"Char" for Borderland Beat
This information was posted by RIODOCE
Author | Editor
Date | March 7, 2025
Time | 11:47 am
Rubén Oseguera González, alias el Menchito, son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, el Mencho, leader of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), was sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States on Friday.
The person in charge of issuing the sentence was Judge Beryl A. Howell, of the District of Columbia in Washington D.C., who also determined the payment of a fine of more than 6 billion dollars for having trafficked drugs to the United States.
A jury found him guilty last September of charges of conspiracy to traffic drugs to the United States and use of firearms.
Menso will give up RR and Jardinero to get that sentenced reduced here soon
ReplyDeleteYeah,and I’m hulk hogan!! Retarded
DeleteTrump will pardon him!
DeleteHe ain’t no snitchloassssss
DeleteIf anything, Mencho will turn in IAG or Alfredillo. There's speculation that either or both brothers are hiding in Nayarit or Jalisco.
DeleteNaaa his pops don’t love him like that. He rather keep banging jardinera who runs from Los flechas
DeleteWhen his family gives the big Mafia ( USA gov.) couple of billions, he'll get out in 15-20.
DeleteWord on the street is that El lugar teniente de el jardinero, El lava plato, is taking over.
DeleteWrong. It’s El Plato Lava aka PL33. He’s really been cleaning up of late.
DeleteHe should of taken the deal he was offered, listening to his dads advice got him life, listen to your lawyers, to late...
ReplyDeleteWhat was the original deal ?
DeleteThe original deal was to not have a black celly in prison. Now I guess he’s going to be left all wango
Delete40 years
Delete3:07 giving his pops location aka turn in your pops and you’ll get a reduced sentence.
DeleteTiene cara de menso bien puñetas.
DeleteBy the way what happened to his uncle Jose Gonzalez Valencia?
ReplyDeleteEither Jose or Eduardo already got life.
DeleteWell, thats it for lilmench
ReplyDeleteGuess el 03 will run the CJNG when Bad Hombre Mencho is gone.
ReplyDeleteNa,he’s built for that!
DeleteAt least he got a new nose for all the literal ass sniffing he will be doing.
ReplyDeleteI bet he holds all of those who advised him to take it on the chin like a "G" in high regard. I hope you guys put some money in his books.... LOL.
ReplyDeleteSu tio la chepa or Gerardo se,rajaron Para salir pronto Haber si hace algo contra sus cuñados los cuinis o es su gato no patron?
DeleteIf he was a Zambada hed be telling on everyone. He’d even snitch himself out.
DeleteSadly he’s not. He’s a mencha and he’s gonna die in prison like a mija
Delete948 he will die in prison like Mayo.
DeleteLike the menchas dont rat. What happened to el 85 betrayed twice. Who snitched on el cuini? Mencha did to get out from under him. Cartels in mexico are nothing but rat ships.
DeleteSo he doesn't snitch like Chapitos? Nice.
ReplyDeleteSmh...he waa foolish to. Ot take a deal. The CARTELS WILL NEVER BEAT THE USA! If they get caught and brought to the US for you will get LIFE unless you become an informant.‼️
ReplyDeleteGreat news! If I hadn't checked your site I wouldn't have known. Many thanks. Also, what about the 6 billion dollar penalty? Is it true that he won't even get paroled down the road if he doesn't pay the fine? Any information BB and/or from the readers would be greatly appreciated. Peace to all and grazie for all you do to keep us informed.
ReplyDeleteNot gna lie Sinalonan’s be chirpy at trials and be snitching on rivals and even there own . It’s rare for a Michoacano or From Jalisco that you see them snitch .
ReplyDeleteLol and you think that’s something to be proud of ? Sure spend the rest of your life in jail tough guy
DeleteReally jajajaj mencho betrayed his own family from. Milenio baboso telenovero anonimo you haven't came across a solid sinaloa jalisco cartel is sinaloa original nacho colonel was mencho boss yea he was from durango but there's mixed family in sinaloa I durango and a real michoacano and jalisco ride with sinaloas especially in us Cali prisons wey
DeleteMichoacános paisas have their own car in the pinta they Do Not ride with Sinaloa. Quit posting lies. Sinaloas are soft and loud mouths always bragging get smacked. Durango estado seco just like majority of Northern Mexico.
DeleteThey left room for the bribe by ommitting "without the possibility of parole"
ReplyDeleteHe's young so this sentence is kinda worst than death penalty. If he had another father this could never be happening. Actually sad
ReplyDeleteYeah pretty sad for sure. Threw his life away.
DeleteYou have a different dad and he has a different dad…. Everyone’s has their destiny already made.
DeleteYup. I don’t like CJNG, puro Sinaloa ALV, but this kid was a victim too. Have to feel some empathy for him.
DeleteNah not all norcos kids fallow in their fathers footsteps
Delete"it ain't over till it's over"
ReplyDelete..Yogi Berra
It ain't over till the fat lady sings.
DeleteHe’ll escape through the backdoor inside shopping cart. Trump will appoint him as secretary of defense.
ReplyDeleteLol yeah right . No one escapes the American prisons.
DeleteThey don’t need to escape when Trump is pardoning criminals left and right.
DeleteWhy escape when he cld be pardoned like many other criminals by the usa administration. He cld be head of ice.
DeleteTrakas HDSP! Por todos los abusos que hizo el vrg ese.
ReplyDeleteSo much for the letter the wife and kid wrote to the Judge lmao. Según muy calmado el cabron ese , y fue el que ordenó Tumbar el boludo.
ReplyDeleteNo Olea deal here jajaj que bueno , que se chingue el güey.
ReplyDeleteThat Judge sent a pretty clear message. Six billion and life? How old is that kid?
DeleteAhora si que ordene tumbar boludos jajaj. Muy bravos cuando están sueltos pero ahí muy buenas gente como dijo su esposa e hijo.
ReplyDeleteSe le va subir el azúcar al mencho con esta noticia….. lo que le espera al chapo y mayos…. Mejor que se tiren a matar con el gobierno que vivir de por vida en prisión.
ReplyDeleteBien dicho. Al estilo botas blancas
DeleteThere is an old saying that goes, if you cant do the time dont do the crime, this guy is doing the time cause he is not a snitch like 99% of Sinaloas, this guy alone has showen more balls than all your Sinaloas Super Heros, like the guy who could stop the world from spinning if he gave the order 😂
DeleteArturo Beltran went out like a gangster
Deletewho order the honey deuce
DeleteHe was cooperating and had a deal. The problem was they were offering him 40 years which is no deal at all. I believe if they offered him 20 they wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut. I believe the reason they didn't give him a good deal was because they were trying to get him to give up information on the CJNG which would implicate much of his family. His dad should have kidnapped the Chapitos and flown them to Las Cruces.
702 let us know how much you put down on his books a month for the next 60 years. I'm sure it'll mean a lot more than you swinging on his nuts.
DeleteLooks like not all high ranking capos can get a plea deal ?…. Or is this new narco terrorist law ?
ReplyDeleteThe U.S wants "cooperation", in return you get a reduced sentence. When you fail to cooperate you get the fate of Mochomo, Menchito and anyone else you can think of who got life.
DeleteHow many of you praising him will put money in his books.
ReplyDeleteAll that feria and power that his dad has and he can't even hug his only son.. and... and will never see him in person again
ReplyDeleteThis dummy was cooperating at then allegedly his dad said fuck that and they hired a new attorney. They used a lot of his own testimony against him. He should’ve taken the 40 year deal. If he would’ve done what mayos sons do he would’ve been out in no time.
ReplyDeleteRIP Gilbertona
Wow,he had not live life yet having girlfriends, wife kids been in love!
ReplyDeleteHe will find romance in prison whether he wants to or not 😲💔
DeletePor matar Tanta gente inocente, por reclutar personas contra su voluntad y obligarlas a hacerle atrocidades a otros, el mencho la paga con su hijo
ReplyDeleteClowns bringing up El Mayo. Let’s not get it confused, Mayo is the boss of bosses. El Mencho is just a regular drug distributor. Let’s not forget when Chapo’s sons were kidnapped, within a few hours Mayo sent a picture of his son surrounded by CDS enforcers in prison. Mencho had no choice but to release Chapo’s sons. No money or drugs were exchanged, he just didn’t want his song to go through hell.
ReplyDelete508 Mencho is the most power man in Mexico at the moment.
DeleteMayo Zambada the depends diapers boss of all bosses capo de tutti poopee
DeleteMan U don’t even know! U just rewrite stuff that people say in here! Mencho didn’t pick him up,Lic people did!
DeleteThought he was going to be found Not guilty??
Que bueno por culero que es su guey padre
ReplyDeleteDamn dude made plenty of mistakes! But he wasn’t mayo or an Ivan life is a bit extreme man. Life is life on federal time.
ReplyDeleteTime is the most valuable thing on the world. Money is shite compared to time, well living time. El Botas Blancas, Amado Carillo, Tony Tormenta, Pablo Acosta are legends because they never gave the gabacho the taste of putting them on a cell. If you choose this path you better be ready to die quando te toca. This guy will go crazy before die, a lifetime between bars is tough
DeleteHe got people killed.
DeleteHe had his hitmen excite over 70 ppl and the amount of drugs he moved and ppl he intimidated he deserves it
Delete@11:21 it’s a travesty that you didn’t add Ramon Arellano Felix to that list. A real capo di tutti capi always leading the charge with the enforcement wing of the cartel bearing his last name. Never arrested. Comandante Mon was the most feared and respected narco in the 90s-2000-2001.
DeleteThis kid was playing video games with his friends in Zapopan when he got picked up. Just a whipping boy because they can't catch his old man.
ReplyDeleteLa neta. This is actually very coward from EEUU. There are no saints on this game, but for sure this boy is not the devil they are looking for
DeleteFor real. They made an example out of this kid.
DeleteHis dad kills and tortures women and kids so fuck menchita
DeleteNa,this guy was doing shit too and making cash! Believe me,I know these cats!
DeleteAll these meat riders must not know that the book got thrown at that man especially with all that shit Trump and congress declared these ninjas as… him and his lawyers already dried snitched his daddy and his whole mob during clemency. Foolies must not know how that shit goes down lol
ReplyDeleteHe didn’t listen to his dad when he told him not to party and lay low
ReplyDeleteFoolish to not agree to a deal .. if he gives up his dad he will go I to witness protection that's why they gave him life cause they prob saying ah he will come around give him awhile here .. at least on the deal if it was 40 he be out in 25 and if he snitch on 40 it would be 15 .. like did he really think he was gonna get off 😭😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😭 NO CREO YO MILKWEED
ReplyDeleteNow he get to spend time in lock up with SPINDERELLA and get some CHON CHON
ReplyDeletePoor guy got railroaded .... Now he gotta sleep with one eye open so he can watch out for SPINDERELLA trying to get at the brown eye 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐the boogeyman👹👹👹👹👹
ReplyDeleteGood. Did you guys heard about the new found narco fosas in Jalisco? Heard they found around 400 pair of shoes and bodies
ReplyDeleteMaybe if his dad ever get caught. Knowing it's over for him. And he loves his son to tell him son testify against me . And get out.
ReplyDeletewe all know this will be reduced on the years to come
ReplyDeleteThe link below is to a DOJ filing which details his actual conduct, including killing 2 people and ordering the murders of over a hundred more.
didnt he drown someone in a pool or was that one of the chapo brothers?
DeleteAll you anonymous lames forget that mencho was part of sinaloa with nacho colonel when colonel died mencho betrayed his own michoacanos and all u dumb asses actually think he made it from scratch sinaloa created the jalisco original cartel pinches Morros anonimos commenting net banging fakes glorifyng fake mafiosos ponganse a cuidar as gente metiches mamones
ReplyDelete1:09…and Sinaloa diesnt do that?? Viventillo snitched on chapo(his compadre,Sinaloa cartel and his pops! Fuxk outta here with crying shit bitch ass
DeleteIt is you that needs to go back further. The jalisco cartel goes back to the milenio cartel. The fall of the milenio cartel after nacho offered them rufuge before they were wiped out by the cdg and nacho coronel snitched on el maradona cus nacho knew he wld end up working for el maradona.
DeleteAll these jaliscos think they are really mafiosos when they always been on sinaloa and michoacan nut sacks since quintero and mencho is michoacano and was In sinaloa payroll till he had an opportunity to run his program there's sinaloas in menchos cartel just like there's michoacanos in sinaloas cartel FACTS they are not racist like food in the US are dumb net bangers ya me artaron fat noños all day commenting lmao...
ReplyDeleteMichoacán million times more gangster than Sinaloa. Sinaloa DEA informants and emasculated mafia.
DeleteIt’s y not I
DeleteDamn they broke his ass off...😂
ReplyDeleteThat's that bullshit. Injustice! That life sentence don't make sense.just like Mochomo. Fukn sentence doesn't fit the crime.dea is the dirtiest of all them.dang man shit
ReplyDeleteHes scum and innocent people died because of him.so that sentence is good keep scum like that behind bar's. Hopefully he'd dad has a massive stroke and lives for years as a vegetable. Scumbags the lot of them
DeleteHe shld be skinned alive for his fathers crimes.
DeleteI want to see this idiot go heads up with one of Chapo's sons in jail. The winner takes over the losers cartel. Nuff Said!!!
ReplyDeleteSo how many Helis did he bring down with RPGs? Or ordered
ReplyDeleteHe shoulda worked out some kind of deal,yeah I know snitching is bad and more against your dad and same cartel but what’s 1 more strip on a tiger,u think him snitching on his dad or not they not gonna go after mencho anymore?? But anyways,it is what it is
ReplyDeleteIm ok with the sentence but if the chapito who turned mayo in gets anything less than life than that is BS