Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mass Extermination Ranch Discovered at CJNG Training Camp in Jalisco, Hundreds Believed to Have Disappeared

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

After locating three large ovens containing human remains at a former CJNG training center in Teuchitlán, Jalisco, authorities found 200 pairs of shoes, 400 items of clothing, and suitcases at the ranch. The Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco collective reported that at least 200 people may have been victims there.

Izaguirre Ranch in Teuchitlán

Just six months ago, a training camp was still operating here, but it was raided and dismantled on September 18, 2024.

"It is a fairly large property, if you remember, at that time there were 10 detainees and two rescued, a search was carried out in certain parts of the ranch and remains were found, but the entire ranch could not be processed because it is quite a few hectares..." stated Salvador González de los Santos, the State Attorney General of Jalisco.

Authorities supposedly also searched the ranch during that time.

The prosecutor also pointed out that at that time, Luis Joaquín Méndez was in charge of the Jalisco prosecutor's office, in addition to mentioning that the search group was informed of the location of the remains and the CJNG extermination camp.

But, authorities also raided the ranch in 2019 that is around 10-hectares, or 25 acres large.

The ranch is located about 3 miles from Teuchitlán, a town just over an hour from Guadalajara. Between a dirt road and agricultural plots lies the property where the three clandestine crematoriums were found. Remains and bone fragments severely damaged by cremation have been found here. Gunshot holes remain visible on the walls of the ranch.

"This is the first crematorium, this is the second, and over there is the third crematorium. This is what has been removed. These are burned human bones, look. They started searching and digging and found these remains that probably belong to a relative who is being searched for."

The ovens were apparently hidden under a layer of dirt and a brick slab, which partly prevented their detection during the September 2024 raid.

The surroundings become even darker when an altar was found with images of Santa Muerte surrounded by half-burned candles.

Evidence collected at the site would indicate that this ranch would have served to train people who were victims of forced recruitment. Weapons, tactical vests, large tires and logs were found used for strength training.

CJNG Training Camp

According to Índira Navarro, a representative of the Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco collective, the ranch was called “The Little School of Terror,” a center where new arrivals were forced to fight each other as part of a process divided into three phases of training.

According to Navarro, “they made them fight each other to see who was stronger. Many could not stand the training, some were killed for simply complaining. Others fell from exhaustion. We had to dig holes, pits, we put a bed of stones or bricks, we poured gasoline on them, whatever we could to make it ignite. We used it once, twice, three times and covered it up,” he said referencing survivor testimony.

The Izaguirre Ranch was only the beginning of the training process, which was followed by other stages. Those who “got away” were sent as hitmen to Zacatecas or Michoacán.

The last phase, it has been reported, consisted of more advanced training by former Colombian soldiers and/or elite elements known as Kaibiles, from the Guatemalan Army. “That ranch was just kindergarten…if you graduated they sent you to the battlefield. Like cannon fodder,” said one of the survivors quoted by Navarro.

These statements reinforce the hypothesis that the place operated for at least three years as an active site. “There were more than 200 of us,” the young man reportedly said, describing the number of people recruited at the site.

2024 Raid

On September 18, 2024, the GN raided the camp and arrested 10 people. Not a single shot was fired and two victims being held there, one already dead and one who was tied up was rescued. Narcotics and weapons were also found.

The National Guard detailed that the search of the site was conducted after receiving reports of loved ones at a ranch located in the community of La Estanzuela . The officers arrived at the site and heard gunshots coming from inside, prompting an operation.

There was no need for the security forces to use their weapons, even though the detainees were carrying their own.

The agents found four assault rifles, a pair of handguns, 21 magazines, a hand grenade, five tactical vests, four vehicles and a dozen ballistic plates.

It's worth noting that Espinosa Licon also said that the location where the 10 individuals were detained was set up for recruitment and training. The facility was "completely structured to train, recruit, and train people," he said.

"It is not credible that it was not known to the authorities of Jalisco," said Alejandro Gertz Manero, head of the FGR, about the Teuchitlán ranch of the CJNG used as a clandestine crematorium.

While the ranch is being reported as a training camp, many clothing items found belonged to women.

Victim's Belongings & Stories

The photos from the CJNG extermination camp include shoes, as well as letters and personal items, as well as hundreds of bone and dental remains and gunshot casings, all found by the group of searching mothers.

Around 400 pairs of shoes, mountains of clothing, and even suitcases belonging to the possible victims were listed by Jalisco authorities.

Details of letters and other items have begun to help not only track victim's identities but date the years of operation of the ranch. Like a love letter, allegedly written by Eduardo Lerma Nieto, a 20-year-old young man who disappeared in February 2024 in San Juan de los Lagos.

The letter read: “My love, if one day I don’t come back, I only ask that you remember how much I love you. And say: ‘my anger, tantrums and jealousy are gone.'” The note was found in a damaged notebook, among other personal belongings scattered around the place, and it also had his full name, date of birth May 2, 2003, and the area where he was from.

Sources NMas, Infobae, SDPNoticias, Infobae, El Pais

Special Thanks to Char


  1. a moment of silence for the dead. this place should be memorialized as a concentration camp, for the world to see what terrible things humans can do.

    1. It's like Nazi Germany all over again. I've been to Auschwitz it's crazy to think this stuff still happens.

    2. You visited Auschwitz? Why aren't you objecting to this bullshit then? This is NOTHING like hundreds of thousands of children being starved and gassed because of their race. The only thing that rigs a bell is the belongings kept behind.

    3. No mames esa es la carta de don “Joaquin Guzman Loera”, obvio son sus eniciales No Pos Guauuu ENAMORADO el viejon nada como los hijos jotos salazar.

    4. El señoron Guzman was in an episode of undercover boss in this one but things went horribly wrong and all the cast members decided to go there own way

    5. General Trump has to order the complete and unconditional obliteration of cartels.

    6. 10:46, 6:28 You mf'ers are straight garbage. All these people kill there and you pos are trying to make a joke of it. Straight fuckin lame ass idiots. You seriously need to be taught some respect and get the shiii smacked out of you to make you understand this is the real world and not make believe. And I say smacked because you don't deserve a close fist considering how weak, lame and feable you mf'ers are.

    7. 3:08 Pocho vales berga

  2. Hitler would have been proud of the CJNG.

    1. They are demonic. That's for sure. They don't even hide it.

    2. If you think CJNG started this you're new to narco history

    3. They're not the only ones.

    4. Trump want to do the same thing to his enemy, but small amount of descency from good people stoping the wannabe dictator.

  3. Trumps Next target

    1. We got are own issues in America what you mean trumps target ?

    2. It means, he's out to hit that cartel as well ya fool

    3. The 2 maga morons that are saying that your lord and savoir Cheeto Jesus is gonna do something. U guys have no idea what your talking about. The orange fatass is not gonna do squat. He only used scared tactics so dumbasses like y'all would vote for that fatass. He's a criminal himself by the way. According to the court of law. He's a sexual abuser. He had to pay for his legal fees. It was on a civil lawsuit so don't ask why his fatass isn't in jail. As for those cartels scum. They pretty much screw themselves up. President sheinbaum doesn't play nice with those scumbags. Theirs been 14,000 arrests under her watch. Hey if Cheeto Jesus wants to help. Why doesn't he takes action on guns control in the usa? That's where those terrorist (according to the orange turd) gets there weapons from. Concentrate of what's going on in the usa. It's not looking good. The groceries prices are getting a little expensive. We're gonna have mass shootings sooner or later. Again. The orange turd doesn't care. He only used scared tactics to get your votes

    4. 7:32 😆 lol you expect us to believe, under Claudia Sniderbaum, 14,000 have been arrested, gag me with a spoon 🥄. Impossible as she barely became president. I just can't stop laughing.🤣

    5. 1058 gag you with a spoon? How about we gag you with some logic...
      There's 31 mexican states. 14,000 arrest divided by 31states is roughly 500 arrest per state. She's been in office for about 5 months. So without getting into too much detail, we're basically looking at 25 ARREST A WEEK PER STATE. 25(criminals)x4(weeks)=100(criminasl in one month) 100(criminals)×5(months shes been in office)=500(criminals arrested in one state in a 5 month span) 500×31(number of states)=15,500. How is that not hard to believe? Estas bien tontito. Just be quiet 🤫

    6. 732 the only thing Trumps doing is tank the economy.

    7. @10:58 As 7:32 also does and you obviously don't, Claudia Sheinbaum with Omar Harfuch at the helm of national security has indeed incarcerated around 14,000 and counting in less than six months. It's a massive task but the effort has been noticed. Even the US has admitted the effort and even invited Omar Harfuch to the US along with a little praise for him. Maybe you should look into it and do some research instead of going off your assumptions and making yourself out to look like a jack ass.

    8. "jackass" is one word, not two!

  4. Replies
    1. ur sick in the head to even call these human filths kings

    2. not even bitch ass RR can not win GTO without the feds. jalisacas nalgas guangas.

    3. ''EL DOBLE RR IS KING !!!!!''
      Any credibility fools on here had for you has gone out the window with your goofy arse comments on your CJNG hero worship


    4. Connor
      Fuckin grow up story is about CJNG burning 200 mexicans you fuckin clown

    5. Vales vrg to say that stuff after this… you wouldn’t be talking if any of them were your family members.

    6. Connor Is Whack As Hell. We Went To High School Together. He’s The One Who Told Everyone In Class About This Website. But No 100% What You All See Here Is Just Like He Is In Person. He Had No Bitches In School Probably Still Doesn’t Seeing How He Spends All His Time Here. Trolling You Guys All Day.

    7. Don't comment when you're effed up son.

    8. You lost me on this one. You comment is downright vile.

    9. Connor been at the laughing gas again.

    10. Connor se la come toda.

    11. Es una puta que le abre las piernas a toda la mugre de las cuatro letras Connor. Are you being well payed?

  5. I read the note Eduardo Lema Nieto wrote but why are the initials JGL on there 🧐

    1. Eduardo knew El Patron 701 would rescue him and wrote that letter to him. And guess what, he was rescued. Eduardo made it home safe to his family. 👨🏻⛰️🍊

    2. @128
      Why, which drug lord's initials do you scribble on love letters to YOUR girl?

    3. You mensos are not able to see that it was the initials of the lady he wrote the message for

    4. His lady was Joaquin Guzman Loera? Thats his boo thang 🤣

  6. And some Mexicans are so offended that Sheriff Trump wants to kill or incarcerate all those low-lifes! I suspect, though, the majority of good Mexicans would cheer Sheriff Trump as the cartel rats are destroyed by Reaper drone bombs and special forces weapons!

    1. Trump can’t even deal with things happening in his backyard.

    2. 2:24 another low-life rat!

    3. Fix the USA first trump nutt huggers

    4. @253 let us know all about the American training camp with 200 people in mass graves and that time the US gov permitted it and was complicit. I’ll wait….

      Let us know about the roadblocks and kidnapping that US criminals commit with impunity. Oh wait, there are none.

      Or maybe you can tell us about the 1-2% Mexican conviction rate for murder or kidnapping and tell us how how the US is so bad with its very high fed conviction rate.

      Or maybe you can tell us about all those American criminal riding heavily armed in convoys and taking over towns. Or 8 hour gun battles where US police failed to respond.

    5. You and all those ignorant people believe trump is actually going after the cartels… he’s doing this stuff for something else.

    6. 5:03
      Border tightened and 95% of cartel easy $ from illegals gone. mass extradition of cartel leaders to America. Drug seizures higher. Much more coming for cartel boot-licking idiots like you.

    7. @4:38

      Trump IS trying to “fix” several issues in the United States BY pressuring Mexico to finally own and find solutions to THEIR problems that affect the U.S.!!!

      One main issue is fentanyl, and other hard drugs, related deaths because of the availability and lethality of illicit drugs produced, smuggled and sold on American streets by Mexican cartels (with the help of corrupt Mexican authorities) and the many crimes addicts commit to finance their addiction.

      Closing the border will help to mitigate that as well.

    8. Maga morons like you or any other kissing his orange fatass have no idea what your talking. He's a criminal himself. He only used scared tactics so u can vote for his fatass. If he really wants to help. He needs to fix gun control in the u.s. That's where the cartels are getting the weapons. We ain't bootlicking cartels. You maga morons are bootlicking the orange turd 24/7. U attacked the capitol. Your no better than the cartels . By the way. We have American cartels here.

    9. 1041
      You've been watching too much Fox News, vato loco! 😲

    10. It’s all about corruption in Mexico and in the USA and also globally. The corruption is so deeply ingrained in Mexican culture. I’m not sure you can ever change it. Secondly, the USA has serious problems with corruption as well, for the same reasons that Mexico does.

      When you don’t make enough money, Salary, wise, then there is the temptation to take the easy money to assist the drug traffickers on both sides of the border.

      You say there’s not much corruption in the US? Just do a quick Google search for law-enforcement corruption in the United States and see how many thousands of stories pop up and instances of corruption. Sheriff dump is not going to change anything.

      We’ve had tough talking politicians take this line before and what happened? Nothing. The same thing that will happen with sheriff dump. Nothing.

      Interdiction, whether it be illegal, alien, trafficking, or drug trafficking does not work. Perhaps someone should take a look at a few countries who have tried to manage the problem, like Canada, for instance, or Portugal or one of the many other examples of countries who used education and drug programs to try to mitigate drug trafficking and drug abuse.

      And perhaps opening our eyes to the fact that over 60 years of attempting to stop drug trafficking via interdiction and spending trillions of dollars simply doesn’t work… It actually makes the problem worse.

      So well done sheriff dump you’re Not a brilliant genius like you think you are… You’re just another American Dumbass.

      The American

    11. So 10:21 I woke up with bugs everywhere, I don't know where they came from.

    12. 10:21
      I have bugs and more bugs, I don't know eherer

  7. No doubt the govt knew this place and others like it existed. They are also to blame. Filthy people.

    1. Absolutely no doubt about it they couldnt operate without collusion at the highest levels of authority,its impossible not to hear about these camps

    2. Dont they have drones they can monitor suspicious areas especially if they are less then an hr from gdl

    3. yeah they can monitor, doesn't matter, it's not surviving by hiding it's surviving by corruption. if the authorities work for cjng then they let it slide. and if they don't work for them, they are targeted.

  8. Connor always admiring idiots.

  9. Add them to the terrorist list...

  10. I bet La Presidenta shivered when told about the owens!!!

    1. hahaha damn that was a zinger

  11. Rest in Peace ! QEPD

  12. The little guy with the funny mustache from Germany had nothing on these deranged cartels.

    1. Adolf Hitler was a hell of a lot more than a little guy with a funny mustache.

      Are you aware that over 11 million people (6 million of whom were Jewish) were murdered in Nazi concentration camps?

      Are you aware that over 180,000 US service members died fighting the Nazis in the European Theater in World War 2?

      The Nazis were defeated 80 years ago this year, and Hitler died the miserable death of the insane dog that he was, but look around - there are pretenders all over the place.

      Those who ignore the lessons of History are doomed to repeat them.

    2. Lotsa nazis in south America

    3. 4:25 the first major cocaine cartel was started by Klaus Barbie

    4. 450
      That's La Barbie, foo!

  13. I was wondering if the pro-CJNG mods would report this.

    1. 249 Take your dumbass attitude back to reddit narco wives.

    2. ''I was wondering if the pro-CJNG mods would report this'
      Are you serious?Report what,as if its going to damage CJNG image as a responsible cartel,bad publicity for the cartel that tries to uphold its rules against unfair enemies,get the fuck out,bro you need to stop with conspiracy shite your taxing your little brain

    3. CJNG groupies are very quiet about this topic.

    4. @8:29 PM: Just look at the two replies. They’re more mad at me than they are at CJNG.

    5. Haha cjng is king

    6. ''Just look at the two replies. They’re more mad at me than they are at CJNG''
      Because your talking out of your arse..Of course BB are going to report this why wouldn't they,oh ye according to you they support CJNG..Please

  14. Goes to show what’s happening in Mexico is much bigger than drug trafficking

  15. The kid in the last picture, Eduardo Lerma, was reunited with his family before the end of 2024. In Mexico there are recent photos of him as well as text messages where he refers to himself as a recruiter and talks with another guy about killing people. In the more recent pics, his eyes look dead. Looks like he was one of the victims that became dehumanized to survive the place.

    1. Yea they recruit heavy in gto

    2. 3:44 PM
      Bro thanks for some context it puts Eduardo Lerma in a different more despicable light,he knew what his recruits were getting into and still did it...What should be done about him,nothing ?

    3. 311
      Wonder who ended up getting stuck marrying his old girlfriend? 🤔

  16. And thats why mensos kid will rot behind bars getting traded for a couple soups every night

  17. The Mexican gov is complicit and has and continues to permit this evil. There’s not a damn thing Trump could do to Mx that any reasonable person could object to. It’s a criminal gov and a failed state.

    1. Claudia is more upset about the gulf of "America" than ANY of this mierda in her own country murdering her own ppl (but Catholics, of course)!

  18. "It is not credible that it was not known to the authorities of Jalisco,"
    Exactly what i was thinking reading this story that has been repeated with almost every cartel especially Los Zetas who seem to be one of the originators of these training camps..They found many of these camps some huge,and townspeople knew about them and stayed away,obviously authorities and gob didnt know about them,yeah right

  19. Jaliscos are the new zetas! Some cartels even if they are in that business they don’t do shitty stuff like this !!

  20. I’ve only seen zetas and Jaliscos do this kind of low life stuff

    1. People can shit on CDS all they want. They never did lowlife shit like this. Pura Chapiza, ALV!!!

    2. 8:34 pm no vives en México no sabes ni lo que comentas

  21. Only ignorant and alucines wouldn’t see anything bad about this. Smh

  22. Wonder how much a plot of land like that would actually cost,prospects and ideas flood your mind with inspiration including the wall...

  23. Cjng are the new zetas but illusional.

  24. RiP for all those innocent souls.

  25. Type of stuff Zetas would do…

  26. Why can’t cartels just stick to doing their drug business and not mess around with innocent people. RIP.

    1. Because of mexico plan 1996-2106.
      The government allows this to happen simple as that so keep mexicos population low in the future and other things

    2. Because they do it for sacrifices to their evil god, didn't see that?

    3. cos they need an endless flow of soldiers for their wars.

  27. I’ve only seen two cartels do this kind of low life stuff, Zetas and Jaliscos.

  28. Who knows what horrors may have happened to these poor people who went looking for work or were kidnapped by these cartel rats who many people seem to admire and support..Take responsibility for your words and actions this could be a relative of any of us,then again words dont work on simple minds

  29. I listen to corridos and stuff like that but this is some low life shit. This sucks so many innocent people dead because of cowards that think this makes them tuff.

    1. Its a good thing cjng does not have any good corridos to jam, only one with good accordeon melody but i skip the lyrics because of this reason of them being low life criminals

    2. Not what the news makes it all to be , only if you fuck around and betray so look at your stories at all angles and there’s always two sides of a story in this . Piensalo

    3. So that makes you a low life coward since you listen to the music that talks about the people that do things like this. Same thing like if you would be buying drugs by you listening to their music you supporting the killings.

    4. no blo dont go

    5. @10.36 this is bs dude. this whole line of logic is so flawed. listening to corridos doesn't kill anyone. buying drugs doesn't kill anyone. criminalising a gigantic industry causes this. breweries don't have to field an army to protect their interests, and they don't go around murdering rivals and violently conquering territory. there is no difference between alcohol and drugs except legal status.

  30. If you’re an alucin , wanna be narco or just an attention seeker don’t comment stupid stuff on this post. This is some sad stuff that no one’s wants to deal with.

  31. Y'all are burning Teuchitlan! Bro come on! Just use the name of a closer pueblito. say La Mora or Estanzuela. Not Teuchi


  32. Jaliscos son los nuevos zetas pero ahí andan que arriba mencho , y que puro Jaliscos…. Puro vale vrg que piensa que esos gueyes con gente con la gente.

    1. Nomas quemaro el nombre de jalisco poniendo ese nombre y sus jefes ni son de jalisco

    2. 731 Exactly! Son Michoachangos🦧. Ah, pero ganale al sol. Hasta se ofende el vato.

  33. Welcome to nazi Mexico. This is what you get when you have an incompetent and corrupt government. This is why Trump accuses the Mexican president and her administration of working with cartels. The only way for the Mexican government to really tackle this problem will be after the U.S starts dropping missiles from drones in Mexico. Once this happens it will force Mexico to choose between war with U.S or fight their cartel problem. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Nazi mexico? Nazi's committed their atrocities to fulfill an ideology. They believed certain groups were inferior. Cartels don't commit crimes against any particular group. Their motive is opportunistic and driven by greed. You're retarded. Go to sleep. Stop commenting pendejadas baboso.

  34. Remember last year i was saying how they were in the organ business and how their top leaders are satanist that wotship evil that do human sacrifices, the evidence is starting to show. Whatever is done in the dark will eventually come out to the light. This is why they have so much power because elite powerful people like politicians do the same, they let them get away for so long because they work together obviously and practice the same evil

    1. And here we go again, they are big in organ smuggling but mencho still has a broken kidney, liver what ever ….

    2. I have said this on BB about a decade ago. That is what made Juarez so strong. I went to UTEP 2yrs. My Ex uncle was Pedro Zaragoza. I would go to Juarez from Thur-Sat. Once a month to Ciudad Chihuahua.

    3. What on earth is a "former uncle"?

    4. No mames. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🦉🖖🏽

  35. Dont worry people Donald J Trump is on the job and will make Mexico great again 👍

    1. He's golfing on his job. He doesn't give a dam. He only used scared tactics. If his fatass wants to do something. He can fix gun control. That's where the cartels gets there weapons from.

    2. 7:43 has shit for brains. Because, cartels can only buy guns from Americans ,,,, lol

      Cartels and their Billions of dollars in cash reserves can buy weapons from the Russian Mafia from the Russian Federation, just like Iran and North Korea. Dumbass. Not to mention the South Americans.... they have a shit load of Chinese and Soviet AK-47s available.

  36. Mexico need to dismantle CJNG! Killing the innocent and the recruitment of young people and migrants are disgrace!!! SMDH. I hope all of Mexican Cartels of the new generations are caught and brought to justice by the USA!!!

  37. 3rd world, what do we expect? USA is right behind, 2nd world now, 3rd world tomorrow w it's own disappearing ppl's

  38. Delta Force is all I can say.
    Claudia already gave the green light.

  39. Biggest problem with these comments are that 1. they blame Trump/USA 2. They nuthug evil doers 3. The don’t know wtf is going on.

    MX cartels are no low ballers, their criminal world is truly evil, and they DO very evil shit to people. The only smart comment here was that this was compared to a German concentration camp… that IS SO true. Of MX government doesn’t do shit about this, then they truly don’t care about how the world sees them now.

    USA (like it or not) always cleans up everyone else’s shit, and then people don’t like it. Well, take care of your own shit, starting with what happens in your own home, communities, states, etc.

    1. 8:16 your a complete idiot! The u.s doesn’t clean shit wherever they go all that fallows is death and destruction in the name of “freedom” while stealing every resource they can.

    2. Stupid moron, its not even close to the camps. You really should do some history classes.

    3. Hahahahaha damn, what an idiot.

    4. We're not blaming the orange fatass. It's the stupid people that the orange turd will do any action in their delusional mind. We have to call them out. If he wants to help. He can concentrate on gun control in the usa. That's where the cartels are getting the weapons from. Help combat drug addiction. That's all he needs to do but he doesn't care. He just ran so he can stay out of jail

    5. Cartels buy guns from anywhere that sells them. The USA is not responsible for the evil of Mexicans. Mexicans are responsible for evil Mexicans.

  40. Imaginate ser tan mediocre que necesitas forsozamente reclutar gente para seguir alzando propio ego fragil de poder femenino. Pinche Gente en El narco son bien putos ineptos y fracasados en la vida. Mejor SE los hubieran tragado sus madres.

  41. Chinga tu madre Cjng

  42. Just saw this when googling I googled all the rules ok so no GOSSIP allowed , don’t get attatched to your partner and don’t consume alcohol or drugs , simple rules from MENCHO and makes Alot of sense to me in fact I like those rules !! HEY TEACHER ! Leave those kids alone !

  43. Shit show and it happens in a lot of parts of Mexico 24 hours , why do you care so much about this topic ? I don’t let it waist space in my head even if I see it every day . Learn to look and move on .

    1. Waist Space Kid in da house!

    2. 10:28 so your Shit Show, nice 👍 name you are a very clever young lad.

  44. "Izaguirre Ranch". Weird name.
    Las drogas son la muerte dijo Nachito de Los Amables.

    1. Izaguirre is a name of Basque origin meaning "clearing exposed to the the wind"..
      We don't watch Claudia's mañaneras, what does she say about this?
      We imagine she puts any blame on her successor AMLO!

  45. They targeted this place 3 times. It was called off the first time, they missed everything the second time, and when it no longer mattered they moved in.

  46. Most wanted to play sicario and when they backed out, they got killed. Its funny that in no newspaper the former gob of JAL, Alfaro was mentioned. This is his work.

  47. CJNG Auschwitz? Wtf i love Mexico now!

  48. This didnt happen in Bosnia so much and so often as in Mx

  49. Damn crazy to see what Americans fund, and contribute guns to. I feel like we are the terrorists for funding all this. Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

    1. Humm bug 🤔
      Yes 👍 America contributes guns to qualify you have to belong to a cartel.
      You get 2 AR-15 s per member and 3 cases of ammo along with 4 banana clips. Courtesy of USA

  50. Condolences to all of those affected by these acts. Such levels of depravity will be met with much stronger forces the world has never seen before. No not by any human, but by the One who kills the soul. Their pathetic santa muerte will cry in fear.

  51. Well happens all around Mexico. Some people do know what they are in for but others they get caught trying to fun jobs that pays goods. Like if you do research the zetas used the same tactics by publishing ads were they could get hire doing security jobs with big salaries just to end in training camps. If they didn’t made the cut they got erased. I think the missing number of people is actually 3 times what we see in the news they just cover things. It’s sad really that people have used to this kind of stuff.

    1. I never heard of zetas tricking people into working with them. I was in a state where they had heavy presence and they would recurit people that were interested, the only people they forced to work with them were independent drug dealers that they would abosrb. Lets not bring other groups into this when cjng has been doing these things on a large scale for a while now

  52. @Borderlandbeat have you guys noticed all the top ranking members getting caught in Mexico right now? I think the drones are already in Mexican skies, wdyt?

    1. Of course you 🐴 horse.
      How else do you think 🤔
      they are caught.

  53. All those supporting these scum bag cartels need to get exterminated themselves

    1. You need to get exterminated too, because you always forget your periods.😭

  54. I’m sick of these holier than now Americans sitting on Their ivory Towers and judging Mexico and the violence which occurs there routinely.
    Need to remind you blind idiots that in 2024 we had 586 mass shootings in the United States killing almost 1000 people and injuring over 2000 people so far in 2025 We have experienced 58 mass shootings again with hundreds of deaths and many many more injured. How quickly we forget what’s going on in our own backyard. In America, we have a serious problem seeing the forest because of all the damn trees.
    The American

    1. @1028 bc you don’t know what you’re talking about - apple meet orange. Our gov is not complicit with organized crime. Yes, crime occurs, but the US provides strong public safety and a strong justice system. Not perfect, but strong. We don’t have convoys of heavily armed men riding anywhere with impunity; there aren’t literally dozens of kidnappings on ANY US highway; there are zero organized crime group roadblocks; there are no extermination camps and mass graves attributed to organized crime; And, most of all, the US gov is not complicit with org crime. It’s not a “holier than thou,” - it’s a fact that Mexico is a failed state. When you have impunity rates in the high 90s for murder and kidnapping and you can’t provide public safety and you can’t/won’t stop open warfare among competing groups and you’re complicit in it - you’re a failed State. You clearly don’t live in Mx, or you have no real knowledge and experience with US public safety or its justice system.

    2. 6:58 You're in fuken denial, this article just exposed a killing area.

  55. CDS lovers are in shock not knowing all cartels are trash.

  56. 200 is a small number when this camp has been open since 2012-2015. There is currently an interview with someone who got out the camp and stated over 1k individuals were massacred in this ranch.

  57. El colectivo de madres buscadoras, or whatever their name is, the loved ones looking for the bodies, stated that they have information (keep in mind they are the ones who found the camp, not the government) that the camp was in operation since 2012. 2012? imagine the level of complicity at the three levels of government potentially, or at the very least the local government, how can there be an extermination camp a la auschwitzs in the modern era right next to us. (Can someone from Mexico explain who dominated the drug trafficking and politics in the area since 2012). Either way, I hope if the US of A, seeking the death penalty for Z40 and Z42 is going to dissuade or make things worse.

  58. Time to Send in Seal Team 6 and the Rangers to wipe out these Cartel Scum Bags! I can’t believe if there was 200 men at this camp they wouldn’t try and come together and overthrow it and escape! But as we know a Mexicans worst Enemy is another Mexican and someone would have Snitched and given up the escape plan!

  59. Authorities gunning for isidro

  60. 4 letras por Vida

    1. 4 Letras 🏳️‍🌈 JalisLacras


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