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Thursday, March 20, 2025

CDG Cell Leader/Author of El Cantaritos Massacre Arrested

 By Itzli. 

The role of the Cártel del Golfo (CDG, Gulf Cartel) in the El Cantaritos Massacre of November 2024 becomes clear with the arrest of José Francisco “Alfa 1”.

The Cantaritos Massacre

As previously reported by Borderland Beat an attack on the Cantaritos bar in the capital city of Querétaro took place on the night of November 9, 2024, leaving 10 dead and 13 injured. In the days that followed word spread that among the dead was Fernando “La Flaca” González Núñez, a member of the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) who was targeted by cartel rivals that night, as well as fellow cartel member Jesús “El Chuyón” Arteaga Montenegro.

CJNG in Querétaro 

The state of Querétaro was once considered among the safest states in Mexico with it rumored that various cartels had agreed to it being a safe haven for their families and children. By 2009 this began to change with a series of cartels operating there, first Los Beltrán Leyva followed by Los Zetas, who maintained a presence as La Familia Michoacana spread into the state and was eventually replaced by Los Caballeros Templarios, who would also fade away, although a cell that had been lead by Honorio “El Genético” Núñez Vargas before he was killed in 2020 would remain present in San Juan del Río until at least 2022.

By May 2014 the CJNG expanded into Querétaro, with Martín “El Cebollón” Navarro Escutia as their leader in the state and neighboring parts of Guanajuato. Around this same timeframe a former cell of Los Zetas in Guanajuato came under the control of José Antonio “El Marro” Yépez Ortiz and became known as the Cártel de Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL). Despite the CSRL entering a period of decline following the August 2020 arrest of “El Marro” leaked military records indicated in 2022 that both the CJNG and CSRL were active in the municipalities of Querétaro, Corregidora, Huimilpan, Pedro Escobedo, and San Juan del Río.

Following the Canatritos Massacre, some reporting would indicate that “La Flaca” had been head of plaza in San Juan del Río and four of the aforementioned municipalities were listed as being disputed by the CJNG and CSRL, the exception being Pedro Escobedo, which was absent and Ezequiel Montes listed instead. Reporting from December 2024 indicates that these cartels dispute criminal control seven Pemex pipelines running from a refinery in Tula, Hidalgo to Salamanca, Guanajuato as well as storage and distribution terminals that spur off of them in a number of cities, including San Juan del Río and Celaya, Guanajuato. The cell of “El Genético” was not mentioned, instead Los Hades was listed as operating within the San Juan del Río, Zimapán and Polotitlán area.

The Arrests

With it generally assumed that the CSRL was behind the attack, less than two weeks after the Cantaritos Massacre authorities in Querétaro conducted a number of searches that resulted in the arrest of two of the individuals involved in the massacre and face charges of 50 years in prison. On February 26, 2025 the governor of Querétaro stated that a third individual had been identified and was close to being captured. 

On March 20, 2025 it was announced that Mexican authorities had conducted six simultaneous arrest operations in Querétaro, Guanajuato and Yucatán which led to the arrest of nine individuals from a criminal organization, the most notable being cell leaders José Francisco “Alfa 1” Contreras Gómez and Sandra “La Patrona” León Moreno. In mentioning that these arrests were related to the Cantaritos Massacre it was said that one other individual is still being sought.

“Alfa 1”, who is reported to have ordered the Cantaritos Massacre, was arrested in Juriquilla alongside “La Patrona”, who is mentioned as being his wife. With it specified that “La Patrona” is a “operational liaison and leader of another cell, linked to the purchase and sale of drugs” and one of the “principales operadores de una alianza entre grupos criminales”, it appears that she is a ranking member of the CSRL. As for “Alfa 1”, he is described as the leader of Escorpiones cell of the CDG linked to the CSRL. 

Furthermore, sources in the Mexican government told a reporter that “Alfa 1” was in charge of directing an alliance of Cártel del Golfo-Escorpiones and Gente Nueva Salazar with the CSRL. The presence of Los Escorpiones in Guanajuato was discussed in part 13 of the bloated CDG Matamoros series, with a focus on a cell that was sent there by José Alberto “La Kena” García Vilano in November 2022 and Escorpiones linked events in the months thereafter. Just prior to this it was written that:

It should be noted that the presence of the CDG in CSRL territory dates back to the leadership of “El Marro”; a CDG cell leader was arrested in Celaya in May 2019 in the same residential division where the mother-in-law of “El Marro” had lived. However, it is unclear which CDG faction he belonged to.

It is now clear that the CDG member arrested in May 2019 was, in fact, “Alfa 1” and an arrest in 2008 has also been mentioned, with his crimes listed as kidnapping, fuel theft, drug sales, homicides, and armed attacks against both rivals and authorities. A claim on twitter states that “Alfa 1” was also responsible for killing Juan Gabriel “El Sierra” Montes Sermeño in November 2023.

3/21/25 Update

After this was published an article came out that provides additional information worth noting. According to am, it was an investigation taking place in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato that led to all these individuals being found. What I didn’t make clear previously is that four gunmen were involved in the Cantaritos Massacre and, as previously mentioned, two were arrested in November 2024. The operation that took place in Yucatán was to arrest José Remedios “El Reme” Araiza Yáñez, the head of sicarios for this cell, who went into hiding in Umán. While the article implies that this happened immediately after the Cantaritos Massacre, “El Reme” is mentioned as being connected to an attack on December 10, 2024. This is at least the fourth arrest of “El Reme”, as the following were listed:

  • October 9, 2009- Imprisoned for robbery in San Miguel de Allende, released May 14, 2010.

  • April 22, 2015- Imprisoned for crimes against health in San Miguel de Allende, released April 22, 2015

  • March 16, 2017- Imprisoned for crimes against health in Guanajuato, released March 10, 2021.

In operations that took place in San Miguel de Allende and various locations in Querétaro the following individuals were arrested:

  • Abraham Bravo Andrade

  • Patricia Andrade Ayala

  • José Juan Gabriel Noria Bautista

  • Carlos Daniel Noria Ramírez

  • Daniel Galván Cruz 

  • Ramiro de Jesús Rojas


  1. LOL “ author”

    1. That means he came up with the plan and is not writing a book, idioto

    2. 4:48

      You may be functionally illiterate. Basically, because you're accustomed to seeing a word in a specific context you assume it's the only one in which it can be correct, and erroneously think it's being used wrong when you encounter it in a different context.

    3. "intellectual author"

  2. Avienten todos esos cabrones a un volcán alv. Bola de abusones.

  3. Good read, and incidentally, the Matamoros series wasn't "bloated"..
    Besides, what's done is done, if Vincent Van Gopher could have gone back in time to nitpick or un-bloat something in one of his paintings, he wouldn't have gotten all frustrated and lopped off one of his ears!

  4. I just hate when these criminals are after one or two rivals but decide to shoot up the whole place with dozens of innocents. The innocents included at least five working bar girls that I can see from the pictures of the attack. We can't waste bar girls. I hope this criminal stays in jail and not let out on some technical judges order. Nuff Said!!!

  5. Speaking of Querétaro and the Jaliskas, were they the ones responsible for the death of conjunto norteño from Guanajuato Emiliano Cuevas y su Grupo Penumbra??? Seems like he was targeted because he sang corridos for Marros people

    1. Yeah, RIP Emiliano Cuevas aka El De Villagran💪🏼

  6. Cdg along with the Michoacán cartels like Los viagras, caballeros Templarios, and such have got to be the lowest of the low when it comes to cartel hierarchy.. trash among scum .. look where they operate and you’ll find that the areas they control are among the most dangerous for normal non involved civilians .. as a regular Mexican citizen you are more likely to be kidnapped, robbed or extorted in tamaulipas or michoacan than you would in any other place controlled by cartels .. TJ, Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa have high indexes of murder and drug trafficking yet they are safer for those not in the game

    1. Cdg Matamoros has always been one of the better connected and most violent criminal organizations in Mexico.

    2. @8:41 … lol.. esa mamada ni tu te la crees compa .. 😝 😂

    3. Facts. Thats why jaliscas cldnt get tamailipas like those other pussy states.

  7. He is one good looking cat!

    1. The good-looking ones always make friends in prison FAST! ❤️

  8. Appreciate the investigative reporting Itzli ... good read .

  9. CDG is a legendary organization from Juan Abrego , Osiel , Tony Tormenta , Coss Costilla

    1. The founder of CDG was Juan Nepomuceno Guerra Cárdenas who at his height had more power than Mayo and Chapo combined (note that I said "more power" not "more money"). His connections stretched to the US where certain police chiefs secretly paid homage to him. He was personal friends with Carlos Salinas de Gortari's father. He also killed one of Pancho Villa's sons in the 1960s.

    2. De cual fumas ?


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