Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

CDG Chismes: Broken Ceasefire & More

 By Itzli. 

Welcome to another round of news and gossip related to the Cártel del Golfo (CDG, Gulf Cartel). It’s been two and a half weeks since we first did this sort of article and there’s been a few things that almost made me do a new one that we’ll start off with.

For those that missed it, I did an update to the last article on March 1st to answer a question about increased violence in Ciudad Victoria. I won’t repeat all that or really do much of an update other than there have still been killings taking place and it’s being said that Cártel del Noreste is behind the increased violence. Situaciones de Riesgo (SDR) reports have been surprisingly quiet in Río Bravo; instead, the majority are taking place between Reynosa and San Fernando.

What has caught my eye is the number of police actions taking place:

Another thing worth noting is clashes between cartel members and government forces. Before dawn on March 4th the Matamoros Faction of the CDG got into it with the Marina in Santa Rita, a small town in the San Fernando municipality near the coast. One cartel member was killed and eleven arrested (four of them were injured). It appears that this was a cell under Escorpión 18.

A somewhat similar event took place in ejido Paso Real, on the southwest outskirts of the city of San Fernando on March 10th, this time the Guardia Estatal was attacked and three Zetas Vieja Escuela (ZVE) cartel members were injured in the shootout.

The Broken Ceasefire

The big story revolves around the ceasefire that was reached between the Cártel del Noreste (CDN) and Los Metros CDG that was reached on February 25th. Days later more information came out, citizens who fled towns like Peña Blanca that had seen back and forth control were told they could return home safely. The dividing line between forces was presented as being Los Guerra straight south to a point just west of El Zacate and then a diagonal line to Doctor Cross before going south again to General Bravo, with the southern part being a neutral zone, although China itself appears to remain under the control of Los Metros

March 3rd, Guardia Estatal helicopter gets shot at near Arcabuz, which would be in CDN but near the border line. Same day Los Metros forces under Leonel Artemio “El Chaparro” Bazán García clashed with Fuerza Civil in General Bravo. A day later a CDN member was arrested in China. Also on March 4th a CDN member was arrested in Doctor Coss after an attack on a Fuerza Civil and military forces traveling there to provide backup. It was said that CDN leader Juan “La Sombra” Cisneros Treviño was giving them orders via radio. On March 6th reports of at least three cartel roadblocks between China and General Bravo as well as armored vehicle movement to the northwest. If that didn’t look like enough of a powder keg, last week on March 11th the bodies of three decapitated women were left in El Zacate. I’m surprised pictures never came out as widely as it was reported. Next day someone was arrested with weapons after attacking Fuerza Civil in Los Aldamas.  

You’d think with all that going on that would be the area where the ceasefire would break down but nope, a shootout took place yesterday evening outside Los Guerra and two CDN members were killed. Another clash took place in Nuevo Leon in San Bartolo, just south of Cadereyta Jiménez. So the ceasefire has been broken after lasting shorter than five Danny Divitos, I mean four weeks. The question is will this turn back into full scale war or will they somehow get past this and continue the ceasefire? In recent days it seems that they had been taking advantage of peace, with Los Metros allegedly reinforcing the CJNG in Zacatecas and CDN making moves in San Luis Potosi.

That’s it for now so let’s get the conversation rolling on the comments. I know a certain someone thinks I get Tamaulipas totally wrong so it would be great if anyone wants to jump in with alternative information on anything I’m getting wrong and as always questions are always welcome. Feel free to hit me up at also.


  1. Itzli....Always uninteresting bro,thanks for the long time work you continue to do

  2. So what's up with Matamoros? And Los panteras? Are they still around? And Los Rojos? And La Columna. Are they truly independent now?

    1. There wasn't much to say about Matamoros, they're still fighting, take it for what it's worth but I did read a claim that they retook Abasolo recently. Panteras seem to be virtually non-existent after Pantera 24 got arrested, the only one of their crew I know of is Flaco and it seems like they merged with ZVE and Los Sierras in San Fernando. Rojos are very quiet, still control Tampico but very little information comes out about them. Side note though, I'll write about it eventually but heard for a while R2 is out of jail and got more information on what he's up to. Columna is another one I wish I had more information on, they are still in control of their territory doing their thing without much information coming out. There's a rumor they're working with Matamoros to keep CDN out of the middle part of Tamaulipas but I'd like to see other sources.

    2. Obtuse too. You’re thin skinned bc of your need to mention “a certain someone.” I’ll never in my life understand the hubris needed to write about a place you don’t live and claim to be a “researcher.” You’re an aggregator and there’s nothing wrong with that. You aggregate information from secondary sources (not primary). Problem is when you swerve out of your lane. The invitation is open - I’ll show you around and let you “investigate and report.” 😉

    3. Tampico is quiet bc there are agreements. La Columna is independent which doesn’t preclude cooperation on common interests.

  3. Lol you’re thin skinned. Cd. Victoria has been contested for some time now. There’s no particular “uptick” in violence. It’s business as usual.

    1. With all due respect I don't understand why you claim I'm thin skinned. In the article I said there was an uptick, I chose that word specifically because it means a slight increase, therefore there is already violence in Ciudad Victoria but seeing a bit of an increase. I get questioned in comment about it and I post the SDRs that lead me to that gave me that impression while acknowledging that relying on the SDRs may lead to the wrong conclusion. Here's the deal, yeah Ciudad Victoria has been contested for some time now, despite what you think I can tell you a lot of it off the top of my head I've never said otherwise. If I'm wrong I'm wrong but all I'm getting at is that CDN seemed to have backed off of "calientando la plaza" a while back and now it APPEARS they are once again focusing on that.

    2. "thin skinned"? be mixing metaphors, foo!

  4. As always these are great posts bro! You do an amazing job of keeping us in the loop.


  5. Como chingas con tus chismes. Pareces vieja guey

    1. Aver, eso sera gran insulto? Ni modo amigo, aqui ando y aqui estas viendo los chismes y criticando como una mujer sin mejores cosas que hacer.

    2. La verda no peca pero incomoda compa. No sirves pa reportero. Pinche vato vale verga.

    3. Andale pues, manda tus reportes mejores y los publicamos. Si no sera mejor que no gastas tu tiempo en leer los mios, obvio no los vas a gustar.

  6. SDR means something diff where I’m from, in the US of A. It means I cold call people for a living. Saludos Itzli

  7. Where's the story of those 6 soldiers killed by those cjng scumbags in Michoacan and Jalisco. It turns out the 2 of the 4 arrested by the armed forces were former Gafes. That's why they managed to kill 6 of those soldiers. 3 of that group were also killed by the army. It turns out that they're bodyguards for el tío lako. A regional boss of the cjng. The same coward that escaped from Michoacan when he was throwing a party for his daughter. He'll be captured sooner or later after that grave site. Bet those cartels voted for el PRI or PAN. I guess they voted for MORENA. Thinking that the political party will kiss they're asses. They made a big mistake.

    1. El Hamburgruesas goons were also involved. Got caught in Zacapu and let him go a week later. Heard he shit and pissed his pants when he got arrested and let him change before coming out. Probably pay back for this.

    2. 8 23.
      What does him pulling a magic trick and escaping from a party have anything to do with being a coward????
      His daughter had a really big party,so music alone probably at least 500k usd so believe when I say he also paid the government extra to be able to enjoy a family event with mayors from towns invited as well as military officers.
      abra cadabra cupcake

    3. 8 23. The politicians run to the narcos for money to finance their campaigns and buy votes. Governor of Michoacan is a nephew of el abuelo farias. Rocha is a fixer for Ivan guzman.
      Lol just like american politicians run to aipac for funding so do mexican politicos run to narcos.
      You are a funny a guy...

  8. Deport Sic006 to CECOT!

  9. The patron Osiel has the plazas on lockdown! Nuff said!

    1. You mean his nephew because if oziel wld step in moros his own nephew wld have him killed. El contador is the cdg boss like it or not.

  10. Leave the cartels alone , with out them you would starve .

  11. Thx for taking time and reporting about tamps. And you are right about the police ops. I thought the same but not limited to tamps but all over mexico.
    Keep on and dont care about the guys who think they know.

  12. Wow what a bad read. Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

  13. Is it true that p-1 men are moving to cdn territory to start a super cartel ?

  14. Ahora los metros van a reforzar a quien en zacatecas? Que bien que vallan y los maten alv alla por lambe huevos. Digan lo que digan los escorpiones no necesitan a ningun otro cartel. Los metros le dieron las nalgas a las jaliscas y ahora tienen que pelear sus guerras en otros estados y encima de eso todo el dinero de reyonsa y la frontera chica se va para sus patrones en colima y jalisco. Pendejos.

    1. Bien sabes la movida amigo. Todo lo que ha logrado Primito en fin es gracias al Jardinero y asi parece que los CJNG quieren refuerzas en Zacatecas y Los Metros no quedan de otra de reforzar los. Igual cuando los de F1 dieron todo los que tenian in Zacatecas al CJNG.

  15. There will never be peace in Tamaulipas. These idiots don't know how to keep a truce going. I also would really love to know what that girl in the picture is thinking. She's posing with a CDG hat on. She just exposed herself to the world and the enemy. They will track her down and kill her. She will be easy to identify with tattoos on her right hand. Does anybody remember Joselyn Alejandra Niño? This girl also posed in pictures. She had a tattoo in her right arm which made her get identified easy. They got to her and chopped her up in pieces. Please girls taking these pictures is not cool. If you want to be cool date me Nuffy! Nuff Said!!!

    1. Catch your eye huh? There's more on her on twitter, she's 22 years old and an "operadora" for Los Metros. Have a picture of her geared up too. Like you said, another Joselyn, playing sicaria going to end bad.

    2. Thanks Itzli. I will look her up. Hopefully Buffy won't catch me. Nuff Said!!!

    3. Here's the BB article on Joselyn Alejandra Niño if people want to read it:

    4. We remember Jocelyn, but can't believe it's been 10 years already 😟


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