Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

New Mexicali Police Chief Welcomed with Threat from El Ruso

 "El Armadillo" for Borderland Beat

Photo via @BereniceDiazG on X
On March 19th, the Mexicali city council appointed Julian Leyzaola as the city’s new Secretary of Public Security in Mexicali, marking the third leadership change in just six months. 

Leyzaola, a former police chief in both Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez, is known for his aggressive approach to combating organized crime—earning both praise for his crime-fighting success and criticism for alleged human rights abuses. 

A former military officer, Leyzaola’s tenure as police chief in Tijuana and Ciudad Juárez saw homicide rates drop significantly, though his hardline tactics made him a polarizing figure. In 2015, he survived an assassination attempt that left him paralyzed from the waist down. His influence in northern Mexico’s security landscape has been undeniable. Now though, a new challenge awaits in Mexicali.  

Within days of his appointment, a body and a narcomanta were left with the following message:
"Bienvenido a la capital Leyzaola. Aquí sí te las vas a pelar. No vamos a dejar que se hagan tus huevos, pura verga. Mexicali tiene dueño, aquí si te vamos a matar puto, nosotros no perdonamos, así que ponte verga. ATTE: El Ruso, Poncho de la Lima y Palomo"


"Welcome to the Capital Leyzaola, here you are going to have a hard time. We aren't going to let you act tough. Mexicali has an owner, here we are going to kill to you bitch. We don't forgive so watch out. ATTE: El Ruso, Poncho de la Lima y Palomo"


Poncho and El Ruso
As Borderland Beat previously reported, Juan José Ponce Félix or "El Ruso" is the leader, and founder of his criminal cell called Los Rusos whose base of operations moved from Agua Caliente De Los Monzon, Sinaloa, to Mexicali, Baja California, by orders of Mayo Zambada to ease off tensions with Los Chapitos in Sinaloa. 

Cipriano Alfonso Peralta Cazares "Ponchito De La Lima" or "P1" is second in command of Los Rusos, and is the right-hand of El Ruso. Both remain loyal to Zambada's heir, Ismael Zambada Sicairos aka "El Mayito Flaco". Los Rusos are actively involved in fighting Los Chapitos in the wake of El Mayo's kidnapping by Los Chapitos last year.

Leyzaola, no stranger to threats and attacks by organized crime groups, laughed off the threats, saying:

“Yo creo que las amenazas son como los recaditos de la primaria. No es la primera vez que yo tengo amenazas; en Tijuana y en Ciudad Juárez me recibieron con algo parecido. Entonces, los delincuentes tratan de intimidar de esa manera a los funcionarios”


"I think threats are like those little notes from elementary school. It's not the first time I have been threatened, in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez I was welcomed with something similar. Criminals try to intimidate officials this way."

An interesting aspect of the threat is that it is signed by someone named 'Palomo.' There isn’t much concrete information available online about this figure. A source within Los Rusos I spoke with was reluctant to provide details about Palomo. This unknown character may become a more visible figure in the leadership of Los Rusos in the coming months.


  1. "Reaper drone target acquired, fire-at-will." ATTE: Commandante "Narajana" Trompf, Elon "Elotes" Musk, y Juan "El Raton" Ratcliffe

    1. Like manna from heaven the El mayo kidnapping gave The Russo crew a big opportunity to get a pound of flesh out of the Chapitos! And an added bonus El Mayo who banished them from Sinaloa is rotting in a gringo prison cell!

    2. Commadante Narajana 😆

  2. Well is was nice knowing you Julian Leyzaola. There's going to be another BB article in the next five months talking about your murder for not accepting plata over plomo. You've been lucky but after playing with fire that many times your going to eventually get burned. You need to hire a good bodyguard like me Nuffy to protect you. I hope your cemetery plot is already paid for. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Nuffy idiot isnt what you doing is threatening active fighter against US designated terrorists? From well known IP adress? Dumbass...

    2. 6:32pm I always use VPN from my Nuff Computers to hide my real location. My Nuff room has all kinds of sophisticated gadgets. It's way better than the Bat cave. Nuff Said!!!

    3. @ 140 he clearly isn't scared so stop wasting your time with weak threats

    4. Nuffy you get more stupid every time you post. You never cease to surprise me just like el señor naranja. I know you're defending el poncho and el Russo because they're zesty AF just like you. Vales Pura verga.

  3. Rusos are very strong in Mexicali
    They have total control

    But not sure if they are overplaying their hand with all the heat from the US and all the fall out in Culiacan

    They are moving like they don’t fear the US or Mexico. Leyazola is too. They already crippled him in Juarez after a few months and benched him for 15 years.

  4. Mistake, he was hit in 2015. Damn felt like a lifetime ago. He made a deal with Inge to hit Los Teos that we’d always the gossip.

  5. This is like a week old.

    1. Better late than never, lame-brain! NutSaid!!!

    2. Leyzaola did not respond until yesterday and I was awaiting to find out more from source

    3. Leyzaola kicked ass in Tijuana.

  6. They just found a ranch in MXLI with around 300 deaths. Rusos doing that low life shit too?

    1. shocked that cartel leaders do atrocious things?

  7. Not sure, but he seems like the kind of cop that can't be bought cheaply

  8. So basically Rusos Aquiles Rana Cabrera Gigo (Sonora) Meño 4x1 are under MF . Just like Apa Sapo Jardinero Firma Gallina are underneath 03 .

    1. Yes Connor. Just like them too

    2. Apa Sapo Jardinero Bola 08 and Firma got their ass handed to them in Zacatecas

  9. El palomo Maybe is el parajo leader of Los Rusos

  10. This will not end well for Los Rusos:and many organizations in the Northern triangle. They already tried to kill their own "El Tiolin" . Many just got extradited. Meaning now they making terrorist threats to a government official and they have members on both sides the border. Which now becomes an "international threat" and gives probable cause for heavy enforcement to protect innocent people on both sides of border.Shortly they will start testing out partnership strategies between Mexico and US america by VIOLENTLY excising this small group of Mexican insurgents that call themselves "los Rusos" . And they have already been infiltrated and have many of their comrades testifying in American custody for the last few years. Or are los Rusos the rats and thieves already ?

  11. How can people in high levels of gob allow cartel gangs to threaten fuckin anyone never mind police chiefs,i hope Leyzaola obliterates these fuckers..
    Was this really Rusos ?

  12. Those narcomantas are the exact same font and print products used to make threats from chapitas and Sinaloa putting the ban on moving fentanilo. All raised in same areas and Tijuana. All the same people and organizations. Same propaganda.

  13. I call a bluff on the narco banners .. meant to confuse everyone when in fact Leyzaola is in collusion and working along side Ruso in Mexicali.

    1. Machiavellian...

    2. But if it was a CJNG banner you’d be praising them huh you nut hugger? Foh joto .

    3. Callate el ozico estupido. No sabes nada pinche vato jediondo ponte a trabajar inutil. Te crees inteligente pero si lo fueras no andubieras aqui de metiche todos Los pinches dias. ALV puto.

  14. Is Russo a Durangutan?


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