Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

El Toner Inner Cirlce Of High Ranking La Chapiza Member Juancho Or El Gavilan Is Confirmed To Be Arrested Last Wednesday, February 26, While He Was Hospitalized In A Private Clinic In This City of Culiacán, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by RIODOCE 

Author | Editor

Date | March 4, 2025

Time | 11:24 am

Luis Alfonso López Reátiga, alias Toner, one of the alleged security chiefs of Los Chapitos, was arrested last Wednesday, February 26, when he was hospitalized in a private clinic in this city of Culiacán.

According to the data, the arrest took place shortly before 9:00 p.m., in the facilities of the Médica de la Ciudad hospital, located on Álvaro Obregón Avenue.

During his arrest, Toner was wearing a hospital gown. The reasons for his hospitalization are unknown at this time, however, unofficial data indicate that he was injured during a confrontation with security forces.

According to the National Registry of Arrests (RND), the arrest was carried out by agents of the Federal Ministerial Police.

It also states that López Reátiga is in the Aguaruto Penitentiary Center.



Despite rumors in news media regarding Luis Alfonso Lopez Reatiga, known as "El Toner," being appointed as one of the security chiefs of the Los Chapitos criminal group, we can confirm that this is far from true. El Toner was never in the position of security chief for Ivan Archivaldo and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, leaders of La Chapiza or the Los Chapos Cartel. Instead, El Toner was part of the inner circle of Juancho or El Gavilan, a high-ranking member of the La Chapiza Cartel who has held various leadership roles in the city of Culiacan. El Toner was among several dangerous criminals who escaped from the Aguaruto Penitentiary during the first Culiacanazo on October 17, 2019, when Ovidio Guzman Lopez was freed after threats were made to kidnap military family members stationed in Sinaloa. I do not wish to downplay the capture of El Toner or contradict other news media outlets. 


  1. Puro paisa power!!!!

  2. The Mayiza meat riders on reddit about to go crazy hearing about this

  3. He has an eggplant face.

  4. A todo perro le llega su hora. Ya les tocaba a estos culeros que los atraparan o ejecutaran.
    Poco a poco se estan sintiendo estas capturas de las Sinalocas en Mexico. Tambien las Menchas y otras putillas narcos.
    Pinche escoria de el mundo que son.

  5. Like Toner as in a printer? WTF kind of alias is that?

  6. Los Rugrats attacked him and that's why he was in the hospital. Los Rugrats are inflicting heavy loses to Los Chapos in Culiacan. They took out Gavilan . Almost took out Toner . Caballo is hiding from them .

    1. I don’t think that Gavilan is dead. The only proof is a blurry video and there haven’t been any messages from Mayiza claiming his death. If Mayiza killed someone that high-ranked they would publicize it.

    2. They better be careful about Angelica tho.

    3. 3:04 rumour around Culiacan is that he is dead . But his employers have kept it quiet not to demoralize the troops left fighting .

  7. Cheers Char,very much appreciated..!
    BUT El Toner.??? These Sapito-Graverobbers have the Dumbest names. Tbh, not just Sapitos but ALL these dispensable new generation narcos. Anywhoo, a catch is a catch..?!? Good to know He's out of play. If only for a little while.

    1. Era grafitero de la Díaz Ordaz, colonia libertad en Culiacán por eso el apodo .

    2. These nutty nicknames might have originated with that cat who called hisself Pig Face, or maybe with a clique deciding to call themselves the Viagras.
      Not sure how it all got started, but from then on it's been a disorderly process if not absolute chaos.
      There's not a shred of dignity left amongst these cut-rate hooligans anymore, at least not as far as choosing their monikers are concerned.
      Tony Tormenta was the last real man left standing, he wouldn't know what to make of these TikTok cowboys today!
      The whole cartel thing has gone to the dogs, and that's a fack, jack! 🐕

  8. Animo Sicarios!

    El Gavillan is not dead. We was drinking hot beers yesterday dancing with the señoritas .

  9. More like El Stoner

  10. Chapitos taking a lot of heavy losses lately. Not looking good for them.

  11. I think Mexico should start sending cartel member to America to face the death penalty. A taste of their own medicine.

    1. They should stay in Mexico where the real death penalty is applied daily by criminal groups on each other and not in the US with its fake death penalty.

  12. They also caught “el eyeshadow “
    and “El foundation”.

  13. He will now meet “El Boner” in a US prison.

  14. I keep saying this over and over again but these cartel idiots don't listen. I guess Chapitos don't read BB or follow Nuffy. Hospitals are the worst place to go if you get injured in battle. The enemy is always sniffing these places out. The hospital staff are also secretly snitching on the incoming patients. Cartels need to build their own clandestine hospital. Kidnap a couple of doctors and nurses and steal their supplies. It's that simple. Nuff Said!!!

  15. So is el gavilan dead or not?

  16. Trump is going to take care of all this, no problem 😊 👌


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