Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Drone Footage Captures Explosive Attack Between Rival Gulf Cartel Factions

"Enojon" for Borderland Beat 

(Still image of drone attack against 'Los Metros' convoy)

On February 2nd, a video circulated through social media showing members of the 'Grupo Escorpion' faction of the Gulf Cartel (CDG) targeting members of the rival CDG faction 'Los Metros' aboard a convoy of makeshift armored vehicles or 'monstruos' in Aldama, Tamaulipas. In the footage, the drone operator could be heard discussing with another member how to approach the convoy and which vehicle to target. A third individual would operate an unseen, second drone within the footage.

During the incident, the drone operator would ask which hook the explosive payload was attached to and was told number two--this was shown through the camera interface as the icon of a red parachute above two black dots on the lower right. When preparing to attack the convoy the operator would repeatedly press the aforementioned icon, but is told to unlock the mechanism first, allowing them to successfully drop the explosive payload and allegedly kill three rival members, no official entity has commented on the incident as of yet.

Graphic Video Below 

(Screen recording of a drone attack against an armored convoy)

Based on the camera interface the drone is a DJI Matrice 30 series model equipped with what appears to be a payload drop mechanism, whose UI bears a resemblance to promotional videos for a product called "Air Payload drop release mechanism system hooks for DJI M30 drone" by UAV For Drone. We reached out to the company on February 16th to ask if they were willing to confirm if the interface seen in the video matches what was used was their product, however we have not received a response as of yet. 

Initial reports would falsely attribute the footage to a drone attack against military personnel on February 1st in the Dolores town of Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua that gravely injured Jorge Alejandro Gutiérrez Martínez, Commander of the 42nd Military Zone, Aída Roxana, an Officer of the Secretariat of State Public Security, and two Soldiers identified as Eliseo Carlos and Humberto. Although, the X (formerly known as Twitter) account, Pernicious Propaganda, would correctly geolocate the incident as taking place along a road outside the town El Porvenir of Aldama, Tamaulipas (Coordinates: 25.9302509, -98.1892069). 

While the use of explosive payloads from drones are typically associated with the ongoing conflict in the Tierra Caliente region, Tamaulipas has also faced its share of incidents. During a press conference around October 28th, 2024, Sergio Hernando Chávez García, the Secretary of Public Security of Tamaulipas, would confirm the use of drones by criminal organizations in the state following the seizure of a drone equipped with an explosive payload along with an attack against State Guard personnel. The result was an officer being gravely injured, although this affirmed the violence is not targeting citizens and has been limited to confrontations between rival groups. 

Such violence has become commonplace since September 9th, 2023, in what has been deemed as the beginning of the internal conflict between the Grupo Escorpion and Los Metros factions along with their respective cells and ally criminal organizations. Although, since the alleged truce between the rival factions it's unclear if the violence will lessen or if it'll remain steady as efforts are shifted towards other groups within Tamaulipas and regions deemed strategically important. 

Sources: Hyperlinked In Text


  1. Soon these scumbags will feel emboldened enough to start doing this to our border agents. This is why we now need to go in with our own drones and blast them away. Trump will clean up Mexico fast. Nuff Said!!!

    1. The orange turd won't do shit. He's firing all federal workers to replace maga morons. By the way. The cartels gets the guns from Texas or Arizona or Georgia. The orange fatass should start from there but he won't. He only cares about money. It was always the money. Not the actual problem. Not even fear maga problems. 😂 He only used fear talking points so people like you vote for his fatass. This is Mexico problems. Not the USA. The reason why Mexico has problems is because the demand of drugs are coming from the U.S. besides. The Mexican armed forces been kicking cartels ass. Today in Michoacan the Mexican army killed 1 sicaria and injured 3 sicarios. Working for the cjng. The day before yesterday in the the state they kill 2 sicarios and injured 1. This has nothing to do with the orange turds white threats. He's just a loud mouth puppet for Putin and his party. But people like you believe his words. Like a cult

    2. Calm down! Captain Trumperica is full of shit!
      Cartels have no use attacking American border forces the way they attack Mexican military. They know they are in the wrong and do not want to risk escalating their battles against American forces no matter what Trump says.
      Maybe a few cocked out dumbfucks fucking around would shoot at American forces but the orders to shoot would not come by the higher chain of command in cartels.

    3. US will own Mexico eventually

    4. Mexico already own the US.

    5. The Southwest was part of Mexico until the Europeans who got off the boat at Ellis Island illegally went west and drove out the Mexican and native Americans and stole their lands last ke Trump's grandfather who owned saloons for these guys.

    6. Now thats wishfull thinking

    7. All you false claiming bitches all are born and bred in the U.S sitting on your arse hating,no wonder people dont trust you rats

    8. Why dont you all go live in mexico if you hate the U.S so much?Its easy option really how can you stand to live in a country you hate?

    9. Horrible racist little haters,guess who?

    10. If you don't like the US and what it stands for, take your ass the fuck out, go some place that wants you, we'll all sit back and wait to see if there's any country waiting for you to ask them for entry, I'm quite sure we'll end up dropping dead of old age before that happens.

  2. I was at the carnival de mazatlan this weekend and local were saying it was poor this weekend because of scare in violence and firme was not here for sure after there thret

    1. No period kid,😭 you were in your mom's basement. You're to young to travel by yourself. It's ok to dream.

  3. That was tight!Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

  4. Cokeheads playing video games

  5. can someone publish a translation of the words spoken? I am familiar with hijo de su puta madre, so I got most of it, but some of the other slang I don't understand. thank you,

    1. 12.42 Don't be lazy..use Google translate, it's free and easy to use.

    2. 124
      Don't be obtuse, if Google translate could translate that, there would be no need for Sol Prendido in the world

    3. 2:44 No period kid. Sol retired from BB, a long time ago.😭
      You need Google translate to help you with your periods.

    4. Translation is on hyperlink of X /twitter version in the article

    5. Google translation works like shit.

  6. And once again. Where do they get their weapons?

  7. I give Trump at most 3 months before he starts doing this to them except with huge ass rockets from untouchable Reapers.

    1. Those reaper drones are easy targets. You see them on radar, they are not fast , flying high is the only protection. Mexicans are smart, they find a way around it and america goes bankrupt over buying new toys.

  8. CDG Air Force academy has them trained well. Direct hit against their long lost hermano’s.

    1. They bombed their cousins, but the family never was that close.

    2. I give trump until the end of the year before he leaves office How? You figure it out he's screwing too many people too fast and not helping all the Americans only his rich friends who bought him like a cheap whore.

    3. All you guys talking about bombing the cartels in Mexico calm down and take your PTSD medication you're not back in Iraq.

    4. 10:05
      Trump and Musk are firing lots of Federal employees, 6,000 from the IRS,
      8,000 from USAID, 20 Imagration judges, and the list goes on.
      And who the hell elected Musk to be in office?

  9. Mexicans DO NOT need take their country back from their corrupt government & cartels. You glorious sons of aztlan are NOT ruled by a puppet, just like us. …let’s join forces. …is there no poncho Villa amongst you?

  10. meanwhile CIA is watching their DJI drone with a reaper drone

  11. Replies
    1. Andas buscando quién te los empuje.

  12. Cdg matamoros the real gulf cartel. Always with the latest tech. They set trends all other cartels fallow. From the first mexican o.c death squads, el comando de la muerte to hiring ex military to home made armored vehicles and now drones that you can buy any where with explosives. Soon there will be videos like this from all over Mexico.

    1. Drones were „invented“ by the jaliscos. CDG were the first to hire ex military on a bigger scale, but this did not end well for CDG. Death squads were around before them.
      In general CDG must be ashamed. They are not even a cartel anymore, not moving merca, just collecting piso and collecting extortion fees from the poor campesinos.

  13. Im told by people who actually LIVE in Aldama that this is a lie.


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