Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Legal Loophole that Saw 29 Drug Kingpins Expelled to the US

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Last week saw an unprecedented number of Mexican drug cartel kingpins and traffickers transferred from Mexico to US custody. A total of 29 in one day occurred with half a dozen extraditions occuring in the prior weeks.

On average for the last several years, Mexico has extradited around 60 cartel figures each year. So far, over half of that amount has been sent to the US so far this year. Most of the 29 had been captured in recent years during the AMLO administration with several stretching back to over a decade in Mexican custody. 

Many had fought their extradition with numerous legal tactics and Amparos seeing to halt the legal process needed for extradition to the US. "Z-40," the CDN/Los Zetas leader even filed paperwork denying that he is the person listed in the indictments. One, "El Guerito" a Los Chapitos lieutenant had only been arrested days earlier in February. 

So how did over a decade of legal proceedings for extraditing cartel members fall by the wayside after trade negotiations and the designation of cartel groups and FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organizations)? What provision is Mexico using to justify bypassing the legal extradition process in Mexico?

Our answer was confirmed during the first hearing of longtime DEA target Rafael Caro-Quintero in New York Federal Court. Judge Robert M. Levy clarified in court Caro Quintero was expelled from Mexico under a provision within the national security law, which permits the Mexican government to remove an individual without undergoing the formal extradition process.

US authorities employed different terms, “transfer,” said the Attorney General’s Office, “extradition,” said the White House, “expulsion,” said the State Department.

Mexican Prosecutor General Alejandro Gertz clarified in a press conference that it was not an extradition, in accordance with the bilateral treaty on the matter between the two countries, but a “sending.” Security Secratery Omar García Harfuch spoke of a “transfer.” Gertz explained that the operation was carried out at the express request of the United States and that Mexico responded based on the National Security Law and the constitutional article that empowers the head of the government, President Claudia Sheinbaum, to preserve it.

Gertz has pointed out that Washington presented Mexico with a “formal,” “written,” and “concrete” request to carry out the operation specifically against the 29 drug lords within the framework of the Palermo Convention, the UN agreement to combat transnational organized crime that establishes guidelines on extradition (a recourse that, the official insisted, was not used).

“There was a well-founded request from the United States government, that was the reason why the whole procedure was triggered,” he said. Gertz added that the institutional mobilization was immediate. “Within hours [of receiving the request], the National Security Council was convened, the analysis was made at that meeting, the legal bases were established, to ensure they were fulfilled, and the procedure was carried out. It was a timely matter,” he indicated.


Rather than extraditing the cartel leaders to the US, they instead were Expelled under Mexico's national security laws. These expulsions did not need to be processed through the legal system, and do not fall under the extradition treaty signed by both countries.

Regarding US and Mexico's extradition treaty, signed in 1977 and updated in 1997. There are several classifications for removing someone from the country and to the United States for legal proceedings. Should the criminal have US or dual citizenship, like CDN leader "El Huevo" they can be quickly Deported without the need for several hearings as the US has a right to prosecute its own citizens.

Extradition is a legal procedure in which a Mexican judge has to grant a formal request from the United States in which evidence and prosecution plans are presented. This process can lead to years of delays including Amparos or injunctions being filed to suspend immediate extradition without a full hearing and process.

Seldom used, is a provision not included in the treaty but part of Mexico's constitution Article 89 for national security laws that allow for the Expulsion of persons, including Mexican citizens from the country should they pose a threat to the security of the country. Clearly drug cartels, especially with new terrorist designations fit that bill.

Death Penalty Option

This expulsion allows for the US to seek the death penalty in several cases including Caro-Quintero's as normally the treaty does not allow for capital punishment to be sought as part of their extraditions according to Article 22 of the Mexican Constitution. The DOJ, in their press release announcing the transfer of the 29 prisoners, several had their potential sentences listed as the death penalty.

However, Gertz has stated that none of the bosses handed over can be executed. “We have a very clear agreement in the sense that legislation like Mexico’s, which does not have that punishment, must be respected in the countries where we have an agreement,” he indicated. “When an operation is subject to an international convention, as in this case, the conditions of that convention must be respected.”

Several kingpins including Caro-Quintero and Vicente Carrillo-Fuentes pleaded not guilty while lower level figures may plead guilty and likely cut deals to testify against higher ups. "El Hummer" said to be one of the founding members of Los Zetas entered a guilty plea last week in his case just as Z-40 and Z-42 were sent to the US.

Still remaining in Mexican prisons are notable figures like Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Abigail González-Valencia, "El Cuini."

Sources El Pais, Borderland Beat


  1. Dejense de mamadas de "loophole" . El commandante Trump requeated it politlely.

    1. 11:38 - Learn how to spell correctly before you comment something.

    2. El comandante trump is gonna bend over for China real soon just watch

    3. 2:14

      He already bent over for China and Russia long ago. These two countries are recruiting fired federal workers to rebuild their spy networks. In fact, Trump is so scared of Russia he ordered all offensive cyber operations stopped against them. I'm convinced Russia has tons of kompromat against Trump, it explains why he so easily succumbs to their influence.

  2. Animo Sicarios!
    Pinche El Hummer already snitching.
    El Señorazo Chapo never snitched.

    1. Hey how have operations been going in Culiacán sicario006?

    2. Todos saben que le atoras al tronco.

    3. 006 es salvadoreño.

    4. Aki estamos a la orden señor

  3. Damn good article! I question the motive on the part of Unites States of Mexico. Testing waters? And to those head figures transfered let me tell you what I know. Do what is best for you and be accountable for your decision. If you don't know what to do speak with your legal council, speak about options, strategy and trade offs. The federal gov has a 98% conviction rate. Now you know what pochos have to go through, we arent weak we just dont have power to fight corruption.

  4. Mamito is waiting to testify against the Trevino brothers. I know they are all scared bcuz of the DEATH penalty is on the table.

  5. Straight bullshit, a deal was made! New bosses going to be made

    1. 12:21 - Were you there? Since you know so much, why don’t you tell us what deal was made? Stop talking about things you don’t know about.

  6. Cuini escaped extradition??? Wow that speaks volumes doubt MZ could pull that off. Cuini is the most powerful man in Mexico and probably has been for some time.

    1. 12:41:
      I'm glad you noticed that. It would be interesting to get a list of capos who weren't expelled.

    2. That guys money must be deep

    3. Can’t expel someone you don’t have in custody. He reports back when the inspectors are scheduled

    4. 341 apparently he was being guarded by Israeli special forces guy. when he was pinched in PV

  7. It's funny, I mentioned this in a previous comment, how they were "expelled" and not extradited, which created a loophole, but it didn't get published. I'm sure there's plenty of other comments that are also being dismissed, but when it's insightful and relative to the article, what's the reason? Does the mod not agree until another mod takes note?

    1. 12:49:
      The moderator may not have been aware of the distinction. Also, give it time to be published. One moderator might pass on it while another moderator may approve it.

    2. SoCalJ:
      Thanks for bringing up this distinction. I believe a lot of people were unaware of it.

    3. @12:49 While I am not completely sure what happened more like than not it was a case of human error. Comments pile up awaiting moderation; we go through them as we can and not necessarily in chronological order. Unfortunately mistakes happen, click on the wrong button an something gets posted that should not have or removed that should have.

    4. Relax, it happens all the time.

  8. Leave it to good o'l Americans to still find shit to OD with here in the States no matter who is jailed or not.

  9. Who cares how they got there and who cares if they get the death penalty. This are Mexican people responsible for many killings in Mexico. They are also responsible for many robberies extortions kidnappings fraud and many other crimes. Mayo Zambada is the only one that should be returned to Mexico.

    1. 1:14
      I regret to inform you, the duo process was enacted many, many years ago, if they killed 1 or 1,000 they don't get death penalty.
      Furthermore, Mayo will have a fair trail at Federal Court, bringing tons of illegal drugs , including Fentanyl, will not set him free.

    2. 1:14 No, all of them are the cause of the current political crisis. So no picking sides; if the are locked up Mexico reserves their sovereignty to extradite or transfer if they please. Maybe at ine point they protected Mayo but today all bets are off it looks better on them cleaning house than playing favorites. Only ones that havent been hit hard yet are the Meza Flores and maybe (I am not saying that its true) again maybe Meza Flores is smart and is feeding the gov information on their associates and rivals one and the same. You get rid of your friend theres more on table, you feed your enemy to the gov to get bigger portions

  10. DONALD TRUMP is finally going to clean everything up! We should all be thankful 🙏 🙌

    1. Your papa Trump promised he would bring inflation down 👇, yet he has made it worse. Stupid ass fkn liar.
      One dozen eggs 11.99.

    2. Why are eggs only costing 40 pesos, about 2 bucks, in Mexico?

    3. Has nothing to do with the millions of chickens killed due to “bird flu” I’m sure…..spoiler alert, it didn’t happen under the current presidents watch.
      Reminds me of people who can’t see the forest for the trees but I’m sure you already know that. Eggs cost what a bag of feed and some clean water cost….but I’m sure you already know that.

      While I’m on the subject
      Interesting last name your “president” has🤣

    4. @5:04 where are you getting your eggs so expensive at? 🤣 you can get them for half that price at trader joe’s

  11. Fentanyl destroyed America I don’t feel bad for them.

    1. Lmao all those guys didn’t even sell fent, Quintero was retired as well. The ones selling fent more active then ever and the crazy part most of them are Americans 😂😂😂 quit the Fox News and hit the streets and you’ll see for yourself

    2. Fentanyl destroyed EEUU because americans are JUNKIES. The cartels are rich because americans are JUNKIES. I don't feel bad for some mugrosos that were sent there, as the pinche Zetas, which are dangerous for mexican people. But even that mugre isn't EEUU's deal. While they still have drogadictos, capos will exist, richer than ever.

    3. 7:36
      I am an American, and I am not a junkie. Speak for yourself when you generalize.

  12. “However, Gertz has stated that none of the bosses handed over can be executed.” That is no longer for Gertz to decide or demand.

    1. Well buddy that is one of the conditions that the Mexican government have in order to hand them over to the USA, if USA breaks that condition Mexico will not send any one anymore, is that simple

  13. Lucky is Tio Osiel Cardenas. I mean, he's still on a mexican jail (to survive, since he snitched on everybody), but paid his dues to the american justice and is far away from all this BS. El Cuini tiene mucho power, transfering him to US could put Claudia on a bad situation. Do a quick google research about los tratos del Cuini en la carcel.

  14. Yes Rosalinda and Cuini 1 have an immense amount of power been at it for decades working with olskoo Chuy Labra CAF and el caballo Galindo since the early 2000s in TJ where there will always be michoacanos stationed at the border

  15. If these clowns are so tough in Mexico ordering hits especially on both sides of the border done by stupid crash dummies who work for them only temporary until noore use for like those juveniles doing hits for 40 in Laredo why do they fear US jails? Coward'.


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