Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Two minors from Nayarit arrived at the Bus Station deceived by a false job offer In Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. WARNING "CJNG" Cartel Continues Deceitful Recruitment Job Offers

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by EL OCCIDENTAL 

FEBRUARY 9, 2025 

Not finding the people, they decided to return to their homes, but the police protected them.

Elizabeth Ibal

Cases of false promises of work allegedly offered by members of organized crime to force recruitment continue to increase. During the night of this Saturday, two minors arrived in Jalisco because they received a false job offer.

Police officers from the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of San Pedro Tlaquepaque were alerted by private security personnel from the New Bus Station about two minors who were trying to board a passenger bus bound for Nayarit.

The teenagers told the police that they came from the neighboring state of Nayarit, since they were offered work in the state, so they went to that terminal.

When they arrived, they did not locate the people who offered them work, which generated distrust in them and they decided to return to their homes and that was when the uniformed officers located them in that place.

In coordination with the State Police, State Prosecutor's Office, Army and National Guard, command and guidance was requested with the Public Ministry.

In addition, the ministerial agent will be in charge of the investigations to try to locate those people.

The Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of San Pedro Tlaquepaque recommends that the population review job offers with attractive salaries, always verifying that the supposed company that wants to hire them does exist. In any situation of vulnerability, you can contact the Tlaquepaque police at the number 3330503050, especially for any questions about this type of employment.



  1. Pos no que muy vergas las Jaliskas nalgas miadas.. ahuevo obligan a la gente a meterse al mugrero porque ya nadie quiere ser jaliska .. lo mismo que lo zetas cuando andaban ya en las ultimas .. esque donde quiera estan barriendo con la basura del mencho y su pinche bieja con Cara de Juanga .. porque no han podido en Zacatecas las perras flacas de las cuatro ??

    1. Neta que esa mujer siempre le ha tenido parecido a la gilbertona



  2. They would have been fresh meat on the front lines of some battlefield.
    Next time you kids get an attractive job offer from another state, ask yourselves why they can't recruit talent in their own state?
    These two tortilla brains will be back, with stars in their eyes, in eager hopes of getting those high paying "security" jobs they missed out on this time..

    "Stupid is as stupid does"
    .. Forrest Gump's mother

    1. For reals 2 balls 🦎 lizard?

    2. From what I've been reading they've switched from security jobs to fruit picking jobs, firm laborers, saying they're going to be going to a completely different state and yet somehow the group of guys hired are put on a bus by the ranch's owner supposedly when really they've been deceived...take a pit stop in Jalisco, and well we know what happens from there... 🐙

    3. El lagarto 🦎 is KING

  3. Replies
    1. Infobae- "Quien es Gallina?"
      Connor- Never heard of him before but La Gallina is KING!!!! (Flappy hands)

  4. Se les estan acabando los guerrilleros colombianos o que?

    1. The ex military, paramilitaries are in Ukraine, pays better, but mortality is very high, the Ukr. commanders send the Latinos on suicide missions, thus keeping their salaries.
      Next year they'll come to Mexico, the ones who survive.

    2. Its a real war and not ambushing campesinos walking across the Sierra or the woods. And in regards to the suicide missions, that is russian war tactics sine 1900. Why is he recruting in prisons and bought the soldiers from north korea? Russia always had more people than rifles.

    3. I hope both made it back home, Tlaquepaque isnt a nice place for most parts.

  5. They can stop this, but it’s helping them too much with the depopulation agenda.

  6. That's absolutely horrible if true! I wouldn't doubt it though. Especially how the US depopulation agenda is having such humongous success. Am I right?

  7. Smh forcing ppl to work for you is a disgrace, trumps about to out these guys to sleep

  8. There is a very simple way to stop all this. All bus companies in Mexico must ask for ID when selling tickets to make sure they are adults. If they are teenagers the bus companies must alert police immediately. They must also detain the minors until police show up to do investigation. If bus companies fail to do this they can be criminal charged and fined fifty thousand pesos. It's that simple. Nuff Said!!!

  9. @2.31. You're a genius. Bet nobody ever thought of that..

  10. @Nuff Said. Glad you find this shit funny.

    1. 4:45pm How are my brilliant ideas funny dummy. I am trying to help them with their problems. A simple ID check is a great way to prevent this. Your only jealous because you couldn't think of it. Nuff Said!!!

    2. @Nuff Said- Apologies if you were being sincere, if you are Nuff Said. I assumed it was a joke, expecting bus drivers to police cartel recruitment when the majority are either on the payroll or risk death by interfering. Not allowing kids on buses won't help- it was pure luck that these kids were saved.


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