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Sunday, March 2, 2025

La Mayiza or Los MF Criminal Group Send Warning To Youtuber Camilo Ochoa In Interrogation Video Of La Chapiza Member. La Mayiza, "Stop Your Bullshit Or We Will Kill You"

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

March 2, 2025 

In recent weeks, the La Mayiza or Los MF criminal group announced that incursions will occur in the Villa Juarez and Navolato municipalities, which are under the control of the Los Chimales armed wing of the La Chapiza Cartel. The Los Chimales armed wing was previously led by Jose Angel Canobbio Inzunza, known as "El Guerito," who was captured on February 19, 2025. Jorge Canobbio Inzunza, "El Bronto" and the brother of Jose Angel, "El Guerito," is likely now leading the Los Chimales armed wing.   

The La Mayiza is led by Ismael Zambada Sicairos, "Mayito Flaco" heir to the throne of the Mayo Zambada criminal organization of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

The interrogation video which lasts about one minute and thirty seconds depicts a captured Los Chimales low-level member named Andres Ivan Mesa Lopez. 

However, at the end of the interrogation of Mr. Mesa Lopez, a La Mayiza member made threats against Youtuber Camilo Ochoa. Camilo Ochoa has published dozens of videos on his Instagram channel and YouTube channel calling out the La Mayiza or Los MF criminal group. In one of  Camilo Ochoa's recent videos, Ochoa stated that the Zambada family are the biggest snitches of the underworld and they should have just stayed in their ranches. 



Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive: Andres Ivan Mesa Lopez. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive: From Castillo. 

Sicario: What do you do for a living? 

Captive: I’m a scout in Villa Juarez. 

Sicario: Who do you work for?

Captive: I work for El Sonora and Sonoyta. 

Sicario: Who else is operating in Villa Juarez?

Captive: That would be the operatives Sonora, Sonoyta, Gordo Lavado, David Trapero, Cundo, Blanco, and El 29. 

Sicario: What does each person do?

Captive: Sonora, Sonoyta, and David Traoero tend to patrol the area. Gordo Lavado and El Potrillo handle the office duties. 

Sicario: Which mob do you gang of rats belong to?

Captive: The Jorge Chimal mob. 

Sicario: What all do you know about the municipal policemen who were abducted?

Captive: We know that Danny Trapero kidnapped them. 

Sicario: Why were they picked up?

Captive: There’s reason to believe that they were collaborating with the Mayos mob. 

Sicario: What other types of injustices have this gang of rats committed?

Captive: They were involved with that one female who was dumped in El Dorado. There was reason to believe that she was associating with a certain individual who was mistaken for being a Mayo operative. 

Sicario: Very well then. This goes out to you, Camilo Ochoa. You fucking mythomaniac. It behooves you to stop doing dumb shit already. We’ve already sent you two messages concerning this matter, and yet you keep protecting this gang of thieves. Stop covering for these guys like a fucking bitch. If we have to, we’ll go into your room to snatch you the fuck out with violence. This is your last warning for you to calm the fuck down. Otherwise, you’re going to end up in hell with the rest of these fucks. 


  1. Sad shit ni modo.

  2. I wish this fate on all you tubersⓂ️Ⓜ️

    1. 12:06
      I wish I had a Mercedes.

    2. Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
      My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
      Worked hard all my lifetime
      No help from my friends
      Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

    3. Mercedes, BMW, most European cars suck, have low reliability ratings. I had a BMW, terrible car. Lexus is better.

    4. 12:06 including you who watches said Youtubers? You must watch them to know about them, and if you watch them, you give them views so therefore you support them. You dislike then but you support them? You make no sense, you are contradicting yourself.

    5. 327 yep Lexus is Toyota. Acura is also really good believe its Honda more or less.

    6. Chapo's kids thought they could drive around in Ferraris and Lamborghinis in the dirt road ranches of Sinaloa and Durango, but they stuck out like sore thumbs to those gabacho eyes-in-the-sky!

    7. 12:43 love an out of nowhere random Janis quote!

  3. Markitos Toys is back on mexico... Just Saying

  4. Hopefully Donald J Trump will clean this up soon ass possible!

    1. He's has to ask Elon for permission.

    2. He's a felon himself. He gave welcome arms to a sex trafficker. Orange turd only ran to stay out of jail. He doesn't care about u or me. Just himself.

    3. first clean USA he dont have any rigth to put his nose in mexico, he have 70,000,000 drug adict and a thousands terrorist sellers of weapons in his own land. and what about the distribution of drugs in USA stop sayin stupid things please.

    4. Putting all your trust in a pathological narcissistic liar and draft dodging coward is very bold 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#fdt

    5. Mexicans4Trump Latinos4Trump

  5. When they can't even pick up a youtuber it definitely makes them look weak.

    1. Who says they can't..? I'd say killing a well known youtuber makes too much noise atm.. It's only smart to not kill him.. Whether they tried to or not.

    2. It behooves this YouTuber to get his ass out of town quick!

    3. Detroit.
      May not be their priority. Also, Ochoa showed a part of his house.
      A. Contact Real Estate Co. with that target market of buyers to retrieve info
      B. Photo/video Metadata. Might slip since he uses so many cameras.

      Really not that difficult

    4. Gee willikers.

  6. El Ochoa sigue con sus jaladas desde España o que ? Jajaja

  7. Ochoa solo dice sus pendejadas desde su escondite en España jajaj así que chiste.

  8. I want Ochoa to actually stop hiding and actually go and help his “ friends” over in CLN. Aver si muy gallo ese Ochoa.

  9. Ese Camilo es el güey que quiere quedar bien con los demás y ellos ni lo pelan, solo lo usan de su puerquito.

  10. Camilo ahora si vas a necesitar tus 53 camionetas . Mejor dedicate hacer tacos en tus videos de youtube ..

  11. They obviously see an opportunity to push those plazas and see a way to win

    But so far media coverage and politicians have left them out of it. Almost no US outlet mentions Mayito by name and they all know Ivan and Chapitos

    But if these videos of tortured kids start gaining traction…

  12. I think Camilo is still in Mexico

    1. No period kid, I don't think there's no more Gulf of Mexico.

    2. 8:51:
      After I become president it will be known as the Gulf of Detroit.

    3. 1:11
      😂 Lol
      If you become President, don't treat Zelensky like a bully, and kiss 💋 Putin's hand.

  13. Soy camilo ochoa must surely be in his mom’s basement with all door locks that mexico can provide 😂😂😂👌🏻

  14. El Don Camilo Ochoa, ahora que ya mandaron todos para el USA...Don Camilo es el capo de capos

  15. All the Mayita fangirls in Reddit about to party all night

  16. I want to use behooves more in my lexicon. Don't do drugs kids.

    1. @840
      A word like behoove (incumbir) shouldn't be tossed around lightly..
      Ya gotta know exactly the right moment to spit it out, but even then, the conversation will pause, and people will give you a quizzical look!

    2. That's a bunch of cockamamie. La neta.

  17. Operativa MZ just went into Villanueva Zacatecas and attacked the municipal and state police . Cjng came in and a 3 hour shout-out started . Operativa MZ made them retreat.

    1. Mz in Zacatecas tends to win most gun battles in Zacatecas against cjng. Note i said most, cjng has won a few also, but if you notice cjng has more city sicarios and mz has more rancho sierra guys that can operate in rough terrain better

    2. @1:14 its easier to win when you are a local. Im seriously confused if CJNG is spread thin or if MF is spread thin. Im of the opinion that Now if ever would be a good time to punch... The bosses cant say much about whats going on

  18. Teeny boppers in here, see what might happen to this teenager goofing around.
    He going to be killed for having a loose tongue.😜

  19. Que punetas son los narcos deberas.
    Matamos a una morra porke se juntaba con un contra.
    Mas culos no salen porke Dios no lo permite!

  20. MF has nothing better to do than killing women, kids, and YouTube’ers. Chapitos on top. Nuff Said!!!

  21. Puro mata inocentes las mayas

  22. Canada has now made the cartels Terrorist Orgs.... just happened today. Simply put, Mexico is a narco State divided up into cartel fiefdoms. Mexico allowed all this happen.

    1. at least its out in the open us is a cartel State as well the Rich políticas control most give the people enough not to revolt. So sick of people acting like its this perfecto country look at your own homless rate and educación skills look into your own murder rates. Is it a first World country yes the only reson america is so strong is cause of.its insane milatary budget

  23. MF is pathetic. Going after middle schoolers and YouTubers? What’s next? A Manta threatening tik tokers like James Charles and Jeffrey star?!

    1. The kid confessing in video looks real young but speaks with a deeper, older man's voice 🧐


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