Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 7, 2025

La Mayiza Or MF Gruesome Arrival To Potrerillos Del Norote, Elota , Sinaloa, MF Burned Down Several Homes And La Chapiza Member Was Dismembered

 "Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat 

MARCH 7, 2025

On the night of March 2, 2025, the La Mayiza or MF (Mayito Flaco) criminal cell announced their arrival in Potrerillos Del Norote, Elota, Sinaloa. La Mayiza arrived in an unknown number of armored trucks armed to the teeth and vandalized several homes that allegedly were affiliated with the La Chapiza Cartel. Furthermore, at least one La Chapiza member was captured, dismembered, and hung by a rope in the municipal head of Potrerillos Del Norote, Elota, Sinaloa. 

La Mayiza, like La Chapiza, are both ruthless criminal groups. There is no good side or bad side; both organizations are evil.



  1. Replies
    1. Finalmente alguien lo dice planamente. La mamada que Joaquin jr hizo destruyo la faccion del chapo.. Todo empezo con la destruccion de la faccion del lic. La pelea con el guano. Y despues la captura del raton. Era para que despues del culiacanzo se desapareciera y tomara un mas bajo perfil. Pero no no cambio nada y lo agarraron otra vez y su hermano joto y mongololide hizo esa pendejes que va a ser recordada en la historia como la mas grande traicion en el crimen "organizado".

    2. Tenían que aver se quebrado al flaco y al viejo guango primero

    3. Fue culpa de la mierdiza.

    4. 2:57 no, los Zambada la cagaron, fueron los primeros que le apuntaron el dedo a el Chapo en corte, que harias tu si le hacen eso a tu papa en corte? No se las cobrabas?

    5. 9:47 no mames si el mismo chapo y mayo le dijeron a vicente q podia hablar para desafanar bronca. Claro q esto fue cuando ambos estaban fuera y jamas penso el chapo caer. Ponte a leer antes d opinar basado en los corridos

    6. Y El Gordo? El Gordo esta duro hoy en dia

  2. So much for keeping a low profile with all that's been going on with the U.S.. The showing off attention will backfire.

    1. Where have you been? It has backfired for the last 15 years.

    2. Yea right…ask the taliban how effective they are

    3. The taliban is back in power all that death for nothing

    4. 4:14
      But no al queda.

    5. Gotta re-establish/keep real heroin market going somehow. Middle east and asia. Mexico gave up production in favor of meth and fentanyl. Made the Chinese rich and abandoned Mexican weed and heroin/poppy production losing their own pure profit cash cows. And now with these ongoing Mexican wars, and border being so tight, losing there tunnels etc, they losing Colombian/south American connections and trade routes through changing quick

  3. El Chaca quedo bien chaca.

  4. No entiendo como los pueden descuartizar haci.
    Antes de dejarme atrapar para morir haci perfiero dar cuetazos hasta que terminen conmigo.
    Alomejor este guey se le terminaron las balas y se rindio mejor pensando que solo el tiro de gracia le iban a dar?
    Pero que pendejada y literalmente muertos de hambre son estos gueyes narcos sicarios.
    Solo para esto sirvieron en sus miserables vidas.
    Para morir como animales que son.

  5. Another leader of Sinaloa cartel in the Juarez Valley has been arrested today. The first was a month ago and today the second in command there.
    Two major figures for Sinaloa captured.
    Lets see if the dumbfucks Empresa or Linea take advantage of this power void and take back the Juarez valley.
    Doubt it but perhaps they will try even if it still takes them a year or more to do so.

  6. But you made your choice

  7. These look likes terrorists to me 😃

    1. theatral is not terrorist. is just shocking its not a bomb

  8. Siempre pintan a esos punteros cuando se mueren como angelitos. Bola de abusones!

  9. Que aprovechen porque cuando terminen con los chapos se van ir contra los mayos. Pero arriba el sombrero.

  10. Agarraron al Chaca dormido… por lo que se cuenta.

  11. Today is a good day to die

  12. Mataron a un hermano de el Chapo Calin en Guachoshi o Batopilas. Por aquellas areas. Lo torturaron y dejaron manatiado junto a otros dos pendejos.

    1. Fue La Linea o otra faccion del CDS?

    2. @11:26 I'm pretty sure it was cds gente nueva faction. That's who he was beefing with at the end.

  13. Chaca was a bad ass when he had a rifle in his hand. He wasn't so bad when the Mayiza came knocking on his door.

  14. Contrary to what the author says, the Mayiza is only ruthless to those who are involved directly or indirectly. Chapiza kill innocent all the time.

  15. Not one mention on BB about the nine students found dismembered on the side of a highway.

    1. That incident may not be related to drug trafficking, and therefore may not fit the overall theme of this website.

    2. How can you ignore a MEXICAN CARTEL related activity that transcends the ordinary?
      The bag containing their severed hands is the horrific hook that has captivated all mainstream news outlets in Mexico and the U.S., and probably grisly enough to have gone global!
      Forget mencho's kid getting sentenced to "from now on", this latest terroristic outrage against the Mexican people is the 800 lb. gorilla in the room!
      (..and sure to be forgotten about in a couple weeks..)

    3. None of them were innocent little angels . They were group of thieves . Who had been stealing and breaking into peoples homes on the Oaxaca coast. They stole from ATMs and finally robbed the wrong person . Their chats on Whattsup were leaked . The boss was gunned down too.

    4. @1:37 PM That their hands were hacked off lends credence to your assertion that they were thieves.

  16. Sic006 snitched again, puto!

  17. More Chapitos falling. It's a matter of time before they are destroyed. Nuff Said!!!

  18. Lets pray Donald J Trump will end all of this soon.

    1. he's not the messiah, and no he won't end it, impossible. weren't you all saying that he won't start any wars a couple months ago? now you pray for victory over the infidels.

    2. Vote for Detroit 2028.

  19. Wowzers! I will never get pizza again ! Bad luck it seems , do the delivery guys really look like that over there ?

  20. EL PANU IS KINGGGG !!! Nuff Said!!

    1. Panu doesn’t run Elota j3,Chatillo, and Leo Corrales do but this town is the Corrales brother hometown but they control a few towns close to it MF killed his brother Martin fight before the war started

  21. Ivan made a wrong move messing with MZ they could’ve reached an agreement and remained lowkey but no. Now they’re dealing with messing with the hornets nest.

    1. MZ made the wrong move saving the Chapitos in PV. Its a 2 way street both cartels going down.

    2. If the chapos wld have not fucked with el lic and their uncle the cds wld have 4 big factions and cld of went all out against the menchos but they chose self-destruction instead.

    3. Los Chapos didn’t want to give up part of their faction to El Lic.

    4. 745 There will alway be families operating. US will figure out a “term” to put those families on the watch even though they are not part of the “cartel”.
      When will the US invest in fixing places in:
      NOLA, LA, SF, Portland, Detroit, Memphis, Birmingham, Milwaukee, NY, Detroit, Philly, LV, Chi, Miami, NC, St. Louis, to name a few. In Mexico there are small homes in poor sectors of cities. Nevertheless, they are not over ran by zombies and drugs. In Mexico family members that are doing bad are not just abandoned. Majority still have family warmth. Good luck Americans. Less money in the pockets of many, while dreams become less out of reach. What do most resort to, their fix. This does not apply to me. This is what is seen unless your caught up with the BS on social media and TV.

  22. Would like just to see how looks like this nandretheal Connor when he sees El Panu es king.I suppose he stops video from first culiancazo just to mastrubate on sight of "charsimatic" unbelivable papa Panu

  23. What is this the PG version. Smh.

  24. This is what terrorists do they terrorize communities, the time has come for them to be exterminated.

  25. Chaca was not smartest guy .Posing and doing SOCIAL media in times when one or another group could pay hacker to get all data about rival gruop members in certain area.Is it really possible that Mexico is so weak that they allowing al this happens overthere.Saludes desde Alemania

  26. Sorry but i have to ask a question. If an american wants to go to México by car or walking now they have to take a regular large passport not a card along with a special permit of some kind? What if the american citizen has a FM3 permanent resident status in México? Same requirements? People are telling me it was a 3 hour line to get into México. Ni modo.

    1. FM3 is not the permanent residency card, it's the tourist card that's good for 180 days unlimited entry..
      It also affords the foreign tourist free medical care, if needed, anywhere throughout the republic!
      I am guero American, but when I cross into Tijuana from San Diego, I walk through the "mexicanos nacionales" line with my MP3 instead of standing in the "foreigners'" line..
      They check out the expiration date on the visa and make sure it's the same name as on my passport and wave me through..
      If you have a permanent residency card, you're good to go no matter what..
      Entering Mexico on a busy Friday night is always gonna take a minute..
      In T.J., the immigration guys had a good scam going, they would sell you the 6 months (180 days) card for like $35 bucks, and they would fill out, stamp, and have you sign the official document, but they would only write on the tourist's copy, leaving the other part, the federal government's copy blank, pocketing the dinero and cheating the immigration bureau higher-ups out of their cashi!
      Now you must pay with plastic, insuring a record exists, and the money ends up in govt coffers instead of the crooked agents' pockets..
      If you have no passport, a $20 dollar bill should be enough to cut through the red tape and get you admitted into the land of tacos and Coca-Cola made with real cane sugar en vez de high fructose corn syrup!

  27. Arriba la chapizza!!!!!

  28. Ahhhh no puedo esperar que nos a aprueben la entrada les vamos a pegar en la madre todos 🇺🇸🇲🇽

  29. Mis contactos en Ciudad Hidalgo estan reportando el triple homicide en Queretaro donde uno de los monos caidos es el hijo de El Chango Mendez "chunti" en una Lamborghini Urus 2024 el es operador drug trafica de alto rango de el Migueladas en Zicuiran.

  30. MF about to win the war

  31. Off topic- chango Méndez son killed!!

  32. What type of gun is that in the armored vehicle? Not the sniper, the turret gun with the barrel poking through the bulletproof panels?

  33. yo lo dije muchas veces en BB,,esto sera solo cuestion de tiempo estos malandros en culiacan,se estan acabando entre ,antes eran compas, o asociados se conocen entre si,soy trailero y voy todas las semanas a sinaloa a recoger vegetales pa california y nunca habia visto,tanta desgracia..solo sera cuestion de tiempo y se acabaran ellos mismos y los gringos riendose


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