Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

CJNG Video Attempts to Distance Themselves from Izaguirre Ranch Cremations

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

In a four minute video posted to social media; alleged members of the CJNG rejected the allegations that the Izaguirre Ranch, in Teuchitlán, had functioned as a clandestine extermination center, forced recruitment camp and/or crematorium. The video also accused the search groups and media of manipulating the facts surrounding the ranch and activities there.

In the message, the alleged spokesperson recalled that federal forces raided secured the property on September 18, 2024, as a result of a pursuit that ended with the release of two prisoners. The property was then protected and analyzed according to them, "without finding any clues or evidence of the extermination camp, and they are closing the investigation, considering everything closed."

Regarding the most recent discovery made on March 8, 2025, they point out that "a group of searching mothers, supported by someone and with information of dubious origin, completely contradicts the evidence found six months earlier by federal agents."

"They're reporting the discovery of an extermination camp, a forced recruitment camp where they held more than 250 kidnapped people and an equal number of kidnappers. What did they find? How much did they find? They found nothing," the armed man shouts.

"With what authority did the group of search mothers intervene or on what grounds did they enter a secured property? Their duty was to notify the competent authority, and what they did was plant and create a horror film to cause a stir on social media. What are they hiding? Who is backing them? Why are they trying to harm the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel with lies and fabricated, baseless stories?" he asserts.

The spokesperson acknowledged that they do belong to organized crime, but emphasized that they abide by internal "codes." He affirmed that they are also fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands, and that they understand the pain of the families of missing persons. However, he considered that this is not the appropriate way to address the situation or to "distort reality."

Referring to the security situation in the region, he maintained that "Jalisco is calm," with no kidnappings or homicides in rural communities, and questioned whether the government is trying to create a scenario like that in Sinaloa, where, he said, "social peace has been broken and many people have had to emigrate to live in safe conditions."

He also expressed an apology for displaying weapons in the video, and asserted that it was "not intended to intimidate," but rather to "refute the false testimonies" that, according to him, have been spread against the cartel led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho."

Regarding the allegations of forced recruitment, he ironically discussed the logic behind such claims and asked if he and his companions were considered kidnapped, arguing that no one would hand a weapon to someone deprived of their liberty.

He concluded his message by asserting his continued involvement in the criminal group out of conviction, and asserted that as a society, "we have lost our values ​​and principles. We are organized crime," he said, "but you seek to cause astonishment and panic with something that happens every day." He asserted that they serve the people and remain with them.

Journalists, which were being called out for amplifying and manipulating facts responded to the video calling it, "an attempt to discredit the mothers who are searching, a threat to the mothers who are searching, and confirmation of the drug peace in Jalisco. There are all kinds of interpretations of this very strange CJNG video about Teuchitlán," journalist Óscar Balderas said on social media.

The search group maintains that the ranch was allegedly used by a criminal group as a forced recruitment center, where young people recruited through deception were forced to train and, in some cases, murdered. According to witness accounts, the disappearances were linked to false job offers and forced recruitment.

The empty land plot in 2011.

The ranch being developed around 2014.

Land Taken by Force in 2012

One of the possible reasons the ranch is just now being exposed and searched after the raid on the camp last year is that it just recently showed up in land registry paperwork in the beginning of 2025. According to the previous and last registered owner of the land, it was taken from his family by force over a decade ago and largely forgotten about until the local government reached him to pay property taxes.

In news interviews 'Don Genaro Ramírez' is the name given to the former the owner of the plot to protect his identity.

In 2012, a pair of men arrived at the home of 'Don Genaro,' where he, his wife and his daughter were. The CJNG threatened to harm the owner's daughter if he didn't sell the plot of land where the extermination camp would later be located. 

According to the story widely known by the residents of La Estanzuela de Teuchitlán, one of the men took the young woman and warned that if they did not do business with them they would harm her.

“Don Genaro says that the men who spoke to him were not armed, but there was no need to be, judging by the manner and authority with which they spoke to him,” said one of the locals.

Ranch Registered in 2025

Journalist Esteban David Rodríguez points out that it was not until this year that 'Don Genaro' and his family were contacted about the property, because the city council required the payment of the property tax for the plot. This meant one thing: the ranch had passed to the status of full ownership, in other words, it became private property. 

The property appeared registered as private property in the Teuchitlán municipal land registry, with no information about who completed the paperwork, residents say. Although someone had to have registered it in the land registry of the Teuchitlán city council, it was not Don Genaro or any members of his family.

The journalist points out that for this procedure to be carried out, approval must be obtained from the communal land assembly, a formal application must be submitted to the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development and the National Agrarian Registry.

Sheinbaum's Actions Against Missing Persons

Following the Teuchitlán camp news in Jalisco, President Claudia Sheinbaum outlined six reform initiatives, including:
  • Strengthening the National Search Commission
  • Equating the crime of disappearance with kidnapping
  • Creating a single database of forensic information
  • Incorporating immediate investigative searches without 72 hour waiting period
Between October 2023 and March 2025, collectives have reported at least six similar sites in Jalisco, allegedly used by criminal groups for recruitment and elimination purposes.

Jalisco is the state with the most missing persons; 14,963 out of a national total of 124,059, according to official figures. Nationally, more than 72,000 bodies remain unidentified in forensic services.

In 2023, Jalisco state reported 137,100 crimes, with only 798 prosecutors investigating them.


  1. Replies
    1. Bola de culones, ahora si van a sentir el Mandingo como Connor. Robando tierras, pobres viejitas Corran putos que ay vengo como en to cara 💦🦆

  2. Of course they will make a video claiming they are not responsible. Let's blame another smaller cartel.

    1. I don’t think it’s cartel , well not most of it . I believe is dirty cops and politicians work.

  3. Van a matar las madres mentirosas! Arriba los cuatro letras! Bibaaa Hellisko

    1. chinga tu madre . por que las madres vayan a mentir sobre sus hijos

  4. You're a racist and a conspiracy theorist to think that shienbum and her cohorts are masquerading as the "cartels" in order to rule the ppl of MX through fear & psyop's...

    1. 12:30 PM
      Huh what,did i miss something,what happened?

  5. What weapons are the guys in far ends holding ?

  6. Vallasen a la verga pinches mugroso carteles. God bless America

  7. Ahhh now there saying , they never killed people. Those that did not want to join, were 🔥 burnt.
    They got exposed, too late to hide the mis deeds.

  8. This looks staged, that guy is a great orator, gracias buena tarde.

  9. Did their media strategist get scooped up and deported? This is ridiculous and only the biggest morond in the world would believe anything they are saying here... Yes, those scheming mothers of the disappeared are secretly plotting with the government to make these poor narcos out to be BAD guys. Totally not fair.

  10. What a complete disgrace from both politicians and this cartel. Trying to put the obvious under the rug when everything is in Clearview! unbelievable.

  11. Pues no que muy riatitas? Ya no nomas la ven cerca y no les gusta.

  12. The local and state government are just as guilty as the four letters. This is why CJNG is furious. The government had more to do with this than CJNG did.

  13. Everyone in Jalisco knows how these foos get down it’s been happening for years too many accounts of people saying it just remember the story of the kidnapped teenagers in Jalisco that were made to kill each other for their amusement

    1. Facts, just a modern zetas cartel.

  14. OJ said he didn't do it either.

  15. This could of also been used by one of the governments branches

  16. Cada vez que les llegan los militares hacen berrinches y corren las 🐀 patacortas

  17. These terrorist are always denying everything

    RIP Gilbertona

  18. I dont think that ranch is cartel, well most of it is not. Why would a cartel take their time to take their clothes off ? They could have just burned all of that too. I feel like it’s politicians and dirty cops .

  19. Trump can rescue them with Drone shots. But cartels & Mexican government is 1 in the same.

  20. These rats need to be exterminated. Bring in the 82nd.

  21. So this began under Felipe Calderon and still operating under Peña nieto. With the former head of security. Garcia Luna. That's there inheritance. Hope the national guards blast these fools with there black hawks or those planes that they used in Culiacán. They don't deserve to live.

  22. TRUMP is on the hunt! No where to hide! #Latinos4Trump

  23. Cartels=sadistic savages!

  24. Does anyone know why this specific land? It's rather exposed no?

  25. Hopefully trump eliminates these roaches.

  26. I got family in yahualica. Not too far from Zacatecas. I recently spent a whole year there. And let me tell you. It is a shit show. They knocked out cell towers because they went in to the next town over gums blazing. Shoot outs kidnappings, you name it. Down the road in nochistlan, it’s even worse. So this whole nothing happens in rural communities thing is BS. You don’t have to look too far from GDL. Ixtlahuacan del rio. RR’s presence there is heavy all the way into yahualica

  27. What ridiculous nonsense. Since when does one need guns to refute words? What kind of logic is that? One does not put guns in the hands of forced recruits? Really? After they threaten the recruit and their family, of course they will give them guns and they will not dare turn the guns on their captors lest them and their families get harmed and or killed. They go on to say that we as a society have lost our values and principles. So this means that they as organized crime have a right to continue victimizing society because society somehow deserves it? Hey society failed us, so we get to destroy everybody else. What a ridiculous cop out. By that logically, values and principles have been lost for everybody else so then they deserve what they get as well right? And the mothers looking for the victims are actually in cahoots with bad actors (that are not us, everybody is an dishonorable criminal except for us we are honorable criminals) This is really bad logic on their part. They aren't even trying. This is just a ridiculous desperate attempt to try and cover up their obvious crimes.

  28. They pose like terrorist, bad way to make your point across. Hire a spokesman.

  29. perras flakas jaliskas resultaron ser peor que loz Zetas


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