- this involves growing and harvesting marijuana and/or opium poppy in certain parts of Mexico where they can be grown.

  2. Importation- this involves direct involvement in smuggling or receiving drugs from other countries, including the above, cocaine, and precursor chemicals used to make other drugs.

  3. Production- while marijuana doesn’t have to be processed in the same manner as other drugs and transforming coca leaves into cocaine generally takes place in South America, drug production involves taking the raw ingredients and transforming them into usable drugs, for instance opium poppy into heroin and precursor chemicals into manufactured drugs such as methamphetamines and fentanyl. 

  4. Distribution- this involves the straightforward process of selling drugs at a retail level to local drug markets in Mexico.

  5. Exportation- this involves the most recognized role of drug cartels, smuggling drugs from Mexico into the United States. 

The press release doesn’t have much information on the six Mexican drug cartels that were labeled as FTOs but all were listed as transnational organizations, in other words organizations that operate in multiple countries, specifically Mexico and the United States. The phrase “drug trafficking, kidnapping, (and) extortion” is used to describe the CDN, LNFM, and CDG while the Cártel de Sinaloa lacks reference to extortion and CJNG lacks kidnapping. The CU is unique, with only its “violent activities which have resulted in numerous civilian, military, and law enforcement casualties.” being mentioned.

One thing that isn’t obvious based upon the information in the press release is the issue of scale, in other words where exactly these drug cartels operate in Mexico. Let’s take a look at what the press release mentions and flesh it out with the Milenio report that incorporates Mexican government information.

Cártel de Sinaloa is said to be “based in Sinaloa” and that’s it. Milenio reports it as the dominant cartel in 12 states (Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, Zacatecas, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo) and having a presence in 6 others (Nuevo Leon, Nayarit, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca).

CJNG is said to have “a presence in nearly every part of Mexico”. Milenio reports it as the dominant cartel in 13 states (Jalisco, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Colima, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Queretaro, Guerrero, Estado de Mexico, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz) and a presence in 10 others (Baja California Norte, Sonora, Zacatecas, Tamaulipas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo).

CDN is said to be “based in northeastern Mexico”. Milenio reports it as dominating Tamaulipas with a presence in 4 states (Nuevo Leon, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Tabasco), although this information is quite questionable.

LNFM is said to operate in “Guerrero, Morelos, and Mexico”. This matches the 3 states that Milenio reports.

CDG is said to be “based in northeast Mexico” and Milenio reports it having a presence in Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi.

CU is said to be in Michoacán, with it specified that it as “an alliance of multiple cartels and other groups”. This matches the reporting of Milenio, which further states that the most notable criminal groups that are part of it are La Familia Michoacana, Los Caballeros Templarios, Los Viagras, and Los Pájaro Sierra.

We’ll leave it at that for now and build off of this information next time. I’m sure at least one reader will want to say that this is once again “full of misinformation, missing actual facts, full of speculation, boring and too long” but the simple fact is it doesn’t matter if I put hours, days, weeks, or months into an article, it’s never good enough for certain individuals. Doesn’t matter though, we’re back to the old school forum Itzli, we’ll start getting to stuff quicker and try to foster good discussion moving forward. La Plata, Bjeff, or anyone that wants to reach out to me outside of comments, you can reach me at

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  1. Los altos mandos en mexico estan pensando transladarse a china o Rusia y desde hay manejar su negocio el fresa 🍓 por ejemplo tiene un búnker anti bombas desde hace un año esto lo sabe los servicios de inteligencia norte americana y israelí y tiene ubicado en lugar.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Yes and he has owned the Life fitness of La Perla, GTO and CDMx. To launder. Known that since 2017. He is not elusive.

  2. Get ready for the teeny bopper comments 3,2,1......…

  3. Even if labeled terrorists, how are these cartel members going to be weeded out from the Mexican people if military action were to take place?
    I mean real terrorists hang out in groups of hundreds if not more and live in caves or occupy certain buildings within all to themselves.
    Cartels like most any mafia blend in with the civilian population and only when they fight against each other out in the open do they ever congregate in groups of more than a few dozen.
    In inner cities they -at least in northern Mexico - you hardly see convys of these traveling together in groups of more than one or two vehicles. Perhaps out in the open fields but not cities due to police enforcement within the cities.
    Not defending these idiots either but simply stating facts about how difficult it can be to even try to completely annihilate these groups.

  4. Grazie for a break down on this news from last week. I've been a long time fan of BB for at least the last 10 years. To have a place to go for the news on the cartels in Mexico is very appreciated. Many blessings and peace.

  5. I disapproved this comment for bringing politics and race into it all but going to post what is allowable from it:

    When the Delta Force Sniper killed Pablo Escobar in 1993 it did not stop drug trafficking.
    Fentanyl trafficking wont stop.
    Attentamente el Carpintero 06

    1. Much respect to you Itzli for at least including part of my comment .

      "I cant breeve "

    2. @3:14

      It didn’t stop drug trafficking but it stopped Pablo Escobar!!!!

      He paid for his sins and crimes.

      His organization was weakened to the point of being inconsequential.

      Fighting drug production requires a multifaceted approach, and BTW, its impossible to win a war when your “allies” works for the enemy!

    3. Have you noticed how we BB readers treat each other like shit? Either everyone else is a complete slobbering idiot, or they're a self-proclaimed genius, able to solve the world's problems with two badly written sentences. I love it!

    4. Now they produce more Tons than ever… and more people snort in the US…

    5. 5:01 Because some people are here just to practice their humor or piss people off while others want to interact with each other and share their opinion or give more information on the topic.

    6. @ 3.41. You again? You get the important part of your comment posted but that isn't enough for you? Of course it isn't, cos that wasn't the real point, was it? You're a vicious little clown, carpenter.

    7. @4.24. Escobars organisation- Medellin- was weakened to the point of being inconsequential? What is it with the US and brand names? Don Berna took over and gained more power than Escobar ever had.

    8. Itzli:
      I never heard the story about the Delta sniper killing Escobar. I thought he was killed by the Search Block crew. Actually, I'm not sure if they know just actually who killed Escobar.

    9. 8:45:
      Diego Murillo was a low life involved in stealing, extortion and kidnapping. Only his followers refer to him as "Don", a title that he doesn't deserve. He never had the power that Escobar had.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. Crime will never stop. Should we just stop having a justice system?

    13. 6:18 Totally agree!

    14. @Detroit. Yes, Murillo was a lowlife, involved in murdering, kidnapping, extortion etc, but it was almost the entire country that called him Don Berna after he consolidated power in whole swathes of Colombia that Escobar never touched. Don't assume everyone is a cheerleader.

    15. Don Berna’s brother is who they say killed Pablo Escobar. It wasn’t the Search Bloc it was Los Pepes. That’s what finally did Pablo in. A group of people that did him the same way he did everyone else. Which was dirty.

    16. It was a member of the search block crew that killed Escobar, but since about half a dozen were shooting at him at the same time, nobody knows who really fired the bullets that ended his life. However, I’ll point out that killing Escobar and disrupting the media cartel had the opposite effect of reducing drug trafficking, particularly cocaine traffic. Cocaine trafficking increased exponentially over the next 20 years to the point that supply and demand took over and cost of a kilo dropped from 25 to 30,000 a ki to approximately 12.5 a ki. When will LE realize that in interdiction does not work it actually creates the opposite of what it was intended to create, and it always will. There must be a system in place to manage the trafficking of narcotics. Legislating the end of narcotics trafficking through interdiction is simply a tactic that does not work. You would think, after trillions of dollars spent, which only increased the number of drugs available the prices of narcotics. Etc. it does not reduce drug usage. It actually increases it.

  6. They act like drug traffickers are running into USa schools churches hospitals and business and shooting indiscriminately in the building. Or using explosives at public USA gatherings and indiscriminately harming the masses.

    They are not targeting cartels to help mexico

    1. Perhaps the dumbest assertion, but common among Mexicans.

      The elimination of cartels or (at least) weakened cartels ESPECIALLY helps the Mexicans!

      What’s the downside of weakened cartels or eliminated cartels???

    2. @4.30. You talk like it's a cartoon.

    3. 4:30 You talk about dumb asertions with a dumb assertion, common amoungst idiots. In that declaration of certain cartels terrorist organizations, nothing was mentioned that the US could justify branding them terrorist organizations except the drugs and that in itself isn't enough to brand them as such. Everything else is none of the US's business. So what is this really about??? And the problem with the US branding them is that they are giving themselves permission to meddle in Mexico and even assassinate people without Mexico's permission. I know people here wouldn't like it if a country were to do something similar against the US. Israel is conducting real terrorisim and the US government is backing them. Shameful, hypocritical, pathetic and disgusting. Trump doesn't give a damn about the average joe in this country, he's proven that once again with his actions since he came in office.

    4. I would think all the innocent lives and people displaced from the fighting would be enough to label them.

  7. Great to hear the good news about what is to come on the site.
    Itzli, I have always enjoyed reading your work and very much appreciate all the hard work you have put in.

    As for the terrorist designations, you are right to question the area CDN operate. As we know from that unbelievable video where they skinned a La Linea sicario alive, they very much have a presence in Zacatecas and want to keep it that way.

    1. 3:27 that cell in zac that put out the videos you were mentioning are allegedly former and\or current law enforcement. Well equiped and look to have their shiet together.

  8. The above quote was courtesy of


    1. Who thought there would ever come a time when we would read "Tricky", and "courtesy" in the same sentence, jaja? 🤔

  9. Ya vieron que en Culiacán las Fuerzas Especiales les dispararon desde el helicóptero a los de la pizza

  10. Nothing will change. Look at afghanistan. Produce most heroine have been designated terrorists for decades and nothing has changed.

    1. before usa invaded they didn't produce much opium at all cos taliban forbade it. same heroic usa that's gonna save mexico changed all that.

    2. Afghanistan a world away..
      Your cartel douchebags right next door, do you mind very much if we drop in on them and check 'em out?
      🚀🔥 🤕☠️

    3. This site always with the same worn out talking points. Wikileaks revealed a LONG time ago that they never planned on "winning" in Afghanistan. It was always meant to be a long protracted money grab. Do you think the us really believed sadam had wmd's?

    4. Wikileaks ? That’s where you base your information from ? What money are you talking about grabbing from Afghanistan? Because they so rich right now?

  11. Ojala no suba el perico. Down with fent! Up with coke!

    1. Eata mal este no ganansias haci era mejor cuando estaba mas caro abia mas movimiento era contado el k tenis perico cuando tenia vallr ahora cualquiere piojo lo tiene.

  12. Once again you prove that you can certainly use a lot of words and not say anything that has not already been said.
    And you still manage to try to control comments, and you still manage to get a quick passive aggressive paragraph in at the end.
    Dude, lame.

    1. "you can certainly use a lot of words"..
      Your clever use of the English language borders on Shakespearean!

  13. You don’t want to get political
    yet this has to do with politics?
    Weird stance
    Bad article

    1. 350
      Would you prefer a weird stance and a bad article?

    2. 4:54
      Your reply doesn’t land.
      Try again.

  14. like 5 years ago i red that when a a group is categories as Terrorists from the US they have full access to their bank accounts and money transactions. When i red it it reminded me of the Fast and Furious Operation was left in the dust when it faild when i think it was just a money grab

    1. Here you are again talking about a “ money grab “ exactly who is grabbing and what money are you speaking about. You sound like that’s a new phase you heard your parents or older kids say “ money grab “ and you just ran with it. Cause it makes no sense in either cside text you’ve use it in.

    2. 2:27
      Bien dicho
      Well said and SO true!

  15. Classic Itzli:
    Vomit some words and then say it’s not your fault, you clean it up.
    Cmon guy!

  16. Itzli
    You’re fired.

  17. Of my 5th grader wrote your article I would be proud.

    1. "of" and "if", are very similar words, don't let nobody tell you different, boo-boo bear 🐻

  18. Nice one Itzli. I understand you not wanting to wade into US politics in the current climate on BB, but it's impossible to avoid politics when it comes to designations.
    A good book, even if it does come off a little paranoid, is "Cartels Do Not Exist" by Zavala, or Dawn Paleys "Drug War Capitalism". The arguments they were making back then are even more relevant today. You might have read them already, so it's more of a heads up to anybody who's genuinely interested in Mexico, and the lines that get blurred so much that words no longer mean anything.

    1. You are certainly right and when you get down to it that was my way of saying that designating a FTO is inherently a political decision and there's a lot that could be written about that, it's tempting but in the end it becomes too much of a segue to what I'm building towards.

    2. Haven’t read the book but I’ve been on this site multiple times explaining there are no “cartels” in Mexico.

    3. @ Itzli Cool. If you went into the local politics every time you wrote something about Mexico then a thousand words would become 3 thousand and counting, and you'd end up forgetting what the original focus was supposed to be. Hard enough getting the facts right without distractions.

  19. Sicario: "Jefe, how will I know when the gringos are coming for us?"
    Jefe: "That Hellfire missile coming up your culo might be your first clue."

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Sicarios dindu nuffin

    3. Sicarios: "hands up dont Shoot"

    4. Q: “Jefe, when will we know the gringos are coming for us?”
      A: “When they come to your job and shove you and your illegal family in a van and send you back to your country”

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I’m starting to think this is what all the articles are going to be like.
    This sucks guys.
    I’m emailing Buggs.

    1. You're the same guy on the rag over and over again, if you were slick, you'd stagger your pithy comments so they don't come time-stamped back to back.
      Also, endeavor to make your insults more witty, or more insulting, or at least more interesting, you know, less repetitious.
      Show us you got what it takes, mijo!

    2. Ok mijo…
      Blood in blood out…

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Actually, alot of people are digging it except for you i guess.
      This is probably Itzli posting anonymously.
      I’ve made some good points and some good digs.
      You don’t like it you can get 0$ back that I was paid to write them.
      Heard that before?

    5. If you want to know who I am
      I’ll give you a hint:
      I own a car company and
      I own a rocket company and I’m dismantling democracy in my free time.
      I like to comment on borderland beat once in a while.
      I have a friend named BB but it stands for something else.

    6. I think some of it is funny.
      Some of it’s dumb.
      Doesn’t seem like it’s one person though. Maybe one person is doing it a lot more than others?
      I myself posted in agreement that the articles are not very good anymore.
      It seems like Itzli is asking for it when they post things egging them on.

    7. @5:13 is definitely Itzli!!
      Hilarious, what a coward!!

    8. 640
      @5:13 definitely not Itzli, definitely was ME 😺

    9. 6:56
      Ok “ me”

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. 6:56

    12. I swear to God I am who I am.
      Don't you think I am?

    13. Me, myself, and i

    14. Some of these critics are brain dead from what it seems. Criticizing articles when they could just stop their whining and contribute to the site with current events/stories instead of acting that it has to pass their smell test when in reality their upper lip is what smells like💩. Mf'ers act like they pay for a BB subscription and the crew at BB are getting paid. If you don't like the work, than show how it's done or keep pushing and go somewhere else. Either way people didn't come to BB to hear little girl whining so please stfu and go read "Man In The Arena" by Roosevelt so you could understand a critics worth.

    15. 5:14
      Well put.
      Most in here that waste time, because their in Continuation school, come in here to goof around, surprisedly there will be a time , where all immature comments from kids will be deleted from publication. Then kids who will have the last laugh.😂

    16. 826
      Continuation school...
      cruel comment, but funny! 😊

  21. This site sucks now.

    1. Cartel apologists parsing syllables. Without a being " political", of course.
      This analysis is intellectual masturbation. To what end, I'm not quite sure.
      Let me break down the new big picture.
      Cartels, including their governmental branches are the bad guys and a reckoning is in the works.

    2. Lmao let me guess the United States of Russia is the good guys right?

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Not surprising.

    2. The crowd has officially turned into a mob

  23. The AUC and a few other right wing organizations in Colombia were designated as FTOs decades ago. Definitely not Marxist.

    1. That is exactly what was written, almost all of them are left groups besides the auc.

    2. You are absolutely correct, I went through the FTO list and looked at a number of groups quickly and it seemed pretty consistent that they were Marxist groups but in my haste I overlooked the fact that you pointed out, AUC was an anti-FARC group.

    3. I think it took a bit more dirty work for the AUC to get listed. It does seem the left had it easier in this regard.

  24. You can call me the Borderland Beast.

  25. Hypocrisy at its best... stop drug abuse n cartels will dissappear,if there's a demand there will a provider

    1. He's actually right 7:23. Who's going to buy drugs if no one is useing them. Now get off that keyboard and go to bed so you won't make yourself look more of a jack ass than you already have.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Cartel crews work independently each other, many bosses. Like an octipus that keeps growing tentacles infinitely . Investment of$1.000 usd profits of $40.000 and up per kilo. Never ending story. To much money in properties businesses etc etc etc

  29. Replies
    1. @6.55. Ah bless your little heart. The person you're trolling allowed you to troll them, and you claim victory. Like boxing a 4 year old nephew, and them running off with their little fists in the air.

  30. This comments are punking BB admin left and right.
    Fkn hilarious!!

    1. I believe you mean these not this but as far as punking goes, if you want to see it that way go ahead, whatever you read is allowed and can be removed anytime we want.

    2. Ok Itzli
      Thanks for allowing it and not removing it.
      You sound like Elon.
      God complex much?

    3. You're not speaking for everybody buckaroo. Not our fault your mad at the amigo mio.

    4. If people are just talking nonsense hell yeah their comments should be removed. This is a cartel news site. Not a place to come try to be funny, talk smack because you feel safe, nor talk about nonsense. If you don't want your comment deleted then keep to the topic and be respectful. If not, bye bye.

    5. 8:49
      You got something on your nose
      It’s brown…

    6. @5.41. That joke doesn't work kid. Jesus, are you 12? Give yourself a name, a letter, cos you don't stop, and it's getting embarrassing. Posting anonymously makes it sound like dozens of people are rebelling, instead of a couple of sulky teens.

    7. @8:06
      Quit crying.

    8. Dude's not crying, he's complaining, as well he should!

    9. @8:34 Not a god complex, Buggs put a comment policy in place back in 2009 and it hasn't always been enforced. Some of you may feel good that I'm getting "punked" but I have yet to see any of my critics make a constructive point other than articles being invalid because of a lack of local sources which is something we'll have to agree to disagree with.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Thank you. Great article ! Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

  36. So are there alot of people doing all this harrassing on here or just one or 2 assholes binge trolling? You're not speaking for the majority of commentors.
    We like this site. DJM

    1. Circumstantial evidence points to a very limited number of "trolls".

    2. 9:13
      I like this site too.
      I used to like it a lot more.
      Now it’s been taken over by people who can’t write and censor away and talk shit.
      If you like it , good for you, I bet you like plain oatmeal and speed walking too.

    3. Oops, I meant 11:08. Sorry Itzli.

    4. 11:08 go help mom with chores, instead of picking on the people that make time, to translate articles, are on vollenteer basis, once again the site is not charging you a penny whatsoever.
      You don't like the site, the door is open.

      Tricky 😺

    5. 12:59 Exactly! For some reason they don't leave but run their mouths, pathetic.

    6. Tricky,
      Take time to edit your posts for spelling and clarity.

  37. There are no “cartels” in Mexico now as the word is properly defined and that’s why the US gov officially uses the appropriate term DTO etc. The term is otherwise used out of ignorance, convenience, or for affect to be provocative. Medellin and Cali were actual and proper cartels as the word is defined and as such, they were called cartels. OPEC is a cartel. Your close is more Bs. You’re apparently too thin-skinned to publish. Learn to take or ignore the criticism. Most of the people who comment are unmitigated morons.

    1. @10.43. Networks like Cali weren't "proper Cartels"- US prosecutors targeted them with terms that made them easier to prosecute, and those terms stuck. Colombia was even more complicated than Mexico. The Orejuellas laughed at the way the structure of their organisation had been described, even as they admitted the amount of drugs they'd smuggled.

  38. If im being threatened by one of these terrorist groups will USA give me Asylum?

    1. No, not asylum, they’ll give you a coupon for a free milkshake!

    2. 537
      One milkshake coupon per customer, even if you are being threatened by multiple cartels. 🍨


  40. nothing is going to change.. drugs come in, weapons come out... everybody wins... American gun companies profit so its never going to end.

    1. The weapons dealers make the money with the cartels, not the gun manufacturers. Most of the guns the cartels aquire are used and have already been in circulation for awhile.

    2. Your telling me all those 50cals are from dealers?

  41. This is the type of stuff gonna get the cartels what they’re looking for.

  42. Any individual to claim knowing what s going on in Mexico with the Cartels, the government and the civilian population doesn't know what they are talking about. This issues will continue to be complex, and "unresolved" the easiest way to even explain this is do descrive it is as :an ever changeing ecosystem."

  43. The media first labeled drug organizations, which In the case of the Mading cartel were simply a group of friends that hung around a bar, trying to make money off tourist. After the media labeled them cartels, it stroked their egos and made them feel more important and powerful than just some thug criminals hanging out at a bar, So they embraced it. And from there, everyone trafficking narcotics became a cartel. Instead of what they really are, which is a Plethora of small groups of friends working together to move narcotics to consumers in Europe, Africa, and the good old USA and Canada.

    1. 🤦🏻‍♂️ @211 nonsense. You should be a writer here with that Bs. Medellin and Cali were called cartels because they were cartels - they were set up and operated like a proper “cartel.” There are no cartels in Mx. Maybe Felix old org was the closest thing but that was short lived and mostly consisted of familial relations.

    2. 241 "you should be a writer here with that bs"

      The zingers do NOT stop!

  44. They want to create a cou. No h hi olor de estado en México


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