"Char" for Borderland Beat
MARCH 22, 2025
Violent events were again reported in the Mexican state of Jalisco, now in the south-coast region, on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. In the early afternoon, roadblocks with vehicle fires were reported on the outskirts of Autlan de Navarro, which also extended to Villa Purificacion and Casimiro Castillo, considered the south-coast region of Jalisco. The Jalisco Cartel New Generation leader in this region is Luis Manuel Pelayo Pelayo, "El Meño" who went from plaza boss to regional leader and is said to have a close friendship with Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, "Mencho" CJNG Cartel founder and supreme leader.
The roadblocks on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, were reported on Federal Highway 80, Autlan and Union de Tula, Autlan-Casimiro Castillo, Zapotillo, and Autlan-Villa Purificacion roads.
Sin verguenzas. I was in TJ yesterday and today, taxi driver was telling me there's like 6 cartels in tijuana, that about 6 months ago they started paying $60 bucks every Monday to a cartel, he says he doesn't even know which cartel, and that CJNG is already there and that the Russos are really strong in TJ. That a lady refused to Pay her quota, she sold slices of cake from costo and was shot 4 xs in front of the taxi driver. These cartel members are sin verguenzas taking from the poor terrorizing everyone. F em.
ReplyDeleteI agree the glory days are gone nothing but scum left… rats
DeleteSiempre han sido unas perras flacas nomas los alucines de Estados Unidos que se enwilan oyendo sus corridos y admirándolos
Delete902 pm and then you woke up
DeleteNemesio got pull con dinero baila el perro alv .. NuffSaid!!!!
DeleteIn TJ there’s people from
Los Aquiles
Los Rusos through Aquiles allianza
CJNG through Pedrito y Puma
Chapo Isidro passes too and in Mexicali
There’s other independents too but those are the hitters
There’s probably Chapiza work flowing too but I don’t know who runs things for them. It used to be NINI through Flaquito
There is also cells of independent Michoacanos working the borders paying their dues in the city .. templario cells , migueladas cells ..
DeleteLos Monitos son REYES!!!
Damn Netflix be boomin. Ⓜ️Ⓜ️
DeleteCallese el hocico alucin .
DeleteStop lying
DeleteGente del de los brazos largos, Los igualitos
DeleteIn real life, Tijuana taxistas keep their traps shut, and don't gossip about cartel activities with their passengers..
Once a taxi driver told me that El Mono wasn't in jail, but was out again, and he was right before it was public
DeleteThis was in Zona Norte, September 2013
Mono was detained in ZN, summer 2012, and he was released months or weeks later
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DeleteOrale 2 balls 🦎 lizard.
Los Apas de la Coahuila
DeleteConnor, they woke up to your smooching 😬
DeleteOne night the Jaliscans tried to shoot Mono and somebody else, maybe his brother, in Zona Norte.
DeleteThey escaped, and ran to hide in the municipal jail over by the via rapida.
CJNG had rolled into TJ with gunmen that weren't afraid to pull the trigger and lots of meth to front out.
They finally clipped Mono enjoying his breakfast taco after his weekly signing in with the courts.
Poor guy's gun jammed, and he was toast.
Maybe an inside job, given up by his crew.
Remember thinking at the time that it was somewhat ballsy of Mono to bring his pistol into the parole office or whatever they call it, but I guess that's the gangster life!
El 🥑 Aguacate is KING!!! 👑
Delete11:58pm you know what's up
DeleteTienen mejor radios o hablan mejor , pero les entiendo mas a estos Jaliscos que los de sinaloa cuando Hablan por radio jajaja.
ReplyDeleteTienen acento de jotos
DeletePor que las jaliskas hablan como los de Sinaloa
Delete9:30 tienes toda la razon, en un jale que estava trabajando avia un Venezolano y cuando hablaba ni se le entendia, pinche acento todo madreado, nomas unos Salvadoreños le entendian, me recordo el acento a los de Sinaloa, nomas entre ellos se entienden, tienen el acento como los Centro y Sudamericanos
Delete7:31 nomas entre ellos se entienden jajaj. Pero si , se cargan un acento medio madreado.
DeleteThen rise up and take them out cabrone, where's your poncho villa spirit?! . Lots of smooth-brains & feds talk shit just to stir the pot but for real, if it ever got messy we're gonna need each other. Elites don't care what color you are or what language u speak, they want US ALL as their slaves. Together we stand, divided we fall.
ReplyDeleteDon't be disillusioned, you'll always have a place, if not at the table, then washing the table's dirty dishes after us elites dine in fine style!
DeleteNot tryna to be mean, but the uneducated, unwashed masses MUST learn their place in the world! 🌎
11:00 PM
DeleteBro these morons dont get it,it is about money,influence,control,preserving the status quo,its the gov and media who make us divisive,they are the ones banging on about race and this woke shit getting everyone worked up..
Sad thing is it works on the herd mentality
8:28 You need to crank up your pedestal a lot higher to be sufficiently educated and washed enough to talk like that.
DeleteNot tryna be mean, but what happens when the masses want your place in the world?
Word on the street Is that CJNC buys their equipment from Best Buy
ReplyDeleteWord on the street, you flunked English class.
DeleteCJNC may buy their equipment at Best Buy, but CJNG buys their equipment at Dollar Tree which raised their prices to $1.25, so piso will be going up.
DeletePiso sucks...can't get avocados in California unless i Donate blood. I did not flunk English class...i just paid the asían kid to write mee papers, mate.
DeleteAvocados expensive in Mexico too 🥑
I hereby nominate Detroit President for 2028.
DeleteWhy waste any money just download an app on ur phone it's free there then they have more money left for other things
DeleteEggs at Ralph's are 11.99 a dozen.
DeleteNo its 10.99 for 18 free range organic eggs brown green carton
DeleteAll the commenters on this site think that they're so smart about eggs and cartels..
DeleteAnswer me this:
Why are some eggs white and some eggs are brown? 🐣🐣🐣🧐
1:07 The Whites ones from American hens.
DeleteAnd the Brown ones are Latin hens.
The green eggs are from Martian Chickens bred on Mars. The Mars Rover rounds up the eggs and beams them back to what was called Earth.
What will happen to the cartel members who allowed their leader to get captured? Will they get killed? The guy on the radio call sounded depressed and sad as hell. He sounded like a prisoner on deathrow minutes before his execution. Your sole purpose is to protect the leader and you screw up. I would immediately skip town and paint my hair a different color. Nuff Said!!!
ReplyDeleteMexico police trucks/ Military need Armoured panels (Or armoured dome) on sides of trucks in back. There wide open sitting in there 😳😳😳
ReplyDeleteSays in this article that when Don Meno was taken word came from the big boss not to cause any more destruction. The big boss can only be El Mencho, putting to bed once and for all the rumours of his demise.
Mencho is the biggest boss not the
Delete“ big boss”
Your logic is flawed.
Mencho dead rosalinda running shit and cuni been menchos daddy
Delete12:09 You still have it wrong....
Delete"was the biggest boss", past tense mijo, because he has been dead.
Wrong place for positive things
ReplyDeleteWho is the big boss? Are they confirming Mencho is alive? Or did they receive a call from Sicario006?
ReplyDeleteEl 03 is the boss now
DeleteMencho has people within government giving him Intel, that’s How he knew they had taken him by air
ReplyDeleteMencho ESTA muerto vato loco Marijuano.
DeleteJevoncitos tambien connor, ye no period nino Mencho muerto mas de 3 anos.
Deleteson marijuanos.
He’s cute
ReplyDeleteOff topic, but my dog has fleas 🐕
ReplyDeleteWell, my cat has worms.
Delete2:05 did the birds finally stop pooping on your car?
DeleteNah, @205 is just me thinking about the bird-pooped-on-my-car guy.
He has been missing in action!
I am his biggest fan!
🐦 🦜
Off Topic
DeleteTrump promised he would have the Russia/Ukraine war over in 24 hours.
Oops I said the word war, I hope Putin doesn't put me in prison for 5 years.
The big boss is God.
ReplyDeleteAnd she’s a raging bitch.
God is dead.
CJNG burning its own state in Mexico,and right here we have pricks like connor sucking CJNG dick and heaping praise on mencho etc
ReplyDeleteYou have fan boys for every cartel. Calm down. We been dealing with CDS fangirls for years you will learn to live with it.
DeleteShit, have you seen Sinaloas Shit show? And we still have their dick ridders speaking positive about them, they are both the same crap
DeleteWhat's a dick ridder? 🤔
Big boss is subordinate to solid snake. So that tells you mencho is still alive, or is he? Keep an eye out for trump unleashing metal gear with putin’s acquiescence. The answers are all right there, Kojima knows all and is the real jefe de jefes.
ReplyDeleteLos de Michoacan owns southern Tijuana. Facts
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't make sense. TJ is one of the most crowded plazas alongside Zacatecas. You just can't affirmate that there's a mando or dominating organization. Since the fall of Arellano Felix Organization it's been pretty messy down there. And very sadly it will be forever like that. Not even pax narca there.
DeleteJorge Hank Rhon es el verdadero dueño de Tijuana.
DeleteYou michoajotos only own the truckloads of stolen avocados … that’s all y’all are capable of bola de changos
DeleteYour time is coming cartels Trump is on the move!
ReplyDeleteHe won't do anything it's all for show
DeleteTrump is busy fucking up the american government and looking like an asshole like when putin made him look like shit by telling the orange idiot that he will consider peace talks and immediately attacking Ukraine that day. Trump aint doing shit to cartels.
DeleteStart in the USA trump
Deletedid they fold lol papi trump needs to step up then
ReplyDeleteYou need classes, just like no period kid.🤣
DeleteThat's Koo foo
DeleteThis trump talk is veering off topic a bit, but the U.S. just sent a navy destroyer to lurk off the pacific coast of mexico.
ReplyDeleteAlready there's one chillin' on the
other side in the Gulf of America.
Smarter guys than us are analysing every phone call, text, social media post, every KEYSTROKE in the republic of Mexico.
This war should be over in a new york minute,
a David and Goliath situation, civilians advised to stay out of the way!
9:21 fuck u...that's just a tantrum from ur orange punk trying to intimidate, they said the same thing in Vietnam n Afghanistan but ran out defeated
DeleteTrump is the cartel's worst nightmare unlike Biden who was their best friend with his open borders policies
DeleteFunny that you mentioned David and Goliath, we all knew who won. Jajaja
DeleteDamn he looks like a stoned Frankenstein!
ReplyDeleteFuj! Viva Mexican people,down with murderers!
ReplyDeleteAnd some here actually believed Trump wasn’t going to impact Mexico policy and enforcement
ReplyDelete🤣 From the 20+ narcos handed over (not extradited) to this and more …buckle up. Sheinbum is and will continue to quietly fold like laundry.