Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 9, 2025

La Mayiza Interrogates Young Man "Cebollin" Who Passed Along Information To La Chapiza Cartel Members Lucho And Leonel Valdez Palomero, "Eleve" In Culiacan, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

MARCH 9, 2025

La Mayiza or MF criminal cell has continued to target anyone connected to Leonel Valdez Palomero, "Eleve" a La Chapiza or Los Chapos member who controls several neighborhoods including Lazaro Cardenas sector in Culiacan, Sinaloa. 

In the following interrogation video, MF members interrogated a young man or boy who was passing along information to the La Chapiza Cartel. The young man was reported missing in the Rafael Buelna neighborhood in Culiacan, Sinaloa. 


Sicario: What’s your name?

Captive: Nelson Martinez Ochoa. 

Sicario: What’s your moniker?

Captive: Cebollín. 

Sicario: Who do you work for?

Captive:  For the Los Chapos mob. 

Sicario: What all were you doing for Los Chapos?

 Captive: I was passing intel to Lucho and Eversillo so that they could abduct the individuals who owed money to their family?

Sicario: Give me some events that you participated in. 

Captive: Overall, I was giving information to the right parties. 

Sicario: Is there a message that you’d like to send out to Eversillo, the Chapo Zetas, and that gang of thieves?

Captive: Where’s the support that I was supposed to have from you guys? This conflict has been lost for some time now, and it’s for the best that we just get out of the way here. There’s nothing left in this conflict to fight over anymore. At this point we’ve already been defeated. It’s over for us in Culiacán. Guys, everything has been lost here. If things weren’t worth a fuck when José Ángel Canobbio Inzunza, aka El Güerito, was around, then it’s much less so now. We’ve reached that stage where we were being sent out to steal and extort. Things aren’t so easy with the La Mayita mob, so it’s for the best that we just stand down. 


  1. Le vieran de dar solo una chancliza al cebollin con sus propias pinches chanclas de marica.

  2. Eleve dad a big LV sold some bomb ass lavada back in the day

  3. Did they kill him?

    1. they usually do yeah

      it's a minor miracle if they spare someone

    2. What do you think???

    3. No, they scolded him for a while, then gave him some change for ice cream and drove him home.

    4. He switched side now he works for mf his new name el scooby doo

    5. If you're looking for acts of mercy and random kindness, you may be on the wrong website 😟

    6. No they have him a black pen 🖊️ DJT

  4. Leonel Valdez Palomero Eleve. Looks Kinda Fruity With Those Earrings And That Smile.

    1. Earrings are suss

    2. And if he was serious without earrings you would be complaining how he looks evil and like a dick. Complain culture.

  5. It's sad that instead of focusing on his school and having a bright future.
    Instead is used by elder lowlifes to do their bidding

    1. I mean kids in mexico don’t have the same education and opportunities like in the United States. In mexico even if you graduated you would still have a $50 dollar a week job.

    2. He was a bad kid who got what was coming to him.
      Save your tears.

    3. Just like armed forces soldiers are used by elder politicians to fight their battles.
      Nothing changes here.

    4. lol sounds like the American military. I served myself, and no one looks out for you except yourself. That’s why it’s up to you to take care of yourself once you’re out and not expect to always be taken care of like a lot of vets do.

    5. Militaries are legal though.

  6. Se uviera abrido cuando tenía la chanza… pero los morros se arrepienten ya cuando tienen el cuchillo en la mano.

  7. Pero no aprenden los morros, andan de punteros y la chngada y cuando ya cuando lo sientan enfrente de la cámara se arrepienten.

  8. MF has nothing better to do than killing women, kids, and YouTuber’s. Chapitos on top! Nuff Said!!!

  9. Too young to shave and he's cannon fodder for these low lives. I hope he realized what he died for before his life ended.

  10. Is this the same LV that Fidel Rueda sings about?

  11. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they gave him a chance and recruited him into their own ranks, and as the years passed, he actually managed to rise up through the ranks

    1. Are you suggesting that el cebollin might someday be...
      KING! ? 👑

  12. So this constitutes taking a plaza picking up young dudes and questioning them?
    This has got to be called a phony war where are the huge battles and confrontations ?Do you settle it online now with talk and frightening ?

  13. As silly as it may sound but Chapitos are missing someone like Nini he’s stupid and brazen but sometimes you need people like that especially in war for the most part Chapitos been on the defensive probably still lose but it would have atleast been more entertaining

  14. Sere una chika buena power!! 💪🏼 puro tashas y perico plebes!!!’

  15. No tienen ni huevos pa hablar este compa, quizás nomas era por andar entre la bola, pero a los Chapitos ni les a de importar este compita.

    1. This is the kind of losers we have in this page?

  16. This will be the last time his head is attached to his body,

  17. Lets keep praying Donald J Trump will clean this mess up soon. 🙏

    1. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine in one day, how did that work out?

    2. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine in one day, how did that work out?

    3. Djt is just looking for himself and his familia baboso, what makes people think that a billionaire cares about them when your closest family member undermine you cause hes got a house or truck better than you


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